
Song Yingxing, the author of "Tiangong Kaiwu", was anti-Qing all his life, but after 300 years, he was shaved and braided

author:Fox Dawn

Recently, in a variety show, the author of "Tiangong Kaiwu", the Ming Dynasty scientist Song Yingxing, appeared in three different age states of youth, middle age and old age, of which the elderly version of Song Yingxing was processed into a Qing Dynasty hairstyle with shaved hair and braids, which was completely different from the Previous Youth and Middle-aged Ming Dynasty hairstyle decorations.

Song Yingxing, the author of "Tiangong Kaiwu", was anti-Qing all his life, but after 300 years, he was shaved and braided

Because many people know that Song Yingxing's brother insisted on resisting the Qing and died of martyrdom when the Qing army entered the customs. Song Yingxing himself also adhered to the attitude of never cooperating with the Qing court, lived in seclusion in the countryside for many years, and left a testament, and his descendants were not allowed to eunuch the Qing court.

Therefore, for such a Ming Dynasty remnant who adhered to national integrity and refused to submit to the rule of the Qing Dynasty, the practice of giving him "shaving his hair and wearing pigtails" in variety shows caused controversy among many netizens.

Song Yingxing, the author of "Tiangong Kaiwu", was anti-Qing all his life, but after 300 years, he was shaved and braided

This incident just proves that the historical adviser of the program group, that is, the academic community's attitude towards the history of the Ming, Qing, and Yi dynasties, is still completely different from the simple and just cognition of the majority of netizens.

For a long time, those historical consultants hired in historical dramas involving the late Ming and early Qing dynasties, that is, experts and scholars who specialized in the study of this "history of national pain," have been adhering to the strange theory that they invented themselves and passed on for many years: "The entry of the Qing Dynasty into customs is a just war representing the great unification of a multi-ethnic country, and opposing the Qing Dynasty and restoring the Ming Dynasty is to engage in splittism and resist great unification."

It is under the guidance of this theory that they will do their best to wash away the likes of Shang Kexi and Hong Chengzu, so that these national scum who betrayed the country and the nation and slaughtered the city and the wilderness will be transformed into great heroes who "safeguard the great unity of the multi-ethnic country."

In 2004, at an academic seminar in a certain place to commemorate the "400th anniversary of the birth of Prince Shang Kexi of Pingnan of the Qing Dynasty", a large number of so-called "Qing history experts" gathered together and announced that they would give Shang Kexi, who had long been one of the "three domains" along with Wu Sangui, the king of the Qing Dynasty. They claim:

[It is still gratifying to be able to clearly understand the overall situation, conform to the trend and the people's hearts, not only can move forward with the times, but also seize the opportunity, be wise and self-protective, and retreat bravely. This is a historical figure who was able to control his own destiny at a turning point in history and is a national hero of the Chinese nation. 】

In 2006, a ceremony was held to commemorate the 330th anniversary of Shang Kexi's death:

Song Yingxing, the author of "Tiangong Kaiwu", was anti-Qing all his life, but after 300 years, he was shaved and braided

For example, the "Hong Cheng domain commemoration activity" in a certain place:

Song Yingxing, the author of "Tiangong Kaiwu", was anti-Qing all his life, but after 300 years, he was shaved and braided

The same group of "Qing history experts" advocate:

[From the perspective of the overall situation of history, the entry of the Qing army into the customs and the establishment of the Qing Dynasty should be affirmed. Hong Chengzu, on the other hand, contributed to the unification of the founding of the Qing Dynasty and the early Qing Dynasty. 】

A certain "academic titan" in the field of early Qing historiography even more openly claimed:

[Hong Chengzu conformed to the general trend of history, abandoned the dark and cast light, dedicated his talents to the new cause of reunification, and made unremitting efforts to this end. Times have changed, and so have the old notions of historiography. Only by abandoning the standard of evaluating historical figures according to the distinction between Huayi and Yi can we make a scientific evaluation of Hong Chengyu and other people who have descended to the Qing Dynasty. 】

Therefore, in the "Kangxi Dynasty" TV series, the Manchu Qing court of the Kangxi Emperor is regarded as the positive protagonist, and Zheng Jing, the son of Zheng Chenggong, and the Southern Ming Dongning regime that he keeps a Chinese crown are ugly as clown villains who "resist the reunification of the motherland." In the play, the Qing Dynasty monarchs and even "the great righteousness is awe-inspiring" to educate the audience, "Shaving the hair and changing clothes represents the unity of the whole country and represents the great unification."

Song Yingxing, the author of "Tiangong Kaiwu", was anti-Qing all his life, but after 300 years, he was shaved and braided

The TV series "Shi Lang Dajun" goes a step further, making Han chinese women cry at the Qing Dynasty soldiers, "I would rather die under the knife of Grandpa Belle than return to Taiwan to separate flesh and bones"

Almost the only TV series that comprehensively depicts the history of the Southern Ming Dynasty, "The East Stream of the Long River", suppressed the drama for four years, cut eight episodes, and all the important figures of the Southern Ming were forced to change their names, such as Li Dingguo changing his name to Li Changsheng, He Tengjiao to He Lingjia, Wang Fuzhi to Wan Fuzi, Mu Tianbo to Mu Xianpo, Gao Yigong to Gao Wentong, and so on, before it was reluctantly broadcast on the ground channel.

Song Yingxing, the author of "Tiangong Kaiwu", was anti-Qing all his life, but after 300 years, he was shaved and braided

It can be seen that almost all the anti-Qing righteous warriors and heroes of the TV series, when mentioning the Manchu Qing court, have to take the honorific title of "Daqing", but they cannot say lines such as "Tarzi" and "Manchu Qing", regardless of how funny the word "Daqing" is spoken from their mouths.

In several versions of the "Deer Ding" TV series remade in the mainland, Zheng Ketuan, Chen Jinnan, and other people who were the leaders of the anti-Qing regime in the Southern Ming Dynasty also had their scalps shaved and had money rat tails, even if in the original jin Yong novel, it was written that they used wigs to braid when they disguised themselves.

2014 edition of "Deer Ding" Chen Jinnan:

Song Yingxing, the author of "Tiangong Kaiwu", was anti-Qing all his life, but after 300 years, he was shaved and braided

Therefore, it is extremely ironic that in the Hong Kong film and television version of "Deer Ding", Chen Jinnan, who does not shave his hair at all and combs his big back, may actually be more in line with the decoration of "Taiwan Kong Ming" and The General Producer of Dongning, Lord Chen, who infiltrated the mainland to preside over anti-Qing activities.

2020 edition of "Deer Ding" Chen Jinnan VS 1992 movie "Deer Ding" Chen Jinnan

Song Yingxing, the author of "Tiangong Kaiwu", was anti-Qing all his life, but after 300 years, he was shaved and braided

For the producers of these TV dramas, it is most important to follow the "great unification" and "political correctness" advocated by historical advisers, and not to leave any omissions that are considered to be innuendos to "resisting great unification and advocating division", which may bring related risks and affect their own money.

Therefore, in these TV series, anti-Qing heroes like Chen Jinnan must be shaved and braided like Manchu Qing slaves such as Aobai Wei Xiaobao, and the real history and rationality are completely left aside.

Therefore, in this long-term and conventional TV series creation environment, of course, there is a strange thing in the TV series "Legend of Dragon Ball", a national hero who has been anti-Qing all his life and has never stopped dying, Li Dingguo, the king of the Ming Dynasty and Jin Dynasty, has also been forcibly shaved and braided by the drama side.

Song Yingxing, the author of "Tiangong Kaiwu", was anti-Qing all his life, but after 300 years, he was shaved and braided

Not to mention, this in itself is a strange TV series that makes the princess of the Yongli Emperor of the Ming Dynasty fall in love with the Kangxi Emperor of the Manchu Qing Dynasty and turn the feud between the family and the country into the background of male and female love.

Song Yingxing, the author of "Tiangong Kaiwu", was anti-Qing all his life, but after 300 years, he was shaved and braided

Of course, the "Legend of Dragon Ball" released in 2017 was not as popular as the "Secret History of the Crown Prince" that also made up "Ming Dynasty Princesses Fell in Love with manchu Qing Royalty" ten years ago, but was scolded by the whole network, boycotted in groups, and in the public anger, the ratings were dismal and hastily screened, with a single-day minimum rating of only 0.126%, and the 90th episode finale. The ratings were only a pitiful 0.258%.

Song Yingxing, the author of "Tiangong Kaiwu", was anti-Qing all his life, but after 300 years, he was shaved and braided

For the producers, choreographers, actors, and related advertisers of the show, they are completely more than worth the loss, which in itself shows the aspirations of today's audiences.

In the online novel industry, which can most directly grasp the likes and dislikes of readers and reflect the emotional tendencies of the public, since more than a decade ago, there has long been a saying that "wear clear and do not rebel, butt set electric drill":

As the protagonist of a modern soul in an online novel, no matter whether he travels to the early, middle, or late Qing Dynasty, no matter which Manchu Emperor he is facing, his life choice is and can only be "overthrow the Qing Dynasty, re-glorify Huaxia"!

As for the individual writers who vainly attempt to challenge this iron law and have to "use modern knowledge to support the Qing Dynasty", they are all under the angry condemnation and spit of the vast number of online readers, they have broken their heads and bloodshed, and have been permanently dragged into the blacklist by readers, and their money and future have been ruined!

This is the desire of the people, this is the trend of the times!

As for those "historical advisers" who still adhere to the outdated and backward concepts and have no choice but to resist the general trend of the rejuvenation and rise of the Chinese nation,

Those "experts and scholars" who refuse to repent and still regard the public's national feelings as foolish, send them a word:

Those who profit from the country, although the grass people are also the people of the country. Those who speak well, even if they are great Confucians, they are also woeful! - Rat tail juice!

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