
The Eternal Long March - The "New Long March" of the People in the Old Revolutionary Areas


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Guiyang, 18 Jun (Xinhua) -- In the view of Luo Jianhua, 47, the key to the victory of the Long March more than 80 years ago lay in the firm conviction of the revolutionary martyrs and the spirit of not being afraid of hardship. This spirit is also the secret of his successful entrepreneurship.

Luo Jianhua was born and raised in Zunyi, Guizhou Province, southwest China. At the beginning of 1935, the famous Zunyi Conference was held here, which was an important turning point in the Long March of the Red Army.

From October 1934 to October 1936, the First, Second, Fourth Fronts and the Twenty-fifth Army of the Red Army carried out the Great Long March. The revolutionary ancestors traversed more than ten provinces, overcame countless difficulties and obstacles, smashed the enemy's encirclement, pursuit, and interception, and realized the great turning point of China's revolutionary cause from setbacks to victory.

"The strong will enabled the Red Army to achieve the final victory, but also inspired me to brave the difficulties and face the difficulties." Luo Jianhua said.

Luo Jianhua has run a coal washing plant, a pig farm, and currently runs an organic rice planting company.

Luo Jianhua was hospitalized because he was too tired. "The hand is not tight, the opening is not open, the doctor said that the nerve is damaged." He said, "Compared with the old predecessors, this kind of suffering is nothing, and everything must be done." With such perseverance, it is also the spirit of the Long March that nourishes me. ”

The Eternal Long March - The "New Long March" of the People in the Old Revolutionary Areas

Luo Jianhua rides a horse, Ding Qimei drives, and the couple re-walks the Long March Road (photo taken on October 26, 2017). (Courtesy of the interviewee)

In 2017, Luo Jianhua and his wife decided to retake the Long March road and experience the hardships of the Red Army. Luo Jianhua bought a horse, and the couple rode a horse and drove a car, and spent a year and nine days traveling through 11 provinces and 81 counties.

When crossing the Songpan meadow, Luo Jianhua and his horse fell into the swamp, fortunately, the horse had long legs and struggled desperately for a long time to climb out of the swamp. I had a very heavy heart at that time, thinking that many revolutionary martyrs were starving, braving the wind, snow and hail, walking the grass, and accidentally falling down and never getting up again. Luo Jianhua said.

In November 2020, the last 9 poverty-stricken counties in Guizhou took off the hat, marking the "zeroing" of all poverty-stricken counties in China.

This year marks the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Communist Party of China. The whole country, including the old revolutionary areas such as Zunyi, has eliminated absolute poverty, and the precious spiritual wealth of the Red Army still inspires the local people to forge ahead toward the goal of rural revitalization.

With the development of red tourism, Wang Zhiqiang, a villager in Huamao Village, Bozhou District, Zunyi City, bid farewell to the days of working in other places and returned to his hometown to open a farm. "Since the beginning of this year, there have been many guests every day, and at the busiest time, 30 tables of guests have been entertained in one afternoon." Wang Zhiqiang said.

Decades ago, the walls of Wang Zhiqiang's home leaked wind and the roof leaked rain. To fill his stomach, he once dug fern roots in the mountains to eat. Now, his new house has more than a dozen rooms upstairs and downstairs. The farm brings him an annual profit of nearly 200,000 yuan.

The Eternal Long March - The "New Long March" of the People in the Old Revolutionary Areas

Luo Jianhua, Ding Qimei and the horses that accompanied them to re-embark on the Long March were "Long March". Photo by Xinhua News Agency reporter Li Qianya

Driven by tourism, the per capita net income of villagers in Huamao Village exceeds 20,000 yuan. Half of the village's families bought cars.

Driven by the strategy of rural revitalization, industries such as characteristic agricultural products have become an important source of income for local people.

In the workshop of Zunyi Dezhuang Food Industry Co., Ltd., the robot packing and palletizing robot is eye-catching, and on the automatic assembly line, various pepper products are being put into the warehouse box by box.

The company was officially put into operation in August 2020 and is expected to achieve an output value of 200 million yuan this year. "We are confident to build a complete industrial chain connecting agriculture, production and marketing in Zunyi and realize the integrated development of the three industries." Yue Qinsong, general manager of the company, said.

During the "13th Five-Year Plan" period, the GDP of Zunyi City increased by an average annual rate of 9.8%, and the per capita disposable income of urban and rural residents increased by 8.3% and 9.7% respectively.

When the new crown pneumonia outbreak broke out last year, Luo Jianhua took the initiative to sign up for volunteer services to deliver meals and fruits to the school quarantine personnel. His son Luo Haiyang also joined the volunteer team with his father.

Luo Haiyang, who majored in electronic information engineering at Guizhou University, often told his classmates the story of the Long March and his parents' re-entry of the Long March. Luo Haiyang said that after graduation, he wanted to join the army to temper his body and mind and serve the motherland.

"We should carry forward the spirit of the Long March and not shrink back when we encounter difficulties." He said. (Participating reporter: Wu Si)

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