
Cao Wei's biggest tiger, or Cao Cao's savior, what was Cao Hong's final fate?

author:Fun History Network

  During the Three Kingdoms period, Cao Cao had a clan army under his account, namely Xu Yu, Zhang Liao, Le Jin, Li Dian, Cao Ren, Cao Hong, Xiahou Yuan, and Xiahou Huan. Because it belongs to the same volume in the history book "Romance of the Three Kingdoms", they are all outstanding heroic figures, and they are deeply loved by modern netizens, who honor these eight as the Eight Tiger Riders. In the "Eight Tigers Ride", Cao Hong is a relatively special existence, why does the editor say so? Let's move on.

Cao Wei's biggest tiger, or Cao Cao's savior, what was Cao Hong's final fate?

  Cao Hong (?-232), courtesy name Zilian, was a native of Peiguo County (沛国谯县, in modern Bozhou, Anhui), and was a brother-in-law of Cao Cao. Since Cao Cao's army began, Cao Hong has been following Cao Cao in his conquests. In 190 AD, when Cao Cao raised an army against Dong Zhuo, the army marched to Xingyang, but was defeated by Dong Zhuo's general Xu Rong. In this battle, Cao Cao not only killed and wounded more than half of his soldiers, but even himself and his warhorses were shot, and he was about to be captured and beheaded, but at this time Cao Hong gave up his mount to Cao Cao and said, "The world can live without me Cao Hong, but it cannot be without you." Subsequently, Cao Hong followed Cao Cao on foot to Beishui. Later, Cao Hong found a boat to let Cao Cao cross the river and successfully let him return to Yu County, so that Cao Cao escaped.

  It is precisely because of this that Cao Cao has great respect and trust for Cao Hong. In the subsequent conquests, Cao Hong fought for nearly thirty years, ping yanzhou, liu biao, zhu arm, defeated Zhang Gaolan, beheaded Wu LanRenku, and retired Zhang Feima Chao, which made great contributions to the establishment of Cao Wei. He also relied on his military exploits to become a general during Cao Cao's reign and was made the Marquis of Mingting.

Cao Wei's biggest tiger, or Cao Cao's savior, what was Cao Hong's final fate?

  Cao Hong's family property was very strong with the rewards of the imperial court, the plundering of the territory, and the fact that he was already rich and good at management. In the first year of Yankang (220), when Cao Pi ascended the throne, Cao Hong served as a Wei general. Transferred to the rank of General of the Hussars, he entered the Prince of Fengye, entered the Thousand Households, and the first two thousand one hundred households, the position of Special Jin. Later, he was enfeoffed as the Marquis of Duyang. In the seventh year of the Huang Dynasty (226), Cao Pi loved outings but had insufficient funds to borrow money from Cao Hong, but Cao Hong was stingy and reluctant to borrow. Cao Pi felt that he had lost face and gradually hated Cao Hong, which made the two people tie the knot. Later, the resentful Cao Pi used Cao Hong's protégé to break the law and put Cao Hong in jail and put him to death. When Empress Bian heard this, she said that if Cao Pi insisted on executing Cao Hong, she would ask to be deposed from the throne of Empress Guo. Under empress Guo's pleas, Cao Pi could only reluctantly release Cao Hong and demote him to a commoner.

  In the seventh year of the Huang Dynasty (226), Cao Pi died of illness in Luoyang, and the crown prince Cao Rui took the throne, and Cao Hongcai was reused, and was made a general and renamed the Marquis of Lecheng. In the sixth year of Taihe (232), Cao Hong died and was posthumously honored as The Marquis of Gong. He was the Marquis of Cao Fu (曹馥嗣侯).

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