
Deeply hurt Dai Wangshu and the woman who dai Wangshu deeply hurt

author:Retreat 317

For Dai Wangshu, I believe that people who have gone to high school, there is no one who is not familiar with his "Rain Alley": holding an oil-paper umbrella, wandering alone in the long, long, lonely rain alley, I hope that when I meet, a lilac-like girl with a grudge, she is a lilac-like color, clove-like fragrance, lilac-like sorrow, complaining in the rain, complaining and wandering, she seems to wander in this lonely rain alley, holding up an oil-paper umbrella, like me, silently wandering like me, indifferent, miserable, and sad...

Deeply hurt Dai Wangshu and the woman who dai Wangshu deeply hurt

He is melancholy in pursuit of romance, pursuing a girl like lilac who is as melancholy as he is, and that lilac-like girl is Shi Chenian. Whenever he saw Shi Chenian, his inner excitement was indescribable, he chased bitterly for eight years, these eight years, he was "afraid to speak loudly, afraid of frightening the heavenly people", these eight years he was "can be seen from a distance can not be blasphemed", held in the palm of his hand afraid, he was full of tears.

Deeply hurt Dai Wangshu and the woman who dai Wangshu deeply hurt

When Dai Wangshu first met Shi Chenian, Shi Chennian was eighteen years old, Shi Chennian was Shi Jingcun's younger sister, and Shi Jingcun was Dai Wangshu's friend. As soon as Dai Wangshu saw Shi Chenian, he fell in love with her uncontrollably, and in his mind: "There are beautiful people in the north, unique and independent. One look at the city of the people, and then look at the country of the people. Ning does not know the fall of the city and the fall of the country." He wrote confession poems one after another, so fiery and eager pursuit made Shi Chenian very embarrassed, she is a woman who has been indoctrinated with traditional concepts since childhood, Dai Wangshu's fiery love for her, she can only laugh without speaking, hiding without revealing. Dai Wangshu's love fire was even more burning, but Shi Chennian had no intention of him. Dai Wangshu was extremely disappointed and proposed marriage by impulsively deciding to commit suicide. Shi Chenian panicked, sympathy and forced helplessness mixed together, and finally agreed to Dai Wangshu's courtship. But she made a request, asking Dai Wangshu to study abroad and wait for a stable income before getting married. Dai Wangshu had to go to France. Just a year after arriving in France, Shi Chenian, who did not love him very much, empathized with him, and he returned to China to ask Shi Chenian, and Shi Chenian unabashedly admitted. Dai Wangshu was extremely disappointed, he saw Shi Chennian's resolute attitude, knew that there was no room for redemption, so he ended the eight-year-long pursuit of love.

Deeply hurt Dai Wangshu and the woman who dai Wangshu deeply hurt

Dai Wangshu came out of the Shi Mansion, and all his thoughts were gray.

Deeply hurt Dai Wangshu and the woman who dai Wangshu deeply hurt

His friend Mu Shiying couldn't bear to see him look gray, so he introduced his 18-year-old sister Mu Lijuan to him. Mu Lijuan married Dai Wangshu, 32, at the age of 19. After getting married, he moved to Hong Kong. Dai Wangshu did not care about the affairs of the family, and only shut himself in his room to write. And Mu Lijuan was born rich, married to Dai Wangshu also because of her brother's extreme matchmaking, but also because of his thoughtfulness and romance. Family chores were borne by Mu Lijuan alone, and the two quarreled continuously, but Mu Lijuan, who was influenced by traditional concepts, still maintained her marriage and had a daughter. What she never expected was that in June 1940, her brother Mu Shiying was assassinated, and she was sad and prepared to return to Shanghai for mourning, but Dai Wangshu said: "A traitor died, there is nothing to cry about." In any case, whether this is her own brother or the relatives who introduced her marriage at that time, Dai Wangshu's reaction and words made her feel cold-blooded and terrible, and more excessive things were still to come.

Deeply hurt Dai Wangshu and the woman who dai Wangshu deeply hurt

After the death of her brother, Mu Lijuan's mother was overly sad and died a few months later. The Shanghai family sent a telegram to let Mu Lijuan go home to mourn, but who knew that Dai Wangshu hid the telegram tightly and did not tell his wife. When Mu Lijuan wore a big red cheongsam to play mahjong with her friends, she was prompted by people familiar with the matter: it is not filial piety. She felt something was wrong, and went home to ask Dai Wangshu, only to learn the bad news. But Dai Wangshu still did not let her go home to mourn, and the practice was even more desperate. In order to prevent her from returning to Shanghai for funerals, he even hid all the money in the family and cut off her finances.

Deeply hurt Dai Wangshu and the woman who dai Wangshu deeply hurt

Mu Lijuan was completely disappointed in Dai Wangshu, and her heart was dripping blood. With no money to return to Shanghai, she dropped an emerald brooch given to her by her mother when she was married, bought a ferry ticket and decided to return to Shanghai with her daughter. After returning home, she immediately filed for divorce to Dai Wangshu, who knows, in December 1940, after dai Wangshu begged Mu Lijuan not to divorce without success, she wrote a desperate letter, took poison and committed suicide, and was found by friends and sent to the hospital to save her life. And his practice made Mu Lijuan more determined to divorce. Through her lawyer, Mu Lijuan handled the separation agreement. During this period, Dai Wangshu sent her two diaries and countless photos after marriage, hoping to impress his wife and let her return to him. Dai Wangshu wrote again: "Li Juan, please think that me and Duo Duo are waiting for you, and don't forget us." ”

Deeply hurt Dai Wangshu and the woman who dai Wangshu deeply hurt

Heartbroken, Mu Lijuan sent a divorce agreement to Dai Wangshu in January 1943.

In her later years, Mu Lijuan said in an interview with reporters: "The reason for our divorce is that our personalities are incompatible. Although she was extremely disappointed in Dai Wangshu, she faced the reporter, there was no accusation, no resentment, only the four words of "personality incompatibility".

Deeply hurt Dai Wangshu and the woman who dai Wangshu deeply hurt

Mu Lijuan is the only girl in the Mu family of the rich family and the pearl in the palm of the family. After the divorce, she said to her friend: "I grew up as the pearl in the palm of my family. Everyone values and cares about me. However, since marrying Dai Wangshu, he has no status at all. I'm still young, only in my 20s, and can't live like this for the rest of my life. After divorcing Dai Wangshu, Mu Lijuan took the child to marry Zhou Li'an, the editor-in-chief of Cosmic Wind. He stayed with her until 2003. After Zhou Li'an's death, Mu Lijuan raised a cat. She said: "It's like my old husband (Zhou Li'an), still by my side, always with me. ”

Deeply hurt Dai Wangshu and the woman who dai Wangshu deeply hurt

She met someone who was really good to her, and she was happy and happy for a lifetime. She did not resent Dai Wangshu, who had hurt her the most, but only regarded Dai Wangshu's hurt to her as part of her life experience. Such an atmospheric woman, admirable!

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