
Qingdao (regional) changguan institutional reform experience those past events

author:A brief history

The editor is from the mountainous area of western Henan and has loved literary history since childhood. I hope that friends and princes will have an understanding of the history of the ancient countries of world civilization from the place where the small article is written. However, mian li is thin and talented, and with the virtue of the kings, the small editor is bold and clumsy.

In 1859, the Xianfeng Emperor ordered Chong'en to send people to inspect Haikou in Dengzhou, Laizhou and Qingdao, and in the same year set up six tax bureaus along the coast of Shandong. Among them, there are two bureaus in Qingdao, Taboutou and Jinjiakou, and sub-bureaus in Qingdaokou and Nugukou, and the collection of customs duties is handled by the Taxation Bureau. In 1865, Changguan was successively set up in Qingdaokou, Tabutou and Jinjiakou, and Changguan was set up in Lingshanwei, Nugukou, Cangkou, Shazikou, Dengyao and Xuejiadao, and other places.

Brief remarks: After the establishment of Jiao Customs in 1899, the permanent customs and sub-cards in Qingdao area were separated from the subordinate relationship with the East Customs and were all under the management of Jiao Customs. The main customs agencies are Tabutou, Hongshiya, Lingshanwei, Dagang, Nugukou, Cangkou, Dengyao, Dogtabu, Xuejiadao and other sub-customs, sub-cards or agencies. After the Beiyang government took back Qingdao, in December 1922, it set up a jiao customs supervision office at No. 5 Lanshan Road in Qingdao, and all ports in Qingdao were under the jurisdiction of the Supervision Office. In 1931, the General Department of Customs and Taxation of the Ministry of Finance of the National Government in Nanjing adjusted the customs agency, and all the permanent customs were renamed customs and the affiliation was redivided. The former East Customs' sub-customs offices, such as Rushankou, Shidao, Shiususuo, Chenjiaguanzhuang, Zhangjiabu and Jinjiakou, were reassigned to the Jiao customs supervision office.

On September 30, 1937, the Ministry of Finance of the National Government in Nanjing ordered the abolition of the Customs Supervision Office, leaving only one supervisor. The Nationalist government in Nanjing then abolished the Customs Supervision Office, which had only one supervisor. After the Japanese invaded Qingdao for the second time, the Japanese and puppet Beiping Provisional Government successively appointed Jiao Customs Supervisor and re-established the Supervision Office at Juxian Road No. 2. The Office of The Ministry of Public Affairs and the Office of Accounting were set up, and the office only served as a communication of the announcements and orders of the Japanese and puppet Peiping Provisional Government.

After the German occupation of Qingdao, the German colonial authorities made all kinds of difficulties over the issue of setting up customs in the concession area. In the spring of 1898, the colonial authorities proposed three preconditions: First, the Germans should be appointed as the Customs and Taxation Department; (2) All goods of the outlet shall be handled by the Department of Taxation; 3. All tariffs are the same as trade taxes. Otherwise, anti-smuggling quarters could only be set up along the German concession.

On August 15, 1898, on the orders of the General Taxation Department of the Qing Dynasty Customs, the German Ali wen was transferred from Yichang Customs to Qingdao to prepare for customs establishment. Subsequently, the General Department of Customs and Taxation dispatched 4 foreigners (third-level deputy, first-class inspector, acting inspector, deputy inspector general) and 8 Chinese personnel to Qingdao to assist in customs clearance. After Ali Wen came to Qingdao, he rented four bungalows at the office of The East China Sea Changguan Qingdao Banknote Customs Wharf as offices and dormitories (on the south side of the present-day Qingdao People's Hall). Funds were immediately raised to build the office building of the Customs Office and the dormitories of the customs staff. At the same time, the "Measures for the Establishment of Customs and Taxation in Qingdao" was drafted, stipulating that the Qingdao Customs Taxation Department should be filled by Germans, and all the foreigners used should be selected to send Germans, and all correspondence with German humanities should be in German. At the same time, provisions have been made on the taxation methods for domestic and foreign goods entering and leaving Qingdao. On April 17, 1899, Li Hongzhang, on behalf of the Qing court, and Haijing, the German minister in China, officially held a meeting for implementation.

Qingdao (regional) changguan institutional reform experience those past events

On July 1, 1899, Jiao Customs officially opened its office to the outside world, with Ali Wen as the first tax department, managing the administrative affairs of the whole customs, and the internal organization was divided into internal and external affairs. After the establishment of JiaohaiGuan, The Zhuhaikou of Qingdao Area, which was originally under the jurisdiction of the East Customs, was originally under the jurisdiction of the East Customs, and the Changguan sub-customs branches such as Tabutou, Jinjiakou and Qingdaokou, as well as the Changguan sub-checkpoints or agencies such as Hongshiya, Lingshanwei, Dagang, Nugukou, Cangkou, Dengyao, Dogtabu, Shazikou and Xuejiadao, were successively under the jurisdiction of Jiaohai Customs. On August 10, 1901, the office building and staff dormitory built by Jiao Customs were completed at No. 5 Lanshan Road. In October 1901, Jiao Customs set up a Xiaogang Branch (also known as Dabao Island Branch), and set up a land anti-smuggling sub-card in Dazhao Village and Liuting Ji and a tax collection office at Taitung Town Railway Station (now Sifang Railway Station). In 1906, a gate checkpoint was set up in Grand Port. Since then, the management of steamship and sailing trade in Qingdao and the collection of tariffs and gold have all been handled by Jiaojiao Customs. With the opening of the Jiaoji Railway and the completion of the Qingdao Port, the Jiaoji Customs Agency has been expanding day by day, and the original office building has become unsuitable. In December 1912, Aliwen petitioned the General Tax department for approval to build a customs building in the Great Port Area. In December 1913, the customs building at the entrance of Qingdao Dagang (No. 18 Xinjiang Road) was completed, and the inauguration and relocation ceremony was held in April 1914.

After japan's first occupation of Qingdao, on December 6, 1914, a provisional rule was introduced, "all taxes on entrances and exits shall be transferred to the port bureau established by Japan." On August 6, 1915, under pressure from Japan, the Beiyang government was forced to sign the Agreement on the Restoration of Qingdao Customs, which determined Japan's status in the form of an agreement, that is, it still maintained the "Qingdao Customs Taxation Measures" of April 17, 1899, and the amendment of the measures on December 1, 1905, except that the "necessary places with the 'German' script are easy to use the 'Japanese' script." On September 1, Jiao Customs was reopened, and masaki Tachibana, a former Dalian Customs Taxation Department, was reappointed to the Jiao Customs Taxation Department, and the customs affairs taken over by the Port Head Bureau at the time of Japan's initial occupation were returned to Jiao Customs. Its organization is divided into in-house and field. Internal support: Chinese Literature Division, English Literature Division, Accounting Division, Statistics Division, General Affairs Division, and the Attached Tax Collection Office of bank of China and Zhengjin Bank Tax Collection Office; Field support: ship management division, inspection and estimation division, investigation division. The branches mainly include Xiaogang Branch and six sub-cards, such as Cangkou, Nugukou, Shazikou, Tabutou, Hongshiya and Lingshanwei.

Qingdao (regional) changguan institutional reform experience those past events

Forced by the resistance of the Chinese people and the pressure of international public opinion, on February 4, 1922, China and Japan signed the Treaty on the Settlement of the Outstanding Case of Shandong and the Annexation in Washington, D.C. The Treaty on the Settlement of the Outstanding Case in Shandong stipulates: "Qingdao Customs shall be a full part of the Customs of China. The Provisional Contract for the Reopening of The Qingdao China Customs, concluded on August 6, 1915, between China and Japan, shall be null and void at the time of the implementation of this Treaty." On June 29, China reclaimed the glue customs, but still used Japanese and retained Japan's special interests. On December 10, the Beiyang government sent Foreign Minister Wang Zhengting to take over Qingdao and appoint the Englishman Richardson as the Department of Customs and Taxation. During the first reign of the National Government in Nanjing, the General Department of Customs and Taxation of the Ministry of Finance adjusted the customs agencies. On January 1, 1931, the National Government of Nanjing held a national customs conference to unify the demarcation of the national customs area, change the permanent customs to the customs, and abolish the bureau. The jurisdiction of Jiao Customs extends from Chengshantou at the eastern tip of the Shandong Peninsula in the east to The Yanwei Port south of Lianyungang in Jiangsu Province. The main sub-customs points are Shidao, Langdao, Longsu Island, Rushankou, Langnuankou, Wulei Island, Zhangjiabu, Xiaojiang, Bahe Port, Shazikou, Jinkou, Qingdao Xiaogang, Shibaisuo, Xugou, Zhewang, Yanwei Port, Xiangshuikou, Xinpu Port, etc. On April 20, 1932, the three sub-customs passes of Shiusu, Jinkou and Rushankou were abolished. On January 20, 1933, under the command of the General Taxation Commander, the Haizhou branch under the jurisdiction of Jianghai Customs was changed to the jurisdiction of Jiao Customs. Since then, the General Department of Customs and Taxation of the National Government in Nanjing has continuously adjusted the customs agencies. The jiao customs agency has been abolished and re-established from time to time, and some sub-customs checkpoints have also been transferred to the jurisdiction of the East Customs and Jiang customs. In June 1934, with the consent of the General Department of Taxation, the branches of Jiao customs mainly included: Rushankou, Jinkou, Shazikou, Qingdao Xiaogang, Shiusu, Haizhou, Xinpu port 7 sanction cards, Xugou, Yanwei port, Tuowang 3 sanctions. In May 1936, the Haizhou branch card was renamed the Lianyungang branch card, and the Dapu branch card was added. On August 8, the General Department of Customs and Excise departments restructured the customs agency. The branches of Jiao customs mainly include Rushankou, Jinkou, Qingdao Xiaogang, Shiusu, Dapu, Lianyungang and Yanweigang 7 branch cards, and 1 branch office of Tuowang.

Qingdao (regional) changguan institutional reform experience those past events

During the second Period of Japanese Occupation, the Department of Customs and Taxation was replaced by a Japanese. On January 17, 1938, according to the Anglo-Japanese Agreement, The Taxation Department of Tianjin Customs, Yamamoto Hengsaburo, arrived in Qingdao to serve as the Department of Taxation of Jiao customs. On August 1, 1942, by the order of the General Taxation Department of the puppet government of Japan, the original sections of the Jiao Customs were changed to the General Affairs Division, the Secretarial Division, the Accounting Division, the Appraisal Division, the Statistics Unit, and the Inspection Unit. The name of the highest commissioner of jiao customs was also changed to "chief customs officer". On February 1, 1945, Jiao Customs was ordered to re-adjust its internal structure.

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