
Wuxi Red Memory 丨 Red Rock Struggle - Jiang Zhujun Is In Danger and Shouldering Heavy Burdens Source: Propaganda Department of the County Party Committee, Party History Research Office of the County Party Committee, and County Rong Media Center

author:Wuxi release

Opening remarks

Songtao Qingshan buried loyal bones, red rock heroic and heroic Chinese.

In the summer of 1947, the People's Liberation War entered the stage of strategic counteroffensive. The Shanghai Bureau of the CPC Central Committee decided to organize guerrilla struggles in the Eastern Sichuan Pro-Dinpartment Committee and respond to the main battlefield. Peng Yongwu, a member of the Chuandong Provisional Committee, and his wife Jiang Zhujun came to Xiachuandong with lofty missions, formed a guerrilla column in eastern Sichuan, set up a guerrilla detachment in Fengdawu, and launched the first uprising of Fengdawu at Xining Bridge, which was the earliest armed uprising in the liberation war in eastern Sichuan, and Wuxi became an important guerrilla area and main battlefield. Due to the huge disparity in strength between the enemy and ourselves, the battles at Anzishan, Hongchiba, and Huangjiaya were very fierce, and the blood of political commissar Peng Yongwu, the two-gun heroine Chen Changxiu, and other guerrillas stained the land of Wuxi red.

The history of Hongyan forged by the heroic martyrs of the guerrilla column in eastern Sichuan with their blood and lives, and the spirit of Hongyan condensed by loyalty and faith, are good teaching materials for the study and education of party history and a precious spiritual wealth inherited from thousands of autumns.

Issue XVII

Jiang Zhujun is in danger of shouldering heavy burdens

On the eve of the Fengdawu uprising, Jiang Zhujun, in accordance with Peng Yongwu's arrangement, temporarily left the guerrilla area of Qinglian Township in Fengjie County, debuted in Yunyang, and then returned to Chongqing by boat to report to the party's Chuandong Linlin Committee on the preparations for the Fengdawu uprising. In view of the need to carry out guerrilla warfare after the uprising, it was required that Lin appoint cadres to the east of Shimokawa, and at the same time ask for a batch of medical supplies for emergency use in the treatment of the wounded and sick during the battle.

On January 20, 1948, the tenth day of the first lunar month, Jiang Zhujun took Yang Jiancheng, Liu Yide, Luo Shunan, and Zhou Yi (female) from Chongqing to the home of Peng Yongwu's grandmother in Dongjiaba, Longdong Township, Yunyang County. This was the place that Jiang Zhujun had agreed with Peng Yongwu when he left Qinglian Township, and Peng Yongwu would send someone here to pick them up and take them to the guerrilla zone. Two days later, Lu Guangte, deputy secretary of the Fengda Witch Working Committee, did indeed come.

After Lu Guangte and Wu Zijian left the second brigade of the Fengdawu Detachment of the Eastern Sichuan Guerrilla Column, they went to Zhao Wei, commander of the Eastern Sichuan Guerrilla Column in Nongba Township, Yunyang County, to study the situation, and then left Nongba Township together. According to Peng Yongwu's original arrangement, Wu Zijian went to Liu Mengling on the south bank of Yunfeng, and Lu Guangte arrived at Dongjiaba. They agreed that they would all come here to meet Jiang Zhujun. Subsequently, Wu Zijian also came to the agreed location of Dongjiaba from Liu Mengling on the south bank, and Liu Debin, who was responsible for contacting the traffic, also came to Dongjiaba.

Jiang Zhujun couldn't wait to ask Lu Wu and the two about the guerrillas and Peng Yongwu. They talked about the fengdawu uprising's attack on the Xining Bridge, the victory of the ambush battle against Nanxi and Tongqianya, and the division of troops in laozhai. Jiang Zhujun asked Where is Peng Yongwu now, Fengjie or Wuxi? Both Lu and Wu already knew the bad news of Peng Yongwu's sacrifice, but they didn't know how to tell her. Jiang Zhujun asked them what was hiding from her, why didn't they want to talk about it? Wu Zi saw it for a while before he whispered, but only said, "Sister Jiang, you have to be strong!" Jiang Zhujun had a premonition that they would bring her bad news, and she suppressed the speculation and uneasiness in her heart and asked Wu Zijian: "Do you remember what Peng Yongwu said when you and Peng Yongwu sent me back to Chongqing before the uprising?" Wu Zijian said, "I will never forget it in my life!" Peng Yongwu said: 'What we do in the revolution is either a victorious reunion or a farewell of life and death.' Jiang Zhujun took over and said firmly, "You should believe me." Born and gone! Farewell! I can stand all the blows. Tell me quickly, what happened to Peng Yongwu? When Lu Guangte and Wu Zi saw that the two of them thought of Peng Yongwu, they couldn't stop crying and losing their voices: "Jiang Zhujun! Peng Yongwu! He, ambitious and unpaid..."

Peng Yongwu died before he was paid! This bad news made Jiang Zhujun extremely sad.

Early the next morning, Jiang Zhujun said to everyone affectionately: "Peng Yongwu has sacrificed, we must not always grieve, we must sum up experience, learn lessons, step on his blood, fight his last breath, and fight with the reactionaries to the end!" In order to boost everyone's morale, she went on to say, "In the past few days, we have not re-studied Chairman Mao's speech , "The Present Situation and Our Tasks," and the words at the end have been extremely instructive to us. Chairman Mao said: 'We are soberly aware that there will still be all kinds of obstacles and difficulties in our way forward, and we should be prepared to deal with the greatest resistance and struggle of all internal and external enemies... Our power is invincible... The dawn is ahead, and we should work hard. Everyone has been here for several days, and since the guerrillas can't go there, Dongjiaba shouldn't stay here for long, so let's quickly study the next move!" ”

After thorough study, Jiang Zhujun took up the heavy burden of work and said to everyone: "Peng Yongwu has sacrificed, and the situation of Feng Dawu will inevitably be chaotic for a while, and Yang Jiancheng, you can't go there." Zhao Wei's Tangxi Working Committee is already in a semi-exposed state, and they lack guns and people. It seems that the Yunfeng South Bank Working Committee needs people and can also cover up. Yang Jiancheng, Liu Yide, and Luo Shunan, several male comrades, accompanied Wu Zijian to the south bank to carry out work, and Lu Guangte and I returned to Chongqing to report to our superiors for instructions. Zhou Yi (female), Liu Debin and we went to Wanxian county first, and then made arrangements. The 8 people then left Dongjiaba and went to the Dragon Cave on the Yangtze River to catch a boat. Before leaving, Jiang Zhujun said to Wu Zijian: "I will not leave the eastern part of Xiachuan, you are on the south bank, you must be cautious in your work, pay attention to concealment, and do the work of organizing the masses in a down-to-earth manner." We made it too public in Qinglian Township. The wooden boat went up the river to Xinjinkou, Wu Zijian, Yang Jiancheng, Liu Yide, and Luo Shunan disembarked and went to the Qiyao Mountainous Area on the south bank of Yunfeng, and Jiang Zhujun, Lu Guangte, Zhou Yi, and Liu Debin continued to take a boat to Wanxian County. After arriving in Wanxian County, Jiang Zhujun arranged for Zhou Yi to stay in Wanxian County temporarily, and Liu Debin temporarily went to his hometown of Matjiang to hide. On the 26th of the waxing moon, Jiang Zhujun and Lu Guangte arrived in Chongqing on the 28th of the 28th month of the 28th month of the 26th month.

The responsible persons of the Chuandong Linshi Committee, together with Jiang Zhujun and Lu Guangte, studied the situation in Yun, Feng, and Lu Guangte after Peng Yongwu's sacrifice, affirmed and praised the temporary disposition of Jiang Zhujun and the Fengda Witch Work Committee, adopted her opinion, and asked Lu Guangte to withdraw all the exposed cadres and put them under cover for further arrangements. At the same time, the progressive students of the Fengda Wu Brigade in Chongqing were organized to return to their hometowns, and a second line with legal cover was arranged. Tu Xiaowen, deputy secretary of the Provisional Cpc Committee and secretary of the XiachuanDongdi Working Committee, personally went to Wanxian County to arrange party organizations in friendly neighboring areas and infiltrate into the guerrilla areas of the armed uprising from the side to carry out work. At that time, the Chuandong Linli Committee did not formally summarize the lessons of the Fengdawu uprising, but agreed with Jiang Zhujun's view: "Armed uprisings should be carried out cautiously. Where it has not yet been pulled open, it will not be pulled open for the time being. ”

Considering that Jiang Zhujun's child who was less than two years old in Chongqing was too young to be taken care of, and that if she went to Chuandong again, it would be easy to be exposed, so it repeatedly asked her to stay in Chongqing and assign another job. Well-meaning friends also advised her to accept the organization's arrangement. Jiang Zhujun herself also knew that it was dangerous to go here, but insisted on going to the east of Xiachuan again, and she earnestly said to the responsible comrades of the Provisional Committee: "The relationship between this line is only familiar to me, and it is difficult for others to replace it." Besides, I don't want to leave those dead and alive comrades,compelled me to continue fighting where Peng Yongwu fell. The provisional committee had to agree to her request. Soon after the Spring Festival, Jiang Zhujun left Chongqing and returned to xiachuandong.

<h1 toutiao-origin="h1" > Source: Propaganda Department of the County Party Committee, Party History Research Office of the County Party Committee, and County Rong Media Center</h1>

Editor-in-Chief/Zou Yongwu Editor/Ran Chunxuan Editor-in-Charge/Wang Daxi

Editor/Tang Xiaohong

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