
How powerful is the backer behind Su Yu?

author:Fargo 6l9K

Original author: Zhang Wenfa

First, how powerful is Su Yu?

1. Mao Zedong called him "the best at leading soldiers to fight."

There is no "one" in the conclusion.

In 1944, Su Yu led a force of only a few thousand people to annihilate more than a thousand Japanese puppet troops at the Northern Jiangsu Cheqiao, and Mao Zedong, who heard this happy news, could not help but express his recognition and appreciation for Su Yu, saying: "This person who grew up from a soldier can command four or five hundred thousand troops in the future." ”

It is said that when deciding on the selection of Commander Huaye, Chairman Mao said to Su Yu: "The Central Committee has decided to set up a Central Plains Military Region, and Chen Yi and Deng Zihui will return to the Central Plains to take up posts, and Huaye's work will be entrusted to you." ”

On April 30, 1948, Su Yu went to Hebei Province to meet Chairman Mao, and Chairman Mao said happily to Su Yu: "We are very happy that you have won so many beautiful battles. Listen to your opinion this time. ”

After the Battle of Huaihai, the People's Liberation Army won an unprecedented victory, and the Kuomintang army of a million people was wiped out in vain and completely disqualified from contending with our army. ”

Chairman Mao called Su Yu a "general of the big tree," and he did not seek fame and fortune, did not care about gains and losses, and shielded the republic from the wind and rain.

2. According to a diplomat in Britain, "Marshal Montgomery of England once said that the greatest military men he admired in the history of human warfare were Su Yu in China and Napoleon in France. ”

I heard that Marshal Montgomery was eager to meet this god of war.

3. The guerrilla warfare of Su Yu Shenlong, which saw the beginning and the end, spread throughout the north and south of the great river for a while. Xinhua Daily published an article he wrote entitled "The Surprise Attack of the Official Steep Gate near Wuhu".

Yan'an reprinted the "Record of Actual Combat Experience" co-authored by Su Yu and Chief of Staff Luo Zhongyi, and popularized it to the officers and men of the Eighth Route Army and the New Fourth Army.   

Su Yu's guerrilla tactics became famous, and the Kuomintang also came to "learn from the scriptures."

The Kuomintang Third Theater sent someone to invite Su Yu to teach him the experience of guerrilla warfare.

Su Yu's in-depth and vivid speech made the Kuomintang generals feel like they were enlightened and benefited a lot.

4. Liu Bocheng called him "the best general."

Nor did I say the word "one".

On September 21, 1949, the First Plenary Session of the Political Consultative Conference of the people's Chinese, composed of representatives of the Communist Party of China, democratic parties, people's organizations, the People's Liberation Army, various regions, nationalities, overseas Chinese and other patriotic democrats, was held to discuss various matters concerning the founding of the country.

The arrival of the PLA delegation was particularly remarkable.

The delegates welcomed with warm applause these soldiers, who had made immortal contributions to the founding of the Republic.

Among them were Zhu De, Peng Dehuai, Liu Bocheng and others.

Su Yu walked into the venue with Liu Bocheng, Su Yu was not too tall, a thin and spirited middle-aged soldier, he was smiling but slightly restrained, and his steps were confident but revealed the weakness of a few strands of books.

Who is this?

Commander-in-Chief Zhu De saw the doubts of the deputies, and he turned back to signal to Liu Bocheng.

Liu Bocheng nodded and smiled loudly in a heavy Sichuan township voice: "This is General Su Yu." General Su Yu won every battle and was the best general in the People's Liberation Army (the word "one" was added when he was published). You must have heard about it earlier, right? ”

"Visiting Changsheng General Su Yu" was published in the People's Daily on September 27, 1949, in which Liu Bocheng commented that Su Yu was "deeply wise, courageous, victorious in hundreds of battles, and the best general of our army." There are ancient famous generals and ancient generals, and he is a Chinese strategist. (When the manuscript was published, it was revised) The interview record is Shi Lao's handwriting.

5. Lin Biao once said: "After the Nanchang Uprising, from the beginning of the Southern Expedition Road to the Jinggangshan period, we were counted as two of us who fought well. Later, different styles were formed due to different experiences. Because for a long time, I shouldered the heavy responsibility of defending the Party Central Committee and was the main force under the direct command of Chairman Mao, my burden was very heavy, and I was more cautious in fighting the war. Under normal circumstances, with 70% certainty to fight, only 50% or 60% certainty, the risk is too great, can not fight, wait until there is 80% or 90% certainty, and will lose the fighter, there is no battle to fight! Comrade Su Yu, on the other hand, has been far away from the central authorities for a long time, has been fighting alone for a long time, and generally speaking, he fights a battle under the situation surrounded by the enemy, and he cannot survive without taking risks, which has cultivated the characteristics of daring to take risks. ”

Su Yu's miraculous command, together with Lin Biao in a period of time, was also full of admiration, and when Su Yu won consecutive battles, Lin Biao once sighed: "Su Yu fought the Immortal War, Su Yu really fought the war, and I did not dare to make up my mind about the battles he fought." ”

Su Yu was also the only military general Lin Biao praised in his life.

6. After the founding of the People's Republic of China, Su Yu successively served as chief of the general staff of the People's Liberation Army.

On September 27, 1955, Su Yu was awarded the rank of Grand General and was awarded the Order of August 1st Class, the Order of Independence and Freedom of the First Class, and the Liberation Medal of the First Class.

In October 1988, Su Yu was named one of the "36 Founding Military Figures of the Communist Party of China" by the Central Military Commission.

7. Why su Yu's memoirs sold for a sky-high price, this precious treasure book was written with blood and tears.

After the founding of the People's Republic of China, many generals wrote memoirs.

General Su Yu initially did not want to write. Because, when he thinks about the past, he feels pain.

But later, in the face of the severe and deteriorating international situation, in order to wake up future generations, he was still determined to write several memoirs.

As a result, he became a general of the Republic who wrote his memoirs later.

Because of the late deterioration of the body, it is a memoir written with the help of the lady.

Therefore, his memoirs sold for 4,000, which was also a sky-high price at that time.

8. General Su Yu accompanied his wife to the street for dinner, and actually told his wife that a machine gun in this restaurant could block the entire street.

9. Before su Yu died, he left behind the verse "Life and death are ordinary things, and the music will be paid to Qingshan".

The people also left him with the word of mouth of "one heart for the people, two commanders, three advances, four crossings of the Yangtze River, one of the five general front committees, six wounded, seven battles and seven victories, eight provincial journeys, nine deaths in one life, and the head of the ten generals", which is the most beautiful summary of General Su Yu's great life.

Second, the nature of General Su Yu's greatness.

1. One of the essences of the soul

(1) In the form of guerrilla warfare, expand the linkage between war and battlefield, and fight the movement of the overall situation.

(2) Guerrilla warfare attacks, confuses, confuses, and blocks the enemy, and concentrates superior forces with the backhand to encircle and annihilate the enemy's main force and eliminate its living forces.

(3) Guerrilla warfare fights shadow warfare, and mobile warfare fights annihilation warfare, often two consecutive battles.

(4) Shadow battle slow motion, firmly used to block learning, movement battle fast movement interspersed.

For example, in October 1940, Han Deqin, chairman of the Kuomintang diehard Jiangsu Province and deputy commander-in-chief of the Lusu Theater, mobilized 30,000 troops to launch a large-scale attack in accordance with Chiang Kai-shek's orders, in a vain attempt to annihilate the New Fourth Army in the Huangqiao area.

Considering that the enemy was outnumbered and outnumbered, Su Yu decided to adopt the operational policy of taking the Yellow Bridge as the axis (that is, the shadow battle banner), luring the enemy to go deep and break through each one, and set up a front-line command post at the Yellow Bridge, with him in charge of battlefield command, with three-quarters of the troops as the assault force (that is, the main force of the movement interspersed war), with only a quarter of the troops (that is, the main force of the shadow war) to guard the Yellow Bridge, and the strong enemy located on the right flank of the middle road, the Independent 6th Brigade, as the first target of annihilation.   

On the 4th, the 33rd Division of the 89th Army of the Recalcitrant Army attacked the east gate of Huangqiao, and the Independent 6th Brigade marched south from Takahashi.

In order to grasp the most favorable time for the attack, Su Yu rushed to the north gate (that is, to observe and hold the timing of the mobile battle attack), climbed to the height of Tucheng to watch, and when the enemy completely entered the area where we were ambushed, Su Yu gave the order to attack.

After fierce fighting, the enemy's independent 6th Brigade was completely annihilated, and the brigade commander Onda committed suicide.

After that, Su Yu focused his command on the area under and east of Huangqiao City (i.e., the banner of the second shadow battle in a series of second rings).

In order to reverse the unfavorable situation, the Kuomintang recalcitrant army covered the troops to attack the east gate of the Yellow Bridge with fierce artillery fire, most of the fortifications of the New Fourth Army were destroyed, and some of the enemy broke into the east gate, and the Yellow Bridge was in a hurry.

Tao Yong, commander of the 3rd Column, took off his shirt, swung his saber, and led his troops to kill the enemy out of the east gate, and then set up a machine gun to resist.  

At this time, the 1st and 2nd columns of the New Fourth Army in northern Jiangsu quickly interspersed and completed the encirclement of the 89th Army of the Recalcitrant Army that had entered the area east of the Yellow Bridge (that is, the second launch of the movement interspersed battle).

After a night of fierce fighting, the recalcitrant 89th Army was annihilated, the commander Li Shouwei drowned in the water during the escape, and the remnants of the army fled in the direction of Hai'an.

2. The essence of the soul is the second.

(1) It is conducive to pursuing and annihilating speed, controlling the achievement of geographical goals, not talking about material gains, but only talking about the achievement of strategic goals.

(2) Unfavorable retreat talks about speed, control away from geographical targets, preserve strength, and seek another fighter.

For example, in order to control the Yangtze River and develop towards the seashore, Su Yu regarded Hai'an as the primary target of the pursuit war, and the order stipulated: "Regardless of fatigue, at all costs, do not re-capture, but take advantage of the victory to pursue and occupy Hai'an." ”

The New Fourth Army then occupied Hai'an.

Chen Yi generously wrote a poem: "Who belongs to the Han Dynasty of the Jianghuai River?" The red flag is flying in October. ”

For another example, when Su Yu was the chief of staff of the Red Tenth Army, he observed a marching route and terrain, told Fang Zhimin that he wanted to break through immediately, Fang Zhimin thought it was reasonable, and persuaded Liu Yuxi, the commander of the Red Tenth Army, but Liu Yuxi thought that the soldiers were too tired to rest and hesitated, and as a result, he and Fang Zhimin were arrested together.

Su Yu immediately led a small number of vanguard troops to withdraw quickly, in a timely manner, and in advance.

This battle led to Wang Yaowu's promotion from brigade commander to division commander.

However, if Su Yu was the commander of the Red Tenth Army, Wang Yaowu would not only not have the day to emerge, but fang Zhimin and the Red Tenth Army would certainly survive and develop and grow.

3. The third essence of the soul.

(1) He fights a big battle to win, moves first, and dares to fight as a soul.

(2) He fights to block or ambush to win, geography first, investigation as the soul.

(3) He plots to intersperse or retreat successfully, speed first, deduction as the soul.

(4) The speed of decision-making, troop mobilization, and mobilization is the basis for ensuring victory in war.

For example, in January 1939, the Battle of the New Fourth Army under his command ended in only 8 minutes.

Killed more than 200 Japanese puppet troops, captured 57 alive, and captured more than 80 long and short guns.

This is also rare in the world's military history.

Another example is that in June 1946, the Kuomintang reactionaries, with the support of US imperialism, brazenly launched a full-scale civil war.

In mid-July, Tang Enbo (later Li Mo'an), commander of the Kuomintang First Sui District, who was entrenched in Nantong, commanded five integrated divisions and fifteen brigades totaling 120,000 people to launch a large-scale attack on the liberated areas of central Jiangsu.

In accordance with the instructions of the Central Military Commission of the CPC Central Committee, Su Yu, commander of the Central China Field Army, and Tan Zhenlin, political commissar, led their troops to carry out a self-defense counterattack in the central Soviet region.

From July 13 to August 27, seven consecutive battles were fought, and the battle was won, annihilating more than 53,000 enemy troops, which was called the Battle of Suzhong.

At that time, a spokesman for the Yan'an headquarters of the People's Liberation Army called the campaign "seven battles and seven victories."

The main events of the campaign were:

In the first battle, the Battle of Taixing at Xuanjiabao from July 13 to 15, our army attacked the enemy first and annihilated more than 3,000 enemy personnel.

In the second battle, from July 18 to 21, the Battle of Ru (Gao) South, our army rushed from a long distance, completely annihilating one division, one brigade and the majority of another brigade, totaling more than 10,000 people.

In the third battle, from July 30 to August 3, the Battle of Hai'an, our army killed and wounded more than 3,000 enemy people in the movement defense.

In the fourth battle, the Battle of Fort Lee from August 10 to 11, the enemy was completely annihilated and a half brigade was aided by the enemy, totaling more than 9,000 people.

In the fifth battle, from August 21 to 22, the battles of Dingyan and Linzi were fought, and our army inserted itself behind the enemy's back, annihilating five brigades of the Dingyan defending enemy traffic police corps and Lin Zi defending the enemy's battalion, a total of more than 3,000 people.

In the sixth battle, from August 23 to 26, the Battle of Shaobo, our army fought with continuous attacks and white blades, and fought bloody battles for four days and nights, annihilating more than 2,000 enemy troops.

In the seventh battle, from August 25 to 27, the Battle of Ru (Gao) Huang (Bridge) Road, our army adopted the tactic of attacking Huang and saving Shao, and annihilated two and a half brigades of the enemy in a mobile battle, totaling more than 17,000 people.

The units participating in this campaign of our army are the 1st Division, the 6th Division, the 7th Column, and the 10th Column of the Central China Field Army, as well as the 5th Brigade, Special Service Regiment, and Artillery Regiment of the Central China Military Region, totaling more than 30,000 people.

There are hundreds of thousands of local armed forces, militias, and people in the Soviet Union who participated in the war and supported the former.

Our army suffered more than 10,000 casualties.

At the core of the first battle, only 4 words were said, "First attack the enemy."

In fact, Li Mo'an was also a very powerful strategist, but he had poor luck and met the god-level Su Yu God of War.

He has 120,000 and is well-equipped, su Yu is only 30,000.

He swung the word "one" to fight all over the line, always found a breakthrough, and was trying to attack all lines.

However, Chiang Kai-shek received a request from Marshall not to fight, otherwise, the supply of military aid would be cut off.

Li Mo'an sighed and did not move for the time being.

However, after Su Yu learned about it, he seized the opportunity to concentrate 2 shares to eat the enemy and 1 share, and attacked quickly and won a big victory.

At the core of the second battle, only 4 words were said, "Long Way Raid".

In fact, the speed with which Li Mo'an reacted to the situation on the battlefield of the war was also amazing.

He knew that Su Yu had already dispatched all the elites to attack his small elite and fought the first battle.

He calculated that the base area of the communist army was already very empty, and before the first battle was over, he mobilized troops to attack the distant base area.

But Su Yu was more nervous and ordered all the remaining troops to run quickly and long with the local militia and rush to the ambush site.

At the same time, 2/3 of the troops were drawn from the main battlefield, and they rushed back from a long distance to quickly reach a favorable position to annihilate the enemy.

Su Yu later recalled, "He used the first battle as a lure in order to fight the second battle and annihilate more enemies." ”

That is, the first battle is hung with a "shadow", and the second battle is used as a long-distance interspersed movement battle to surround and annihilate the enemy's living forces.

He said, "He knows that Li Mo'an is a Whampoa general who is both literate and martial, and his mobility is also very strong. His brain is mobile, and his mechanized troops cannot be maneuvered in the Lake District, and we can only beat him by relying on our geographical expertise. ”

Later, I really don't dare to analyze and explain anymore, and the more I talk about it, the more I am afraid.

Because, Su Yu came out of the horse, the tactics rolled in, and there was indestructible.

Well, let's get back to the point.

Third, the backer behind Su Yu's strength is even more powerful.

1. From Chairman Mao.

During the first anti-"encirclement and suppression" campaign in the Central Soviet Region, Su Yu served as the commander of the 64th Division of the Red Army.

On the morning of December 30, 1930, the thick fog gradually dissipated, and with mao Zedong's order, the Red Army that was ambushed around Longgang fell from the sky, the enemy was suddenly hit, panicked, and fled like a tide, our army took the opportunity to launch a fierce attack, the battle continued until dusk, completely annihilated the enemy, and captured the enemy division commander Zhang Huizhen alive.   

Then, under the command of Mao Zedong, Su Yu led his troops to attack Tan Daoyuan's troops and acted as a frontal attack.

The battle was extremely fierce, and the enemy relied on superior equipment to launch a counterattack against Su Yubu.

The troops in front were torn open by the enemy and rushed to the command position of the division headquarters, and the situation was extremely critical.

At this time, there was only one guard platoon in the division headquarters, and Su Yu was not in danger, commanding everyone to fight hard and not let the enemy advance one step.

Fortunately, the army headquarters was on the hill behind the command position of the 64th Division, only two or three hundred meters apart, and found that the situation here was urgent, and immediately sent a company of reinforcements, detoured from the flank back to the enemy's rear, carried out a two-sided attack, eliminated this enemy, and the enemy's first "encirclement and suppression" was completely crushed.   

During this period, under the direct command of Mao Zedong, Su Yu learned strategies and tactics such as enticing the enemy to penetrate deeply, moving wars, and annihilating wars.

He said with deep understanding: "War has its own laws, and the means of defeating the enemy and winning victory must be found in accordance with the actual conditions of both the enemy and us and the inherent laws of war." ”

2. From Marshal Liu Bocheng.

(1) Liu Bocheng returned from the Soviet Union and succeeded He Changgong as the principal of the Ruijin Red Army School, and adapted the Soviet military textbooks (suitable for urban warfare) into a series of guerrilla warfare and mobile warfare textbooks suitable for combining rural and urban Areas in China.

This textbook not only cultivated many outstanding Red Army cadres in the early days, but also maintained a high degree of consistency with Mao Zedong's war ideology.

This flexible strategy and tactic of being able to win more with less has already passed the test of the practice of the Jinggangshan struggle, that is, the upper and middle leaders such as Zhu De, Zhou Enlai, Chen Yi, Peng Dehuai, and Lin Biao are recognized.

However, through this textbook, the lower-level cadres recognized the value of Mao Zedong's war ideas.

In the face of the erroneous war decisions made by many leaders of the Communist International in those years to deviate from China's reality, the cadres of the entire Red Army from top to bottom achieved complete unity of thought and opposed them.

Liu Bocheng's set of teaching materials indirectly supported and consolidated the awakening power of Mao Zedong's leadership position in the Red Army.

In times of failure or desperation, everyone thinks: Ask Chairman Mao Zedong to come out and take the helm.

(2) The Duanjin Red School trained a number of the best commanders, especially Su Yu, a high-ranking general of the Gestapo level, and planted early excellent seeds for the three major battles of the Liberation War.

(3) Liu Bocheng presided over the compilation of all-round systematic teaching materials for the Red Army that truly conformed to China's reality.

The actual level and guiding value of this set of teaching materials exceeded the level of teaching materials in Huangpu and various types of martial arts halls in that year.

Thus, the level of red army cadres exceeded the overall level and command ability of the cadres of the Kuomintang and warlord forces.

When Su Yu entered the Ruijin Red School to study, he was the battalion commander, and it was here that he learned to quickly draw maps with Principal Liu, and finally became the general with the strongest ability to deduce maps in the army.

His chief of staff, Luo Zhongyi, also graduated from ruijin red school.

Su Yu and Luo Zhongyi should both be counted as students of Marshal Liu Bocheng.

Therefore, Marshal Liu Bocheng is also proud of them and has a good relationship.

3. From General Xun Huaizhou.

"Our four hundred trillion compatriots, together, have all declared a word of loyalty to the country, and the brutal imperialism and his warlords who are running dogs will naturally be easy to overthrow him."

General Xun Huaizhou had great ambitions at a very young age.

This general is a more legendary general in the military history of China and even the world.

He fought countless vicious battles, dangerous battles, and strange battles, and often won more with less.

At the age of 18, he became the commander of the Red Army, and Su Yu was his chief of staff at the same time, and Xiao Jinguang was the political commissar.

It is a pity that General Xun Huaizhou died at the age of 22.

Su Yu has absorbed so much nutrition and wisdom from this little boss!

4. From Marshal Chen Yi.

Marshal Chen Yi didn't need me to say, my relatives knew no less than me.

This old superior's open-mindedness will give Su Yu immeasurable wisdom and strategic vision.

But I would like to add only one point: The most overlooked and precisely the most powerful point in Marshal Chen Yi is the most resolute leadership over the eight major disciplines.

I remember that the soldiers who liberated Shanghai slept on the street and touched countless Shanghainese.

General Su Yu followed General Chen Yi to learn the fundamental truth of relying on the masses to win the battle.

5. From General Tan Zhenlin.

General Tan Zhenlin is very senior and is one of chairman Mao's most reassuring old revolutionaries. The chairman loves to call him "Boss Tan".

Boss Tan not only knows how to fight wars, but also loves to fight battles of wisdom, and has a wealth of revolutionary experience in his life, especially engaged in logistics and social movements, which is not comparable to ordinary people.

Su Yu has such a political commissar partner, saving countless things!

6. From General Luo Zhongyi.

Luo Zhongyi and Su Yu were both outstanding young officers who graduated from ruijin red school that year.

Although he was general Su Yu's chief of staff, his wisdom was also amazing.

He was also a general whose plots were superimposed, and he won more with less, but his pattern and vision were slightly worse than General Su Yu's.

Before Su Yu arrived in Central Suzhou, Luo Zhongyi had already led his troops in three battles and three victories, laying the foundation for the second rise of the New Fourth Army.

Unfortunately, he also died young.

Think about it, General Su Yu's 6 major backers, coupled with his own genius military wisdom, the opponent is completely unbearable!

How powerful it is!

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