
How powerful is Tang Taizong Li Shimin? Mao Zedong: Since ancient times, there has been no right hand of Li Shimin

author:The blue wind dawns

Li Shimin, a well-known name, once fought for the establishment of the Tang Dynasty and the unification of the Southern Expedition and the Northern War, began to charge at the age of 18, and helped his father basically unify the country at the age of 24.

Such a young talent, in history, is also comparable to such a genius as Huo's disease. However, li shimin is stronger than Huo's disease: the pattern.

How powerful is Li Shimin?

To put it simply, 80% of Li Yuan's achievements have to be credited to Li Shimin. Therefore, the great Comrade Mao Zedong read the history books and saw the performance of various emperors, and commented on Li Shimin like this: Since the ancient energy army, there is no right person of Li Shimin, followed by Zhu Yuanzhang'er!

Of course, Mao Zedong's evaluation is scoped, mainly at the level of the emperor.

Today, we will talk about how Li Shimin exerted his ability to assist Li Yuan in the founding of the country.

How powerful is Tang Taizong Li Shimin? Mao Zedong: Since ancient times, there has been no right hand of Li Shimin

1. Li Shimin made great contributions at the age of 18

Li Shimin, who was not at all like the people of that era, had spoken amazingly since he was a child, and the adults around him often couldn't see through it. It is enough to say that people are still literate and martial, which is what we modern people call "other people's children".

A person with super judgment and both literary and martial arts is difficult to succeed.

In the late Sui Dynasty, Li Shimin's opportunity came, and his first appearance was amazing.

In 616, at the age of 18, Li Shimin went on his first expedition to relieve the Sui Emperor, who was surrounded by turks at Yanmen. The Sui Emperor, that was Li Shimin's cousin, an emperor who could toss and turn and be restless.

The 18-year-old young general naturally could not lead a large army alone, and he followed the general Yun Dingxing. In Yun Dingxing's view, this was a very difficult task, after all, the Number of Turks was more than them, but in order to save the emperor, he could not retreat, he could only fight to the death.

When General Yun was worried, the young general Li Shimin came and said, "There are many others and few of us, so it is better for us to use strategies." Yun Dingxing asked, "How to use the meter?" "Suspicious tactics!"

Li Shimin's suggestion is to bring more big banners, lengthen the line, and bring more big drums to create momentum.

Yun Dingxing agreed, after all, it didn't cost much money and there were no side effects, so he let the army prepare a lot of flags and prepare a lot of big drums.

The troops opened up to the Wild Goose Gate, and the Turks were shocked to see the "huge team" and countless flags. After hearing the people who appeared from time to time shouting horses and drums, the Turks were frightened, thinking that it was a large army of the Sui Dynasty, and ran away.

It was a beautiful battle, and the soldiers did not have bloodshed, so they broke the siege for the Sui Emperor.

And Li Shimin began to move towards that big stage.

How powerful is Tang Taizong Li Shimin? Mao Zedong: Since ancient times, there has been no right hand of Li Shimin


2. Li Yuan was the emperor in the key battle, and Li Shimin was an absolute hero

Although Li Shimin was young, he saw that the chaotic world had come, so he began to make preparations at a young age.

Before Li Yuan could revolt, Li Shimin had already recruited a large number of talents, and the undesirable literati and warriors, the fierce rogues and good men, poured into the gate of Li Gongzi. Because Li Shimin attaches great importance to these people, the good men all want to "die for those who know themselves."

In 617, under the persuasion of Li Shimin and others several times, Li Yuan was still hesitant about the uprising, but a major event occurred, which made Li Yuan make up his mind, and Liu Wuzhou under Li Yuan rebelled, colluding with the Turks and intending to go south. This made the Sui Emperor angry, Li Yuan, what do you eat, come to Jiangdu to take the guilt! (Jiangdu is in present-day Yangzhou, Jiangsu, and Yang Guang went there at that time)

Li Yuan knew that when he went to Jiangdu, Yang Guang's cousin would cut off his head. At this time, it is not reversed, but when to stay?

How powerful is Tang Taizong Li Shimin? Mao Zedong: Since ancient times, there has been no right hand of Li Shimin

Li Yuan stills

In this regard, Li Yuan raised a banner and revolted, and from then on he stepped onto the road of glory. However, Li Yuan himself did not expect that after only one year, he would become an emperor, and life was really magical! This is an afterthought, not to mention for the time being.

Li Yuan raised 30,000 troops, carried out the so-called oath meeting, and played the slogan "Abolish the Dim Liming, Support the Emperor of The Sui Dynasty, And Restore the Sui Room", which means very clearly, Sui Emperor Yang Guang, the brother will not accompany you to finish, you are good for yourself!

Li Yuan raised an army to revolt, hardship and setbacks, that is indispensable, otherwise everyone will become emperor.

Li Yuan marched southwest with an army of 30,000 to Jiahu Fort (in present-day southwest of Lingshi, Shanxi), and the first Sui Dynasty roadblock appeared, namely Song Laosheng, who was extremely capable, leading 20,000 elite troops to garrison Huoyi (near present-day Huozhou, Shanxi), blocking Li Yuan's way south.

In addition, what made Li Yuan jealous was that not far south, there was also the Sui Dynasty Zuo Wu Marquis general Qu Tutong who led tens of thousands of elites to guard Hedong County (near present-day Yuncheng, Shanxi), becoming a bigger obstacle.

What Li Yuan was more worried about was that the Turks were attacking from behind, so they were almost the same.

At this time, Li Yuan made two arrangements: one was to arrange for Liu Wenjing to contact the Turks, do a good job in diplomacy, ask for money to give money, and ask people to give people, as long as they did not make trouble behind their backs; the other was to contact the Li Miwa Gang army in the east, and the two sides would unite and work together to achieve great things.

Unfortunately, Li Mi still did not look up to Li Yuan: "Although it is different from the brother faction, the root system is the same." Self-deprecating, for the heroes of the four seas to promote the alliance lord....."What do you mean?" Brother, or play each other, I am the ally of the push, what do you count?

In addition, Liu Wenjing's news did not return, and rumors of turkic attacks had come. Li Yuan was in a hurry to catch fire, what to do?

Let's have a meeting! At the meeting, in the face of all kinds of difficulties, Pei Ning and others persuaded them to withdraw their troops back to Taiyuan, and analyzed it decently, saying: "Song Laosheng and Qu Tutong blocked the way with their elite troops, Li Mi in the east could not be trusted, the Turks in the north were greedy and untrustworthy, and Liu Wuzhou colluded with the Turks inside and outside the turks, so it was better to hold the base camp taiyuan and make plans again." ”

These words touched Li Yuan.

How powerful is Tang Taizong Li Shimin? Mao Zedong: Since ancient times, there has been no right hand of Li Shimin

Stills: Li Shimin

At this time, 19-year-old Li Shimin stood up and said excitedly: "Song Laosheng is brave and strategic, easy to be impatient, and can be captured in a battle." Li Mi will not unite, nor will he give up his place to do things. Liu Wuzhou and the Turks did not share the same heart and were suspicious of each other. We were supposed to be rejuvenating the great righteousness and saving the lives of the people, so we should invade Chang'an and command the world. Shouldn't have encountered a small enemy like Song Laosheng, so he retreated. ”

Li Shimin was right, and his brother Li Jiancheng also agreed, but after all, people spoke softly, only 19 years old, Li Yuan directly refused and insisted on returning to Taiyuan.

Li Shimin watched the rebel army go to extinction, and once again persuaded his father, but it still failed.

In the middle of the night, Li Shimin cried incessantly, crying bleakly, so that the people who slept under Li Yuan had to get up and ask why their son was crying.

Li Shimin said: "Now that the soldiers have moved righteously, they will be defeated when they enter the battle, and they will be scattered when they are returned; the multitude will be scattered in front, the enemy will be in the rear, and death will come, so why not be sad?" ”

What does it mean? There has been an uprising, the advance is victorious, and the retreating team is scattered. The team disperses, the enemy comes again, there is only one way to die, can you not cry?

I have to say that Li Shimin saw very clearly that there is no way back for rebellion, and that it may die when it turns back, and that it may live when it advances.

Hearing Li Shimin's words, Li Yuan regretted it and immediately began to order the concentration of the army and prepare for a battle. At this time, part of the army was already on the way back, and Li Shimin struggled to chase it back.

Next, it was time to face Song Laosheng's army. Song Laosheng took 20,000 elite soldiers and held the city, so it was not good for the rebel army to continue to consume it.

Li Yuan was a little anxious, and Li Shimin offered a plan: "The old man is brave and unscrupulous, provocative and irritated, he can't resist, he will definitely go out of the city, and when the time comes, we will attack him with ambush troops; if he does not come out, we will use the counter-plan, saying that he is afraid and does not dare to go to war, and he will surrender." ”

At a young age, this strategy played a trick.

Everything was just as Li Shimin estimated, under the insults and inducements, Song Laosheng led the troops out of the city, and the two sides fought together. Needless to say, The old man Song Laosheng is still good in ability and fights very fiercely. I can't take it down for a while.

At the critical moment, Li Shimin shouted, "Song Laosheng has been captured!" When this voice went out, the Sui army was in chaos and retreated one after another, leaving only a small number of people such as Song Laosheng still fighting bitterly.

After all, the few people could not be defeated, and Song Laosheng began to flee back to the city, but the city gate suspension bridge had been pulled up, and in desperation, Song Laosheng continued to escape. During his escape, he was beheaded by Liu Hongji under Li Yuan.

Seeing that Song Laosheng was already dead, the people in the city saw that Li Yuan arranged for people to continue to attack the city, and directly descended, and Huo Yicheng Pool was in hand.

The victory at the Battle of Huoyi greatly boosted the morale of the rebel army. And Li Shimin is also looked at differently by everyone.

How powerful is Tang Taizong Li Shimin? Mao Zedong: Since ancient times, there has been no right hand of Li Shimin

3. Qu Tutong was forced to surrender, and Li Yuan established the Tang Dynasty

After defeating Song Laosheng and Li Yuan's troops continued to move south, at this time, Liu Wenjing brought good news, and the peace talks with the Turks were successful, and the people not only stopped making trouble behind their backs, but also sent 500 elites to help. I have to say that this Liu Wenjing is a talent!

All the way south, invincible, attracting more and more people, not only the army, but also people who came to join.

Not long after, he came to the key place in Hedong guarded by Qu Tutong, which was not a level of Song Laosheng, and his strength was obviously much higher, and Li Yuan could not attack it repeatedly.

Li Shimin asked: "Where is our goal?" Isn't it Chang'an? Isn't it over when we bypass Qu Tutong? A word to warn the dreamer.

Pei Huan and the others came out again and said, "If Chang'an can't be attacked, we will be attacked by both ends and suffer from the enemy in the abdomen and back, so it is better to continue to fight Qu Tutong in Hedong, even if we can't fight, we can still retreat to Taiyuan." ”

I have to say that Pei Ning is a very cautious person. However, Pei Huan has a way to retreat, it is a big deal to change the master, where does Li Yuan and Li Shimin have a way to retreat?

Li Shimin said again: "The faster the soldiers, the faster they are, the greater the probability of victory." It is necessary to put down the Qu Tu Tong and quickly take a detour to Chang'an. ”

Li Yuan took his son's advice, leaving some of them to continue to attack Qu Tutong, and the other part to move south to the west, and then take a detour to Chang'an.

Because the Sui Emperor was still in Jiangdu and the Turks did not attack behind them, Li Mi and Wang Shichong fought happily in the east, so the road of Li Yuan's army was relatively smooth, and the number of people who surrendered was very objective. Before arriving in Chang'an, the number of troops was several times that of the army.

Under siege, on November 9 of the lunar calendar in 617, Chang'an was breached.

At first glance, Chang'an was breached, and for a while, the Sui soldiers were panicked, and under the influence of various factors, Qu Tutong finally surrendered Li Yuan.

On November 13, Li Yuan released important information: Emperor Yaozun of Sui was made Emperor Taishang, and Yang Guang's grandson Yang You was proclaimed the new emperor, which was Emperor Gong of Sui.

Only half a year later, when he heard that the Sui Emperor had been killed by Yu Wenhua, Li Yuan directly gave the puppet emperor the throne and announced that the name of the country was changed to Tang. At this point, Datang was established.

From the beginning of the army to the founding of the country, Li Yuan only took 1 year, life is so magical, and the biggest help that created Li Yuan's magical life is Li Shimin.

How powerful is Tang Taizong Li Shimin? Mao Zedong: Since ancient times, there has been no right hand of Li Shimin

In Feng Menglong's "Wisdom Tank", Li Shimin wrote: Every time you look at the enemy's position, you know its strength and weakness, and often think that I am weak as strong, and strong as weak.

When Mao Zedong saw this, he commented on the side: "The so-called weak should be strong, that is, to pretend to attack the enemy's various roads with a small number of troops. The so-called "strong to weak" means to concentrate absolutely superior forces, surround them on all sides, and gather and annihilate them. Since the ancient energy army, there is no one who has left Li Shimin's right, followed by Zhu Yuanzhang'er. ”

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