
Emperor Wu of Han favored his father, why did he end up with the destruction of the Three Tribes? I read the wrong book in my early years

author:Seek your roots and worship your ancestors

When the main father was killed, it was estimated that the Manchu officials were somewhat surprised. Although his position was not high, his actual power overshadowed that of the Three Dukes, and he was a big red man around the emperor. In the important matters of the DPRK, Emperor Wudi of han did not go to the chancellor for consultation, but looked for the main father.

At the beginning, the main father's letter arrived before the case of Emperor Wu of Han, arrived in the morning, and in the evening he was summoned by Emperor Wu of Han. After some detailed discussion, Emperor Wu of Han lamented that it was too late to meet him, and immediately appointed him as a gurudwara, moving four times a year, and the official was taizhong dafu.

Emperor Wu of Han favored his father, why did he end up with the destruction of the Three Tribes? I read the wrong book in my early years

With a letter of loose salted fish turned over, it seems that the main father has goods in his stomach. There are two important events related to the advice of the lord's father, the first is to relocate the country to settle in Maolingyi.

Maoling is the mausoleum of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, and since the Western Han Dynasty's ancestor Liu Bang, there has been a system of building tombs around the imperial tombs and relocating rich households across the country to enrich the tombs. The Lord's Father Suggested: "The world's Haojie and the house, the people of the chaos, can migrate to mao mausoleum, inner real beijing division, export treacherous slippery." ”

The advice of the lord father is slightly different from the convention, and he aims at the powerful households. Haoqiang has always been a headache for the Western Han Court, and during the reign of Emperor Wu of Han, he repeatedly attacked the powerful forces, but Haoqiang was like a weed, and once the limelight passed, it grew barbarically. The master's father's forced relocation plan was greatly appreciated by Emperor Wu of Han.

The second suggestion is to let the name of the main father go down in history - the Tui En Ling. The so-called Tuien Order is to break the rules of the primogeniture system, to divide all the brothers and sons of the princes, and to bathe every son of the Liu clan.

In the early years of the Western Han Dynasty, in order to relieve the threat of the princes, the "Rebellion of the Seven Kingdoms" had already been caused, so how could it continue to "push grace"?

In fact, the core of this "push grace order" of the Lord's Father is that "to give virtue from above, to divide his country, not to cut but to be slightly weaker." The method was to forcibly cut the fiefdoms of the princes into several parts and distribute them to the descendants of the Liu family in nests and nests, and the fiefdoms became smaller and smaller, and when those princes were cut into "jellyfish heads", they were no longer able to oppose the central government.

Emperor Wu of Han favored his father, why did he end up with the destruction of the Three Tribes? I read the wrong book in my early years

It turned out to be a private property of other people's families, not to pay their own pockets, but to end up with the reputation of "Tui En". When these "jellyfish heads" were shattered to the point of misery, Emperor Wudi of Han grabbed the big net again and swept them all away, and they could not even make the sound of resistance.

After the reign of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, the sons of the Western Han Dynasty were more obedient than sheep, and the "Tui En Ling" was indispensable!

No wonder Emperor Wudi of Han liked the lord so much. So, what caused Emperor Wu of Han to turn his face and exterminate the three clans of the main father?

The first reason is that the lord father is too greedy and takes bribes and demands bribes. Because he became popular in front of Emperor Wu of Han, the princes and ministers offered their flattery, and the gold and silver treasures continued to flow into his palace, and in one year, he accepted bribes of thousands of gold (one thousand catties of gold).

Even the people around him could not look down and reminded him not to be too arbitrary, and the lord father actually replied:

"The subject Jiefa has been studying for more than forty years, he can't succeed, he doesn't think he is a son, Kundi doesn't accept it, the guests abandon me, and I'm in trouble for a long time." And the husband is not born with five dings of food, and when he dies, he cooks five dings of ears. I am far away in the twilight, so I have committed atrocities. ”

I have been in trouble all my life, I have suffered a lot, the eldest husband will either get the glory of the "Five Dings", or he will be cooked and killed under the Five Dings, my future is not much, so I must do the opposite! The idiom of perverse perversity comes from him.

Emperor Wu of Han favored his father, why did he end up with the destruction of the Three Tribes? I read the wrong book in my early years

It is not difficult to understand how extreme the way people who can set such a code of conduct for themselves and how vulgar the greed for profit is.

One day, he heard that there was an internal official named Xu Jia who went to the Qi state to protect the media on behalf of Empress Wang, and wanted to marry his granddaughter to Liu Cichang, the king of Qi. The main father, Yan Ling, found Xu Jia and asked him to help send his daughter to the Qi Palace as a concubine.

Marrying a daughter also wants to engage in entrainment, and the master's father's monopoly mind has opened the door to hell for himself!

Xu Jia went to the state of Qi and found Empress Qi to discuss the marriage, but Empress Qi was furious and did not give Empress Wang face at all, and directly coaxed Xu Jia away. It turned out that Empress Qi had selfish intentions, and she married her niece to her son Liu Cichang. If he accepted the granddaughter of the empress dowager, his niece could not be demoted to a concubine?

Xu Jia's errand was in vain, and naturally the main father's entrainment was unsuccessful. The protagonist Empress Wang did not say anything, but the main father of the supporting role did not do it: good you Qi King, even did not give me face, you wait!

The main father got a lace message from King Qi: Incest with his own sister! So the main father yan advised Emperor Wu of Han: The place of the State of Qi is too important, richer than Chang'an, and non-emperor's close relatives should not be sealed there. Today's King Qi, the blood relationship is very far away from you, and I have heard of adultery incidents, you let me rectify and rectify.

Emperor Wu of Han favored his father, why did he end up with the destruction of the Three Tribes? I read the wrong book in my early years

As soon as Emperor Wudi of Han heard, "Okay, go, go to the State of Qi, and investigate and investigate by the way."

The main father squeezed the holy will, went to the state of Qi to use thunderous means, and soon investigated the incest incident of the king of Qi. In the face of the aggressive main father, Liu Cichang committed suicide by biting his teeth. Because Liu Cichang was without a queen, the State of Qi was abolished, changed to a county, and was directly subordinated to the central government.

On a business trip, he not only took revenge for his personal vendetta, but also took back a rich Qi County for the emperor. The main father, Yan Zhi, was satisfied, and was dreaming of flying yellow Tengda when a shackle was put around his neck.

It turned out that the sons of the Liu clan, led by Liu Pengzu, the King of Zhao, joined forces to accuse the main father of two crimes, accepting bribes and forcing the death of King Qi.

The death of King Qi made Emperor Wu of Han both happy and passive, happy that the State of Qi had fallen into his pocket, and passive was that the princes had collectively resisted and could not ignore it. In order to appease the sons of the clan, Emperor Wu of Han ordered the arrest and interrogation of the main father.

In the face of the accusations, the main father confessed to his bribery, but refused to admit that he had forced the King of Qi to die. Emperor Wudi of Han also knew the ins and outs of the matter, and was ready to punish the main father a little. Gongsun Hong, the Imperial Master, stood up and raised objections, reminding Emperor Wu of Han that in the death of King Qi, you cannot account to the sons of the clan if you do not kill your father.

Gongsun Hong's words carry a very heavy weight, he is actually reminding Emperor Wu of Han that you have harmed the interests of the princes many times, they dare not speak out, and now if you don't let them spread this fire, I am afraid that it will cause great disaster! While they had aimed their spearhead at the Lord's father, they hurriedly gave him up to protect themselves!

Emperor Wu of Han favored his father, why did he end up with the destruction of the Three Tribes? I read the wrong book in my early years

Thus, the Lord Father was exterminated of the three tribes!

Obviously, although the Lord's Father is guilty, his sin does not lead to death, and the extermination of the three tribes is a naked and unjust case. The question is, why did the sons of the clan bite the main father and hold on? Why did the ministers of the DPRK know that it was an unjust case, but none of them stood up to speak for the lord's father? What was even more chilling was that as soon as the main father died, thousands of his disciples scattered, and only one person named Kong Che helped him collect the corpse.

Although the coldness of the world is abominable, the "perverse acts" accumulated by the Lord Father over the years are the root of the tragedy!

Why did Liu Pengzu, the King of Zhao, bite his main father to death? Because during his visit to the Yan kingdom, his father was not favored by Liu Dingguo, the king of Yan, as a result, he sued Liu Dingguo for incest, which led to Liu Dingguo committing suicide and destroying the country. Similarly, Liu Pengzu's son also had incestuous behavior, and the main father yan traveled to study in the Zhao Kingdom and was also coldly received by Liu Pengzu. Liu Pengzu was really afraid that he would become the second Liu Dingguo and Liu Cichang!

Not only will the ministers of the COURT not only not go to the Savior Father,I am afraid that he will die sooner, because this guy is too arrogant and greedy, and often slanders his colleagues in front of Emperor Wu of Han, and this is how the bribes come (the ministers are afraid of his mouth, and the bribes are thousands of dollars).

The main father also did one thing, which almost caused a generation of Hongru Dong Zhongshu to suffer. One day he went to Dong Zhongshu's house as a guest, and Dong Zhongshu was writing a sonata, presumably to use natural disasters to say that Emperor Wu of Han had lost his government. Taking advantage of Dong Zhongshu's lack of attention, the main father stole the song and gave it to Emperor Wu of Han. Emperor Wu of Han was furious and almost killed Dong Zhongshu.

Emperor Wu of Han favored his father, why did he end up with the destruction of the Three Tribes? I read the wrong book in my early years

This was so terrible that the lord father almost managed to catch who bit whom, and the six relatives did not recognize it. Emperor Wudi of Han wanted this strength of his, and we carefully analyzed the advice given to Emperor Wudi of Han by the lord's father, Tui En Ling to bite the princes of the clan, the migration order to bite the Hao Qiangshi clan, and the leisure to bite his colleagues, like a crazy animal!

When the main father returned to his hometown of Qi, he also did an incredible thing - scattering gold and breaking off diplomatic relations.

I heard that the lord's father returned to his hometown, and the relatives and friends in his hometown greeted each other in the old way, and some people even ran thousands of miles away to greet each other. Without a word, the Lord Father gathered all the people together and said:

"When I was poor, Kundi did not feed or clothe me, and the guests did not eat or drink from me; now I am in harmony, and the kings welcome me or thousands of miles." I am absolutely with all the kings, and I will not return to the gate of the lord! ”

You snobbish eyes, from now on, let's break off relations, roll with gold, he sprinkled five hundred gold, and blasted this group of people away.

What kind of life experience did the Lord Father go through that he did things so extremely, so desperately? Speaking of which, it is really sad.

The main father was born into poverty, and during his study tour in his hometown, he was ostracized by the local students, and even his parents and brothers did not recognize him. If you want money without money, if you want warmth, the main father can't stay in his hometown anymore, so he goes north to the land of Yanzhao to try his luck. But the result was still the same, wherever he went, the students everywhere crowded him out, making life extremely embarrassing.

Emperor Wu of Han favored his father, why did he end up with the destruction of the Three Tribes? I read the wrong book in my early years

In desperation, he had to wander to Guanzhong again. This time, he was appreciated by Wei Qing, who recommended him to Emperor Wu of Han many times, but he never received an edict from Emperor Wu of Han. In the long process of waiting, the lord father went to the prince and minister as a diner, but wherever he went, the diners everywhere hated him.

When all the avenues he could turn to were exhausted, the Lord Father was so embarrassed that he almost went to the streets. The last bite of his teeth, risked writing a song to Emperor Wu of Han, and did not know who to entrust, actually sent to the hands of Emperor Wu of Han.

Looking back on his own experience, the main father said that he had "been studying for more than forty years, and he could not succeed", and he tasted the cold of the world. As a result, he boiled himself into a patient with extreme psychological distortions.

Since the adolescence, people have seen everyone, and even their parents and brothers do not recognize each other, is the main father a natural demon? Of course not, from the life of the Lord Father, we find a detail:

"The Lord's Father, the Qi Lin linger." Learn the art of long and short vertical and horizontal, late is to learn Yi, Spring and Autumn, hundred family dialects. ”

The main father learned the art of vertical and horizontal from an early age, and later changed to Confucianism and the study of the Hundred Schools. In the early years of the Western Han Dynasty, the concept of Confucian thought to govern the country had not yet been established, so the learning of a hundred schools was mixed, especially the study of Huang Laozhi once dominated, followed by the study of the Fa.

Emperor Wu of Han favored his father, why did he end up with the destruction of the Three Tribes? I read the wrong book in my early years

The main father did not know for what reason, he introduced himself to the study of vertical and horizontal, and later made himself a "smorgasbord", especially the introduction to the science of vertical and horizontal, I am afraid that it was the beginning of the tragedy of his life.

Zonghengjia is a school founded by the Warring States Ghost Valley, which cultivates a group of strategists who are able to speak and lobby among the princes, and the representative figures are Su Qin, Zhang Yi, Gongsun Yan, Chen Zhen, etc., of which Su Qin and Zhang Yi are the students of Ghost Guzi.

If this is the case, how did the Lord Father choose to study vertically and horizontally, so why did he go astray? There are two reasons for this.

First, by the time of the Western Han Dynasty, the theory of vertical and horizontal had declined and did not meet the requirements of the times

The prosperous period of the Zongheng family was precisely the time when the Warring States were in flames and the international relations of the princely states were changing. At that time, all countries needed outstanding masters who lobbied other countries to ally with their own countries and jointly deal with enemy countries. Due to the complexity of the relationship between the seven countries, the so-called alliance is often unreliable, so it is necessary to maintain a fragile network of relationships during the continuous shuttle period of the Zongheng family.

The best time of the Zongheng family created the myth that Su Qin alone wore the Seal of the Six Kingdoms, and Zhang Yi and Gongsun Yan "were angry and the princes were afraid, and the world was extinguished in peace".

Emperor Wu of Han favored his father, why did he end up with the destruction of the Three Tribes? I read the wrong book in my early years

The main father was "born at the wrong time", the Western Han Dynasty was already a unified empire, and the Zongheng family had already become a princely state surnamed Liu in the past, far from being a princely state in the Warring States period. The Lord's father chose a weak industry and was doomed to a difficult road. He was still not dead-hearted, and went all the way north to Yan, Zhao, and Zhongshan, hoping to find the spring of the Zongheng family.

Second, if the theory of vertical and horizontal is not well grasped, it is easy to degenerate into the instrument of "deceit."

There has always been a great controversy over the doctrine of vertical and horizontal. Because the basic means of the Zongheng family are, "move to the stakes, skillfully convince people, and use them fraudulently", only to discuss the ends and not to restrict the means, so all kinds of fraud and deception have emerged in an endless stream.

For example, Zhang Yi made Chu and Xu Chuhuai king six hundred miles, tempted the chu state to break off diplomatic relations with the state of Qi, and as a result, when it was time to fulfill the promise, six hundred miles became six miles, making the greedy king of Chu Huai angry and attacking his heart, and then made a series of mistakes one after another.

This kind of fraudulent means is not indispensable to the enemy and us, but once it is not well grasped, it is easy to become a tool of "bad people.". Therefore, Liu Xin said: "(Zongheng Technique) and evil people do it, then they deceive and abandon their faith." ”

The Lord Father fell into it!

Emperor Wu of Han favored his father, why did he end up with the destruction of the Three Tribes? I read the wrong book in my early years

He was able to make Emperor Wu of Han fall in love with one interview, indicating that his level of vertical and horizontal learning was quite good. Later, "the ministers are afraid of their mouths", indicating that this mouth of the lord father is very toxic!

Why was the lord father "hated by everyone" in his early years, and everywhere he went, he was annoying, and even his father and brother did not recognize each other? This can only show that he is too mean and vicious. A young reader, no complicated interest relationship, where is the mean and vicious gene? The Vertical technique allowed him to take the sword to the side of the edge, learn a word of eloquence, but use it to attack the people around him at all times!

Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, talented, brilliant stars, the main father is the most unique one. He spent less than two years with Emperor Wu of Han, changing his fate with a single letter, and quickly gaining favor with his personal talent. However, the excessive hardships and psychological distortions brought to him by the cross-cutting technique caused him to push himself to destruction with his own hands, which was a pity!

Emperor Wu of Han favored his father, why did he end up with the destruction of the Three Tribes? I read the wrong book in my early years

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