
Gucheng County Chengguan Town Zhonghua Road Primary School Kindergarten: Teachers Show And Exchange Parents Observe and Interact

author:Nine Schools of Education

In order to let parents feel the life of children in the kindergarten at close range, mobilize the enthusiasm of parents to participate in the activities of the kindergarten, and better achieve the purpose of home co-education, on December 22, the kindergarten of Zhonghua Road Primary School in Chengguan Town, Gucheng County, carried out a half-day observation and opening activity for parents.

This activity, combined with the spirit of the "Guide to the Learning and Development of 3-6-year-old Children", according to the requirements of the kindergarten's one-day life routine, the preschool teachers carefully formulated the activity plan, designed and organized educational activities, and showed the parents the learning and living conditions of the children in the kindergarten in the form of homework exhibitions, life activities, theme teaching displays, corner games, sports activities and other colorful activities.

Through storytelling, games, experiments, dancing and other forms, the teaching teachers push the classroom teaching step by step to the climax, which fully reflects the classroom teaching mode led by the teacher and the student as the main body, highlights the characteristics of various disciplines under the concept of quality education, and has an innovative spirit.

At the end of the activity, Wang Pingyong, principal of Zhonghua Road Primary School, led the parents of the students to visit the campus culture construction.

In the process of observing and participating in the collective activities of young children, parents enhanced their understanding of kindergarten work, and also allowed children to experience endless joy in the interactive atmosphere of their homes, deepening the emotions between parents and children. (Proofreader: Li Jiayu)

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