
In July, the flower body of the eel should use lemon tomato to be sour and appetizing

author:Hurriedly sip salt and say honey
In July, the flower body of the eel should use lemon tomato to be sour and appetizing

Grassy salt says honey


They all say that I am an aunt who makes strange sea fish, and today I will continue to present a flower body catfish that has only begun to be listed in the summer.

In July, the flower body of the eel should use lemon tomato to be sour and appetizing

The flower-bodied eel is a singing fish. When handling the fish today, it was found that the flower-bodied catfish had a tongue, which confirmed the fact that it was singing loudly in the sea.

In July, the flower body of the eel should use lemon tomato to be sour and appetizing

It is said that when the flower-bodied bass swim in the sea, it will make a happy sound of "boo, boo". This fish is the target of summer fishing, and I have been wondering, if the eel makes a "boo, boo" sound to the sea angler, will the sea angler still be able to get started?

Speaking of this, I feel that I am pretentious, don't chickens also "grunt and grunt" and call, don't I also eat happily?

The flower-bodied catfish is very beautiful and has beautiful stripes and spots on its body. Living all year round in shallow coastal areas near sand bottoms, gravel bottoms or reefs, it is a target for summer beach anglers.

In July, the flower body of the eel should use lemon tomato to be sour and appetizing

Steamed, braised, soy sauce, fried, etc., the meat is firm, sweet and delicious, and it is a high-quality marine fish tasted in summer and autumn.

Today's flower body eel is very fresh, the sun is scorching, and I want to eat sour and appetizing dishes, so I borrow from the Thai lime fish method to make a lemon tomato eel.

<h2 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > [lemon tomato catfish].</h2>

In July, the flower body of the eel should use lemon tomato to be sour and appetizing

<h4 class = "pgc-h-arrow-right" >:</h4>

1 eel, 1 lemon, 1 tomato, ginger, garlic, shallots, red pepper, fish sauce, cooking wine, steamed fish soy sauce, pepper, sugar, etc.

In July, the flower body of the eel should use lemon tomato to be sour and appetizing

<h4 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" > second, the operation process:</h4>

1. Kill the eels;

In July, the flower body of the eel should use lemon tomato to be sour and appetizing

A few knives in the body of the fish;

In July, the flower body of the eel should use lemon tomato to be sour and appetizing

Add salt and cooking wine and let stand for 15 minutes to taste;

In July, the flower body of the eel should use lemon tomato to be sour and appetizing

Cut into two pieces, dorsal fin is not broken, carefully sectioned;

In July, the flower body of the eel should use lemon tomato to be sour and appetizing

Let the fish stand up and look more fun.

In July, the flower body of the eel should use lemon tomato to be sour and appetizing

2, ginger and shallots on the bottom, the eel with kitchen paper to absorb the water, put on the ginger onion;

In July, the flower body of the eel should use lemon tomato to be sour and appetizing

Bring to a boil on high heat and steam in a steamer for 5 minutes.

3, the process of steaming fish, we come to season the sauce and tomato juice:

a. Completion of the juice:

Shredded ginger, garlic paste, diced chili peppers and green onions, processed and placed in a bowl;

In July, the flower body of the eel should use lemon tomato to be sour and appetizing

A little sugar, lemon and tomato have a sour taste, so it is necessary to have the blessing of sugar to be sour and sweet;

In July, the flower body of the eel should use lemon tomato to be sour and appetizing

Then pour fish sauce, pepper, steamed fish sauce and sesame oil into the bowl;

In July, the flower body of the eel should use lemon tomato to be sour and appetizing

Cut another lemon;

In July, the flower body of the eel should use lemon tomato to be sour and appetizing

Squeeze a lemon juice into the sauce and the juice is ready.

In July, the flower body of the eel should use lemon tomato to be sour and appetizing

b. Completion of tomato juice:

Tomato cross flower knife, soaked in boiling water, peel off the tomato, cut into small cubes;

In July, the flower body of the eel should use lemon tomato to be sour and appetizing

Put a little water in a pot, put in the diced tomatoes and boil them into tomato puree;

In July, the flower body of the eel should use lemon tomato to be sour and appetizing

Start the pot, filter out the tomato puree, remove the tomato residue, leaving the tomato juice;

In July, the flower body of the eel should use lemon tomato to be sour and appetizing

4. The two kinds of juice are properly prepared;

In July, the flower body of the eel should use lemon tomato to be sour and appetizing

After steaming the eel for 5 minutes, out of the pot, pour out the fishy water of the steamed fish, and then pour the sauce and tomato juice on the fish;

In July, the flower body of the eel should use lemon tomato to be sour and appetizing

Steam for another 3 minutes and you're good to go.

In July, the flower body of the eel should use lemon tomato to be sour and appetizing

Sweet and sour super appetizing flower body bass, this July's most delicious marine fish, let's try it.

In July, the flower body of the eel should use lemon tomato to be sour and appetizing
In July, the flower body of the eel should use lemon tomato to be sour and appetizing
In July, the flower body of the eel should use lemon tomato to be sour and appetizing

"Grass and grass salt and honey", talk about three meals of food, talk about the four-way style, it looks like grass, but it is a hundred flavors of the world.

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