
How much do you know about the story of the "famous doctor" medicine Saint Li Shizhen?

author:Medical Vision

Li Shizhen (1518-1593), also spelled Dongbi, in his later years, called himself a native of The Lake Mountain, a native of Waduba (now Doctor Street) in Dongchang Street, Puzhou Town, Puchun County, Hubei Province, and a famous medical scientist of the Ming Dynasty. Later, he was sentenced to the Chu Royal Palace fengci zheng and the royal tai hospital, and after his death, the Ming court was enfeoffed as "Wen Lin Lang".

Since 1565, Li Shizhen has successively collected drug specimens and prescriptions from Wudang Mountain, Lushan Mountain, Maoshan Mountain, Niushou Mountain and Huguang, Anhui, Henan, Hebei and other places, and worshiped fishermen, woodcutters, farmers, coachmen, pharmacists, snake catchers as teachers, referring to 925 kinds of books on medicine and other aspects of the past, archaeological evidence, exhaustive study of physics", recording tens of millions of words of notes, clarifying many difficult problems, after 27 cold and summer, changing their manuscripts three times, and completing a huge work of 1.92 million words "Compendium of Materia Medica" in the eighteenth year of the Ming Dynasty (1590). In addition, there are also studies of pulse science and the eight veins of the Qijing. He is the author of "Eight Pulse Examinations of the Qijing" and "The Study of The Pulse of the Lake". He is revered by later generations as a "medicine saint".

How much do you know about the story of the "famous doctor" medicine Saint Li Shizhen?

A few stories:

1. Open the coffin to save people

One day, Li Shizhen came to the mouth of the lake and saw a group of people carrying a coffin to the funeral, and the coffin was bleeding straight out. Li Shizhen looked up and saw that the blood flowing out was not bruised but blood, so he hurriedly stopped the crowd and said, "Stop, the people in the coffin still have to save!" Isn't it too unlucky that a person is dead, and then opening a coffin to alarm the deceased? But just in case... Of course, Li Shizhen saw everyone's thoughts, so he repeatedly persuaded, and finally made the master agree to open the coffin. Li Shizhen first performed a massage, and then a needle was inserted in his heart socket, and after a while, he saw the woman in the coffin humming softly, and woke up, so the crowd rejoiced. Soon after, the woman successfully gave birth to a son, so people rumored that Li Shizhen had a silver needle that saved two lives and had a wonderful way to revive the dead. This is the story of Li Shizhen opening the coffin to save the mother and son.

2. The living die:

Legend has it that after Li Shizhen saved the mother and son with a needle, many people wanted to meet this divine doctor. One day, the son of a pharmacy owner was eating and drinking at the counter, and after hearing about it, he also wanted to go to see the liveliness. He squeezed in front of Li Shizhen with a lot of effort and asked, "Sir, do you see what illness I have?" Li Shizhen saw that this person's popularity was not good, hurried to give him a pulse, and after that, he said with great regret: "Little brother, unfortunately, I am young and can't live for three hours, please hurry home, so that the family will not look everywhere." Everyone did not believe it, and the son of the pharmacy owner scolded even more, and later, under the persuasion of everyone, he left angrily. Sure enough, in less than three hours, the man died. It turned out that the person had overeaten, jumped, broke his intestines, and damaged internal organs. As a result, people were even more amazed by Li Shizhen's miraculous medical skills.

How much do you know about the story of the "famous doctor" medicine Saint Li Shizhen?

3. Test the poison by yourself:

Some people say that there is a drug in the north called mandala flower, which will make people dance after eating it, and if it is severe, it will also be anesthetized. In order to find mandala flowers, Li Shizhen left his hometown and came to the north. Finally found that the single stem is four or five feet high, the leaves are like eggplant leaves, the flowers are like morning glory flowers, and the mandala flowers that bloom early and close at night, and in order to master the performance of mandala flowers, he personally tried "Nai Jian ye." And wrote down "cut the sores and moxibustion fire, it is advisable to take this first, then you will not feel bitter." According to modern pharmacological analysis, mandala flowers contain scopolamine, which has an excitatory brain and bulbar effect on the central nervous system, and has an anti-or parasympathetic effect on the peripherals.

Pay tribute to the sages, learn from their rigorous and realistic, hard-working spirit, and inherit and carry forward the culture of Traditional Chinese medicine. As Academician Zhong Nanshan said: "Choosing to study medicine may be accidental, but once you choose it, you must treat it with a lifetime of loyalty and enthusiasm." [Famous doctors those things] Li Shizhen

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