
You must be familiar with these masters, but you don't know that they come from the same place (2)

author:Xiao B asked

10. Chen Shengsheng

Jiaxing people. Graduated from Nankai University in Tianjin. He has served as a professor at Southwest Union University, acting director of the Institute of Mathematics at Academia Sinica, a researcher at the Princeton Institute for Advanced Study, a professor at the University of Chicago and the University of California, Berkeley, and the first director of the Berkeley Institute of Mathematics. In 1994, he was elected as one of the first batch of foreign academicians of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. After returning to China, he continued to engage in mathematics, and served as the director and honorary director of the Institute of Mathematics of Nankai University in Tianjin. Chen was the successor and pioneer of Euclid, Gauss, Riemann, and Cartan, and his doctrine was named "Chem Class Theory". He has won the Wolf Prize, the highest international mathematical award, the National Chinese Association Outstanding Achievement Award, the National Science Prize, the American Mathematical Society Award, etc.

You must be familiar with these masters, but you don't know that they come from the same place (2)

11. Barkin

His real name is Li Yaotang (李尧棠), and the character 芾甘( 芾甘). Born in Chengdu, his ancestral home is Jiaxing. In 1921, Chengdu Foreign Language College went on a rampage. In 1927, he went to France to study. In 1929, he returned to China and began to engage in literary creation. After the founding of the People's Republic of China, he served as the vice chairman of the Sixth, Seventh, Eighth and Ninth National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, the vice chairman of the China Federation of Literary and Art Circles, and the chairman of the Third, Fourth, Fifth and Sixth Sessions of the Chinese Writers Association. He wrote diligently throughout his life and wrote a lot of books. From the completion of the first novella "Annihilation" in 1927, until his old age published the essay collection "Caprice", his major works are "Dead Sun", "New Life", "Sanding", "The Story of rope bridge", and "Budding". The Riptide Trilogy "Home", "Spring", "Autumn". The love trilogy "Fog", "Rain", "Electricity" and so on. Among them, "Home" is the author's representative work and one of the most outstanding works in the history of modern literature in China. For his outstanding literary achievements, he was awarded the "International Dante Prize for Literature" in 1982.

You must be familiar with these masters, but you don't know that they come from the same place (2)

12. Jiang Baili

Ming Fang Zhen, word Baili, Jiaxing Haining people. In the 27th year of Guangxu (1901), he went to Japan to study military affairs at Chengcheng School, and graduated from the Infantry Section of the Army Non-Commissioned Officer School, ranking first in the school. While in Tokyo, he edited Zhejiang Chao. After returning to China, he devoted himself to the military circles, and his lifelong mission was to establish modern national defense, first serving as the general counselor of the Northeast New Army Supervision and Training Office, and soon went to Germany to study military affairs. After the Xinhai Revolution, he served as the General Counselor of the Zhejiang Governor's Office. In the winter of 1912, he was appointed principal of the Baoding Military Academy. He cooperated with Cai Yi in the campaign to please Yuan and protect the country. After the outbreak of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, he served as a member of the National Defense Senate and an adviser to the Military Commission. Chiang was very knowledgeable, not only refining military strategy, but also highly accomplished in literature and history. During his lifetime, he wrote a wealthy work, most of which included the "Complete Works of Mr. Jiang Baili" compiled by later generations, of which "On National Defense" was particularly famous.

You must be familiar with these masters, but you don't know that they come from the same place (2)

13. Chu Fucheng

The word Hui monk, a work of Wison, Jiaxing people. One of the main founders of the Jiusan Society. In 1904, he went to Japan to enter the Tokyo Police Academy, and the following year joined the League. During the Xinhai Revolution, he was the main organizer of the Zhejiang Revolutionary Movement. After Zhejiang Guangfu, he served as the minister of political affairs and the director of civil affairs of the military government. In 1919, he accompanied Sun Yat-sen to Guangzhou to protect the law and served as the deputy speaker of the House of Representatives of the Extraordinary Congress. In 1927, he was appointed acting chairman of the Zhejiang Provincial Administrative Affairs Committee and presided over provincial affairs. After "9/18", he actively participated in anti-Japanese patriotic activities, and once covered the Korean independence movement leader Kim Jiu to take refuge in Jiaxing and Haiyan. In 1938, he was appointed as a senator of the National SuffrageTte, and in 1945, he jointly issued a "Message to the Situation" with Huang Yanpei and others, calling on all parties to cooperate to save the crisis. In July of the same year, he visited Yan'an, held talks with Mao Zedong and Zhou Enlai, proposed to convene a political consultative conference to solve the problems of the current situation, and in September of the same year, together with Xu Deheng and others, initiated the establishment of the Jiusan Society.

You must be familiar with these masters, but you don't know that they come from the same place (2)

14. Wang Yuchang

The word 瑗仲, 号明二。 Jiaxing people. In his youth, he studied with Mr. Tang Wenzhi at the Wuxi Guoxue College, examining his body and mind, improving his conduct, and curing ancient Chinese, scriptures, poetry, etc. After graduation, he taught at several universities in Wuxi and Shanghai. Since 1951, he has been a professor at Fudan University. Wang worked in calligraphy all his life, and in his early years he was taught by Shen Zengzhi and was also instructed by Kang Nanhai. At the beginning, he started with the Prince of Cheng's Kaishu, then turned to attack the Wei Monument, and after middle age, he immersed himself in the seal, wantonly Zhi Zhangcao, and his skills were profound. In his later years, he was known as the giant of Zhangcao, and the name moved the sea. His calligraphy is especially respected in Japan, and the Japanese calligraphy circle is: "In ancient times, there was Wang Xizhi, and now there is Wang Xichang". During his lifetime, Wang wrote about Hongfu, including "Shen Yusuo's Annals" and "Selected Poems of Liang Qichao".

You must be familiar with these masters, but you don't know that they come from the same place (2)

15. Lu Weizhao

The word Wei Zhao, the number Shao Weng. Jiaxing Pinghu people. Graduated from Nanjing Higher Normal School. He has served as an assistant professor at the Institute of Chinese Studies of Tsinghua University, an associate professor at St. John's University in Shanghai, and a professor at Zhejiang University and Hangzhou University. In 1963, at the invitation of President Pan Tianshou, he presided over the establishment of the Calligraphy and Seal Engraving Department at the Zhejiang Academy of Fine Arts, served as the director of the section, and founded the only postgraduate class of calligraphy and seal engraving in the country, filling a gap in the history of art education in China. Lu is versatile, can write poetry, and is good at calligraphy, painting and seal engraving. In the early years of his calligraphy, he learned zhao zhiqian's codex, used his pen to be healthy, frustrated and depressed, and then melted the seal, the li, and the grass in one furnace, the pen was mature and exquisite, condensed and flowing, and the "snail flat body" created was unique in the book world, and it was well-known at home and abroad. He is the author of "Chinese Calligraphy", "Outline of Calligraphy", "Selected Calligraphy of Lu Weizhao", "Collection of Calligraphy and Paintings of Lu Weizhao" and so on.

You must be familiar with these masters, but you don't know that they come from the same place (2)

16. Zhu Shenghao

His original name was Vincent, also known as Vincent, and his scientific name was Senhao. Jiaxing people. In 1929, he graduated from Xiuzhou Middle School and was sent to Hangzhou Zhijiang University because of his excellent character and learning. After graduation, he worked as an editor in the English Department of Shanghai World Bookstore and participated in the compilation of the "English-Chinese Dictionary of Four Uses". In the spring of 1935, he began translating Shakespeare's plays. The translation was unfortunately destroyed after the "Eight-Three" Songhu Battle, so he returned to Jiaxing to settle down and lost the translation. During the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, he died of poverty in 1944. Zhu Shenghao translated a total of 31 Shakespearean works in his lifetime, which is the earliest and most translated shakespeare works in China, and the high quality of translations is recognized by Shakespeare researchers at home and abroad.

You must be familiar with these masters, but you don't know that they come from the same place (2)

17. Tan Qijun

The character Jilong, pen name Hezi. Born in Shenyang, his ancestral home is Jiaxing. He graduated from the History Department of Jinan University in 1930 and graduated from the Research Institute of Yenching University with a master's degree in 1932 under Gu Jiegang. He has successively served as a professor of the Department of History and Geography of Zhejiang University, a professor and head of the Department of History and Geography of Fudan University in Shanghai, the director of the Institute of Chinese Historical Geography, the executive director of the Chinese Historical Society, the vice president of the Shanghai Historical Society, the vice chairman of the Shanghai Federation of Philosophical Sciences, and the director of the editorial board of the Dictionary of Chinese History. The Historical Atlas of China, which he devoted his life to compiling, is one of the most significant achievements of the social sciences of New China, and thus becomes the main founder and pioneer of the discipline of historical geography in China. Tan also has unique research on the changes of the Yellow River, Haihe River and middle reaches of the Yangtze River, which has great theoretical and guiding significance for Disaster Prevention, Water Conservancy Development and Modernization Construction in China. In 1980, he was elected as a member (academician) of the Faculty of Chinese Academy of Sciences and a deputy to the Third, Fourth and Fifth National People's Congress.

You must be familiar with these masters, but you don't know that they come from the same place (2)

18. Xu Guozhang

Jiaxing Haining people. In September 1934, he entered Jiaotong University, later transferred to the Department of Foreign Languages of Tsinghua University, and graduated from the Department of Foreign Languages of Southwest United University in 1939. He has taught at Jiaotong University and Fudan University. In 1947, he went to England to study. In October 1949, he returned to China and taught at the University of Foreign Chinese in Beijing. He has successively served as the director of the English Department of Beijing Chinese University, the doctoral supervisor, the director of the Institute of Foreign Languages, the president of the China English Education Research Association, the director of the English Professional Steering Committee of the National Higher Education Self-study Examination, the editor-in-chief of Foreign Language Teaching and Research, and the deputy editor-in-chief of the Encyclopedia of China. The university "English" textbook edited by the editor has been popular in the country for 30 years and has not faded, and is a model among China's English textbooks. Representative works include "Xu Guozhang English" and "Xu Guozhang on Language".

You must be familiar with these masters, but you don't know that they come from the same place (2)

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