
Why did the villagers of 1 village in Gansu hate Yue Fei for nearly a thousand years and still do not praise it? Look at the name of the village to know the preamble love-hate entanglement

author:Poetic world

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="9" > order</h1>

Jing Kang shame, Still Snow. When the courtiers hate, when to extinguish. Driving a long car is broken, and Helan Mountain is lacking. Zhuangzhi was hungry for meat and laughed about thirsting for The blood of the Huns. Wait to start from scratch, clean up the old mountains and rivers, and go to the sky. ——Song Yue Fei, "Man Jiang Hong"

Yue Fei's heroic deeds of resisting Jin are widely circulated in the folk, such as the well-known story of "mother-in-law's embroidery" known to women and children. However, the end of Yue Fei's life was a tragedy. In the first year of Jing Kang (1126), the "Jing Kang Disaster" (that is, the "Shame of Jing Kang") occurred, and the Jin soldiers lined up in Bieliang and perished the following year.

Only half of the southern part of the Song Dynasty remained, and Zhao Zhao, a member of the Northern Song dynasty who escaped in the "Jingkang Disaster", took the throne in 1127 at Yingtianfu (present-day Shangqiu, Henan) in Nanjing, changed yuan jianyan, and became the first emperor of the Southern Song Dynasty.

Why did the villagers of 1 village in Gansu hate Yue Fei for nearly a thousand years and still do not praise it? Look at the name of the village to know the preamble love-hate entanglement

After the establishment of the Southern Song Dynasty, it was always facing the threat of the Northern Jin Dynasty! With the goal of "destroying the Song Dynasty", the Jin Dynasty vigorously sent troops to the south! Fortunately, the small imperial court of the Southern Song Dynasty had the anti-Jin faction represented by Yue Fei and Han Shizhong, who actively trained troops to prepare for war, and repeatedly thwarted the southern invasion of the Jin soldiers, so that the Southern Song Dynasty was able to survive.

In 1141 (the eleventh year of Shaoxing), the military commander of the Jin Dynasty who led the southern expedition and was repeatedly defeated, Yan Zongbi (Jin Wushu), finally realized that he was temporarily "powerless to destroy the (Southern) Song", so he decided to negotiate peace with the Southern Song Dynasty.

Yan Zongbi (?– 19 November 1148), Jurchen. The real name of the female is 啜, also known as zhú (兀術), 斡出, 晃 斡出, Wu zhu. He was the fourth son of the first emperor of the Jin Dynasty, Jin Taizu, who completed Yan Akuta. It is recorded as the sixth son in the Chronicle of the Great Golden Kingdom. Her mother was Princess Ugu. Born on the banks of the Haigou River in Acheng District, Harbin, Heilongjiang Province. He is also a famous general and founding hero of the Jin Dynasty.

Why did the villagers of 1 village in Gansu hate Yue Fei for nearly a thousand years and still do not praise it? Look at the name of the village to know the preamble love-hate entanglement

During the peace talks, Yan Wushu said in a letter to the Southern Song Dynasty traitor Qin Ju: "Yue Fei will be killed, and then peace can be achieved." Zhao Shuo, who was bent on peace, listened to Qin Ju's rumors and killed Yue Fei in order to promote discussion and success.

On the seventh day of November 1141, the Southern Song Dynasty and the Jin Dynasty reached a "peace agreement", which is known in history as the "Shaoxing Collegial Agreement". At this time, Yue Fei had been unjustly imprisoned and tortured. On January 27, 1142 (the 29th day of the twelfth month of the lunar calendar), Emperor Gaozong of Song issued an order: "Yue Fei was given death. ”

Song submitted to Jin, all the land north of the Huai River was assigned to the Jin Dynasty, and 250,000 taels of silver silk were offered to Jin every year.

Why did the villagers of 1 village in Gansu hate Yue Fei for nearly a thousand years and still do not praise it? Look at the name of the village to know the preamble love-hate entanglement

When the news of Yue Fei's death came out, the people of the Southern Song Dynasty suffered! The news reached the Golden Kingdom, and the Jin Dynasty's monarchs and ministers celebrated: "The peace talks have been firm since then!" "Yue Fei died unjustly, and the one who is very entangled in his heart should still have Finished Yan Zongbi!" Yan Zongbi can be said to have great ambitions and vows to unify the north and south of the great river. However, Yue Jiajun has become his "nemesis", causing him to be "unpaid for his ambitions", why doesn't he hate in his heart? At the same time, as a hero who is "not born in the world", why should he not feel sorry for each other in his heart?

The "love-hate entanglement" feelings of Yan Wushu to Yue Fei also represent the psychology of the members of the Jin Dynasty royal family, and this complex emotion has continued endlessly in the long river of history since then.

Why did the villagers of 1 village in Gansu hate Yue Fei for nearly a thousand years and still do not praise it? Look at the name of the village to know the preamble love-hate entanglement

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="26" > love-hate entanglement</h1>

History is always strikingly similar. In 1234, the Southern Song Dynasty united with the Mongols to launch a war of annihilation against the Jin Dynasty. The Jin Dynasty was invincible, and was killed and humiliated, no less tragic than the "shame of Jingkang" 108 years ago. Because Jin Meng and Jin Song were feuds, after the Jin Dynasty was defeated, Genghis Khan issued an "extermination order" to the Jin Dynasty royal family to exterminate the Jin Dynasty royal family.

Most of the people of the Yan clan were slaughtered, but one of them was blessed by misfortune and survived. This line is the descendant of Completed Yan Heng, the son of Emperor Yanzong. In the JinXi Emperor Dynasty, Yan Heng was crowned the King of Rui, serving as the Doctor of Meng'an and Yinqing Guanglu, with a straightforward personality, ability and courage.

After Jin Xizong was killed by GuanyanLiang (the fourth emperor of the Jin Dynasty), Wanyanliang became emperor. Yan Heng was suspected. After Yan Heng was killed, Yan Liang began to kill the clan, and yan Heng's concubines Shan Shi, the second concubine dashi and his son Wanyan Yangshi were killed. Yan Heng's people fled with his remains to the area of Jingchuan County in today's Pingliang City, Gansu Province, hiding their names and becoming ordinary people, living here for generations.

Why did the villagers of 1 village in Gansu hate Yue Fei for nearly a thousand years and still do not praise it? Look at the name of the village to know the preamble love-hate entanglement
Why did the villagers of 1 village in Gansu hate Yue Fei for nearly a thousand years and still do not praise it? Look at the name of the village to know the preamble love-hate entanglement

Misfortune depends on blessings, and blessings and misfortunes lie down. After the Yan Heng clan suffered "unjust killing", stay away from the political whirlpool! Later, when the Jin Dynasty fell, it was lucky to escape the massacre of the Mongols. This corresponds to the famous saying in the Fifty-Eighth Chapter of the Tao Te Ching: "Where misfortunes lie, where blessings depend; ”

After nearly a thousand years of breeding and thriving in Jingchuan County, the descendants of Yan Heng have spread their branches and leaves, and now there are more than 5,000 people in the clan, and the name of the village they gather is called Finished Yan Village. In the millennium, the glory of the Yan clan has long been extinguished! The Southern Song Dynasty and the Jin Dynasty, which were once inseparable, have long become a historical thing, and only the story of Yue Fei, who was "loyal to the country", was passed down from generation to generation, inspiring the sons and daughters of China to resist foreign humiliation and strive to be strong!

In honor of Yue Fei, many parts of China have built Yue Wang Temples, and his stories have also been widely publicized in China in the form of operas, novels, commentaries, raps, movies and television. However, there is a place in China where nothing about Yue Fei is not seen, and people here are all resisting everything about Yue Fei.

Why did the villagers of 1 village in Gansu hate Yue Fei for nearly a thousand years and still do not praise it? Look at the name of the village to know the preamble love-hate entanglement
Why did the villagers of 1 village in Gansu hate Yue Fei for nearly a thousand years and still do not praise it? Look at the name of the village to know the preamble love-hate entanglement

This place is the village of Guanyan in Jingchuan County, Pingliang City, Gansu Province, which never watches or listens to all the books, programs, operas, etc. about Yue Fei, regardless of men, women, children, and old age. If there are troupes or personnel who perform in Wanyan Village and publicize operas and programs about Yue Fei, they will be resolutely resisted and driven away by the villagers of Wanyan.

It is said that time is the best medicine and can heal all wounds. However, time could not dilute the hatred for Yue Fei in Yan's heart. After all, if it were not for the "difficulty of shaking the Yue family's army" in those years, perhaps they would have already unified China and become the princesses of the world. This regret and hatred lasts for thousands of years, and it is endless, and people can't help but sigh!

Why did the villagers of 1 village in Gansu hate Yue Fei for nearly a thousand years and still do not praise it? Look at the name of the village to know the preamble love-hate entanglement

It is worth mentioning that the villagers of Guanyan Village have followed a family rule for generations: the same surname and the same ethnic group are not allowed to intermarry. In the past thousand years, they have intermarried with the local Han nationality, which has long been Sinicized, and now all are registered as Han.

It is really a response to a sentence in the second episode of Qing Qiancai's "The Complete Biography of Yue": "It is advisable for the wronged family to dissolve the knot." "I hope that the villagers of Guanyan Village can have a day of relief."


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