
Xin Renjie's "Ten Treatises on Meiqin"

author:Naruto Sadayoshi

When Xin was born, the north had already fallen into the hands of the Jin people. Although his grandfather Xin Zan served in the Jin Dynasty, he always hoped to have the opportunity to take up arms and fight the Jin people to the death, because Xin Shuyi's ancestors and the Jin people had a feud with the Jin people, and often took Xin Shuyi to "ascend to the heights and look far away, pointing to the mountains and rivers" (from the "Ten Treatises of Meiqin"), and at the same time, Xin Abandoned Disease also continued to witness the humiliation and pain suffered by the Han people under the rule of the Jin people. All this made him set an ambition to restore the Central Plains and serve the shame of the country when he was a teenager. Therefore, he had a chivalrous spirit of Yan Zhao Qishi.

A list of articles


First in the trial



Autonomy fourth

Shou Huai fifth

Tuntian sixth

To the brave seventh

Anti-micro eighth

Long-term ninth

Detailed battle for the tenth

Collapse and edit the original text of this paragraph with translation

Collapse the general order

If the subject has not arrived and the plan is foreshadowed, it is often more than enough; If the matter is done and then calculated, it should always be insufficient. The prisoners relied on the summer in the tomb, the courtiers thought of rewarding the country with shame, and the whole world led the earth, and this heart was not forgotten for a day. The family of the subjects, received by The Jinan, the Generation of The Emperor, the Great Grace of the Dutch Nation. The eldest father is praised, with the people of the clan, clumsily escaped, defiled officials, staying in the capital division, Li Su, Bo, Wading Yi, Hai, not Qi Zhiye. Every time he retreated, he led his subjects to ascend to the heights and look far away, pointing to the mountains and rivers, and thinking of throwing themselves into trouble, in order to alleviate the indignation of the emperor's father who did not share the heavens. Chang Lingchen and his ministers arrived at Yanshan with the planners, observed the situation, and the plot failed, and the eldest father and the minister praised the next life. Yue Xin Wei was old, the people of the Central Plains were gathered together, the subjects changjiu were two thousand, and Geng Jing was the secretary of the government, and Tu restored, with a total of 250,000 soldiers, and paid the money to the dynasty. Misfortune becomes an elbow and armpit, and it is a great fallacy. Embrace foolishness and fill the intestines and lungs. The officials were idle and fixed, and they thought about it: In today's affairs, the imperial court thinks that it is a conspiracy to hold on to the weight, and the people are interested in trying to think that they have a plan, so the right to fight peace is often out of the enemy, and I especially respond to it. It is the peace of Yanshan and the siege of the capital, the alliance under the city and the two palaces far away. The sum of Qin Juniper is the opposite of the madness of rebellion. Billy fights, weariness is harmonious, cunning and deceitful, I really have it. However, Zhang Junfu was angry, although he did not worry about defeat, things were not perfect, but he thought about his loss, and after Fang Zhu and later, he was idle and ravaged, and it was cool to be untold. Those who do not know the soldiers, see in vain that victory cannot be guaranteed, and do not understand the peace and do not be ashamed of the serious disease of anointing, and urgently think that the [tooth cha] tongue thinks that it is a deep precept. The courtiers said that they had restored their own plans, and they could not be punished by small victories and defeats, and the secretary of state of the imperial court was too worried, and it was a pity not to say that the soldiers were also pitiful. The ancients said: "Do not be depressed by small setbacks and discourage my big plans", which is exactly the ear.

His Majesty the Emperor, wise and divine, and a few things, although the light and martial arts are clear, the Xianzong is decisive, and it is difficult to compare. An ugly man is still working hard, and this man of the world is dedicated to the autumn of his life. Although the subjects are stupid to the point of ugliness, how can they know, but they are provoked by loyalty and indignation, and they cannot help themselves, thinking that today's prisoners really have disadvantages to take advantage of, and the imperial court's policy is only prepared to be harmless. Therefore, he exhausted himself and did not think about it, and wrote the Ten Treatises of the Imperial Rong, known as Meiqin: the three words of the evils of the people, and the deeds of the imperial court of its seven words. First judge its situation, examine its situation second, and re-examine its provocations, then the enemy's hypocrisy is detailed; Then it is used in its seven stages of discourse, and it is in my eyes. However, His Majesty left the god of the night, the opportunity of Shen Xianwu, who was determined to do what he wanted to do, and there was no confusion and group discussion, and the spirit of "rewarding the hundred kings with shame in snow, and repaying the evil for eternity" was no less than that of Tang Taizong. The crown of the canon raised his robe to restore the Marquis of Han, although the sin of transgression could not be escaped; Savage beauty and celery and dedication to the king, but also love the sincerity of the Lord is desirable. But His Majesty forgives his arrogance and pities his foolishness, and the axe is a blessing for the rest of his life.


When the minister heard that the matter had not yet happened, he plotted in advance, so that it would be easy to deal with; If something has already happened and you are not going to deal with it, then it is often difficult to do it. The Jin people invaded the land of our Central Plains, and the courtiers should think of the shame of the snow country and the people under the whole world, and this kind of heart has never dared to forget. In my hometown, the houses are in Jinan, and the family has received great favors from the Great Song Dynasty while holding military positions. My grandfather told me that because there were too many clansmen, he could not escape and was captured by the Jin people, and he was not allowed to take up the official position of the Jin people. Later, he stayed in Beijing and went to Suzhou and Bozhou, and to Haizhou in Yizhou, which was not where his ambition was! Every time we retreated home and finished eating, we, the younger generations, climbed the mountain, looked at the world in the distance, and talked about the important affairs of the country. I want to take up arms and fight the Jin people to the death, because my ancestors and the Jin people have a feud with each other! My grandfather often took me to drive as far as Yanshan Mountain, just to survey the terrain. Unfortunately, before the plan could be thought out, my grandfather died. In the thirty-first year of Emperor Gaozong's reign, King Hailing of the Jin Dynasty invaded the south, and the people of the Central Plains all gathered, and the ministers also gathered 2,000 people to submit to Geng Jing and serve as the secretary of the government, and together with him plotted to recover the Central Plains, a total of 250,000 people were gathered and submitted to the imperial court. Unfortunately, there was a change in the middle, and things changed that were difficult to predict. (This refers to a general in the rebel army, Zhang Anguo, who killed Geng Jing and defected to Jin) I am loyal to the Great Song and indignant! Now, I have settled my heart and thought privately: in the current situation, the imperial court should act steadily, and cannot let the treacherous plot of the Jin people succeed. In the past, it was war or peace, and it was often the gold people who said it, but we could only react passively. I remember that the last time I had already asked for peace at Yanshan, but before long, Fenjing was besieged, and when the peace was not successful, hui and Qin Erzong were captured. The peacemaking of Qin Juniper and others could only make the Jin people more unscrupulous. The other side saw that it was advantageous to fight with my Great Song, and when the troops were tired, they asked us for peace, and they deceived us, what did we all get? Only General Zhang Jun's anti-Jin army initially achieved results, and since it was victorious, do not consider defeat, things were not perfect in the first place, and then it failed, and after everyone asked for peace, it was ravaged by the Jin people, so the history of the struggle against Jin was cruel. And those who know nothing about the military think that victory cannot be maintained, and these unenlightened and unreliable people are a great ill, and we must learn from it! Wei Chen believed that there was a plan to recover the Central Plains, and he should not care about the victory or defeat of the First World War. And those court officials always think too much, and the thought of using soldiers is like talking about tiger discoloration, which is a pity! The ancients said not to give up a big career because of small setbacks, and that's exactly what it is!

Your Majesty the Emperor, you are wise and heroic, and you have true insight into things, even if you are the wisdom of Emperor Guangwu, the courage of Tang Xianzong is not as good as you! The simple golden people, but let you get up early and sleep late, tired, this is the time when the world's insightful people offer your life! Although Wei Chen came from a humble background, he had no talent, but only because of his loyalty to my Great Song inspired me, he could not control himself. Now there are drawbacks on the Side of the Jin People, which is a time for us to take advantage of it, but the general policy of the imperial court is still to be vigilant and there is no danger. So I worked hard, not measuring my own strength, and wrote ten policy essays to resist the enemy, and the name of the article was Meiqin. Three of them are about analyzing the shortcomings and weaknesses of the enemy, and seven of them are about the measures that the imperial court should take at the moment. First judge the situation, then observe the enemy's situation, and then observe its changes, so that we know the enemy's reality well, and then use the strategies in the seven chapters in order to defeat the enemy. As long as His Majesty implements it as soon as possible, the opportunity that Wei Chen said will be determined to be obtained, and should not be confused in everyone's discussion. If the recovery of the Central Plains is successful, His Majesty's heroic martyrs will not be inferior to Tang Taizong. Taking the liberty of offering my plan, even if I have committed the great sin of ultra vires, the delicious celery of the people of the mountains offered to my king, I hope that the king will sincerely accept it. I would be extremely honored that Your Majesty be able to forgive my arrogance, to pity my faithfulness, and to accept my advice critically!

Folding the first

The way of using soldiers, form and potential two. If you don't know one, you will be depressed by the form, the momentum, and the victory will not be achieved, and you will sit still and die. What is a form? Small big is also. What is potential? Virtual reality is also. The breadth of the land, the abundance of wealth, the multitude of horses, this shape, not the potential. The form can be raised to demonstrate, not to win. For example, the rock is embedded in the mountain of a thousand people, and it roars with a loud sound, and its shape is not terrible; However, if the wooden cabinet is not allowed to be straight, it can be detoured and avoided, and if it is forbidden to kill the form, then people have to cross it. If the situation is not the case, there will be an instrument that will be available, and it will be useful. For example, if the arrow is on the high yong, manipulating the self, not tied to the person, there are people who pass by, and the attack on the target of the shooting intention is also worrying. From now on: Although the prisoner has the form of a rock and is fearsome, and there is no stone that will be available, he will show me, and he will doubt me with his might; Those who do not want to use it to win, they may not be able to do it. He who desires to be suspicious, and which I believe in, is suspicious; He may not be able to, and I do not intend to be able to; Yes and no details of the shape of the man, the discernment of the potential ear. The subject asked for chenzhi: the land of the captives, the east is thinner than the sea, the west is controlled by Xia, the south is in Huai, the north pole is in Mongolia, and the land is not extensive; The wealth of the captives, the signing of soldiers to the people without the cost of raising soldiers, the grace of Jin in the suburbs without the reward of universal grace, and the supplementation of the old coins, and the unsimpression of the excesses, then the wealth is not much; The land of the desert, where horses are born; Shooting the imperial long skill, everyone is accustomed to it, then its soldiers can be described as numerous. In this form, I am shocked from time to time, and I am also worried, and the subjects think that they are not sympathetic, and although the land of the people is called widespread, it is actually easy to attack, but it is nothing, and the military robbery system, if it can be entangled, when there is a disturbance, then the anger and strife will arise, and the division will splarm. In the change of Xin Wei, Xiao Queba was opposed to Liao, Kai Zhao was against Mi, Wei Sheng was against Hai, Wang You was directly opposed to Wei, Geng Jing was against Qi and Lu, and King Ge was against Yan, and the rest were instead, and this was already clear, and it was not enough to worry about it. Although the wealth of the captives is many, in fact, it is difficult to be ashamed, and the money of my age is only gold and cloth, and it can be rewarded but not raised; The Central Plains Cellar can raise soldiers, but cannot keep them infallible. Cover the government and the officials are rampant, often endowed with hundreds of millions of people who are rough and supportive, unexpected and needy, public and honest to take one and seven or eight officials, the people are unbearable and rebellious; If you rebel, you can't get your money and lose your money, which is not enough to worry about. If he is a soldier, there are many names, but it is really difficult to reconcile and easy to collapse. And as signed by the Central Plains, the so-called Great Han Army, their fathers and ancestors were brutally abused, and the tianzhai was exhausted by the coolness of the beating, and the resentment accumulated, and their hearts were different; And the more the desert signatories are thousands of miles away, although their number can be millions, and the road is extinct, the food and equipment are all taken from the people, and the endowment and transfer of dispatch must not be one year old. At the beginning of the rebellion against the Southern Kou, they were all threatening the chieftain and destroying the assets, and the people were willing to obey, and those who had not returned from the middle way were no longer allowed to control, and they were not worried about it. In addition, the people who use things today, mixed with the Khitans, the Central Plains, and the Jiangnan people, guess up and down. The discussion is not as bad as the former Japanese sticky army and the leaf of the Wushu generation. And it is a common practice to kill between flesh and bones, such as hearing that the false king Xu grew up to guard the people and privately collect the hearts of the people, and the concubines tasted violence against his father, how could he end up with nothing to do? I have three deficiencies, he has three incompetences, and the most important thing is to have a heart disease, which is to protect myself, so why seek someone? The subject also hears of the goodness of the ancients, such as the cut of a good doctor, knowing the place of his illness and going against the period of his death, and at first he is not fat and easy to be wise. Guandu's master, Yuan Shao was not weak, cao Cao saw that he was the end and killed himself, and he knew it because he was uncertain. The capital of Xianyang, the tour of Huiji, Qin Shang's self-improvement, Gao Zuzhi thought that it should be so, Xiang Zhizhi thought that it could be replaced, and knew that the people's resentment was deep. The death of the country is not as cool as the resentment of the people and the uncertainty of the concubines, and there are now and present, and it is not necessary to want to die! The subject said: "Shape and potential". For The Sake of His Majesty's deep understanding.

Fold the second

Two enemies are at odds with each other, and if they cannot get their feelings, they are suspicious, and they are easy to be frightened, and they must not be able to go into detail; If there is a reason to be determined, and not to be confused, not to be confused and to listen to the self-disturbance of the other, then the power is always in me and the enemy is really affected by its drawbacks. Those who are good at using soldiers in the past cannot be victorious, but can be invincible. The cover is invincible, so Xu Tu must win the credit also. I want to overcome the other, and he is determined to win, who will deal with his defeat? The love of victory and defeat is in the middle, and the chance of victory or defeat is undecided. He may come as a soldier, and I dare to say that he is not a false voice to show off me? He or the soldiers, I dare to say that it is not invisible to tempt me? None of them dared to either. But so what? "Right then knows the weight, degree and then knows the length", so the reason is also. "Others have hearts, and they have a heart", and the judgment is also. Although the enemy situation is thousands of miles away, it can be determined and examined. Imago hides the battle in defense, and before the battle is long, it is necessary to fight; Victory is better than war, and victory is often the case for victory. He who is sincere in his voice shines on me, and I respond quietly and do not move lightly; Peter is hiding to seduce me, I have a good preparation and cannot take advantage of it; Victory or defeat cannot be chaotic for me, so god is idle and calm. Then Xu lived with my heart, I was like that, and although there were different worries between the north and the south, it was interesting to be in a state of dissociation! And if he sincerely wants to fight, he will not allow the emperor to prepare for me quickly. And if when Reverse Liang first plotted against Nan Kou, Liu Lin and Cai Songnian explored their intentions and led them, then Lin and Song Nian were expelled, and evil was also exposed. If you are sincere in this day, you will not want people to know it! He did not dare to fight, he was greedy and unjust, and he did not care about defeat, so what did he sympathize with? With the mother's relatives and the brother's length, one is willing, one is advantageous, and the light is still sharp, why is it for me? Nowadays, coastal ships are built along the Huaizhi harness, harboring evil intentions, and can be cast if there is a gap, dare to say that the end will not be fought? Although I have no intention of fighting, I must not help but try. He was in Goryeo and Western Xia, and his qi was enough to swallow them, so he made him the most, and treated him calmly without him; However, when my mission goes, it is full of shyness and defensiveness. If people see cattle and sheep and do not taste good, but when they encounter tigers and leopards, they scream to add to it, which is enough to see that they are deeply jealous of me. He knows that there is a taboo, and I am not jealous! What I am afraid of is not that I must fight, but that I am fortunate enough to overcome Huaihuai, and if I defend Huai to trap me, I will suffer from it. The imperial court was determined and worried about the trial, what feelings could not be obtained, and what merits could not be achieved. It is a pity not to seek the knowledge of the enemy's situation, but to look at the other side and think that those who are advancing and retreating are not particularly trapped in their strength, and it is a pity that they have lost the opportunity to win. The subject said: "Those who know the enemy's feelings and act are more than enough."

If there is no way to understand the enemy's situation, the two armies will have doubts because they have no bottom in their hearts, and if they have doubts, they are prone to panic, and the countermeasures made in the case of psychological panic and instability will inevitably not be prudent and precise; If there is a way to understand the enemy's situation, the heart will be very calm and down-to-earth, calm and down-to-earth, so there will be no doubts about how to fight, once there is no doubt in the heart, it will listen to the enemy harassing themselves without panicking, then the initiative is often in our hands, and the enemy is actually restrained and in an unfavorable position. In ancient times, those who were good at fighting with soldiers would not pursue victory in every battle, but would seek invincible methods in the future. Because this method is the basis for slowly seeking victory in every battle in the future. We want to defeat the enemy, and the enemy is determined to defeat us, so who wants to be in a situation of defeat? If the mood of wanting to win and fearing defeat is intertwined in the mind, then the signs of victory or defeat cannot be judged. For example, the enemy may bring troops to attack, do we dare to think that they are not bluffing and deliberately showing off to me? The enemy allowed his troops to flee, do we dare to think that they are not hiding their true signs to lure us deeper? These are all afraid, so what? Mencius once said, "Something is weighed and then it is known whether it is light or heavy, and it is only when it is measured that it is long or short." This is because there is a definite basis. The Book of Verses says, "I can also guess what others are thinking." This is because I have carefully observed the study, and if there is a definite basis and a serious attitude of study, we can be sure that the enemy situation is thousands of miles away. If we hide the idea of attacking in the defense, then even if we do not attack, we can make long-term preparations for the future must attack; And if we pin the method of victory on the offense, then even if we can't win, we will often have a certain victory in the future. If they are really bluffing and deliberately showing off to us, we should deal with it calmly and not act rashly; If they really conceal their true form to lure us deeper, we will be prepared to make them incapable. Since superficial victory and defeat cannot disturb our square inches, then we can be in a relaxed mood and mentally stable. In this way, I will slowly use my heart to speculate on the truth of the enemy, thinking that the enemy like us will also be like this, the enemy and I are in the north and the south, although we have different concepts and ideas, but after victory, happiness and sorrow, will this mood be different? Moreover, if they do attack us, they will certainly not rush to speed up the progress of our defenses. Moreover, when the rebel thief Yan Liang first tried to invade us to the south, Liu Lin and Cai Songnian led the Jin soldiers to attack us as soon as they figured out his intentions, and eventually Liu Lin lost the battle and was expelled from the imperial court, and Cai Songnian was also given wine to commit suicide, because the Emperor of jin hated them for leaking secrets to attack the Song Dynasty. If they were really going to attack, did they want everyone to know their battle plans? If they don't dare to go to war, then they are greedy and cruel, they are not moral, they don't even care about failure when they are angry, and they will care about us?! With the status of their mother's closest relatives and brothers, one of them went against Yan Liang's wishes, and the other originally did something that was conducive to Yan Liang's status, but as a result, Yan Liang still killed them, let alone deal with us? Besides, now that they are building ships along the Erhai Sea and weapons along the Huai River, harboring sinister intentions, even those who have a grudge against them can turn to them, who dares to say that they will not attack us on a large scale in the end? Probably even if they don't have the mentality to fight now, we can't help but be wary of their actions that they want to try. They were stronger than Goryeo and Western Xia, and they were powerful enough to swallow them. Therefore, when the emissaries of Goryeo and Western Xia came to visit, they would receive them calmly without any other worries; It is only when our messengers go that they will show unkindness in many ways and try to guard against us. Just as people see that cattle and sheep never change their faces, and when they see tigers and leopards, they shout loudly, roll up their sleeves and stretch out their arms to treat them, which is enough to see that they have a deep taboo against us. They know to be taboo about us, so don't we have any taboo against them? What we are afraid of is not that the enemy will definitely attack us, but that the enemy has already won the victory and crossed the Huai River, and then will stick to the Huai River to trap us. If that were the case, we would suffer. If the imperial court calms down and thinks carefully, what kind of situation cannot be understood, and what kind of thing cannot be successful. It is a pity not to seek to understand the enemy's situation, but to look at the enemy's false momentum to decide whether to advance or retreat, which will not only trap our strength, but also make us lose the opportunity to defeat the enemy and win. Therefore, I think: "Understanding the situation of the enemy and dealing with it accordingly, it will be more than enough to deal with the enemy and win victory."

Folding the third

Since ancient times, the trend of discord in the world has often been related to the people's hearts, and the reason for the people's rebellion is really based on mood and anger. The square of mood and anger, as if there is no friendship; The accumulation of joy and anger, clutching and deciding, can not be controlled. Why? Mood and anger are all flesh and blood: full and happy, warm and moderate, and hungry and cold; Leaning on, leaning over, and making it painful to give up; Seek redress for justice, be angry and seek relief, and be angry if there is no accusation; The resentment is deep and the pain is huge and the anger is abundant, and the obedience is combined, and the rebellion is separated. At the time of the Qin and Han Dynasties, the change of clutch can be observed here. The Qin people's law was tragically condensed, and the Han people broke the circle and rested with the people, and the world had to like the Han and anger qin. The Square of Anger, Qin Ziruoye; If anger accumulates, then joy and belonging, Qin Shi can not protect himself, so he leaves and joins Han Yi.

What is the heart of the people of the Central Plains? For two hundred years, for the court of the naked son, ploughing and eating, silkworms and clothing, the rich are safe, the poor are poor, the light servants are widowed, they want to get what they want, they are stained with fishy, and they regard our people as the royal concubines of the late concubines, who love and hate themselves, and do not care for themselves. When Fang was usurped, he was not fixed, and this lawsuit was undecided, so as not to show favor by forcibly appeasement, and when he wantonly killed Yi Jiawei; After playing for a long time, the true feelings came out, distributed in prefectures and counties, half of them were Hu nu, divided into friends and planted the party, and hated China. If the people are unfair, and if the lawsuit is brought against the officials, then the Hu people will win and the Hua people will drink and be humbled; The fields are adjacent to each other, and the Hu people take them by force; Evil animals are mixed, and hu people steal them; The descendants of the beloved of the people, under the order of the army, the rich and the poor will not ask, but Ding Zhuang must do; The people's pity for the financial resources, the construction of the battle of feeding the prosperity of the empty room in the past and rest indefinitely; There are people who are trapped in regular labor, and those who do not have a cone are frozen. The people did not dare to rebel in the beginning, but they were still at the end of the accumulation of power. Xin Wei's age is very happy, and those who look south and miss the old lord have deep resentment and great pain, and anger has become abundant. Reverse Liang self-knowledge of the forbidden situation, the nest is far away, the fear of madness is nothing to achieve, so the pleasure is on the huai, lucky to win, in order to plot to break the heart of the Central Plains and seek to return. This opportunity was not repeated, and the imperial court was worried about this, and the Central Plains volunteer soldiers also collapsed. sigh! Even regret it.

Looking at it now, the people of the Central Plains have tasted rebellion, and the captives will not be able to let go of their hearts, and how can they be at peace without public opinion! Suspected subjects are deeply troubled, worried about danger, and are easy to move and lightly rebel. The imperial court did not intend to restore it; Sincerely, when he was idle, he would raise his voice and shrug it, so that the imperial court would have a shameful asset; Cun Fu Xin was attached to the temptation, so that the Zhi Imperial Court had the heart of not forgetting the Central Plains. If so, once it is urgent. He will turn his word around and rise up in a hurry, arguing for what I should do.

Moreover, the people of the Central Plains today are not the people of the Central Plains in the past. The people of the poor are accustomed to governing but do not know the soldiers, and the misfortunes of the unexpected are like the bees on the sleeve of the cup, the wise do not have time to plot, and the brave are not angry. Since the chaos, the heart is at ease with the slashing and the strength is idle in attack and defense, although the prisoners are violent, they have the help of the king and the master, and the people's hearts are strong. Although Feng Nu threw her arms, she laughed at her. Mencius said, "For Tang Wu to drive out the people, Jie and Qiuye." The subject also said that the original clutch of the present has been opened, and the captives have not moved, and they are sincerely moved, which is only for His Majesty to drive out the people. But wait, he will not die!

Folding autonomy fourth

Those who have heard about the present day and the world know: "There is a fixed situation in the north and the south, and the fragility of Wu Chu is not enough to compete with the central plains." Chenzhi said: "There is common sense in ancient and modern times, and the fishy filth of Yidi cannot be settled in China for a long time."

The so-called northern and southern rulers, Guangdong since the death of Han Ding, the world is separated from the north and south, Wu can not take Wei, and Jin is enough to merge with Wu; Jin was unable to take zhongyuan, and Chen Yi was finally killed by Sui; With Emperor Fu Yizu taking the Southern Tang and taking Wu Yue, the people of the world thought that the southeast was thin and brittle, and the non-life xiong was fixed to this. And Cai Mo also said: "All the people who live in this day will not be able to distinguish this." I saw that Han Ludong Guo was just dead. "

The subject is also said that Wu cannot take Wei, the division of the Gaisun clan, the guessing xiong of the Cao clan, its deben is incomparable, and the land of Western Shu is divided among Liu Bei, although it is willing to spy on Wei with soldiers, it is inevitable. Those who cannot take the Central Plains of Jin, for a time all the Rongs have the style of haojie, the strong subjects of Jin are self-despotic, support the military and the upper class, and they are always asking for the top, autonomy is so, why bother to plot people? Between Song, Qi, Liang, and Chen, their kings and subjects all scorned their kings and seized the throne with the victory of the First World War, and their hearts were lucky that others did not attack, and so those who attacked people were self-reliant. As for the time of the Southern Tang Dynasty and Wu Yue, the proper sage's prosperity should be fixed and there are no strangers. From this point of view, those who suffer are not fixed.

Moreover, the trend of the north and south of the fang is also very different from that of that time. The place is plundered by one of yidi's surnames, the other country is big and the upper and lower conquests, the government and the government and The Huayi are resentful, living in peace, and also imitate the ancient sage Taiping to disturb their eyes and ears, the country can speak quietly but cannot be moved, its people can be at peace with the common and cannot be in danger, not as the warring states of the late Jin Dynasty, if the warring states of Zhou Qin and the feudal towns of Tang Ji are all the country of their own, the country is the enemy of itself, and the habit of greed and devouring, plagiarism and courage is pure and not mixed. Moreover, the king of the Six Dynasties, his ancestor Deze, was unforgettable in his cultivation and impregnation, and those who were attached to the people of the Central Plains and did not go away had to be compared to today. "Compared with that time, the situation between the north and the south is very different."

At the time of Qin, the Kwantung power was the last Chu Ruoye, and Qin Chu met, and moved hundreds of thousands of people to slaughter Qin, and the king was Qin for Qin. Since then, it was the clear test that the north and south were brave and cowardly, and Xiang Liang was able to drive Zhao with Wu Chu's disciples, so he could not move the deer, break the chapter, and the army of the princes and more than ten walls did not dare to move. The warriors of Guan Chu were all ten, and the soldiers of the princes were all afraid. If you pit the Qin army, enter the Han Valley, burn Xianyang and kill children and babies, can you be brave and cowardly in the north and south?

When King Fang Huai entered Qin, the words of the Chu people said: "Although Chu has three households, if Qin dies, it will be Chu." How can he know that his bounds are going to be this? Gai Tian dao is good, but also pushed by its reasoning. Guchen takes the ancient and modern common sense and discusses it. The so-called common sense of ancient and modern times: the form of disobedience, the search for prosperity and decline, such as the same as the contract, the cold and summer will come. Therefore, the one who takes it is the one who takes it is the most rebellious, but the one who dwells in it is also prosperous. Prosperity in obedience, but decay; To be inverse and prosperous, to be stubbornly decayed? The so-called rationale of the subject is also this. Otherwise, the descendants of the descendants have the peace of Taishan and the peace of the world, and the ancient and modern things are not a thing! Now the deliberators are all bitterly punishing the matter of the past, and after the accumulation of power, do not push the death of Qin, and xian uses Cai Mo's argument to promote the jin under the pretext, it is still a thousand gold, can not mediate low, but shake the tail to the peddler; Punishing the poison of the viper cannot be verified in detail, but the bow is sculpted. It's over. Therefore, the minister wishes that His Majesty will restore the old things and be self-sufficient, not to be inferior to the six dynasties, careful and strong, and the Japanese second and third ministers pay attention to the trend of the ancient and modern north and south, knowing that they are not arrogant and not confused, then the subject should be his majesty's policy of autonomy.

The reason why there are now more autonomous people than there are: the prosperity of officials, the superiority and poverty of the people, the half-consumption of wealth, the strength and weakness of soldiers, the good equipment, and the abolition of border preparations. Gu Jin has two big ones, His Majesty knows it but does not succeed, and the minister is difficult and does not dare to send it, one is: the absolute coin, and the second is the capital Jinling. The reason why the subject Wen is now waiting for the prisoner is that there are more than two million people who are counting, and the world is big and the living soul society is counting, and the two million feet of the cloud have been he, and the subject is not sorry for more than two million. Qiantang Jinling ju is in the south of the great river, and its situation is not much different, do you think that it is hundreds of miles away and there is a distinction between strong and weak! The subject is not counted for hundreds of miles also. However, the money of the absolute age cannot be used to make the rich, and the capital Jinling cannot be restored in the Central Plains, which is known to the three-foot boy, and the subordinate district thinks that he is the speaker, and the hero of Gaigu will first have the spirit of being the three armies inside, and the heart of the enemy to be broken, so it is said: "Before the war, nourish his qi." It is also said: "The ancestors had the heart to seize people." This is not the case today: it is better to treat the enemy than to be between the golden veils, and the founding of the country takes advantage of the danger of the mountains and lakes to lose sight of the truth. Let the three armies of wu nei know that the people above them are afraid and retreat, thinking that YiDi will be invincible, and the battle and defense will not be intimidated, and although they have the courage of the heart, they will be discouraged, and the ministers do not know who will make the battle in a hurry! Can it be victorious by means of war? The people of the outer middle original thought that the imperial court had placed me on the outside, that if I had nothing to do, I would know that I would only prepare myself, and if there was something, I would not be able to save myself, and I would scream at it and urge the death of the rebel light, and for my response, it would be a shortcut. If so, the enemy will be reckless and willful. The shape of this year's golden coin and the capital Jinling will be in battle. There is a battle in the world, and then the three armies are angry and thinking, the Central Plains are arrogant and chaotic, and His Majesty has taken more than two million of his soldiers to reward the labor, is it not for the benefit of the imperial court! However, neither of these can be done today. The subject looks at the love of the people and plays the heavy battle of myself, and what he wants is not enough, but in a year or two he will want me by war, and if he wants me, he will also be depressed, and the power will be fixed on me.

The deliberators will know: "When the imperial court is in its heyday, the two prisoners of the west and the north will not be free from bribes." Now I have half of the world, and the power of the west and north of the yubei, although I want to be bribed, I have to care?" Chen Yingzhi said, "It was Zhao who treated Qin Ye." In the past, Qin attacked Handan and left, and Zhao would cut off the six counties and make peace with it, Yu Qing said: "Qin's attack on Zhao Ye, tired and returned? Or can he still advance, and he loves me without attacking?" Wang Yue: "Qin Zhi attacked me and spared no effort. He will return with weariness. Yu Qing said: "Qin with his strength, attack its strength can not be taken, tired and return; The king also used his strength to attack and capital, but to help Qin to attack himself. The minister thought that the reason why Yu Qing was plotting against Zhao was today's situation. And today's trend, the deliberators are inherently inferior to the Eastern Jin Dynasty. If you want to be in Jin, why should he retire from Jinling and lose the old coin?

His Majesty the Divine Literature Divine Martial Ancestor will surely overpower the Han and Tang Dynasties and flogg the aliens, and then call it, how can he be depressed and live here for a long time? May His Majesty take care of the past and the present, and if he is not confused by the controversy, then the restoration will be successful.

The ancients said, "Conspire with the secretaries, conspire with the shu people." It is also said: "As a house and a roadside, it will not be done in three years." Cover the nobles, and judge the nobles, but Your Majesty will look deeply into it.

Fold shou huai fifth

Subjects hear the way of using soldiers, and if they are prepared, they must be divided, and they must be prepared for everything they know. Why? Elite soldiers ride, 100,000 tuns, the mountains are thunderous, and their momentum is self-sufficient, so who dares to take advantage of this as a preparation? Ten from tun, but not more than ten thousand, weak and depressed, and it is not enough to prepare for this. The stakes of this cluster are also shared. When the subjects tasted the battle between the two Huai, they were prepared for more and weak, and the soldiers were intimidated and discouraged, running in places that did not have to be defended, and the front of the long-distance battle of the people was defeated, so they lost nine battles in ten battles. Therefore, he had to draw the river and keep it, fortunately. And now the love of the prisoners, the subjects are fixed in the argument, but they will enter the court with the soldiers, and they will succeed without internal disasters; If it exceeds Huaihuai, it will disturb the people, and it will be enough to disturb it with the people, and it will be enough to cause trouble to us. Fu Shoujiang lost Huaihuai, and the affairs of Wu, Chen, and Southern Tang can also be seen. And I am in and out, I am in and out, protracted, why not be born? Han Chang, the general of Wu Shu, and Feng Changning, the general of Liu Yu's xiang, all tasted that it was the guide, and did they know that the other days' plans would not be out of this? The old courtiers thought that they would come without fear of the way of Huaihuai, and that they should be sent away in a hurry; If he is not fortunate enough, he will go, and he will not dare to commit it one day. For he is the one who is the one who is the one who can enter my land, but not the battle of my war; He can attack my city, and I can go out of the other place. However, non-prepared specialty can not also.

And how many counties is Huanhuai? How many for the county? Retreating to Huaihuai and turning the river into an important town, known as Ezhu, Jinling, and Jingkou, so that the soldiers who are in the capital of the capital will all have fixed camps, and their battalions will have a fixed number, which cannot be omitted. Huanhuai must be prepared for everything, and it is a strategy of using limited troops and using all kinds of preparations. If the division of troops is weak, it will not be able to break the brunt of it. If you gather troops as a tun and defend as a battle, it is not enough to worry about me, but I can go in for the sake of others.

What about the gathering of soldiers? The coming of the captives, from Huaihuai to the East, will be chu to be interesting; From Huai to the west, the Road will be hao to be interesting, and the Dao shou will be fun and harmonious; Coming from Jingxiang, xiangyang will be fun jing. Imago chose to ride 100,000 horses, and divided them into three places: Shanyang, Haoliang, and Xiangyang, while YuYang or He placed a large mansion to supervise it. If they attack Shanyang, they will not fight, and the false Xuyi Gaoyou will bait it, so that Haoliang will be divided into halfs and attacked by the soldiers of the Governor's Palace, or will not be paid, or will return home. If you are in Shanyang, then Xiangyang's division will be out of Tang and Deng to disturb it. If they attack Haoliang, they will not fight, and The Void Lu Shou will bait it, so that Shanyang will divide it into half and the soldiers of the Governor's Palace will also attack it. Yu and Liang were strong, and so was the master of Xiangyang. If you attack Xiangyang, you will not fight, and if you attack Xiangyang, you will not fight, and the soldiers of Shanyang will return from Muyang to disturb the Yihai Sea. This government is called: He who does not bully the enemy does not dare to attack, but he who can attack the other will be saved.

The courtiers say that those who solve the chaos and entanglement do not control their fists, those who save the fighters do not fight, they criticize the confusion, and the form is forbidden, then they are self-solving. In the past, most people used soldiers for this reason, so Wei Zhao attacked each other, Qi Shi saved Zhao, Tian Ji led troops to rush away from the girder, then Wei Bing released Zhao and saved himself, and Qi Shi was destroyed by Guiling. Later, Emperor Zhuangzong of Tang and Liang held between Yang Liu and Desheng, and Gai was invincible, and then used Guo Chongtao's strategy to enter liang in seven days and die. The situation of the soldiers has been since ancient times. The speaker will know, "If I make a mistake and advance, he will also mobilize his troops to resist; In fact, the encounter did not see its falsehood. "Yes or no. He was defending along the border, but his troops were no more than tens of thousands, and since they were already in the charge of the three cities, the rest could not be more. The soldiers are small and insufficient, and those who fail to be my whole division are not worried about it. And if he indulges in Huaihuai, but the people are disobedient, and there is a river to obstruct it, it is not enough to benefit. I have the Central Plains, and the pot of pots will fall, and the people's hearts will be self-reinforcing, and will not be defended by me? In this way, it is very strong in us, and very flawed in the other. The whole of us is very strong, and the attack on the other is very flawed, and the so-called soldiers of this subject will go urgently, and the soldiers will go and dare not repeat the offense. alack! Anders and the people of the world!

Fold tun tian sixth

Zhao Chongguo said on the plan of preparing the border: "The three million Hu people in the Huangzhong Jigu do not dare to move." Li Guangwu plotted for Cheng Anjun: "If you want him to be heavy, if he does not arrive in ten days, then the head of the second general can be caused." It is said that the use of soldiers to win victories should give priority to grain, and the transfer of salaries to the army should be used for the benefit of communication. He who wants to make the grain abundant and the food unending worry, but the tun field is good. And Tun Tian Gai is also difficult to do: the state scripture painting, in the past few years, and those who have not seen the actual results of their husbands, so the person who drives them to cultivate is not his person, so the person who is responsible for it is not his official, so the profit is not ten hundred and the harm has been tens of millions. The name is Tun Tian, in fact, it is heavily spent to complain about it. Why? The rogue villains in the city are lazy and have nothing to do, and because they are forced to be hungry and cold, they are willing to sacrifice their lives to the army, and they are idle and indulgent in food and clothing; once the police are in a hurry, they take the armor and the work as a stone, and their hearts are fixed on themselves: I have nothing to do with the people, but I am fortunate to be warm to the officials, and now the officials have something to do and blame me for the death. And the victory is still the hope of replenishing the rank of the accumulated capital, so it is safe and not resigned; If he is in the field now, he will not be able to avoid the hardships of cultivation without incident, and if there is a danger of attack and defense, he will know: "I can cultivate and eat, can I not rent from the rich people to make a living, and lose my life in the slaughter?" If the Lord drives me to death, can't he donate grain to feed me, and serve me hard?" There is nothing to vent in the anger of injustice, and then the mu invite the people to seize the land and plunder the wine and meat, in order to be wanton, and the practice of the front is to shout anger and strangle the wrist, and the long-term is not useful. And he said, "I cultivate and feed myself, and the officials use me." It is sincerely not to see the benefits of the husband's success also. Reckless destruction, waste of grain, only see harm, do not hear profits, this is not a good thing.

As the subject says, it is said: The soldier of the seeker is lazy and does not do his best, and the servant of the giver is meticulous and responds to the story. It is better to return to the military and the people as a protector, and then the reformed officials will be promoted to the chief and make them exclusive. And he was signed from captivity, and the things he did were well practiced. And his life is the same as the well, his affection is compatible, and the orders are subordinate, and they do not get into trouble. However, the officials counted the number of acres of idle land for them, and the eyes of the soldiers and civilians who were converted to their husbands, the natives did not waver in the fields they occupied, so as to be seriously disturbed. The homes of the converted people are divided into two classes for 100 acres; For those who are soldiers, Tian did his best to give; Those who are in danger are very taxed and think that they are the reserves of the fierce famine relief. The methods of room, utensils, and grain seeds were all obeyed, so that the planting of mulberry and hemp and the storage of chickens and dolphins thought that they were the funds for the marriage of Vola at the age of the year. He will forget his wanderings, and facilitate his fertility. If there is nothing to do, the chief is the official who advises the peasants, and if there is a problem, the chief is the general of the main soldier, and xu Qili is the senior examination, and he is longer than his appointment, so that he is careful to teach and persuade. And the Commission of Ministers, the Superintendent, verifies his labor performance, and plays and relocates ranks without limiting the Lord. People are familiar with each other and do not exhort each other to go to the name of merit. Moreover, the military and civilians are scattered in Jianghuai, and the people on this side are regarded as different. Unfortunately, and the Lord will also be righteous in his righteousness, and he will seek self-release in the temple, and he will do his deeds in pain, and the more he will not be sympathetic. There are grievances, complaints, and heavy texts are enough. The so-called small-name people look up to the words, Xu officials are depressed, how can they be timely? alack! This sincerity can be pitied, and sincerity is not the court, so it is also the art of seducing Zhongyuan Zhongyi.

It is said: "Because of its inadequacies, it is beneficial to four or five and more than nine or ten." This Zhengtun Tian is not special for the state, but also a blessing for the converted military and the people. The deliberators will know: "Converted people always have different hearts, gather in groups, and worry about rebirth and change." Is big or not also. Moreover, after the peace and relatives, the military and the people were converted along the river, and the officials lost the favor of fu mo, and those who returned from the north were not counted, and the border officials at that time also listened to it and could not be controlled, so was it the crime of returning to the righteous soldiers? Now that those who remain are less safe, but also more in the field, then people have regular production and there is no heavy collection, why should they rebel bitterly and seek the curse of the Ganyu people's tyranny! If you also know: "Fear of stealing", and people do not talk about lai nai to rob them of their lives, sincerely rich and prosperous! Why bother? The hungry are easy to eat, but they must not be. Sincerely make the fruit ear, alienated from the outside of the river, not more than gathered inside and heavily disturbed? And the things of the world, against the grain of evil and not daring to seek their benefits, cannot be said to be wise.

The so-called imperial armies of Gaijin are proud to treat them with a thick and superior, so they are proud. Arrogance is irreproachable, and this is easy to know. The pawn of the Joph County is different. He is not the reason for the pawns of the Son of Heaven, and he can work hard without complaining, and most of them are unemployed people from Nongsang, so they are in the wild and do not complain. In previous years, the brave and brave hunters of Qiding were a military force, and the subjects thought that they could use this army for generations, and regarded them as several times the number of the converted soldiers and civilians, so that the eunuchs and strangers were connected, and the houses looked at each other, and cultivated between the two Huai. He whose name is simple and lowly, will not dare to look at the converted military and the people and mediate resentment; And the soldiers and people who are converted to the right will also be jealous and dare not do so. The force is enough to prohibit the change of the right army and the people, and the force is enough to prohibit the profits of tun tian, is there any reason for this?

In the past, the stubborn people of the merchants were in chaos, and the Duke of Zhou did not reprimand and moved to Luoyi, saying: "The servants of the merchants are pouring wine, do not kill them, and teach them only." Later, King Kang ordered Bi Gong to be the Duke of Bi, and he also said: "Do not Zang Zang, the people are recklessly persuaded." In the beginning, they will be stubborn and teach, and in the end, they will choose their good and use them. The saints ruled the world without tasting the absolutes. Now the soldiers gathered in lianghuai and tuntian to live in it, to verify their labor performance and lu rank to lure them, to save the cost of excessive food, to transfer the labor of the province outside, to sell the changes of the people, this is the method of treating the merchants and the people of the Zhou Dynasty, the Qin makes people their own skills of war, and the legacy of the Wellfield soldiers and farmers is also. In the case of my old naked son, if it were not like the merchants in the zhouzhi have different thoughts, and the technique made it, there would be something bad in the world!

Fold to the seventh

Those who do not have a death will not be able to win the battle despite their bravery, and those who have no death on the border will not be able to succeed in their merits. If there is nothing to do, and if there is something wrong, it will be the first to flee, and the enemy will run away, and the geometry will not defeat the affairs of the country. The emperor is responsible to the prime minister, and the prime minister is in charge of the world, but there is no place to go against it by deeply exploring his feelings! The Gai people will not die heavily, but if they are brave, they will be lazy and proud, and they will not dare to avoid death. alack! This is inspiring the world to the most skillful also. How about it? "The feelings of a general are different from those of a soldier, and the art of therefore cannot be obtained." Harmony? The courage of the general lies in the fact that he is equally responsible and throws himself into his jealousy, and the noble lord is inspired by his admiration; The courage of the soldier lies in the widow's relief of his grievances, and the reward for his death. The subject is invited to prepare chenzhi:

In today's world, the disadvantage is that Confucian ministers do not know the soldiers and the military ministers have to want them, so the foreign affairs of the imperial court know only those who win or lose, and the so-called retreat, can be attacked and defended, then the imperial court has not been able to know. Pi Qiyi said: "In peacetime, the Confucians will let it go; Once disturbed, and let me walk on the stone! I am blessed to be rich and noble. Can't you patrol self-love and leave the thief to secure your position?" It is also a matter of the master of huai shang who has a delay and avoids the prisoner. The subjects now want to beg the imperial court to choose among the civilian subjects, who are honest and sensitive, and each army should appoint a staff officer, so that they can accompany the deliberations and observe the situation without being unified. It is not as good as Tang's so-called ratio of supervising the army. He is a general who is jealous, and the civilians are also able to prepare for the border city because of their knowledge and proficiency in battle; And when a general is facing the enemy, he has the convenience of attacking him, and he knows that the gentleman also knows the stakes of the soldiers, and he will not dare to rely on the thief to keep himself and leave the country behind. This is the case that it is all at will.

In the love of mortals, if they have not attained the will, they risk death to seek wealth, and if they have achieved the will, they will keep the rich and noble and regain their lives. The ancients said that the imperial generals were distinguished by the size of the talents, saying that the imperial talents were like raising qi ji, and the royal talents were like raising eagle dogs. However, the generals of today are all great talents, and if they want to be full, they will fly away like eagles! Xiang Hongxian Haidao's division has a yiyi, a number of ships and a few ships, so that those who are with it, is also its business. The subject wanted to beg the imperial court for the order of Jin Zhongjue, measure his merits, and give it to him. It is not said that there is no giving, Xu gives, and wants to make it often provocative, and there is a desire to be insufficient in order to achieve its after-effect. As for the precepts, those who are not restrained and come to each other must be given the courtesy of seniority and given to the left to choose each other, and there is no such thing as the humiliation of those who are making Yao County, such as Tang who is in charge of military service with gold and purple. He was known by those who were introduced to the value of a knight's life, and the imperial court did not choose the nobility and inferiority, but also held on to the favor of the court and his dedication to the court. This is called a noble lord and arouses his admiration.

There is no fullness between the camp curtains, and when the Lord will sing and dance endlessly, the liver and brain under the blade will not dare to protect, and the Lord will be graceful in the tent, which is also dangerous and troublesome. And in peacetime, he does not rest to nourish his strength, so that Yu Yunyun uses his private room to lash out, and his heart is indignant and resentful, but he is afraid of the world's nothing, and invites him to seek the so-called happy and unscrupulous, who is willing to stand up and serve his life in order to defeat the enemy! The art of war says: "Treat the pawn as a beloved son", so the ancient sages will have to share the labor with the lowest soldiers. Subjects who want to beg the generals of the imperial court to teach themselves, those who do not repair the camp and govern the fence, and those who are famous and public affairs are not allowed to serve privately, in order to receive the hearts of soldiers. This is to say that the widow is to alleviate its grievances.

No one can die evilly, nor can he have the love of his parents, wives, and children, and risk thousands of deaths and be fortunate in his life, the so-called qigong winner has the hope of a seniority and a half rank, and the imperial court will cut it down compared with it, and the reward will be fixed and paid to the army, then the xu officials will be rolled, and the lord will invite it, and it will not be profitable. When the enemy goes to Shijie, the Lord will enjoy great wealth, and the soldier will have a life and be depressed again, and he will die of misfortune, his wife and children will be scattered, the incense will be depressed, and everything will fall apart; When the undead see it, who doesn't have a heart? The art of war says: "The military reward is not overdue", and the ancient sage will be covered with a wounded orphan for the soldier. If the subject wants to beg the imperial court to receive a reward, he and the messenger officer are brought to the army and called for a name to pay; And in the house of the dead, the Lord of Shen will be cured and caressed to make a soldier happy. This is a quick reward and a sympathy for his death. In this way, the arrogant turn into sharp, and the lazy become powerful. There is no keeping, keeping and not being solid; There is no attack, no offense.

Fanz counted things, there was no difficulty in paying heavy fees, why did the imperial court not lift it, and it had already been collected and used by him! His Majesty the Courtiers watched the hundred officials to spoil the warriors, and long en counted the number of excellent battles, which was sincerely intended to motivate the generals, but there were still things that had not yet been done in detail, and had been done and reincarnated. Desire That is why His Majesty's courtiers are so satisfied with the saying of the ranks, and the wise minister is given to the prime minister, so that he can judge and do what he does, and he has the pleasure of the upper and lower levels, and the urgency will not be wrong to the country.

Folding anti-micro eighth

Those who were the country of the ancients were deeply worried about their enemies and their prevention was secret. Therefore, he often does not hesitate to reward the wise and courageous people in the world, and does not want a husband to have a sad and complaining heart to talk about injustice and defeat me. The wise and courageous of the gaitan, the masters of the heavens and the people, the kind of people who refuse to be themselves, the harsh and can not be seen in the world, the small and hungry in their bodies, then their desire to succeed is to ruin the reputation, and those who can alleviate anger and desire will do everything. It is the enemy country that holds on, and the victory or defeat is undecided; If a husband and wife are uneven and lose to the enemy, then what I am afraid of is known and thrown into it, and what I am good at is used by him; To throw oneself at what I am afraid of and to use my strengths is to benefit the enemy and leave the enemy behind, and we must not fail to detect it. The saying goes: "Beware of the outside, and the afflictions are born within it." The sage is so deeply impressed that the mediocre people think it is not enough to worry about it.

In the past, Wu Chen, the Prince of Chu, tried to teach Wu to shoot the imperial court by car, and Wu was able to succeed. Han Zhongxing said that it is better to taste the teachings than to love the Han, and the Han has the worries of the Xiongnu. There are many such cases recorded in the annals of history. The subject is the one who is worried about today, and he can not be heavy for the court unless he goes to the puppeteer, and Gai thinks that the opportunity to vent me is enough to increase the jaw and ear of the prisoner. Why? The examination is not enough to envelop the people of the world, and the reward is not enough to exhaust the people who have returned to the people, and the poor people of the husband and the poor, and the one who has no remorse, the world cannot be exhausted, and there are also those who are different from themselves and do not bend the small knots, and he will be willing to bow down and die in my land? Or is it also a bad wall that crosses the fence and seeks relief from other realms? Is unknowable also. The subject is the speaker, not to act on his own words by the ears of His Majesty, and gai also has a clear ear. Try the big one:

The reverse light of the South Kou also, the sea road boat is the craftsman of the Pingjiang River; Huainan is only defended by autumn, and when the summer enters the Kou, the soldiers of Wuxi are really worried; Defeating the enemy's crossbowmen is not enough, and now it has been done; The soldiers of the temple were more proud than his pawns, and they are now known. What a trifle! As it is said, it is the result of the non-returnees and the long religion of the rebels. And the reformed soldiers and civilians, or agitated by loyalty, or forced by the abuse of the government, so they come to return, and their hearts are sincerely admired, and His Majesty has tried not to send them away. Since last year, the imperial court has also been followed by qu congregations, among which there are those who know poetry and books and know righteousness, such as Xie Yuan Zhen generation, please stay in the previous chapter, and His Majesty has already rewarded it. If the so-called King of Sizhou and other generations have done the same thing, they have all said that they are false, and teach their relatives to resort to the court to move to please, this will be some of their hearts are not happy with the court. If this groove is incompetent(brother + insult) and is tired of millions of people to return to it, but the measure of people is more than the same, the wisdom and foolishness are different, or there are also so-called jay-like differences. Suddenly, the suffering is gradually not long. May His Majesty have a wide range of hongzhi and open up the road of speech, Xu Zhichen said that the interests are at stake, and the officials can be collected, so as to clean up the people of Jiangnan; Ming Zhao has a division, and when he scatters his hands, he returns to the Ming and the righteous with good compassion. In addition, the county officials of the prefecture made them get rid of the kehuo and pingting prison lawsuits, in order to express their anger at escaping death and not complaining. His converted soldiers and civilians, or those who have repeated demands and are willing to do what they say, this will be unpredictable. The imperial court has not failed in this generation, and if it is repeated, His Majesty can also exalt his treacherous hopes. Otherwise, he will indulge in it without adding control, play without adding mercy, I am afraid that if he runs westward like Zhang Yuan and Wu Hao first, and Shi Yisheng goes north in the near future, he may be able to tame the border accident disturbance, and he must not be careless!

Chenwenzhi: Lu Gongfu Wenbo died, and there were two women who committed suicide in the house, and his mother did not cry when she heard it, saying: "Confucius sage also." To chase after Lu but not to follow, and to die and the woman commits suicide is bound to be thin to her elders and thick to her woman. The speaker said: "From the mother's words, it is a virtuous mother, and from the words of the wife, it is inevitable that she is a jealous wife." The theory of the present subject is returned to the Ming army and the people, and it is sincerely feared that those who displease the subject will regard the subject as a jealous wife. But His Majesty has a deep understanding of it.

Fold long as ninth

There is nothing difficult or untenable in the world, but there are those who can do it. People can be sincere, and if they are not specialized, they cannot succeed. Therefore, Mencius said: "Those who are beautiful in the five grains are not ripe, and it is better to be barnyard." Why? If the matter is manipulated by the self, and the conspiracy has been tried, it can be accomplished in one fell swoop; There is rebellion against man, and even if the conspiracy is judged, it will last and then be done. Gai Zi Yi Di is a plague for China, they all have the heart to win, the sage Fang dispatched troops to the heavens, and the prime minister succeeded with responsibility, not as the political punishment lied to himself, but also received his own easy. When the army is used in the direction of the day, the victory is achieved in the evening, and the Gongqing Doctor returns to him, saying: "The sage of this prime minister." Tomorrow when the enemy is approaching, and the next day when the enemy is unfavorable, the group rises up and mediates the evil, saying: "The prime minister is insufficient and the folding is also rushed." At first, the sages are not the same, so the people cannot be confident, and it is difficult to do what they want!

The subject reads history, tastes the deep addition of Yue sentence practice, Han Gaozu's ability to let people, and the ability of the species, li, liang, and ping to deal with things: sudden victory, sudden defeat, are not enough to move their hearts, and the specialization of faith, the success of the period, are as expected. Guan Fu Gong Ji's perch, five years and Wu Fa Qi, the virtual can be multiplied, the seed, lily as if not heard; For another four years, Wu Vaqi, who could take advantage of the void, planted and rebelled against the army to help him; In another two years, Wu Faqi was not victorious, and the seed and lily began to attack and break it, and they could take it, but the seed and lily did not take it; It took another nine years to destroy it in one fell swoop. Twenty and three years after the gai calendar, and the sentence did not try to take power because it was too late. Feng Pei Zhixing, Qin 2nd year, Han defeated by Xue; In the first year of the Han Dynasty, Emperor Gao was at Hongmen; Another two years of provocation at Pengcheng; For another three years, trapped in Xingyang; Another five years were not good for Xia Nan. Liang and Ping did not hesitate to discuss for a day, but they were not exempt from the discord, and liu was established in the fifth year of the calendar, and Emperor Gao did not try to seize his power because of negligence. Sincerely with one victory and one defeat, it is common for soldiers to punish defeat and victory, and it is not a strategy. Therefore, the ancient man, the king, and his trusted ministers, are not constantly slanderous; Its figure back to the great merit also, not sympathetic to the subsection; Therefore, what can be blamed and cannot be done is effective for those who can be achieved. The captives suffered from the imperial court, such as sickness and gangrene. If the root of the disease does not go, it will not be able to live in peace in the end. However, if it is decided, it will be sharpened, and there will be no regrets; And its sales also stop at Fu Bait, which is painful and late, and eventually becomes a big problem. Sick and using medicine, without saying a word, until the blade is applied and the bait is moved, and the bait is not much and the blade is taken; The sick are the ones who are to blame. sigh! Also self-confused also. And there are two ways of miyako, but peace and war. Hegu was very strategic, but the Emperor Taishang used Qin Juniper for nineteen years without disagreement, and the Emperor Taishang believed in the firmness of Qin Juniper. Today's affairs are safe to be at peace, and the subjects do not dare to ensure that their alliances can be guaranteed; They thought that war was unspeakable, and their subjects did not dare to give up their soldiers. However, His Majesty is sincere, careless, and the prime minister who does everything in the world, so that Youyou can undoubtedly try to return with all his strength, and then he can be the prime minister of the opportunity to fight with the war.

The Tang people regarded the Xiangfu as a hermitage, what happened to those who were formed? The merits of Huai Cai, Pei Du used and Li Shi Dao sent assassins to slow down the division, Gao Xia was defeated and Qian Wei Xiao Was said, the depth of XianZong's faith and the dedication of Ren, made Fox Chu's dismissal as a middle house, and Li Fengji's appearance as a festival, all of which were frustrated and neglected. Therefore, the king is loyal to the king, and the subject is loyal, and he can become the merit of ZTE. Although Zhang Jun did not have a great victory, nor did he reach a major defeat, Fu Li was frustrated, summoned back to the road, and then went away with the crime, I am afraid that it is not the way for Yue Jujian, Emperor Han Gao, and Tang Xianzong to be the prime minister. Unless it is hereby also, the source of the household cashier inside, the plan of the general secretary of the whole Cao, and the guards of Fubian County and the guards of Tun Shu are not the ones who can blame their success. The subject wishes that His Majesty will succeed in the prime minister, and that the chancellor will be responsible for the success of the chancellor and the general, so that each of them can specialize in his duties, and with the rank of lu and the performance of his labor, there is no need to move lightly, then the person has no scruples and is willing to be excited to see his talents. If the net is lifted, the eyes of the people are self-proclaimed, and there are still those who do not do the things under the world, and the ministers do not dare to believe it.

Folding detailed battle tenth

The courtiers do not sing, and they must not be auspicious birds; The jackal does not eat, but does not want to be a benevolent beast. This captive Wu did not move and the subjects would argue. Why? I have nothing to cheat, I have nothing to fear. Then the two countries can be ashamed to make an alliance, and the living beings can be bullied into soldiers. Now he has the feeling of deceiving me, and I also have the preparation of deceitful, one deception and one deception, that is, the world will not be a warrior, and I will be confused. Knowing that the world must fight, then send troops to attack people and sit and treat others to attack, which is the benefit? What is the land of the warriors and the one who retreats to fight on his own? Even if they are not exempt from war, Mo Ruo first sent troops to the land of warriors, this is the supremacy of the world, the supremacy of the soldiers, and the reason why wei chen dares to argue falsely.

What about the detailed battle? Details of the places where they fought also. There are nine places in the art of war, and all of them are based on the situation of the land. Those who do not know the land and do not know the situation are called "wave wars". There are dangers and dangers in the old land. Those who change first, the danger is not attacked; Those who break their weight are not preferred. Today's Central Plains, its shape is easy, its power is heavy, and guo'an is in it? A: Shandong is also. If shandong is not allowed, Hebei is not advisable, and if hebei is not hebei, the central plains cannot be restored. This fixation is not hypothetical also. The ancients said that the use of soldiers is like the snake of the changshan mountain, hitting its head is the tail should be, hitting its tail is the first response, and hitting its body is the beginning and the end. The subject snickers, the husband strikes his tail, the head responds, and the body hits the head and tail, and Gu ye; If you hit its head, it will die, and although the tail should be, its mediocrity will help? Fang Jin Shandong is the head of the captives, and Jingluo Guanxi is his tail. From Mount Tai to the north, not more than a thousand two hundred miles to The Swallow, the nest of the Swallows. Since the river lost its way, the river Shuo has no obstacles to turbidity, and the so-called thousand and two hundred miles have passed through the pillow. The people of Shandong are brave and joyful, the people of Shandong are often poor before they have things, the world has changed, and Shandong is often the first disaster in the world. As for its so-called troops preparing the border, compared with other places, the Shandong number is brief. And its land is close to Yan, and its people are happy and chaotic, and the other side is poor and its people are simple, and it is true that the world is also powerful. The two of them fight each other, and the pain of his heart is not strong; The two formations are in a standoff, and the noisy battalion has no fighting heart. Gu Chen thought that if the soldiers left Shuyang (Haizhou County), Shandong would fall at the same time, and if Shandong had already fallen, Heshuo would look at the wind and tremble, and if Heshuo had already shaken, Yanshan's subjects would make it guard the southern gate. Let me say:

As for The Yuren Lietun shu, west of Huaiyang, as for the Fenlong [Haizhou defense place, so it doesn't matter], the soldiers of the Miscellaneous Jurchens, Bohai Sea, and Khitan were less than 100,000. Guanzhong, Luoyang, and Jingshi were the places where the situation was the heaviest. The defense is very deep, the preparation is not very dense, but because it is heavy, it is believed in the name of the great. Yang Bing yu Chuan Shu, then said: "Guanlong Qin and Han ancient capital, the danger of one hundred and two." I can't argue. "When the soldiers are raised in Xiangyang, they say: "The old tomb of my ancestors in Luoyang has been abandoned for a long time, and I can't take it." When Yang Bing was in Huaixi, he said: "The jingshi Wuzong temple is basically here, and I cannot cease to recover." Most of them are in the shape of the golden drum of the Flag, pretending to be determined to take the momentum, which has been shaken in the middle of the war, and has frightened Luoyang; To frighten Luoyang, and to sound the Beijing Division. He who sees my form and fears my strength will gather in three places with 100,000 soldiers, and the counties along the border will also be defended, and it is said that everything is prepared and everything is invincible. In this way, the guards of Yanshan and the household people of Shandong [The Jurchen Shandong Tuntian people are less than 30,000, and this soldier is not available.] ], the signing of the Central Plains, the elite armor and sharp troops will be lifted, I am in the form of a towering so that it must not be left, and the envoys who remain with the situation must not be rested, then the land of Shandong is solid and illusory. Although Shandong is weak, there are still thousands of soldiers from Qing, Mi, Yi, and Hai, and I use coastal warships to rush to the border of Denglai Yi and Zihuai, and thousands of soldiers are all divided among the guards. Shandong is sincere and vain, and thieves will rise up, and I will lure the soldiers of the thieves to make them burst out; And His Majesty Xu Xuanyi, with 50,000 soldiers, half of his steps and horses, and the drum shape of the front, within three days to the outskirts of Yanyun, the subject did not know who the shandong counties would be the enemy of the king! Shandong had been decided, then Hu Shi Mo Ma, called for loyalty, taught to defend the war, and then passed on the counties of Shuo, Xu Yibing to follow, this is Han Xin so broke Zhao and raised Yan Ye. If the people of the world know that the king's master will be restored, and the form of the destruction of the captives, then the Khitan kingdoms such as wo and partridge will have those who rise up. This subject therefore made Yanshan Sainan Gate and guarded it. The three-way border troops of the Pi people will return to the north to defend themselves? I have made his way back, and he has also yu Huaixi, Xiangyang, and Sichuan Shu's soldiers, and they have not been released. Or war and keeping? The heart has collapsed, the man has disintegrated, and I have attacked him halfway out of his back. At this time, His Majesty may also build a city and surrender his troops; Drive north, but also use its front; Even if you return home, you can not worry about it, and then you can strike it later. The subject knows that the world is not enough to be determined.

However, the soldiers of the Sea Road and the Three Roads will not have to be brave, and the soldiers will not have to be sharp. Gaichen will take the soldiers of the three roads of the sea road as the positive, and Shandong as the odd; The odd one is strong, and the positive one is weak; The weak contain the division, and the strong will take the soldiers. Tang Taizong, who used soldiers in ancient times, knew this and said: "I look at the situation of the marching front, and every battle will make the weak often meet the strong, and the strong often meet the weak." The enemy is weak and weak, and the pursuit is not more than tens of hundreds of steps; When we strike at the enemy's weakness, we often highlight ourselves and counterattack it, so that we will win. "However, this Special Taizong used it for a while. The subject thinks that the world is the trend, avoiding the real and attacking the virtual, but so it is. If we do not know that in order to drive Jian Jian Rui from the three roads to advance, and take the inch as a strategy for recovery, then our soldiers will be weak for a long time, and they will not be defeated when they are suddenly used. The recent Battle of Fu Li is also. Suppose That His Majesty takes Jingluo in one fell swoop, and then raises another move to restore Shaanxi, and he will be the armor of yan ji under the great river in the south and the millet of Shandong in Surabaya in the east, and who will be the commander of His Majesty's generals and guard this? The Battle of Sankyo was also. If you can keep it, then Hebei is not sick; Hebei is not sick, then the male and female are still undecided. His Majesty knows what is right.

Xi Han sent a letter to Gao Zu, willing to raise Yan Zhao in the north with 30,000 people, attack Qi in the east, and cut off the grain road of Chu in the south, while the west would meet in Xingyang. Geng Yi said that yu Guangwu wanted to first fix Yuyang, take Zhuo County, and also collect Fuping, while going east to Qi. The second son did not think that it was difficult to do so, and Gao Zu Guangwu did not think it was suspicious, and those who took advantage of it to take the world were familiar with it. From this point of view, if Gao Zu Guangwu did not believe his words, the second son would be mad. Who? Falling and difficult to get along. As in the theory of subjects, I know that there is no such thing as a subject who is crazy! Although, the minister has another saying. Final words for His Majesty:

If the so-called soldiers go out of Shandong, the people of Shandong will rebel and think that I should, and it is possible to determine without a fight. The speaker will know: "At the age of Xin Wei, the changes in Shandong have been great, but in the end there is no one who guards the size of the imperial court to build a foundation for zhongxing, why not?" The subject said: "The counties and counties in the north can make all the soldiers the people who hoe the plough, and those who use this soldier to do things, and the pawns who are not military officials are also the bow soldiers of the county." Why? The people of the plough are scheming and easy to gather, fear defeat and light enemies, and make them strong and durable, but they are defeated. If the husband and the archers, they are all in the army, and they go to the government, and they all know that the command is not to be violated, and the elders are more defensive, and their parts are also familiar with their right to reward and punish. At the beginning of Jianyan, such as Kong Yanzhou and Li Chengsheng, who killed the elders, drove away the good people, and glued but did not disperse, they were all of this generation. Why does the age of Ran Xin Wei remain unchanged? "The customs of the northeast are still angry and shameful." When it was then, King Youyou of Gengjing had already risen up first, and he refused to bow down to the orders of the peasants, so he preferred to defend the city and take the king's master as his own merit. "The subject often speculates that there are Haojie who can be with the founders in this Cao, but the people who are thin and do not fight, and the construction of non-civil engineering and the guards of officials are not reused." Once The change of Piqisi is more quick and courageous than the people of the hoe. However, Ji Ji thought deeply about it, and the non-Wang Master did not allow it to be lightly sent. His Majesty will enter the realm with his troops, and he will open the door to meet him, but he will be afraid of the back of his ears. To gain the people and to make them general, to gain the city and to make them guard, is not to be chosen here, and it is not possible to see it. Therefore, the subject is not prepared for the detailed battle.

From the first to the tenth, the book is incisive. At the same time, it is also a very good military treatise and has high research value. In addition, "Ten Treatises on Meiqin" became synonymous with Xin Abandoned Disease, and Mr. Guo Moruo wrote a pair of elegies for Xin Abandoned Disease's tomb: "Iron plate copper lute, following dongpo singing the great river to the east (Shanglian); Meiqin is sad, and the Southern Song Dynasty Mo flies south with hongyan. (bottom link)"

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