
A "strange woman" who even Japanese war criminals admired, she was tortured for 9 months and her leg bones were broken into 24 pieces, and after 21 years of sacrifice, her husband learned that she was Zhao Yiman

author:Journal of Marriage and Family
A "strange woman" who even Japanese war criminals admired, she was tortured for 9 months and her leg bones were broken into 24 pieces, and after 21 years of sacrifice, her husband learned that she was Zhao Yiman

Author: Dan Yan Editor: Li Jin

Source: Journal of Marriage and Family


On August 2, 1936, Zhao Yiman wrote a suicide note before his inauguration.

"Ning Er:

Mother is really sorry that you have not been able to fulfill your educational responsibilities. Because my mother resolutely waged the struggle against Manchuria and Japan, today she has reached the eve of sacrifice.

Hope you, Ning'er! Hurry up adults and come and comfort your underground mother! When you grow up, hopefully don't forget that your mother died for your country! ”

A "strange woman" who even Japanese war criminals admired, she was tortured for 9 months and her leg bones were broken into 24 pieces, and after 21 years of sacrifice, her husband learned that she was Zhao Yiman

The sentences are affectionate, and the words are dripping blood.

Yu Guo is loyal, and she has no complaints or regrets.

At the end of her life, what she missed most was her husband and son.

Thinking of my son, there are still a few words to stay.

I thought of him, but I couldn't say a word.

I have some thoughts, separated from each other in the distance.

Moscow parted, she was buried in this white mountain and black water, it has been 8 years...

After her sacrifice of 21 years, her husband Chen Dabang learned that his wife was Zhao Yiman, a heroine who was tortured and tortured by the enemy and was always unyielding.

Nearly sixty years old, like a child, he cried loudly.

Those who once thought that they had long been lost, through time, across the mountains and seas,

He came back to him again, never scattered in his life.


Vowing to be a man and not a home, wading the river and crossing the sea to the end of the world

Zhao Yiman, formerly known as Li Kuntai, also known as Li Yichao. Born in 1905 to a landlord family in Yibin, Sichuan. When he was a teenager, Zhao Yiman accepted revolutionary ideas under the guidance of his eldest brother-in-law Zheng Youzhi.

In early 1926, Zhao Yiman joined the Communist Party of China, and then was admitted to the Wuhan Huangpu Military Academy, becoming the first batch of female cadets in the Chinese military school. At the military academy, Zhao Yiman underwent rigorous military training and political theory studies. She is fierce and bold, and she is very authoritative among her classmates.

A "strange woman" who even Japanese war criminals admired, she was tortured for 9 months and her leg bones were broken into 24 pieces, and after 21 years of sacrifice, her husband learned that she was Zhao Yiman

In 1927, Chiang Kai-shek launched the "April 12" counter-revolutionary coup, and the whole country was shrouded in white terror. In September, in order to cultivate outstanding cadres, the party organization sent Zhao Yiman and 47 other comrades to study at Sun Yat-sen University in Moscow, Soviet Union.

Ten years to repair, a hundred years to repair.

On the ship bound for the Soviet Union, Zhao Yiman met Chen Dabang, the love of his life.

In order to facilitate contact and care, every 10 students were organized into a group, and the leader of Zhao Yiman's group was Chen Dabang.

The next day on the boat, Zhao Yiman vomited badly because of seasickness and could not eat. As the leader of the group, Chen Dabang delivered water and food to her every day and took good care of her. The weather was getting colder, and Chen Dabang gave Zhao Yiman his cold clothes.

The vast sea, people like duckweed. After watching the elegant and considerate man in front of him busy himself, Zhao Yiman felt a warm current in his heart. During the contact, Chen Dabang found that this seemingly petite and weak girl had a strong personality and a great deal of energy in her body.

After arriving in the Soviet Union, the two quickly threw themselves into intense study. In order to learn Russian as soon as possible, Zhao Yiman often chewed on the Russian dictionary without sleep. Chen Dabang, who is better at Russian, couldn't help but say: "Learning a language, it is not enough to memorize words, so I will help you make up lessons." With his help, Zhao Yiman's study quickly followed.

In this way, two hearts that pursue truth surged and stirred closer to each other, and they talked freely about revolutionary ideals together, and this warm love melted the cold of the northern country.

A "strange woman" who even Japanese war criminals admired, she was tortured for 9 months and her leg bones were broken into 24 pieces, and after 21 years of sacrifice, her husband learned that she was Zhao Yiman

In April 1928, with the approval of the party organization, they held a simple and solemn wedding ceremony in the school church. It was a short and sweet time. Compared to the country, it is more like a paradise. Red Square, the banks of the Moscow River, and the slanting sun under the exotic church are all left holding hands.

Shortly after the marriage, Zhao Yiman became pregnant.

The climate in Moscow is harsh, Zhao Yiman already has lung disease, coupled with pregnancy, the body quickly can not eat, had to stop classes at home. In order to take care of her, Chen Dabang also interrupted his studies for a while.

During that time, Zhao Yiman was very worried, and she came to study, not to enjoy the private feelings of her children, and her studies could not continue, so she must devote herself to revolutionary work as soon as possible. One day, she walked into the office of the Mozambican branch of the Communist Party of China and told the relevant personnel that she wanted to leave Moscow and return to China to participate in specific work. The reason is that the oxygen in Moscow is thin in winter, which is not good for pregnant women and people with lung disease.

After receiving approval, Zhao Yiman told Chen Dabang of his decision.

Chen Dabang was worried that Zhao Yiman could not withstand the long-distance bumps, and suggested that after she gave birth to the child, the two would go back together. But Zhao Yiman refused: "We came here to learn the skill, and when the skill is not learned, we have to go back together, is it not a betrayal of the trust of the organization in us?" ”

Chen Dabang was silent. This reason is irrefutable.

In those days, they did not mention the topic of returning home. However, Chen Dabang knows his wife's personality and personality too well, and the decisions she makes are difficult to change. He can only be perfected.

But Zhao Yiman still couldn't wait, and she chose not to say goodbye. One day at noon, when Chen Dabang returned to their hut, Zhao Yiman was already gone. She left a note that read:

"Darbon, I'm gone. Not telling you the truth is not willing to delay your lectures, and I am not willing to let you bear the pain of parting. You can study with peace of mind and hope that you will come back soon and hug your son! ”

Seeing the note, Chen Dabang ran to the balcony like crazy, looking at the road that his wife had to go through when she walked, and tears came out of his eyes: Silly boy, I agreed, why don't you let me personally give you a ride?

As everyone knows, this difference is that heaven and man are eternally separated.


Without sparing the head of the new homeland, Gan will be enthusiastic about China

As Chen Dabang predicted, because he was pregnant, Zhao Yiman's revolutionary road was particularly difficult.

Her task at the time was to use Yichang, Hubei Province, as a base to cover the underground party entering and leaving Sichuan.

When the pregnant Zhao Yiman went in and out of Yichang alone, he suffered countless white eyes. On the day of childbirth, the landlord drove her out: "I don't know where to carry the wild seeds, where to be pregnant and where to give birth, don't obscure our family." ”

Zhao Yiman lay helplessly on the side of the road. A kind docker took her to her home. After a night of throbbing, she gave birth to a boy. This day was January 21, 1929, the fifth anniversary of Lenin's death, and Zhao Yiman named him "Ning'er".

At this time, Chen Dabang, as one of the best chinese and foreign language students, had been organized to stay in the Chinese Printing Department of Moscow Foreign Publishing House.

She returned home for the revolution, and he stayed for the revolution.

They are on opposite sides, doing the same thing for the same ideal.

They met and knew each other because of the revolution, and they missed each other because of the revolution.

Shortly after giving birth, because his identity was exposed one after another, Zhao Yiman was forced to make several emergency transfers. She first moved from Yichang to Shanghai, and then from Shanghai to the Jiangxi Provincial Party Committee. After the provincial party committee organs were exposed, Zhao Yiman, who was cornered, had to flee back to Shanghai.

At this time, Zhao Yiman was penniless. She gritted her teeth and decided to take the child along the way to beg. Hungry and cold, but also to avoid the capture of the enemy, looking at the child waiting to be fed in her arms, she truly realized the worries of her husband before returning home.

Arriving at the ferry, Zhao Yiman found out with hindsight: she had no money and could not get on the boat. She pulled out the expression of determination that Chen Dabang had given her. It was the most valuable and precious object in her body, and along the way, even in the most difficult times, she never thought of taking it away. But at this moment... Zhao Yiman wiped his pocket watch against his chest and finally handed it to the boatman...

In Shanghai, Zhao Yiman met Chen Dabang's relatives, who suggested that she foster Ning Er in the home of Chen Dabang's cousin Chen Yueyun in Wuhan for revolutionary work.

On the way to Wuhan, Zhao Yiman has been holding his son tightly. She didn't know how long such a moment of mother and son would be snuggled up to each other, she only knew that it would be another long separation. Before parting, she carried Ning Er, who was one year and 3 months old, to the photo studio to take a group photo.

A "strange woman" who even Japanese war criminals admired, she was tortured for 9 months and her leg bones were broken into 24 pieces, and after 21 years of sacrifice, her husband learned that she was Zhao Yiman

Zhao Yiman in the photo is gentle and beautiful, and Ning Er snuggles in her arms, curiously looking at everything in front of her... Zhao Yiman sent the photo with a letter to Chen Dabang in Moscow.

Afraid that he was worried, she did not talk about her hardships in the country, but only told him that everything was fine and the mother and child were safe. That was the last time he heard from her.


The white mountain and black water removed the enemy, and smiled at the flag red like a flower

After sending off her son, she threw all her body and soul into the revolution.

After the September 18 Incident, the Japanese army occupied the northeast. In order to save the national crisis, Zhao Yiman rushed to the front line of the War of Resistance under the arrangement of the party organization.

A "strange woman" who even Japanese war criminals admired, she was tortured for 9 months and her leg bones were broken into 24 pieces, and after 21 years of sacrifice, her husband learned that she was Zhao Yiman

The harsh cold climate of the northeast is like Moscow in winter. The snow and wind always reminded her of the days and nights in Moscow. But in order to protect them, she has assumed the pseudonym Zhao Yiman and completely cut off contact with her family.

Thoughts turn into motivation for battle.

In 1933, Zhao Yiman led a guerrilla operation in the Helen area, defeating more than 500 members of the pseudo-self-defense regiment with two hundred troops and killing the enemy's pseudo-regimental commander.

In the autumn of 1935, Zhao Yiman was appointed political commissar of the Second Regiment of the First Division of the Third Army of the Northeast People's Revolutionary Army. She led guerrillas to defeat the Japanese puppet army one after another, and the enemy called her "the queen of the jungle with two guns and a red and white horse."

A "strange woman" who even Japanese war criminals admired, she was tortured for 9 months and her leg bones were broken into 24 pieces, and after 21 years of sacrifice, her husband learned that she was Zhao Yiman

Zhao Yiman in film and television works

In November 1935, during a fierce battle with the enemy, Zhao Yiman was wounded to cover the breakthrough of the troops, and she was captured because of her serious leg injuries and the fact that she had run out of ammunition.

The enemy knew her identity and was very excited, "If you catch her, you will catch countless revolutionary parties, and she definitely has a list in her hand!" ”

The Japanese interrogated her in the most brutal way.

A "strange woman" who even Japanese war criminals admired, she was tortured for 9 months and her leg bones were broken into 24 pieces, and after 21 years of sacrifice, her husband learned that she was Zhao Yiman

In order to force Zhao Yiman to obey, the Japanese beat her arm with a wooden stick, the gunshot wound caused her to have 24 broken bones in her thigh, the enemy used his hand to cut her festering wound, and then sprinkled salt into the wound, little by little twisted inside, Zhao Yiman was tortured several times to pass out, but even so, she still did not give them half a bit of information.

A "strange woman" who even Japanese war criminals admired, she was tortured for 9 months and her leg bones were broken into 24 pieces, and after 21 years of sacrifice, her husband learned that she was Zhao Yiman

Seeing that she refused to give in, the Japanese specially airlifted a new type of electrocution device for women from Japan- an electric chair. It was an electrocution that lasted up to 7 hours, completely exceeding the limits of human tolerance for pain...

However, the enemy miscalculated. No matter what kind of torture they used against Zhao Yiman, Zhao Yiman always kept it a secret. She scolded the enemy: "You bandits can turn the whole village into rubble and chop people into mud." But you cannot destroy the faith of the Communists! ”

The Japanese decided to put her to death.

A "strange woman" who even Japanese war criminals admired, she was tortured for 9 months and her leg bones were broken into 24 pieces, and after 21 years of sacrifice, her husband learned that she was Zhao Yiman

In the early morning of August 2, 1936, Zhao Yiman, who was covered in scales, was escorted from Harbin by the Japanese puppet army to Zhuhe County, Heilongjiang. On the train to the execution site, Zhao Yiman's thoughts flew.

She thought of her husband, whom she had not seen in years, and of her son, who had been separated for many years. She wrote the last letter to Ning Er.

A "strange woman" who even Japanese war criminals admired, she was tortured for 9 months and her leg bones were broken into 24 pieces, and after 21 years of sacrifice, her husband learned that she was Zhao Yiman

To him, she didn't leave a single word.

They loved each other so much, but in the end they couldn't say goodbye.

Don't dare to say, can't say, can't say.

At this time, Chen Dabang, who was in a foreign country, was still running for the party's cause.

From 1935 onwards, he served as the director of the printing department of the National Salvation Daily, which aimed to promote the anti-Japanese national salvation, and he personally typeset the "Letter to All Compatriots for the Anti-Japanese National Salvation", which inspired countless anti-Japanese fighters.

During his tenure as director of the printing department of the "National Salvation Daily", the heroic deeds of the Northeast Volunteer Army, the Northeast Anti-Japanese Coalition Army, and the Japanese Invading Army appeared frequently in the newspaper. However, he did not think that his wife was the commander of the Northeast Anti-Japanese Coalition Army and a heroine that everyone admired.

A "strange woman" who even Japanese war criminals admired, she was tortured for 9 months and her leg bones were broken into 24 pieces, and after 21 years of sacrifice, her husband learned that she was Zhao Yiman

In 1942, Chen Dabang finally returned to China. At Chen Yueyun's home, he met his son Chen Yexian, that is, Ning Er. The baby in the photo has grown into a teenager. He went around asking for news of his wife, but he never heard from him.

In 1950, the movie "Zhao Yiman" was released, and he and Ning Er specially went to see it.

Seeing the emotional place, he remembered her. Chen Dabang said to Ning Er: "The good days we have now are the blood of these heroes. Your mother, presumably, was also sacrificed, but unfortunately there was no news of her. ”

In 1957, Chen Dabang finally learned that the famous anti-Japanese heroine Zhao Yiman was his wife! At that moment, Chen Dabang was like a child, crying loudly.

Neither he nor she lived up to the party and the country. After the founding of the People's Republic of China, as a well-known printing expert in New China, he made great contributions to the issuance of China's first set of renminbi.

In 1966, Chen Dabang died at the age of 66.

At this time, a full 30 years have passed since Zhao Yiman became righteous.

The monument is long, and the heroic soul lives on forever. The heroes and martyrs who sacrificed their lives for the revolution are like the flowers that spread over the mountains, emitting a burst of fragrance, so that every corner of the motherland is full of vitality and hope!

Reference Articles:

1. Anti-Japanese hero Zhao Yiman | live up to his ambition and warm blood and fertile China (Global Network)

2. Zhao Yiman's letter: Son, don't forget that your mother sacrificed for the country (West China Metropolis Daily)

3. Zhao Yiman's letter to his son (People's Daily - Chinese Communist Party News Network)

4. Zhao Yiman in the Centenary of the Communist Party of China (CCTV)

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