
Dai Lei Sun Xiaodong Huang Huaqiong The tough earth turtle fought against the war

author:12-cylinder car net

In the "Romance of the Three Kingdoms", Liu Beisan Gu Maolu invited Wolong Zhuge Liang out of the mountain, and after getting Zhuge Liang, Liu Bei treated him with the courtesy of a teacher, and Guan Yu and Zhang Fei were displeased, saying: "Kong is young next year, he has a lot of talent to learn, and his brother treats him too much; and he has not seen his true effect!" Liu Bei said, "I have Kong Ming, and the fish of Judah has the water." The two brothers should not say much. After taking office, Zhuge Liang immediately did his best to burn Bowangpo and Xinyecheng, defeated Cao Ying's 100,000 troops twice with thousands of soldiers and horses, and fought two major victories in succession, which won the hearts of Guan Yu and Zhang Fei, who were more than ten years older.

Dai Lei Sun Xiaodong Huang Huaqiong The tough earth turtle fought against the war

Don't think today's topic is boiled three kingdoms. When it comes to the topic of airborne troops, Zhuge Liang, who dates back more than 1800 years ago, cannot but talk about it. At that time, Liu Bei invited Zhuge Liang, who was working in Nanyang, to give him the title of an airborne CEO. At that time, it was a great chaos in the world, Cao Cao sat in the imperial court, Sun Quan mercenaries Eastern Wu, Zhuge Liang came out of the mountains, naturally came to be a hero of the chaotic world rather than a Taiping prime minister. Looking at the characters he wanted to manage, Guan Yu and Zhang Fei were already famous at that time, and they were brothers with Liu Bei who "died on the same day in the same month of the same year", whether it was from the perspective of age, seniority, or organizational atmosphere, it was a great challenge for Zhuge Liang's airborne mission. Therefore, although Zhuge Liang always seems to wear a big turban and shake the goose feather fan, it is very dashing, but his heart is under a lot of pressure, he has to do everything personally, and finally he accumulates labor and illness, and ends up with an overwork death.

The water depth of the rivers and lakes

From today's point of view, Zhuge Liang is undoubtedly an extremely successful "airborne soldier". With his resourcefulness and personal commitment, he firmly grasped the military and political power of the Shu Han Dynasty and became an irreplaceable spiritual leader.

Like Liu Bei, the bosses use the airborne soldiers, often because the enterprise encounters problems that urgently need to be solved, hoping to "see the immediate results, the medicine to eliminate the disease", and the airborne soldiers are regarded as the jianghu divine doctors who "cure all diseases". At this time, both inside and outside the group are using a magnifying glass to see if they can save the company from fire and water.

Mulali is a success story. During Ford's most difficult period, Mullari parachuted into Ford after saving Boeing. As a complete layman, countless pairs of questioning eyes stared at this airborne aviation industry person, thinking that Ford's fate was almost at the end of the road. However, Mulalli decisively took up the scalpel and performed the "open chest and abdomen surgery" for the company, which he was best at.

Of course, in order to get less resistance, Mulally still tried to close the distance between himself and the old Man Ford, and established a good relationship with the original team as much as possible. When he encounters car terminology that he does not understand, he will immediately ask the staff around him. This frank and sincere CEO quickly gained the favor of the employees.

Most of the paratroopers have gone through such a process, talking with the boss of the enterprise several times, appreciating each other, seeing each other and hating each other, and the boss is graciously invited, fully authorized, and promised heavy profits. But after that, the story is not so beautiful. As the song sings, not every relationship has good memories, the paratroopers have no foundation in the new company, fight alone, and seem to weave an invisible network of relationships around them. Since to be a hero of the chaotic world, it is necessary to carry out drastic reforms, which inevitably involve the reshuffling and redistribution of interests, and stakeholders are often deep-rooted, even the cronies of the bosses, and cannot move. The rivers and lakes are deep, and it is not easy to be an airborne soldier.

"In general, in pioneering enterprises, this practice is especially used when it is necessary to seek a new development model." A person in charge of human resources of a car company said, "Generally, more mature and large-scale enterprises still tend to cultivate and select senior management talents from within the enterprise, because they fully accept the development concept of the enterprise." This may also be the reason why local car companies are keen to introduce external brains.

Yin Tongyue's balancing technique

Chery Automobile has been both a paradise for airborne soldiers and a black hole for airborne soldiers for so many years. "A team that can endure hardships and is particularly loyal, but according to the new system, no one will do it." This is Chery Chairman Yin Tongyue's evaluation of Chery's entrepreneurial team. In order to transform, from the media paratrooper to the professional manager paratrooper, from the old classmate to the family, from the returnee to the foreigner, Yin Tongyue tried all kinds of people and so on. The final result is that Chery is constantly infighting, and the internal management has been turbulent.

In the early years, Chery once gathered a large number of returnee doctors and experts such as Gu Lei, Xu Min, Yuan Tao, Xin Jun, Qi Guojun, Yuan Yongbin, Li Ming, Zhu Xinchao, etc. These returnees were all high-ranking and high-paid, and some were even higher than Yin Tongyue himself. Chery 'old man' will naturally be unbalanced. However, "Chery Godfather" Zhan Xialai desperately encouraged the introduction of foreign talents. Zhan once said: "If an enterprise wants to have a breakthrough development, it must have breakthrough thinking and must solve the problem of talents. ”

At that time, the "Eight Great Kongs" and the "Returnees" represented by Lu Jianhui, Lu Fujun and other disciples and soldiers were once quite different. At that time, the "returnees" did not agree with Chery's strategy of "rapidly growing bigger". They believe that the rapid development of the enterprise now is a symptom, does not mean that it is doing well. Blindly entering the overseas market is a big hidden danger, Chery needs to do the basic things well, such as product quality and design.

"Everybody has an opinion, the old man thinks I'm moving toward the new person, the new man thinks I haven't changed yet, I don't fully support them." Yin Tongyue, who was tired of balancing in the middle, felt great pressure. Despite this, most of the returnees who had been dreaming of it have now disappeared from Chery. Not only that, the original team members who formed the team in Wuhu with Yin Tongyue at that time, Such as Zhou Biren, Jin Yibo, Du Wenkai, Lu Jianhui, Zhang Yafeng, Feng Wutang, Lu Fujun, etc., and were called the "Eight King Kongs" have now also disintegrated, Du Wenkai and Zhang Yafeng have left Chery one after another, Lu Fujun and Jin Yibo have gradually wandered outside chery's core leadership circle, and Lu Jianhui and No. 200 people have set up another Jiangbei Automobile Project in Wuhu City.

Huang Huaqiong, another general manager of Chery Automobile Marketing Company, who parachuted in, is said to be facing huge resistance now. Although Huang Huaqiong was born in a family of scholars in Shanghai, she was commented on by the circle as a wide-open and vigorous personality, and served as the director of public relations and marketing in Shanghai General Public Relations for 6 years, after which she became famous.

After Huang Huaqiong took charge of Chery's domestic marketing power, he made a drastic reform of the internal marketing system, dismantling the original "sales management department" into "dealer support department" and "sales support department", the sales company gradually shifted from sales management functions to marketing support, and some important functions of the original sales department were divided into other departments. However, recently, a relevant person revealed, "Later, I couldn't play it, and I changed it to the original sales management department again." "On the surface, it seems that the name change is blocked, but in fact, the long-term and short-term contradictions brought about by the system reform and the conflict between brand and sales have touched the interests of some people, and Huang Huaqiong herself has been greatly excluded in decision-making."

Sun Xiaodong, who has a very different personality from Huang Huaqiong, also parachuted into Geely Automobile in September 2012, and in May 2013, he took over Liu Jinliang Dayin as the general manager of Geely Group's sales company. Although Sun Xiaodong has established his own personal sign in the field of automobile marketing through the Shanghai GM War, from a joint venture to an independent enterprise, Sun Xiaodong has always maintained humility. According to a person from Geely's public relations department, after taking office, the "big shrimp" quickly integrated into the team and won the hearts and minds of the people, "There is no distance between us, but a sense of intimacy." More importantly, Sun Xiaodong did not have three fires when a new official took office, did not hold the attitude of tearing down and starting over, and single-handedly changed the entire ecosystem, but on the basis of inheritance, he carried out some reforms to Jili.

At this year's Beijing Auto Show, Geely released a new LOGO of six-pack abs and proposed a new brand development strategy for Geely, when Chen Anning, president of Chery Research Institute, said that because Chery had also experienced multiple brand strategies before, he said that he was particularly willing, if possible, to help Geely, Sun Xiaodong made a clever and appropriate answer: "At different time nodes, the company's strategic arrangement will make some changes, but it is not that we have done it wrong in the past, if there is no past process, We can't develop so fast, that's the first point. Second, we do not throw away all the things of the past, but extract the essence of the past. "Sure enough, he is a professional manager with great wisdom.

Professional managers who parachute in do need to be familiar with the rules of survival on the rivers and lakes, and sometimes whether the personal hero complex and the mass culture of the enterprise can be well combined are more important than whether they are capable enough. In this regard, Zhao Fuquan, who ran away from Jili, may be worthy of caution. The outside world is rumored that Zhao Fuquan's departure has a lot to do with An Conghui (president of Geely) who fights the world with Li Shufu.

Zhao Fuquan once summed up what he brought to Jili in a witty metaphor: "Not a basket of eggs, but a chicken that lays eggs." In his eyes, the research and development system is one of the most important products he has built in Geely, and various models and core technologies are just by-products produced in the process of building this system. But the unavoidable embarrassment is that in the years when Zhao Fuquan was in charge of the Geely Research Institute, the models he was responsible for developing did not sell well in the market. The best-selling model, the Emgrand EC7, was mainly built by the Korean design team and built by An Conghui, president of Geely Group, at the Beilun base in Ningbo. Emgrand's successful thinking continues the path of Vision, making full use of the power of external suppliers, and this car is the transformation of Geely led by An Conghui to lead the personnel of Ningbo Beilun Base to complete the military order.

An Conghui, graduated from Hubei University of Economics and Management in 1996 on the front foot, and stepped into Geely Automobile on the back foot, is the elder figure of Geely. At the end of 2011, An Conghui was appointed as the president of Geely Group, after taking office, he quickly adjusted some of the management tasks of Geely Research Institute, after adjustment, Geely Group Research Institute research and development products, to compete with external research and development products, which broke the Geely Group Research Institute's "unified management" model, to some extent, also let Zhao Fuquan, the president of the research institute, some faceless. Soon, Zhao Fuquan chose to leave, and his successor, Feng Qingfeng, was another veteran who joined Geely Automobile in 1999.

The big trees should grow on their own from the land

There are many excellent managers among the paratroopers, such as Ford's Mulali, such as tang jun, the working emperor, and Qin Zhi, the auto home. Their arrival often shoulders the mission of taking the enterprise to a higher height, creating great wealth for the enterprise, and even has the potential to change the fate of a company. But often their own fate is not necessarily completely in their own hands, which is the helplessness of the airborne soldiers.

Of course, there are many companies that insist on not using paratroopers. The employment principle of Giant Group Shi Yuzhu is "In addition to professional talents such as CFOs, I think THAT CEOs, presidents, etc. must be born and raised, and I am very determined at this point." Big trees must grow on their own from the land. The reason he believes is that the internal personnel have a better understanding and inheritance of corporate culture, and their execution is relatively more secure. In the process of Shi's entrepreneurship, the "four musketeers" Chen Guo, Fei Yongjun, Liu Wei and Cheng Chen have been following him, and the people around him have not received a penny of salary for a long time, but these four people have always been inseparable and have been following around.

The promotion of senior executives is mainly internal, which is also the tradition of SAIC Motor group and Dongfeng Group, and the large group is full of talents, and naturally has established its own strong talent echelon. In recent years, there have been several executives who have left SAIC, including Wang Dazong, Sun Xiaodong, Huang Huaqiong and other executives, but they have strangely not caused serious injuries to SAIC. On May 30, the Dongfeng Group made new adjustments to the leaders of the two main legions under its command: Li Chunrong, Lü Haitao, Hu Xindong, Chen Binbo, Chen Hao, Wei Wenqing and a number of other "masters of the Great Inner Region" of the Dongfeng Group took up new and higher positions and further assumed the military power of the main army.

As early as 2010, as the general manager of Dongfeng Motor Group, a central enterprise, launched a global selection and recruitment. The recruitment announcement issued by the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission stipulates that the general manager of Dongfeng Motor must have Chinese nationality, more than 5 years of management experience in large automobile enterprises, and preferably experience in operating large Sino-foreign joint ventures and overseas listed companies. Although the SASAC said that whether it is an internally cultivated "young strong faction" or an external "airborne soldier", it may win in this global recruitment, but more people believe that people with institutional backgrounds are more likely to succeed than airborne soldiers. Sure enough, in the end, the hottest candidate, Zhu Fushou, took over the general manager's seal.

Another company that is not very popular with airborne troops is Great Wall Motors. "We don't have that many paratroopers, a bunch of turtles who work hard, they speak better English than we do, but they don't have as much spirit as we do, we believe in science, we don't believe in concepts." Speaking of airborne troops, Wei Jianjun, the boss of the Great Wall, was almost dismissive. Unlike Chery and Geely's thinking, the Great Wall rarely digs people outside. According to information submitted by Great Wall Motors to the Stock Exchange, most of the company's current more than a dozen executives at the level of deputy general managers joined Great Wall Motor shortly after its establishment and have been serving ever since. Through internal training, a group of relatively stable backbones are produced, which is a self-sufficient model, which coincides with the Great Wall's consistent proposition in technology research and development.

Then again, with Wei Jianjun's "one person has the final say" personality, not to mention that it is difficult for airborne soldiers to drop their bodies and parachute into the Great Wall and completely obey Wei's orders, even the children and soldiers born and raised in the Great Wall are also quite a few words for the internal militarization management system of the enterprise. However, with the expansion of the scale of Great Wall Motors, the pace of internationalization is accelerating, simply relying on a group of turtles who were completely tamed by Wei Jianjun, I am afraid it is difficult to adapt to the future demand for talents, And Boss Wei needs to consider whether it is necessary to introduce some external brain wisdom to supplement.

Regardless of whether the enterprise should quote the paratrooper, when the turtle is no longer a battalion of iron, and the paratrooper is increasingly reduced to a flowing soldier, it is already a dangerous signal for the enterprise itself.

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