
The 10th Plenary Session of the 6th Council of Shaanxi Writers Association was held Editor: Gao Sijia

author:Culture and Art Newspaper
The 10th Plenary Session of the 6th Council of Shaanxi Writers Association was held Editor: Gao Sijia

Culture and Art Network - Culture and Art News (All Media Reporter Li Jipu) On May 21, the 10th plenary meeting of the 6th Council of the Shaanxi Writers Association was held in Xi'an. The meeting was presided over by Jia Pingwa, vice chairman of the China Writers Association and chairman of the Shaanxi Provincial Writers Association, and Qi Yali, secretary of the party leading group and executive vice chairman of the Shaanxi Writers Association, made a work report on behalf of the presidium. Present at the meeting were advisers to the sixth presidium of the Shaanxi Provincial Writers Association, directors of the sixth council, responsible persons of various cities and industry writers associations, and all cadres of the organs of the Shaanxi Provincial Writers Association. Chen Li, a fourth-level researcher of the Propaganda Department of the Shaanxi Provincial CPC Committee, attended the meeting.

On behalf of the presidium, Qi Yali made a work report, which reported the work situation since 2020, arranged and deployed the next key work, and proposed to pay attention to the progress of skills and technology, and pay more attention to ideological improvement; to pay attention to carrying forward traditions and paying more attention to keeping pace with the times; to pay attention to current achievements, and to pay more attention to the requirements of long-term development.

An Guangwen, member of the party leading group and vice chairman of the Shaanxi Provincial Writers Association, conveyed the deployment requirements of the Shaanxi Provincial CPC Committee on the study and education of party history and the spirit of the provincial propaganda ministers' meeting, and at the same time introduced the arrangements and progress of the study and education of party history of the Shaanxi Provincial Writers Association.

Yan An, member of the Party Group and vice chairman of the Shaanxi Writers Association, president and executive editor of Yanhe Magazine, briefed on the literary creation and awards of Shaanxi Province in 2020. According to incomplete statistics, in 2020, a total of 173 literary works were published in Shaanxi Province, 1255 (first) works were published in publications at all levels, 185 works won various awards (honors), and 11 writers were commended at or above the provincial level. Among them, Shaanxi Writers published a total of 51 works on the theme of poverty alleviation and 81 works.

Li Suocheng, member of the party group of the Shaanxi Writers Association and executive vice president of the Shaanxi Literature College, announced the decision on adding directors, and Huo Aiying, secretary of the party group of the Yan'an Writers Association, was added as a director of the Shaanxi Writers Association.

The meeting pointed out that in 2020, under the correct leadership of the Shaanxi Provincial Party Committee and the Shaanxi Provincial Government, under the care and guidance of the China Writers Association and the Propaganda Department of the Shaanxi Provincial Party Committee, the Shaanxi Writers Association will unite and lead the literary workers in the province to adhere to the guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, consciously undertake the mission and task of raising the banner, gathering people's hearts, cultivating new talents, revitalizing culture, and displaying the image, highlighting political guidance, strengthening theoretical armament, improving institutional mechanisms, supporting key creations, implementing the "Baiyou Plan", consolidating the talent base, and strengthening the construction of the front , promote the integration of the journal network, carry out literary activities, build a good ecology, focus on the overall situation of the center, contribute to literary strength, continue to deepen reform, extend the service arm, thickly plant literary soil, enliven the grass-roots atmosphere, and promote the development of literary undertakings and achieve new achievements.

The meeting demanded that in 2021, Shaanxi's literary work should be guided by Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, adhere to the principle of upright innovation and systematic planning, closely focus on the center of the opening "14th Five-Year Plan" and greeting the centenary of the founding of the party, highlight the main business, grasp propaganda, concentrate on serving writers and members, serving literary creation, and serving the development of literary undertakings, promote the literary Shaanxi army to embark on a new journey with high quality, contribute literary strength to Shaanxi's new era of catching up and surpassing, and present the centenary of the founding of the party with excellent results. It is necessary to focus on doing a good job in six aspects of work, one is to focus on the "two safeguards" to strengthen political guidance and build a solid ideological foundation for the literary circles of the province to abide by the integrity and innovation; second, to increase the support for key works and vigorously grasp the implementation of the creation of fine works; the third is to optimize the mechanism for cultivating and introducing literary talents and continuously expand the contingent of high-level creatives; the fourth is to strengthen the construction of the literary front and strive to improve the quality level; the fifth is to continue to deepen the reform of the Writers' Association and further improve the quality of service; the sixth is to resolutely implement the responsibility of comprehensively and strictly administering the party, taking the opportunity of party history study and education. Nourish the original heart, refine the soul, and effectively provide a strong guarantee for the vigorous development of literature.

At the meeting, Huo Aiying, secretary of the party group of the Yan'an Writers Association, Wu Yun, member of the party group and vice chairman of the Tongchuan Writers Association, Yang Jun, chairman of the Shaanxi Financial Writers Association, Tan Mei Na, secretary general of the Shaanxi Energy And Chemical Work Association, and other representatives of the municipal and industry writers association exchanged work experience. After the Shaanxi Provincial Party Committee issued the "Deepening Reform Plan of the Shaanxi Provincial Writers Association", the Yan'an City, Tongchuan City, and Yanchuan County Writers Associations have taken the lead in the province, promoting the construction of the writers' association institutions at the city and county levels and improving the mechanism and system according to local conditions, and making useful explorations to solve the problem of the construction of the organizational structures of the Shaanxi Provincial Writers' Associations at the city and county levels. The Shaanxi Financial Writers Association and the Shaanxi Energy Work Association have combined with the actual conditions of the industry to create literary creation platforms such as "Silk Road Financial Literature" and "Coal", actively organized theme creation, cultivated new literary talents, and done many pioneering work, with many highlights.

Jia Pingwa pointed out in his summary that 2021 is the first year of implementing the "14th Five-Year Plan" and starting a new journey of comprehensively building a modern socialist country, and it is also the 100th anniversary of the founding of the party, which is of great significance, and it is of great significance to better promote Shaanxi's literary cause to a higher level, open a new situation, and produce fine works. First, it is necessary to do a good job in conveying and implementing the spirit of the meeting, report the meeting situation to the principal responsible comrades of the propaganda departments at all levels in a timely manner, and take various forms to convey the spirit of the meeting to members, so as to enhance the confidence in doing a good job in literary work. Second, it is necessary to take the spirit of the meeting as the guide and combine it with our own reality to make this year's work meticulous, practical, and well-done. All the work revolves around the center of producing talents and fine products, and making it bigger and stronger to make the "Literary Shaanxi Army" brand. Third, it is necessary to do a good job in creating in a down-to-earth manner. "Not in the fantasy, not in the voice of the false", go deep into life, sink down, adhere to the pursuit of "creating a work of inheritance with the heart of the world", present the 100th anniversary of the founding of the party with new excellent achievements, and contribute literary strength to the catch-up and surpassing of Shaanxi Province in the new era.

<h1 toutiao-origin="h4" > Editor: Gao Sijia</h1>

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