
History 100 Questions (45) Zoulu Culture, Seaside Zoulu (Part 2)

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History 100 Questions (45) Zoulu Culture, Seaside Zoulu (Part 2)

The connotations contained in Zoulu culture

It is generally believed that Zoulu culture has seven essential characteristics: originality - ancient and long, the first to develop; independence - unique system, sound genealogy; continuity - inheritance, continuous succession; superiority - rich data, multi-party mutual verification; richness - eclectic, pluralistic integration; advanced nature - endless life, sustainable development; sustainability - inheritance and development, inexhaustible power and other seven essential characteristics. As an excellent historical and traditional culture of the Chinese nation, Zoulu culture is broad and profound, has a long history, and has a rich connotation that can be inherited and developed. Researchers believe that Zoulu culture should be summarized in several aspects:

History 100 Questions (45) Zoulu Culture, Seaside Zoulu (Part 2)

The first is the concept of filial piety. The concept of filial piety is the first and extremely important content of Zoulu culture. The Book of Han and Geographical Records records that "when the Duke of Zhou was first sealed, Taigong asked, 'Why rule Lu?' Zhou Gongyue: "Respect and kiss." "', the Book of Rites and The Bow of The Bow records that "when the Duke was appointed, there was a murderer of his father, and there was a sermon, and the public was disrespectful: 'It is also the sin of the widow!' He said: 'The widow tasted the prison of the Broken... The Son kills the Father, and whoever is in the palace will not be spared. From this point of view, pro-filial piety is one of the earliest source contents of Zoulu culture, and later under the development of the Confucian school, the connotation is more abundant, and paying attention to pro-filial piety has become the essence of Zoulu culture, which to a certain extent also determines the characteristics of Chinese political culture and national psychology and democratic civilization.

History 100 Questions (45) Zoulu Culture, Seaside Zoulu (Part 2)

The second is the idea of courtesy, righteousness, and honesty. Zoulu culture has always emphasized etiquette, righteousness, and shame, and the Book of Han and Geography records that "the Duke of Zhou was made the Marquis of Lu,...... Since then, the Confucian school represented by Confucius and Mengmeng has inherited and elaborated the idea of etiquette and shame, making it one of the important contents of Zoulu culture, Confucius said that "Qi zhi is polite, shameful and qualified", "The upper honesty is the lower shame festival", etc.; Mencius believed that "those who sacrifice their lives to take righteousness", "shame and shame are also", etc. Etiquette and honesty are the most basic moral principles and work paths for handling the relationship between officials and the people that Zoulu culture has always advocated and followed.

History 100 Questions (45) Zoulu Culture, Seaside Zoulu (Part 2)

The third is the idea of protecting the people and valuing the people. "People-oriented thought" is the mainstream of traditional Chinese culture and political philosophy, Zhou Gong once said, "If you want to be ten thousand years, only the princes and grandchildren will always protect the people", Zou Lu culture attaches great importance to the idea of protecting the people, and the "Thirteen Years of Zuo Chuan WenGong" records a passage in which Qiu Wengong and his ministers discussed the relocation of the capital, "Gong Bu moved to The Emperor, Shi Yue: 'Benefit the people and not the king', Qiu Zi said: 'Benefit the people, benefit the people, benefit the lonely." Born to be the king of the people and the tree, Eli is also. The people are profitable, but the lonely will be with them. 'Left and right days:' (do not move the capital, Jun) life can be long, Jun HeFu is?' Zi Zi said: 'Life is in the care of the people.' Death is short and long, and so is the time. The people are profitable, the people are moving, and the jimo is like it!' So moved to Yuyi. As long as the relocation of the capital is beneficial to the people, even if Duke Wu Wengong himself is tired until he dies, this record has become the most typical example of the words and deeds of the ancient and modern Chinese and foreign "people for the state", and also reflects a harmonious relationship between the king and the people. Therefore, "the people are the foundation of the state, the foundation of the state is the core value of Zoulu culture, and this idea has played a major role in maintaining social stability in China's more than two thousand years of feudal history, and has important enlightening significance for our operation of social management and governance today.

History 100 Questions (45) Zoulu Culture, Seaside Zoulu (Part 2)

The fourth is the custom of frugality and simplicity. Success is caused by thrift and thrift. Frugality and simplicity are the basic premise for self-cultivation and achievement of careers, Zhou Gong admonished in the "Shang Shu KangXuan" that "no health is good and easy", and in the "No Yi" chapter, he also said that "the gentleman has no escape, and the prophet is difficult to cultivate", warning people to pay attention to frugality and simplicity, and not to have extravagant sexual pleasures. Zou Lu culture inherits this substantive content, and the "Chinese Lu Language" records that in the Spring and Autumn Period, the noble wives of the Lu state not only personally weaved, but also taught their sons to say, "Ju, my daughter, the people of the former holy king, choose the barren soil and treat it, labor its people and use it, so the long king of the world, the husband and the people think (frugal), think of kindness, yi is obscene, obscenity is forgetting goodness, forgetting goodness is disgusting... From top to bottom, who dares to give up his life for lust." Such an important role brought by word and deed to social harmony and economic development, the frugal and simple idea of Zoulu culture is not only one of the important contents of Zoulu culture, but also the root of the traditional virtues of the Chinese nation.

History 100 Questions (45) Zoulu Culture, Seaside Zoulu (Part 2)

The fifth is to honor the confucian style of Confucianism. Sima Qian said, "Zou Lu, the common good Confucianism", Zou Lu culture has always had the style of respecting Kong Meng and good Confucianism. As a sage master of the Confucian school, the glory of Kong Meng's ersheng as a Zoulu people was sincerely loved and revered, and it is precisely because the style of respecting Kong Meng and Confucianism in the Zoulu region prevailed, so it was born since ancient Confucianism. During the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, there were celebrities such as Yan Yuan, Min Ziqian, Ran Boniu, Zhonggong, Zai I, Ran You, Ji Lu, Wan Zhang, Le Zhengke, Meng Zhongzi, etc. These people not only passed on the knowledge of Confucius and Meng, but also respected Confucius and Mengmeng, and even reached the point of no return. Emperor Qin Shi Huang once discussed the ceremony of Taishan sealing Zen with 70 people from Zou Lu And 70 doctors; Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty "respected Confucianism alone and deposed hundreds of families" and used Confucian Zou people Wei Xian and Wei Xuancheng father and son, Lu Ren Bingji and Kong Guang, Zou Ren Kuang Heng, etc. They were all masters of scripture who advocated Confucianism, especially Wei Xian and Wei Xuancheng father and son successively took the Ming Jing as the picture, which had a great influence, and there was a proverb that "the remains of the son are full of gold, it is better to teach the son to be a classic". To this day, in the streets and alleys of Zou Lu, whether it is a septuagenarian who has passed the age of flower armor or a young child of cardamom with a weeping bun, everyone is a sage, and they can casually pick up a few famous words of Confucius and Meng, and the style of respecting Confucius and Confucianism can be described as deep-rooted and long-standing.

History 100 Questions (45) Zoulu Culture, Seaside Zoulu (Part 2)

Sixth, attach importance to the indoctrination of liturgy. Attaching importance to the indoctrination of liturgy is another important content of Zoulu culture. Zou Lu is a famous state of liturgical music, and since ancient times, it has a tradition of attaching importance to the indoctrination of liturgical music, and learning liturgical music has become a common practice. Confucius founded private schools and recruited disciples, emphasizing that "if you do not learn etiquette, you cannot stand", and asked disciples to "be happy in poetry, stand in etiquette, and become happy". Mencius said, "The teachings of the order of the prudent, the righteousness of filial piety", and "the gentleman deepens his cultivation with the Tao, and desires his self-satisfaction". Zang Wenzhong taught Ji Wenzi "the etiquette of the king", and Meng Zizi was once absurd about the etiquette, deeply ill, "it is a lecture, and those who can perform the ceremony follow it". In the view of Zou Luren, learning is like planting grass and trees, often studying, studying hard, in order to enter the lile, proficient in lilly, and become a liberal gentleman who "writes about liturgical music". Zoulu culture maintains the essence of traditional culture through the emphasis on the indoctrination of liturgy, while maintaining its own relatively independent development and lasting prosperity.

History 100 Questions (45) Zoulu Culture, Seaside Zoulu (Part 2)

In the process of people's continuous excavation and research, it may be possible to put forward more connotations and essences for Zoulu culture, which does not hinder our basic understanding of the above cultural body, such objects constitute the essence of Zoulu culture, which is an important aspect of our study and expansion of history and culture today.

History 100 Questions (45) Zoulu Culture, Seaside Zoulu (Part 2)

What is "×× Zoulu"

"Zou Lu" has always been revered, and there are many similar titles such as "Coastal Zou Lu" and "Jiangnan Zou Lu" throughout China, and the word "Zou Lu" is also constantly used in historical books. Many places have the title of "×× Zoulu", so why can it be called "×× Zoulu"?

History 100 Questions (45) Zoulu Culture, Seaside Zoulu (Part 2)

The author believes that Zoulu culture has made a unique and irreplaceable contribution to the construction of traditional Chinese culture, thus casting her important position in the history of the development of Chinese civilization. Zoulu as a place of cultural and educational prosperity, thousands of years of high esteem, the influence is also extremely far-reaching, "coastal Zoulu" extended meaning for the coastal culture flourishing place, in China and even overseas many places of humanity gathering, are known as "XX Zoulu". For example, Wenzhou in Zhejiang has "Zoulu in southern Zhejiang" and "Xiao Zoulu" in Jinhua, Taizhou and Ruian are called "Xiao Zoulu in the southeast", and Xianyou in Fujian is called "Zoulu in the mountains"; Shantou and Jieyang in Guangdong are called "Zoulu in the mountains"; there will be "Zoulu in the seaside" in Shantou and Jieyang in Guangdong; there will be "Zoulu in the south of The River" in the new city, and Chaozhou is called "Xiao zoulu in the southeast"; Quanzhou, Zhangzhou, and Fuzhou in Fujian are called "Zoulu in the southeast"; Huizhou and Jixi in Anhui are called "Zoulu in the southeast"; and Changsha in Hunan is called "Jingman Zoulu" Jianshui in Yunnan is known as "Zoulu in Southern Yunnan"; Hainan Province is known as "Overseas Zoulu"; and Andong County in Gyeongsangbuk Province, South Korea, is known as "Haidong Zoulu" and "Zoulu's Hometown". After more than two thousand years of inheritance and development, today, Zoulu culture, as an important part of the excellent traditional culture of the Chinese nation, its ideological essence and moral essence have been injected into the spiritual blood of the Chinese nation, and have become one of the unique spiritual identities of the Chinese nation, and have become a totem of local cultural development, humanistic prosperity, folk customs and elegance, neighborhood harmony, eclecticism, pluralism and integration, and common development. This totem is important and dazzling, but it is not casually pastable and cuttable. The author believes that every place prides itself on being "×× ZouLu", the author does not oppose, but this is indeed a very prudent thing, there is already such a title, how to enhance, expand, deepen, innovate, enrich, this is very important, can not lie on the merit book, think that this can be done once and for all, in fact, can not meet the standard of a lot, people sigh. When you want to call yourself "XX Zoulu", you must call yourself a jin two, see that you do not meet the requirements of the basic requirements, and you cannot "quote the scriptures" just by a sentence in history or a certain figure in history who has risen on a whim to doodle and "quote the scriptures", and then self-proclaimed "XX Zoulu".

History 100 Questions (45) Zoulu Culture, Seaside Zoulu (Part 2)

So, why call yourself a local "×× Zoulu"? That is, what kind of conditions should be met to be called "×× Zoulu"? The author believes that in addition to the above-mentioned core connotations of Zoulu culture, at least the following aspects should be possessed:

History 100 Questions (45) Zoulu Culture, Seaside Zoulu (Part 2)

1. The journey of the avenue is in the state of Zoulu; civilization ends at the shore of Susi. "Zou Lu" is used to refer to areas where culture and etiquette are developed, so it has high requirements for local culture and integration with Chinese national culture. For places that call themselves "×× Zoulu", the culture (local culture) of the region should lay the foundation for the core values of the Chinese cultural yuan canon and the foundation of the core values of the future generations and create people to observe, analyze, and solve the basic problems of life and society, and there must be something that can be called out (local cultural classics, ideas, etc.), and there must be momentum that can affect future generations. That is to say, there must be a certain influence or far-reaching influence at home and even internationally, otherwise, only a little cultural site, a little cultural relic, and some celebrities who have had a temporary impact can call themselves "×× Zou Lu".

History 100 Questions (45) Zoulu Culture, Seaside Zoulu (Part 2)

2, in China, in addition to "Zou Lu", there is no other place name can be sublimated into cultural synonyms, Zou Lu as a Chinese cultural brand has been respected, far-reaching influence, but also very sacred. Therefore, the so-called "×× Zou Lu" himself must have a standard, that is, the "Chinese standard" to measure whether it has reached this order of magnitude? That is to say, in the long historical development of the locality, whether there is a system of its own culture, this system is to inherit the tradition of Chinese culture, and form a local system that can plant people in China's historical and cultural system, which can have epoch-making significance in the history of ancient Chinese thought and culture. Such a requirement is difficult to achieve in theory, that is, the gold content of "×× Zoulu" is very high, far from being a celebrity who has inscribed a "×× Zoulu" for this place somewhere, its rich connotation is to go through hundreds of years or even thousands of years of continuous creation, creation, development, and enrichment, but there is empty connotation and cultural entity, and the pale emptiness of local culture is useless and has no vitality. Therefore, it is necessary to examine itself like reviewing the "World Heritage", and after the approval of the relevant parties, it is necessary to have a genuine cultural heritage and accumulation, not to catch up with the fashion, pursue the fictitious name, and do not abuse a logo and brand with national cultural significance.

History 100 Questions (45) Zoulu Culture, Seaside Zoulu (Part 2)

3. The culture of "×× Zoulu" should not be a narrow regional culture, but the source culture, mainstream culture and dominant culture of Chinese civilization, which can at least have a greater impact on the chinese family and future generations, and have a greater role and enlightenment for the chinese family and future generations, becoming a direction for the development of humanities in later generations, such as Zoulu culture, which can carry forward traditional culture through the emphasis on ritual education, while maintaining its own relatively independent development and lasting prosperity. Only in this kind of cultural situation and development environment will the mainstream of the development of Zoulu cultural model appear, and it will be of great significance and role in inheriting and carrying forward Zoulu's excellent traditional culture and the cultural construction of China's future generations.

History 100 Questions (45) Zoulu Culture, Seaside Zoulu (Part 2)

4. The excellent values contained in Chinese culture have been accepted, recognized and followed by most members of the Chinese nation, and the spiritual outlook and temperament that are different from other ethnic groups highlight the national characteristics of the core values of Chinese culture, so that the universal values of people in Chinese society have the unique thinking habits and behavior patterns of the Chinese nation. We are now inheriting and carrying forward the "Zoulu culture", so that the local culture will eventually condense into the core values of Chinese characteristics, Chinese style and Chinese style. Therefore, the culture that can be called "×× Zoulu" should have such a positive, upward, national, popular, and developing cultural element. Some places simply pursue the name of "×× Zoulu", which is essentially far from the above requirements, which is a problem that we should pay considerable attention to in our own slogans, business cards, and strong promotions today, and this is also a tendentious issue (also a style issue) that is thin in culture, self-inflated, and the pursuit of fame and fortune.

History 100 Questions (45) Zoulu Culture, Seaside Zoulu (Part 2)

The value of Zoulu culture

The value of the times of Zoulu culture lies in the fact that it is one of the cultures created by the Chinese nation in the course of thousands of years of practice, it has a long history and rich connotations, and is the crystallization of the chinese nation's thinking and wisdom. In the modern era, inheriting and carrying forward Zoulu's excellent traditional culture is of great significance and role to China's modernization drive.

History 100 Questions (45) Zoulu Culture, Seaside Zoulu (Part 2)

First, it is conducive to cultivating the core values of socialism. Among them, the values of the times of China's excellent traditional culture of emphasizing benevolence, valuing the people, keeping good faith, advocating justice, maintaining harmony and seeking harmony, and seeking great harmony, after more than 2,000 years of great waves and sands, have been accepted, recognized and followed by most members of the Chinese nation, inheriting and carrying forward the "Zoulu culture", which is of great positive significance for the socialist core values that are ultimately condensed into Chinese characteristics, Chinese style and Chinese style.

History 100 Questions (45) Zoulu Culture, Seaside Zoulu (Part 2)

Second, it is conducive to carrying forward the traditional virtues of the Chinese nation. Zoulu culture is rooted in the soil of the Chinese nation, it has been inseparable from China's politics, economy and culture, and has been integrated into the national thinking of the Chinese nation. The traditional virtues contained in them have a strong and positive spiritual motivating effect on stimulating national self-esteem, self-confidence and national pride. Inheriting and carrying forward the moral values contained in "Zoulu culture and correctly understanding Zoulu culture" has an important role in promoting the formation of a good atmosphere for the whole society to respect excellent traditional morality, learn excellent moral culture, and promote the spirit of striving for progress, and enhance the moral cultivation of the whole nation.

History 100 Questions (45) Zoulu Culture, Seaside Zoulu (Part 2)

Third, it is conducive to enhancing the cultural self-confidence and value self-confidence of the Chinese nation. As an important part of traditional Chinese culture, the humanistic spirit embodied in "Zoulu culture" provides a solid ideological foundation for enhancing the cultural self-confidence and value self-confidence of the Chinese nation. In the modern era, continuing to carry forward the "Zoulu culture" and cultivating a high degree of cultural self-confidence and value self-confidence are of great positive significance to promoting Chinese culture to the world and promoting the great development and prosperity of socialist culture.

The above is only a preliminary opinion, for reflection and discretion.

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