
The assassination of the "Axe Gang" Wang Yaqiao became famous in a battle, but he was betrayed by his mistress, and finally ended up in a very happy situation

author:History of Kago

In the stormy old Shanghai Beach, Wang Yaqiao's name made countless people feel frightened, and there were countless big spies assassinated by him, so he was also called "assassinating the king".

At that time, the famous "three tycoons" in Shanghai Beach, Jin Rong, Du Yuesheng, and Zhang Xiaolin, would avoid wang Yaqiao when they heard it.

Wang Yaqiao was born in Hefei, and when he was a teenager, he witnessed the warlord bureaucracy oppressing the common people, which led to the idea of saving the country and saving the people in his heart.

After the Outbreak of the Wuchang Uprising in 1911, the 22-year-old Wang Yaqiao joined the junta organized by young people.

The assassination of the "Axe Gang" Wang Yaqiao became famous in a battle, but he was betrayed by his mistress, and finally ended up in a very happy situation

(Wang Yaqiao)

However, in order to consolidate his dominance, Yuan Shikai ordered the dismissal of these social organizations, Wang Yaqiao was wanted, and he had no choice but to flee to Shanghai.

At that time, penniless, he and a few small friends wanted to defect to the Anhui Guild Hall, but they did not expect to be rejected, and in order to live, several people could only go to the dock to eat as a porter, but they did not expect to be driven away by the famous ground snake on the dock on the first day.

Several brothers who were traveling with Wang Yaqiao were not convinced, so they turned back to each other, but they did not expect that the other party was going to fight when they came up, and Wang Yaqiao immediately ran to help when he saw this situation, because he had been a soldier and his physical fitness was very good, and after a while, the other party's people were all thrown to the ground.

The other party saw that this person was not good, put down the harsh words and left in a hurry, and it was not long before the news of his beating of the ground snake spread all over the beach.

The assassination of the "Axe Gang" Wang Yaqiao became famous in a battle, but he was betrayed by his mistress, and finally ended up in a very happy situation

(Shanghai Beach)

At this time, Li Shaochuan, the grandson of Li Hongzhang, learned of this matter, and specifically found Wang Yaqiao, hoping that he could shelter the workers, and then he also told Wang Yaqiao that many people in Shanghai Beach were afraid of weakness and fear of hardness, as long as the fist was hard enough, you could mix it up, and left 50 axes before leaving.

When wang Yaqiao, who had received guidance, learned that the capitalists were oppressing the workers and withholding wages, he led a group of brothers to pick up an axe and rush into the capitalists' homes.

When the capitalists saw this, they were so frightened that they had to pay the workers a lot of money, and after that, the organization was called the "Axe Gang" because they held axes.

Speaking of the Axe Gang, everyone will immediately think of the picture of a black suit, a black hat, and two axes in hand, but in fact, the Axe Gang led by Wang Yaqiao at that time were some workers, and they were not as dashing as in the Star Ye movie.

The assassination of the "Axe Gang" Wang Yaqiao became famous in a battle, but he was betrayed by his mistress, and finally ended up in a very happy situation

(The Axe Gang in the movie)

Wang Yaqiao also became famous in the first world war and was deeply loved by the toiling people, because they held axes in their hands, people called these people "axe gangs", and their strength was no different from the "Green Gang" founded by Du Yuesheng and others.

For some reason, the "Green Gang" often deals with the "Axe Gang," for which there are quite a few contradictions and conflicts between the two gangs; once after a contradiction occurred, Wang Yaqiao ordered people to take explosives and blew up a large hole in the backyard wall of the "Green Gang" boss Zhang Xiaolin's family.

The assassination of the "Axe Gang" Wang Yaqiao became famous in a battle, but he was betrayed by his mistress, and finally ended up in a very happy situation

(Shanghai Beach "Three Tycoons")

After that, the "Axe Gang" grew stronger and bigger, but Wang Yaqiao still had greater and farther ambitions in his heart.

It just so happened that the director of the Shanghai Police Department at that time wanted to entrust him with the assassination of Xu Guoliang, and it was precisely through this opportunity that he could take the right path and get rid of the disgraceful identity of the underworld.

So he gathered his brothers together and assassinated Xu Guoliang in 1923 while riding in a hot spring, and then assassinated Song Ziwen, Wang Jingwei and others one after another.

After Wang Yaqiao succeeded in assassinating Xu Guoliang, he was sent to Zhejiang as a commander, and soon after, two hot-blooded teenagers came to visit and wanted to defect to Wang Yaqiao, and these two people were known as Dai Kasa and Hu Zongnan.

The assassination of the "Axe Gang" Wang Yaqiao became famous in a battle, but he was betrayed by his mistress, and finally ended up in a very happy situation

(Photo by Dai Kasa Hu Zongnan)

Wang Yaqiao greatly appreciated the talents of the two, and not only reused the three of them but also married Jinlan to become a very good brother.

But then due to Sun Chuanfang's attack on Huzhou, Wang Yaqiao's troops suffered heavy losses, Hu Zongnan disappeared on the battlefield, and after Dai Kasa ran back to Shanghai with Wang Yaqiao, he felt that there was no future in suppressing the underworld every day, so he used the excuse of visiting his mother and ran to the Huangpu School to study, where he did not expect to meet Hu Zongnan, who had disappeared on the battlefield.

After the Northern Expedition, Wang Yaqiao exerted a lot of strength in it, and Chiang Kai-shek admired him very much and wanted to include him under his command.

However, Wang Yaqiao and Chiang Kai-shek had different ideas, so when he represented the workers of the whole country at the inaugural meeting of the National Government, he put forward many words that violated Chiang Kai-shek.

The assassination of the "Axe Gang" Wang Yaqiao became famous in a battle, but he was betrayed by his mistress, and finally ended up in a very happy situation

(Chiang Kai-shek)

After the outbreak of the September 18 incident, Wang Yaqiao believed that only by resisting Japan could he save the country, and when he saw the inaction of Chiang Kai-shek's government, he was indignant and regarded Chiang Kai-shek as the greatest evil man of the nation.

At this time, Wang Yaqiao was asked by Hu Hanmin's family to assassinate Chiang Kai-shek, so Wang Yaqiao planned an incident in Lushan to assassinate Chiang Kai-shek.

However, at that time, Chiang Kai-shek's defense was too tight, the assassination operation failed, and when Chiang Kai-shek learned that Wang Yaqiao had assassinated him, he was furious, but thinking of this man's ability, he wanted to take him under his command.

At that time, Dai Kasa was Chiang Kai-shek's right-hand man, and he also knew about Dai Kasa's friendship with Wang Yaqiao, so he changed his mind and wanted Dai Kasa to persuade Wang Yaqiao to return to himself, as a brother who was a brother with Wang Yaqiao, he did not want to tit-for-tat.

The assassination of the "Axe Gang" Wang Yaqiao became famous in a battle, but he was betrayed by his mistress, and finally ended up in a very happy situation

(Chiang Kai-shek and Dai Kasa)

So Dai Kasa set off for Shanghai to persuade Wang Yaqiao, but when Wang Yaqiao heard that he had persuaded himself to come, he righteously refused at that time, saying that he had broken off this brotherly relationship with Dai Kasa and would never have anything to do with it again.

Dai Kasa could only return home in sorrow, and after telling Chiang Kai-shek what had happened to Chiang Kai-shek, Chiang Kai-shek was furious and then sent more than 1,000 people to arrest him and offered a sky-high bounty of 1 million yuan to ask them to arrest Wang Yaqiao.

However, the process of arresting Wang Yaqiao was not very smooth, and his keen anti-reconnaissance ability and insight ability made the agents who arrested him sigh: This Wang Yaqiao is really too cunning, how many times it is obvious that it is in front of him, but it is impossible to catch it.

Seeing that Shanghai could not stay, Wang Yaqiao went to Hong Kong to avoid being pursued.

In 1935, Wang Yaqiao took the initiative to attack and sent Sun Fengming to assassinate Chiang Kai-shek under the guise of a reporter at the Kuomintang congress, but he did not expect to stab Wang Jingwei by mistake.

The assassination of the "Axe Gang" Wang Yaqiao became famous in a battle, but he was betrayed by his mistress, and finally ended up in a very happy situation

(Kuomintang Congress Site)

Chiang Kai-shek ordered Dai To investigate the matter thoroughly, but he did not expect to find Wang Yaqiao's head again, so Dai Ka led people to Hong Kong to arrest Wang Yaqiao, and by this time Wang Yaqiao had already run to Guangxi.

When Dai Kasa led people to Hong Kong to arrest people, several people in the Kuomintang who were dissatisfied with Chiang Kai-shek called the governor of Hong Kong to ask him for protection and help Wang Yaqiao.

In this way, Dai Kasa was searched by the Hong Kong police for a pistol as soon as he arrived in Hong Kong, and was detained in Hong Kong for three days.

After Wang Yaqiao arrived in Wuzhou, he knew that he could not go back, and after considering it for a long time, he decided to go to Yan'an and join the ranks of the anti-Japanese resistance, so he wrote two letters to Chairman Mao, the premier of Zhou, hoping to go to Yan'an to negotiate.

The assassination of the "Axe Gang" Wang Yaqiao became famous in a battle, but he was betrayed by his mistress, and finally ended up in a very happy situation

(In the middle of the front row is Wang Yaqiao)

While waiting for a long reply, Dai Kasa also arrived in Wuzhou, he knew that Wang Yaqiao was lustful, and had sent female agents to use the "beauty plan" many times, but he did not expect that Wang Yaqiao was very cautious, either not being deceived, or using the "beautiful male plan", which made Dai Kasa "lose his wife and fold the soldiers" several times.

At the moment of confusion, Dai Kasa learned that Wang Yaqiao had a lover, Yu Wanjun, so he immediately found Yu Wanjun and asked him to cooperate in staging a "beauty plan", and Yu Wanjun agreed to his request under the coercion and inducement of Dai Kasa.

In 1936, years of hunting and killing came to an end. When Wang Yaqiao met his lover, as soon as he entered the door, he was fascinated by the agent with lime, and then he was shot and killed, and after the assassination was successful, the agent also cruelly disfigured Wang Yaqiao's face, and quickly evacuated Wuzhou according to the previous plan, killing Yu Wanjun in order to extinguish the mouth on the way.

After Wang Yaqiao was assassinated, many of his brothers joined the ranks of the Communist Party without hesitation and threw themselves into the War of Resistance Against Japan.

The assassination of the "Axe Gang" Wang Yaqiao became famous in a battle, but he was betrayed by his mistress, and finally ended up in a very happy situation

(War of Resistance Against Japan)

And it has always been a mystery about who assassinated Wang Yaqiao, and this matter has always been a knot in the hearts of Wang Yaqiao's brothers, who want to know who that person really is, and want to avenge their brother.

After inquiring from many quarters, Wang Yaqiao's old friend heard a Kuomintang military commander say that there was a spy named Chen Yichuan who said that he had assassinated Wang Yaqiao.

So many brothers inquired about Chen Yichuan's whereabouts, but they could not find any information, and this person evaporated like the human world.

Until after the liberation of Shanghai, as the town counter-movement progressed, a spy named Jiang Shenyi was arrested, and Chen Yichuan was mentioned when explaining the problem, and in order to win leniency, he confessed: "Chen Yichuan did murder Wang Yaqiao before, I didn't know where he was, but I knew that he had a lover before, a reporter of the Secret Bureau."

The assassination of the "Axe Gang" Wang Yaqiao became famous in a battle, but he was betrayed by his mistress, and finally ended up in a very happy situation

Ma Xinmin immediately asked, "Do you know the woman's name?" Jiang Shenyi replied, "His name is Shen Shaozhen."

According to the existing clues, the crowd followed the vine to find out that Shen Shaozhen was now a member of the drama team, but not long ago it seemed that he heard the sound of the wind and ran.

The matter once again reached a stalemate, just when there was no way out, a capitalist continued the string, the wedding was very pompous, and the woman was Shen Shaozhen, and the Nanjing police quietly brought her back to the police station.

Ma Xinmin immediately rushed to Nanjing, at first Shen Shaozhen refused to admit that he had a relationship with Chen Yichuan, Ma Xinmin also expected that she would be like this, after all, she was a woman who had seen strong wind and rain, so she put out the evidence one by one.

Shen Shaozhen panicked instantly after seeing it, and then began to cry, Ma Xinmin told her, as long as you confess and provide us with valuable information, we will let you go, it will not affect you as Mrs. Kuo, but if you insist on not confessing, the problem will be serious.

The assassination of the "Axe Gang" Wang Yaqiao became famous in a battle, but he was betrayed by his mistress, and finally ended up in a very happy situation

(Military commander beauty secret agent photo)

Shen Shaozhen was a smart person, and immediately told Ma Xinmin everything he knew, saying that he should be in Shanghai, and after a carpet search, it was found that Chen Yichuan had actually been arrested and imprisoned in Shanghai, and it was no wonder that he could not find anyone where he was, and if it were not for her lover's reminder, he would not have been found.

Chen Yichuan hid in Shanghai at that time, but the neighbors saw that he was haunted and looked like a good person, so they reported him, and when they sent him to the police station to check his identity, they could not find the information, so they were locked up.

During a comprehensive search in Shanghai, Chen Yichuan, who happened to be in the detention center, was recognized by a secret agent who had just been arrested, and the agent immediately reported the matter to the detention center in order to make meritorious contributions to the crime.

Chen Yichuan could not hide it, so he confessed his crimes one by one, and also described in detail how wang Yaqiao was assassinated.

The assassination of the "Axe Gang" Wang Yaqiao became famous in a battle, but he was betrayed by his mistress, and finally ended up in a very happy situation

(Agent arrested)

In 1950, Chen Yichuan was sentenced to death, and after a gunshot, Wang Yaqiao's killer finally received the punishment he deserved.

Nowadays, our lives are getting happier and happier, the country is getting stronger and stronger, the people live and work in peace and contentment, cherish the hard-won life now!

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