
Oncologist Hua Yiwei's last words: What really made him recover was not the 56 years of drug practice, he did not expect that he would also suffer from cancer and do countless surgeries, it turned out that chemotherapy was so painful! What really makes you recover is definitely not medicine!

author:The truth and misconceptions of tumors

Hua Yiwei, former director of the Department of General Surgery of the General Hospital of the Beijing Military Region, has been practicing medicine for 56 years and has made great achievements in the treatment of gastrointestinal, hepatobiliary, and thyroid. Unfortunately, God is jealous of the talents... On August 12, 2006, Hua Yiwei died of illness.

Oncologist Hua Yiwei's last words: What really made him recover was not the 56 years of drug practice, he did not expect that he would also suffer from cancer and do countless surgeries, it turned out that chemotherapy was so painful! What really makes you recover is definitely not medicine!

Although Hua Yiwei has been dead for 13 years, some of the words he said before still affect many patients.

< h1 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" > have been practicing medicine for 56 years, and I didn't expect that I would also get cancer</h1>

"Before examining the patient's body, he always rubbed his hands and warmed the stethoscope to expose the patient as little as possible; before the operation, he would always wait for the patient at the elevator entrance in advance." Even after his death, his level of dedication has been deeply imprinted in the hearts of his colleagues.

Hua Yiwei is technically refined, exquisite in medical skills, has never made a mistake in the past 56 years, even if he has reached retirement age, he has always fought in the clinical frontline and has done more than 100 surgeries every year.

Therefore, he is called "Hua Yi Dao" by people in the industry.

What is even more valuable is that he practices medicine cleanly, treats patients equally, and many patients often find him on holidays, and he squeezes out a little place at home to help people see a doctor.

On July 25, 2005, 73-year-old Hua Yiwei endured the pain of stomach cancer and completed a goiter removal operation according to normal steps, and finally, the old man was saved, but Hua Yiwei was never able to stand on the operating table again.

Oncologist Hua Yiwei's last words: What really made him recover was not the 56 years of drug practice, he did not expect that he would also suffer from cancer and do countless surgeries, it turned out that chemotherapy was so painful! What really makes you recover is definitely not medicine!

Practicing medicine for many years, Hua Yiwei loved his medical career, treated every patient seriously, and never missed an appointment, but this time, he finally broke his "principles", and he was also full of guilt. Lying on his hospital bed, he said to his colleague, "Tell the patient who made the appointment that I'm sorry I can't operate on him." ”

Since the diagnosis of advanced stomach cancer, he has left a will: "Autopsy after death, specimens of value for medical research can be retained, no farewell to the body, no ashes." ”

< h1 class = "pgc-h-arrow-right" > done countless surgeries, it turns out that chemotherapy is so painful! </h1>

With cancer, everyone's treatment process is similar, even doctors can't escape surgery and chemotherapy.

It may be that the work is too busy, Hua Yiwei has not had time to check himself, when it was discovered in July 2005, the stomach cancer was already in the advanced stage, and immediately, he did a total gastric resection. Because there is no cardia, the alkaline intestinal fluid and bile go straight back, and he has severe reflux, heartburn and other symptoms.

"The esophagus hurt like a fire, and even the throat and the eustachyngeal tube hurt. At night, I can't sleep when I want to, and people can't lie flat at all. ”

Of course, this is only one aspect of the pain, in order to control the spread of cancer cells, he also received intraperitoneal heat chemotherapy.

"Never expected chemotherapy to be so painful!" People need to lie there for 90 minutes, warm the abdominal cavity to 41 degrees Celsius, after each treatment, abdominal pain like colic, only take painkillers can alleviate some.

Such painful chemotherapy, Hua Yiwei experienced a total of 8 times, and his wife Zhang Yanrong was heartbroken after seeing it: "His original body foundation was very good, and his weight was still good after the first operation." If you don't do chemotherapy, slowly resume your diet, and you may be able to recover better. It was chemotherapy that completely brought him down. ”

Oncologist Hua Yiwei's last words: What really made him recover was not the 56 years of drug practice, he did not expect that he would also suffer from cancer and do countless surgeries, it turned out that chemotherapy was so painful! What really makes you recover is definitely not medicine!

Hua Yi comforted on the hospital bed

Of course, the side effects of chemotherapy did not "let go" Hua Yiwei, like all cancer patients, he began to have symptoms such as nausea and vomiting, and two weeks after the end of chemotherapy, these symptoms were still not alleviated, and he could only rely on nasal feeding nutrient solution every day to maintain life.

Later, he also developed ileal obstruction at the end of the ileum! The side effects of chemotherapy coupled with intestinal obstruction, coupled with the inability of nutrition to keep up, Hua Yiwei's body became more and more weak, and liver, kidney and heart function problems occurred one after another.

So he had to have a second surgery. The weather was not as good as anyone had hoped, and the operation failed.

Due to the leakage of the intestinal anastomosis, intestinal fluid, feces, and blood flowing into the abdominal cavity, causing serious infection, and the intestines have been unable to recover. At this time, even without cancer, it is difficult for people to survive.

Since then, with the doctor's intuition, Hua Yiwei knows that his illness has been powerless to return to heaven, and he made a final request to his comrades-in-arms: "Don't use those expensive drugs anymore, do expensive examinations, as long as you can make me relieve the pain a little, save a little for the country." ”

In the last period of time, Hua Yiwei relied on medical equipment every day to hang his life, lying on the hospital bed, with tubes all over his body, and his comrades did not want to give up, but he said to his wife Zhang Yanrong more than once: "I don't want to hold on any longer, I can't stand it!" ”

On August 12, 2006, Hua Yiwei died of illness. In just over a year, he underwent total gastrectomy surgery – 8 chemotherapy – intestinal obstruction – complications such as an anastomotic fistula causing severe abdominal infection. The whole process was painful for him.

Oncologist Hua Yiwei's last words: What really made him recover was not the 56 years of drug practice, he did not expect that he would also suffer from cancer and do countless surgeries, it turned out that chemotherapy was so painful! What really makes you recover is definitely not medicine!

Since suffering from stomach cancer, Hua Yiwei was full of emotions.

When he was transformed from a doctor to a patient, he was more able to understand the needs of patients, he said: As a doctor, when choosing between quality of life and disease, it is mainly to see which party gives the patient more benefits. If in the past, he advocated total gastrectomy surgery, but he himself experienced and began to reflect, if he could live for a year and a half after gastric resection, and one year without gastric resection, then he would rather choose the latter.

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > is definitely not medicine that really makes you recover! </h1>

One of the most common misunderstandings of ordinary people is that they want to take medicine and infusions as soon as they are sick, which is actually not right.

Hua Yiwei is very incomprehensible about this phenomenon, he said: the real can make their own recovery is definitely not the drug, many components of the drug is not the ingredients needed for cell repair, as long as the body is provided with enough nutrition, for a period of time, the human body will start self-repair - at that time, the damaged organs through the cells continue to "metabolism" and "self-repair", many diseases, it is also possible to completely recover.

He also said that drugs can only control the disease within a certain range in many cases, and cannot be cured at all, such as common diseases such as high blood pressure, diabetes, severe insomnia, cancer and so on. Moreover, "it is a three-point poison of medicine", the more medicine is eaten for a long time, the more diseases on the body, often here is cured, there are problems there.

If you blindly take medicine and ignore the supplementation of nutrients, your cells, blood, and blood vessels will not be healthy, and your nervous system, immune system, etc. will be abnormal. In reality, many patients end up dying of multi-system injury and multi-system failure.

Therefore, the body has problems, and the first thing we should consider should not be medication, but to use nutrients to solve.

When clinically visiting a doctor, many patients ask as soon as they come: Doctor, what should I pay attention to in my diet? In fact, this is very correct, nutrition is the foundation of health, which is also the pillar of health. However, we must pay attention not to excessively avoiding mouthing, and it is important to maintain balanced nutrition. Over-replenishment of any type of nutrient can also be counterproductive. #Breeze Project##Health Science Qualifying ##39健康超能团 #


[1] Hua Yiwei, a famous professor of oncology: What really makes you recover is definitely not medicine! .Gastrointestinal disease.2019-09-10

[2] Hua Yiwei: a person who is worthy of the patient's trust in life. Guangming Daily.2020-05-07

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