
King of Assassination: Wang Yaqiao killed countless people, was called the devil on earth by the Japanese army, and finally died at the hands of whom? First, cooperate with the warlords, step into the assassination of the second, hongkou bombing of the enemy, resist the invasion of the third, the political enemy counterattack, and die in Wuzhou


"His words will be believed, his deeds will be fruitful, his promises will be sincere, and he will not love his body."

The above is the evaluation of the ancients on the number of "heroes" in the "Chronicle of the Rangers". Sima Qian, who wrote this passage, saw the hero during the Spring and Autumn Warring States period, who had special assassins Wu Wang, Nie Zheng stabbed Han Xiang, and Jing Ke Zhang Liang stabbed The King of Qin, and his actions could even shake the court. In the Western Han Dynasty, there were such as the Zhu family and Guo Xie, who solved people's worries and difficulties, and promised thousands of dollars, and even the princes and ministers had to be afraid of three points.

The protagonist Wang Yaqiao mentioned in this article, if measured by the standards of the ancients, is a hero in modern times, and has both assassins and rangers. He is not only a ranger who follows the clouds, but also is famous for assassination, is recognized as the assassination king of the Republic of China, and has repeatedly created major cases affecting the political situation, as if he is a representative figure of the hero of the Republic of China era.

King of Assassination: Wang Yaqiao killed countless people, was called the devil on earth by the Japanese army, and finally died at the hands of whom? First, cooperate with the warlords, step into the assassination of the second, hongkou bombing of the enemy, resist the invasion of the third, the political enemy counterattack, and die in Wuzhou

Characters such as chivalrous have been praised and disparaged in history, calling them chivalrous and disparaging them as thieves. Especially when it comes to being an Assassin. For example, when they put their hands into the political realm, people think they are better at destruction and shorter than construction. But acting negatively and risk-taking cannot be done, so even politicians with lofty ambitions must borrow their power.

For the public, such characters are full of legends, making people always relish their deeds and envy them. Therefore, even in the great era of the upsurge of the world, how many influential figures in the political arena will be overshadowed by chivalry.

This assassination king of the Republic of China is naturally also a great legend that people are happy to say, and his deeds are still legendary. There are many legends, and of course there are different truths and falsehoods. Today, let's take a look at the real deeds of Wang Yaqiao's life and his final ending.

<h1 class="pgc-h-center-line" data-track="3" >, cooperate with warlords, and enter the assassination</h1>

Wang Yaqiao, a native of Hefei, Anhui Province, was born in 1889. It has always been famous for assassinating kings. Of course, Wang Yaqiao has the side of an outlaw. When they were mixed up on the beach, a group of cadres, with axes pinned to their waists, galloped through the rivers and lakes, known as the Axe Gang. His style of not being afraid of death, even Shanghai tycoons Jin Jinrong and Du Yuesheng avoided him for three points, and at first glance it seemed to be a gangster big brother who mixed up the rivers and lakes.

But to be a gangster is not to be a hooligan, and if you look at his life experience in its entirety, you will find that his main identity is that he is a revolutionary and a patriot.

King of Assassination: Wang Yaqiao killed countless people, was called the devil on earth by the Japanese army, and finally died at the hands of whom? First, cooperate with the warlords, step into the assassination of the second, hongkou bombing of the enemy, resist the invasion of the third, the political enemy counterattack, and die in Wuzhou

Wang Yaqiao joined the League as a young man and participated in the Xinhai Revolution; after the success of the Xinhai Revolution, he joined the Chinese Socialist Party founded by Jiang Kanghu in Nanjing, returned to Anhui to run party affairs, and followed Dr. Sun Yat-sen in the movement to protect the country and seek Yuan.

This is a brief enumeration, from which the above deeds can anchor the trajectory of his life, and the revolutionary cause is the core of his life's various actions. So we can say that he was a revolutionary figure with great charlatanism. Eventually embarking on the path of assassination and moving the country in this name is also closely related to its political ideals.

In 1923, the warlord Cao Kun bribed the election and became president, and the Kuomintang decided to send troops to fight. For this reason, Wang Yaqiao came to Zhejiang to find the Anhui warlord Lu Yongxiang, hoping that he could join forces to send troops. In order to maintain the territory of Zhejiang, Lu Yongxiang agreed to form an alliance with Dr. Sun Yat-sen. However, he demanded that Xu Guoliang, director of the Songhu Police Department, who was a direct crony in the rear, must first be removed to ensure that there were no worries.

King of Assassination: Wang Yaqiao killed countless people, was called the devil on earth by the Japanese army, and finally died at the hands of whom? First, cooperate with the warlords, step into the assassination of the second, hongkou bombing of the enemy, resist the invasion of the third, the political enemy counterattack, and die in Wuzhou

Wang Yaqiao felt that the request was reasonable, so he agreed to it. After returning to Shanghai, he recruited members of his Axe Gang and arranged for several of his subordinates to plan an assassination. In the end, Xu Guoliang was in the hot spring room where he often went, and was rushed up by members of the Axe Gang with guns and killed on the spot.

After the first test, it can be said that he completed the task smoothly and reached a cooperation with Lu Yongxiang. It is not known whether this incident inspired Wang Yaqiao, who has since begun to use assassination methods frequently in the pursuit of political ideals. Began a career of assassinations that lasted more than a decade.

<h1 class="pgc-h-center-line" data-track="5" > second, Hongkou bombed the enemy to resist aggression</h1>

Obviously, the assassination operation made Wang Yaqiao more handy, and because of his courage, almost anyone dared to carry out assassination.

King of Assassination: Wang Yaqiao killed countless people, was called the devil on earth by the Japanese army, and finally died at the hands of whom? First, cooperate with the warlords, step into the assassination of the second, hongkou bombing of the enemy, resist the invasion of the third, the political enemy counterattack, and die in Wuzhou

In China, people call Wang Yaqiao the king of assassination. The Japanese call Wang Yaqiao the devil of the world. The reason for this is that in Wang Yaqiao's uncontrollable assassination career, he has not only planned the assassination of Chiang Kai-shek, the chairman of the government; the assassination of Song Ziwen, the minister of finance; the assassination of Wang Jingwei, the chief executive; the assassination of Tang Youren, the vice minister of foreign affairs; and other major cases against domestic political figures. Against foreign invaders, he also successfully planned to assassinate Japanese Army General Yoshinori Shirakawa.

At that time, it was the time when the Japanese Kou raided Shanghai on January 28, 1932, claiming to occupy Beijing and Shanghai within 24 hours. However, under the full resistance of the 19th Route Group, more than 10,000 casualties were killed and injured, the occupation failed, and finally the two sides signed an armistice agreement. As a result, after the armistice, Japanese Foreign Minister Shigemitsu Aoi came to Shanghai to celebrate the victory of the war in Hongkou Park. At that time, the people of the country who heard about this incident could not help but feel great shame, and Wang Yaqiao, in anger, decided to respond to their provocation.

On the day of the "celebration" held on April 29, Wang Yaqiao sent people to plant bombs at the performance venue, killing japanese general Yoshinori Shirakawa on the spot, and injuring foreign minister Shigemitsu Aoi and others. In September, the head of the international investigation mission, the British Lytton, came to China to protect the Japanese in the investigation of the September 18 Incident, and Wang Yaqiao sent someone to assassinate Lytton.

King of Assassination: Wang Yaqiao killed countless people, was called the devil on earth by the Japanese army, and finally died at the hands of whom? First, cooperate with the warlords, step into the assassination of the second, hongkou bombing of the enemy, resist the invasion of the third, the political enemy counterattack, and die in Wuzhou

These actions not only made Chinese praise him and regard him as a patriot. It also made the Japanese who were hurt see him as a terrible existence, and the title of "devil on earth" came from this.

Hua Kezhi, who was once a disciple of Wang Yaqiao, later recalled that although Wang Yaqiao had done many killing things in his life, he was not a rogue in people's imagination, and the people he killed were mainly political enemies and foreign invaders. The assassination of Yoshinori Shirakawa is a typical example.

The assassination of Shirakawa Yoshinori and the like was out of patriotic feelings, and the assassination of Xu Guoliang and others was for political ideals, but no matter what kind of murder, the killing was not a small person. And these earth-shattering cases eventually caused him to kill himself.

<h1 class="pgc-h-center-line" data-track="7" > third, political enemies counterattacked, died in Wuzhou</h1>

Usually, assassins assassinate a country's political leaders, and whether they succeed or not, they will be martyred. Wang Yaqiao not only assassinated Chiang Kai-shek, but also planned two assassinations in Lushan and Nanjing. The two assassinations of the fuehrer of the government can also be imagined in a dangerous situation. In the middle of this, they have been fighting each other for many years, and they do not accept the cooperation proposed by the other party. In the end, Chiang Kai-shek regarded him as a serious problem that must be eliminated.

Although Wang Yaqiao crossed the rivers and lakes, confronting the supreme head of state was tantamount to hitting a stone with an egg. In 1936, under the pursuit of Chiang Kai-shek's military commanders, Wang Yaqiao had to flee to Wuzhou, Guangxi. Fleeing to Guangxi, he fell into a desperate situation, a large number of his subordinates were arrested, and his business that he had been running for many years came to a standstill. Fortunately, the Gui warlords who had been in constant contact with Chiang Kai-shek for many years had lent him a helping hand, so he has since lived in a riverside house in Wuzhou under the protection of his subordinates.

King of Assassination: Wang Yaqiao killed countless people, was called the devil on earth by the Japanese army, and finally died at the hands of whom? First, cooperate with the warlords, step into the assassination of the second, hongkou bombing of the enemy, resist the invasion of the third, the political enemy counterattack, and die in Wuzhou

The military commanders did not stop pursuing and killing him, and since they could not find the specific hiding place of Wang Yaqiao, they found Wang Yaqiao's wife, Yu Wanjun. Subsequently, the military commander bribed him with heavy profits and asked her to contact Wang Yaqiao, saying that he had something to discuss with him in person.

Because Wang Yaqiao was a hero and a righteous person, he had always been concerned about the affairs of his subordinates, so he had no doubts. In the end, Wang Yaqiao, who came to see her, was ambushed by more than a dozen military agents and killed on the spot after a round of gun battle.

The generation of assassination kings that made the politicians feel frightened, in the confrontation with the political enemies with great disparity in strength, the mantis arm blocked the car, and was crushed to death under the wheel. This is a lamentable ending, but for Wang Yaqiao himself, it is probably also expected.

King of Assassination: Wang Yaqiao killed countless people, was called the devil on earth by the Japanese army, and finally died at the hands of whom? First, cooperate with the warlords, step into the assassination of the second, hongkou bombing of the enemy, resist the invasion of the third, the political enemy counterattack, and die in Wuzhou

Since ancient times, China has been strong in martial arts, and there are many plots of aspirants.

Wang Yaqiao heard this wind, and there were many people under the door holding fires to eat, no matter what kind of strong enemy they dared to fight to the death. People talk about chivalrous heroes, which can really be used as a typical example. Although, being a chivalrous guest is not enough to complete his lofty political ideals, so in the end he can only die in Wuzhou.

Text/Da Fei


1. "Wang Yaqiao: Heroes of the Last Road of Heroes", You Yi

2. "Walker's Commentary on Wang Yaqiao", Shan Jiehua

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