
In 1980, China held a secret meeting, and Su Yu put forward a strategic concept, changing the words of New China and deleting "luring the enemy to go deep" only to leave the "strategic defense" era changing, and the uncrowned Marshal Su Yu

author:Chihyun Akira

In the 1980s, when the United States and the Soviet Union were engaged in a global struggle for hegemony, the international situation at this time was a changeable situation, and at this moment, a secret meeting was quietly taking place in the Jingxi Hotel in Beijing, after which New China moved towards a new path.

Our story today begins with an important person in this secret meeting, who is General Su Yu, a general who has experienced hundreds of battles, and after experiencing the baptism of blood and fire, he has given a brilliant plan to change the new China.

<h1 class="pgc-h-center-line" data-track="7" > delete "lure the enemy deeper" and leave only "strategic defense"</h1>

As early as 1979, Su Yu was already aware of the changes in the current situation by virtue of his keen sense of smell exercised in the battlefield, and at that time he gave a report speech at the Military Academy - "Discussion on Several Issues Concerning the Initial Combat Methods of the Future Anti-Aggression War."

In 1980, China held a secret meeting, and Su Yu put forward a strategic concept, changing the words of New China and deleting "luring the enemy to go deep" only to leave the "strategic defense" era changing, and the uncrowned Marshal Su Yu

Su Yu

Su Yu stood on the stage with his back straight, "Comrades, I would like to talk to my comrades about how to deal with the large-scale invasion of Soviet imperialism in the early stage of the future anti-aggression war. But, like my comrades, I am still in a process of gradual understanding of the matter of modern warfare. What I have said may be inappropriate, but if it can arouse comrades to further discuss in depth, play a role in throwing bricks and stones, and enliven the air of military academic research, it will also be considered to have achieved my goal. ”

At that time, Su Yu was already a 72-year-old man, but years of marching experience added a little majesty and sonority to his voice. As a veteran general, Su Yu analyzed the current new situation thoroughly in the midst of his ups and downs, and in his words, he constructively put forward a set of strategic operational thinking that advances with the times on the basis of Chairman Mao's principle of "enticing the enemy to go deep and strategic defense."

Su Yu is like a painter, he has constructed a blueprint for the new China to fight against the enemy in the new era. The strategic policy is the contour structure of this painting, the combat method is the color of this painting, and Su Yu also added the scene of our army's combat in this painting in detail.

In 1980, China held a secret meeting, and Su Yu put forward a strategic concept, changing the words of New China and deleting "luring the enemy to go deep" only to leave the "strategic defense" era changing, and the uncrowned Marshal Su Yu

Su Yu in the film and television drama

However, in Su Yu's conception, there were no four words: "luring the enemy deeper," and whether or not the enemy could penetrate, he first stressed that our army could not put the enemy in--although the method of closing the door and hitting the dog was good, it was dirty in its own yard. In the past, the yard was empty and big, and it was very easy to clean, but now that we have flowers and trees in our yard, and with tile pots and porcelain, we must close the door and keep everything out of the door.

Su Yu once said that if the enticing of the enemy is abolished, then strategic defense should be paid more attention to. If you want to grasp the initiative of the battlefield, you must carry the "three axes" of the enemy's surprise attack in the early stage, drag it down, and consume the enemy's living strength in the stage of stalemate, so that they can gain more than they lose.

After a report, the applause in the venue was thunderous, and everyone was impressed by Su Yu's insight. Just as the so-called "one stone stirs up a thousand waves", after this, the major military units have found Su Yu and hoped that he would give more speeches, which promoted everyone's reflection on the strategic approach and laid a solid foundation for the convening of the 801 Conference.

If the 801 conference was an important turning point in China's military strategic road, then Su Yu's words were a pioneering precursor. In the summer of 1980, at the suggestion of Marshal Ye Jianying, a senior cadre class of the whole army, code-named "801", entered the preparatory process.

On October 15, Deng Xiaoping affirmed the views of Su Yu and others in his speech: "I agree with the four words 'strategic defense', and active defense itself is not only defense, but also offensive in defense." Since it is an active defense, it has the meaning of protracted combat in it, because war is protracted, and China now has this condition to fight against the invading enemy. We must base ourselves on the victory of the weak over the strong, the victory over their modern equipment with our equipment, and the consumption of the enemy with protracted warfare. ”

After the 801 conference, China's strategic policy of foreign military operations was officially changed into the four words of "strategic defense." Although we pursue a defensive policy, the word "strategy" shows that we are not easy to bully, and in the face of foreign aggression, the best way is to stop the war with war, and tactically we still have to take the initiative to attack and thwart the enemy's ambitions. Let them pay a heavy price for every place they attack and every step forward!

<h1 class="pgc-h-center-line" data-track="54" > times change</h1>

Just as General Zhang Zhen once said, "Our army's strategic thinking on defending the motherland has always been clear, but in different periods, according to different strategic situations, there are naturally different strategic expressions." ”

At the beginning of the founding of New China, the United States ran amok in the world, not only meddling in the dispute over the Korean Peninsula, but also flaunting its might on the Sino-DPRK border. At that time, our strategy was to "actively defend and tit-for-tat," and not only made the decision to "resist US aggression and aid Korea and defend the homeland," but also actively deployed at the border and strove to raise the prestige of the country and the military.

In the 1960s, the United States once again raised troops in the Indochina Peninsula and ran to the southern part of our country to make trouble, and at that time we pursued the military strategy of "luring the enemy to go deep south of the Yangtze River and strictly guarding against death north of the Yangtze River."

The timeline came to the early 70s, after a series of events such as Nixon's visit to China, ping-pong diplomacy, and the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and the United States, our relations with the United States ushered in a new ice-breaking point, but at the same time, Sino-Soviet relations fell off a cliff, and the Soviet Union even disregarded the old friendship and displayed millions of troops outside China's borders, which once threatened China's national security.

In 1980, China held a secret meeting, and Su Yu put forward a strategic concept, changing the words of New China and deleting "luring the enemy to go deep" only to leave the "strategic defense" era changing, and the uncrowned Marshal Su Yu

Nixon visited China

After the confrontation, "active defense and enticing the enemy to go deep" became the dominant strategic policy.

Throughout history, the international situation has changed rapidly, and naturally, China's military strategy will not remain unchanged. By 1980, New China had already changed its appearance, so the eight words of "active defense and enticing the enemy to go deep" gradually became a chapter in the past.

In 1980, after decades of construction, China already had a large family business, whether it was industrial agriculture, it has begun to take shape. And the strategy of enticing the enemy to go deeper will obviously greatly destroy the results of our construction.

An incendiary bomb will burn a field of farmland, and a bomb will make a large factory into ruins.

If the enemy really drives straight in, then under the modern three-dimensional attack of sea, land and air, China's coastal cities will certainly suffer great damage, not to mention that at that time, almost all of China's economic entities are distributed in these areas, and once the war is ignited, the consequences will be unimaginable.

As the main force of economic construction, the coastal areas as the core of industrial and agricultural development, if trampled by the enemy, China's national economy and the level of productive forces will drop by more than 80 percent.

At this time of change, the veterans represented by Su Yu stood up, and the 801 meeting also came into being. The meeting seems to simply delete the words "luring the enemy deeper", but behind the 801 meeting is a springboard for a country to cross the shackles and nirvana.

<h1 class="pgc-h-center-line" data-track="55" > Uncrowned Marshal Su Yu</h1>

Speaking of Su Yuqi, we have to mention his combat miracle of seven battles and seven victories in the central Soviet region, directly winning 120,000 troops of Lao Jiang's concubines with 30,000 troops, and annihilating more than 50,000 enemy troops. Beating the Kuomintang general Li Mo'an to no avail, he could only watch his troops being annihilated one by one, and in the face of Su Yu's surprise attack tactics, he could only look up at the sky and sigh.

It is worth mentioning that Su Yu at that time was not yet famous in the hearts of the generals of the Nationalist Army, and Li Mo'an was recognized as the first in the Whampoa Military Academy period. At that time, there was a saying that said: "Wen has He Zhihan, Wu has Hu Zongnan, and Nengwen can wu Li Mo'an."

In 1980, China held a secret meeting, and Su Yu put forward a strategic concept, changing the words of New China and deleting "luring the enemy to go deep" only to leave the "strategic defense" era changing, and the uncrowned Marshal Su Yu

Lee Mo An

However, such a Li Mo'an was beaten by Su Yu and suffered seven defeats in succession.

The most unexpected point of Su Yu's combat command is that he has always liked to attack the enemy first, which is very taboo for many generals, after all, no one likes to gnaw hard bones first. And when Li Mo'an fought with Su Yu, it was here that he planted a heel fight.

In the first battle in central Suzhou, Su Yu directly chose to fight against the strongest 83rd Division, that is, the "Xuan (Jiabao) Tai (Xing) Campaign", he concluded that Li Mo'an would regard the 83rd Division as a trump card, and before that, Li Tianxia, the commander of the 83rd Division, even released harsh words against the New Fourth Army, "I can fight with them with a regiment." ”

But Su Yu quickly used reality to give Li Tianxia a fiery slap.

The so-called arrogant troops must be defeated, and Su Yu seized on this mentality of Li Tianxia and sent multiple columns to encircle and directly cripple the main forces of the nationalist troops in Xuan and Thailand, annihilating more than 3,000 enemy personnel.

At this time, Li Mo'an was still immersed in his own world, and he was not aware of Su Yu's ability at all.

He thought that the fiasco of the 83rd Division was only Li Tianxia's personal mistake, so he did not pay attention to it, and in order to become famous in the First World War, Li Mo'an immediately sent reinforcements to eliminate the main force of our army. Who knew that this step of his step was just on Su Yu's heart, and then a move to the east and west almost completely annihilated the 49th Division of the Nationalist Army.

What made Li Mo'an feel most humiliated was that Su Yu led the troops to rest less than ten kilometers away from them for more than half a month, and the Nationalist troops did not find out, from this time on, Li Mo'an re-realized the strength of Su Yu, but unfortunately it was too late, and tens of thousands of Nationalist troops were annihilated again.

In 1980, China held a secret meeting, and Su Yu put forward a strategic concept, changing the words of New China and deleting "luring the enemy to go deep" only to leave the "strategic defense" era changing, and the uncrowned Marshal Su Yu

Seven battles and seven victories, Su Yu proved with actions what is "strategic protracted, campaign defense, tactical offensive, and quick decision in combat." ”

Even Chairman Mao praised Su Yu as a prodigy in combat command, "Only by being flexible and brave can we achieve great victories!" At the founding ceremony, the People's Daily even called Su Yu "The Victorious General.".

Before the award ceremony in 1955, Chairman Mao and Premier Zhou personally discussed what rank to give Su Yu, and at that time Su Yu's military achievements were comparable to that of several marshal candidates, and Chairman Mao once said: "In 1945, he made the commander of the Central China Military Region, and in 1948 he made the commander of the East China Field Army. ”

Premier Zhou was even more clear about Su Yu, the veteran general's personality, and he also sighed and said, "Chairman, but Su Yu has already asked to resign. ”

Chairman Mao heard this news and sighed for a long time, su Yu, who resigned three times, what kind of character is this? He thought about it for a long time, and finally made a decision, he must let Su Yu become the first general. In this way, Su Yu became the uncrowned marshal of the republic.

At marshal Chen Yi's memorial service, Chairman Mao also tightly held Su Yu's hand, "There are not many old comrades-in-arms during the Jinggangshan period. It can be seen from this that Su Yuqi is really a true hero after the great waves are exhausted.

In 1980, China held a secret meeting, and Su Yu put forward a strategic concept, changing the words of New China and deleting "luring the enemy to go deep" only to leave the "strategic defense" era changing, and the uncrowned Marshal Su Yu

Su Yu (third from left)

In 1984, the firing general unfortunately passed away, Su Yu spent his life fighting on horseback, wounded many times, and his wife Chu Qing even found three pieces of war remnants from his ashes, and finally, a shrapnel as a final memorial to Su Yu was sent to the Chinese Academy of Military Sciences for posterity to commemorate...

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