
A little information Chen Tong: Media content should be both valuable and readable

author:China Times
A little information Chen Tong: Media content should be both valuable and readable

China Times ( reporter Xu Yunqian, trainee reporter Li Qiannan reported in Beijing

On November 30th, the "New Space for China's Economic Growth - The 12th (2019) Chinese Minsheng Insurance • China Economic Media High-level Summit" sponsored by China Economic Media Association, China Times and "Water Skin Talk" was grandly held. Among them, the interactive dialogue "New Space for Media Integration" invited media colleagues from all walks of life to participate in the discussion on the current situation and development prospects of media integration.

"When there was no Internet, everyone was a deep user of newspapers, but now there is not only the Internet, but also social media and platforms that spread content like Kuaishou. The content and form of media communication have undergone a great change. Chen Tong, president of a little information, said when analyzing the current situation of the media.

The media has new room for growth

At present, information has become a sharing mechanism with "me" as the core, information release has sunk from media agencies to each individual, and the participation of individuals reflects the "granularization" of communicators; the content is also more diverse, from serious financial reports to the shooting of vivid life scenes, and the content is widely accepted; the form of information release is from newspapers to multi-terminal, so as to achieve the all-round application of information technology.

"The previous model, whether it is a newspaper or a portal, or even the distribution of information flows, has encountered great challenges, and everyone has to recognize the changes in the environment and then adapt to this environment. However, as a media practitioner, I think that the space for media development is still huge, after all, the development of enterprises needs a large number of media talents. Chen Tong said in the discussion.

So, for the media, how to enhance their own value and adapt to changes in the media environment?

In fact, the first thing is to give the user an accurate portrait. Media users are middle-aged and elderly people who are more than half a hundred years old, or teenagers who love to "chase stars", or "all-you-can-eat" in the age group of old and young, and different users correspond to different solutions. This is equivalent to setting goals. The portrait of the user is based on algorithms and computing power, but at this step it is also necessary to pay attention to the security of the data, prevent the leakage of privacy, and monitor the effect of public opinion.

After setting the goal, in a large amount of information, it is necessary to consider the criteria for content screening, of course, there are fair standards and differentiated standards here. Just like judging looks, who is a beautiful woman? We have fair value judgments, that is, standards that everyone agrees on, and at the same time, we should also respect the differentiated standards, and take both into account when formulating content screening standards, and take fair standards as the mainstay, supplemented by differentiated standards.

"With so many access to information, in addition to the high quality of the content, the readability of the reading is important. It can ensure quality and readability, which is one thing to ponder when writing articles. This requires an understanding of the user's needs and habits of obtaining information, as well as the analysis of data. Simply writing a good story by itself is obviously not enough in the current era of information explosion, and many business reports and news writing should be more storytelling. Chen Tong said in an interview with the "China Times" reporter.

In addition, there are also new proposals in the field of self-media, that is, to improve the output capacity and data crawling ability of the Internet of Things. The ultimate idealized and targeted scenario is the dissemination of information that can be received at any time, any place, and in any situation. Doing so now requires further technological advancements and technological research and development. For data capture, the industry has always mentioned that it is necessary to find a formula that matches its own enterprise, but this formula can only be highly fitted in the end, and cannot completely replace the actual situation. Moreover, the formula may be highly complex and may have many parameters, which improves the accuracy of the formula's reflection.

Decentralized content distribution

"In the current era of decentralization, we should choose multiple platforms for all-round distribution." Chen Tong said.

The concept of "decentralization" is not only used to describe the distinctive features of blockchain technology, but also applies to media convergence and content distribution in the new media era. In the application of blockchain technology, decentralization makes transactions more equal and fair, and more than half of them can reach transactions; and in the process of media communication, decentralization makes the content of media subjects dispersed to multiple ends, which relies on the diversification of media communication forms, in the process of content distribution, different terminals adapt to different forms of content, which tests the task segmentation ability of the media and the professional level of practitioners.

How to do a good job in multi-terminal content dissemination requires the coordination of different lines of personnel. Different terminals adapt to different content and formats. For example, the content release of the website pays attention to "new" and systematic, that is, there must be an overall layout of the plot, and at the same time, the "new" of the news should be displayed. This requires editorial staff to have the ability to quickly learn about hot topics and news and the ability to write professionally.

The WeChat public account pays more attention to quality. Due to the limited number of content items pushed by the WeChat public account every day, it is necessary to select the information that best includes the major events that occurred on that day among the large amount of information to publish. The main reason why the news content of the WeChat public account will gain a wide audience is that the content of the WeChat public account is general and focused, which can meet the needs of people to obtain the most adequate information in a short period of time.

Compared with websites and WeChat public accounts, Weibo emphasizes interactivity and eye-catching effects.

"Now the forms of media tend to diversify, and the strategies adopted by the media are different. We mainly do information flow platforms and content distribution, and we have cooperation with some strategic partners. Our highlight is that we have the industry's leading editorial talents, these editorial staff from traditional media and online media, there are also a considerable number of experience in information flow products, the team can better grasp the characteristics of algorithmic information flow, high quality to provide tailored content distribution services. Chen Tong said.

New media closely embrace the trend of development to open up the territory, as if "robbing the lens of traditional media".

Chen Tong believes that new media belong to the media form that is still growing rapidly, and the growth space of traditional media has shrunk. However, short video is still a fast-growing field, accepted by more and more users, we should carefully analyze the reasons for the rapid development of the short video industry, and take countermeasures.

Editor-in-Charge: Xu Yunqian Editor-in-Chief: Qin Ling

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