
Celebrity of the Jinsui Revolutionary Base Area (277) - Political Commissar Zuo Qi of the 718th Regiment of the 359th Brigade of the 120th Division

author:Jin Sui's past

Zuo Qi was a founding major general of the Chinese People's Liberation Army, and a former deputy political commissar and director of the Political Department of the Xinjiang Military Region. He was also a left-handed calligrapher.

Zuo Qi was one of the founding generals, which is not special. But what is different is that he is one of the 10 one-armed generals in the whole army. With one hand, he practiced superb calligraphy, which is a bit precious.

In the 1930s, with his outstanding ability, Zuo Qi became an excellent commander. But in December 1938, during a battle, Zuo Qi was seriously wounded. Dr. Bethune performed an amputation on him, and from then on Zuo Qi became a one-armed general.

In the case of losing his right arm, Zuo Qi not only fought tenaciously and worked diligently, but also studied day and night. From the day he was injured and amputated, he made up his mind to take care of himself and learn calligraphy. He often wrote and practiced calligraphy without sleeping or eating.

Zuo Qi's calligraphy is unique, majestic, free, dignified and powerful, and is highly praised by people from all walks of life. Wen learned from Shen Meng that he held the "Zuo Qi Zuo Pen Calligraphy Exhibition" in Jinan and Beijing respectively, and the number of visitors reached more than 100,000 people.

Zuo Qi's unique "Zuo Shu" has won the praise of "Divine Pen". His works have entered thousands of households, and some of them have also been circulated abroad. 

In 1989, Zuo Qi's name was listed in the Who's Who of Chinese Calligraphy and Painting seal engraving, and he became a left-pen calligrapher in the Chinese People's Liberation Army. His publications include "Footsteps" (published by the People's Liberation Army Literature and Art Publishing House), "Rong Ma Chunqiu" (published by the People's Liberation Army Literature and Art Publishing House), and "Left Pen Calligraphy Collection" (Published by Jinan Yellow River Publishing House in August 1992).

Celebrity of the Jinsui Revolutionary Base Area (277) - Political Commissar Zuo Qi of the 718th Regiment of the 359th Brigade of the 120th Division

General Zuo Qi

Zuo Qi, born in February 1911, is a native of Quantang Village, Huaizhong Town, Yongxin County, Jiangxi Province. In 1929, he joined the Communist Youth League of China, in 1932 he transferred to the Communist Party of China, and in the same year he joined the Chinese Workers' and Peasants' Red Army. He participated in the agrarian revolution, the War of Resistance Against Japan, and the War of Liberation.

In October 1927, Zuo Qi actively threw himself into the struggle to fight against local tycoons and divide the land.

In 1929, he joined the Communist Youth League of China.

In early 1932, he became a member of the Communist Party of China. In July of the same year, he joined the Chinese Workers' and Peasants' Red Army and served as the leader of the propaganda team of the Political Department of the 49th Regiment of the 17th Division of the Red 6th Army.

In August 1934, Zuo Qi accompanied the Red 6th Army on his western expedition and participated in the famous Long March. During the Long March, Zuo Qi shot down an enemy plane with a rifle, and Xiao Ke, commander of the regiment, and Wang Zhen, political commissar, made a special phone call to congratulate him, praising "the first time that a rifle shot down an airplane was the first of its kind in the whole army.", and was commended by the whole army.

During the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, Zuo Qi successively served as the operational staff officer, chief of the reconnaissance section, chief of staff of the 717 regiment, and political commissar of the 359th Brigade Headquarters of the 120th Division of the Eighth Route Army.

In December 1938, Zuo Qi was seriously injured, and Dr. Bethune performed an amputation for him, and he became a one-armed general.

During the Liberation War, he served as deputy political commissar and commander of the 5th Military Subdistrict of the Jinsui Military Region and director of the Political Department of the 2nd Column of the Northwest Field Army.

In September 1945, the Chinese civil war was imminent after the surrender of the Japanese army. The Party Central Committee instructed the detachments heading south to withdraw quickly and return north to the Liberated Areas of the Central Plains. Zuo Qi and all the commanders and fighters went through hardships and returned to Yan'an.

After the founding of New China, Zuo Qi served as deputy political commissar and director of the political department of the Xinjiang Military Region. He has lived, worked and fought in Xinjiang for more than 20 years and has made important contributions to the construction of Xinjiang.

Celebrity of the Jinsui Revolutionary Base Area (277) - Political Commissar Zuo Qi of the 718th Regiment of the 359th Brigade of the 120th Division

When the general confers the rank

In 1955, Zuo Qi was awarded the rank of major general. (Ren Huming)

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