
Peach blossom jellyfish appear in the depths of the Hoi An Reservoir Resembling a small white umbrella has high water quality requirements

author:Minnan Net

The water technology station personnel said that the requirements for water quality are high, and subtle changes in the environment will lead to its disappearance

Peach blossom jellyfish appear in the depths of the Hoi An Reservoir Resembling a small white umbrella has high water quality requirements

Jellyfish profile picture

When some villagers in Luoyang, Hui'an went to a local reservoir to swim, they were surprised to find that a large number of jellyfish appeared here. Lin Zhihong, head of the water technology station of the Hui'an County Marine Fisheries Bureau, introduced that this is a peach blossom jellyfish, which is relatively rare.

Transparent "little white umbrella" swims in the depths of the water

On the afternoon of the previous day, Mr. Lin and others, who lived in Jinfeng Village, Luoyang Town, Hui'an County, went to a reservoir not far from their home to swim as usual. When swimming to the depths of the reservoir, everyone was surprised to find that there were a large number of jellyfish. As a result, some people go ashore to go home, while others go around to the area where no jellyfish appear and continue to swim.

"No one has ever found out before." According to Mr. Lin, jellyfish concentrate in areas with deeper water and move about 50 centimeters above the water surface.

"It looks pretty good, but I don't know if it's poisonous." Mr. Lin said that those jellyfish, like transparent small white umbrellas floating freely in the water, have peach blossom-shaped distribution of tentacles in the middle of the body, floating up and down in the water, which is very beautiful.

It is said that peach blossom jellyfish like weak light, has a certain degree of phototropism, early and late distribution in the upper or surface layer of water, noon light is strong, water temperature is high, more distributed in the middle and lower layers of water. Therefore, it is easier to find in the morning and evening when there is no wind.

Qingyuan Mountain was also discovered in June of the previous year

Lin Zhihong, head of the water technology station of the Hui'an County Marine and Fisheries Bureau, introduced: According to the description, the discovered jellyfish should be peach blossom jellyfish growing in fresh water. Peach blossom jellyfish appear for a short time, normally 3-5 days, usually difficult to find. It has extremely high requirements for water quality, and subtle changes in the surrounding environment will cause it to disappear, and the best environment for growth is pollution-free, sparsely populated weak acidic water quality.

Peach blossom jellyfish, also known as "peach blossom fish", "parachute fish", grows in temperate fresh water, its shape is like a peach blossom, hence the name. There is a record of "peach blossom fish" in the "Guizhou Chronicle" during the Ming Dynasty, which is the earliest record of peach blossom jellyfish in the world.

In June 2012, it was reported that "Peach Blossom Jellyfish, an Endangered Species in Qingyuan Mountain". It is understood that the phenomenon of peach blossom jellyfish appearing in the same place for many years (or every year) is very rare.

It is understood that peach blossom jellyfish often appear in warm waters, appearing the most in June and October every year, and the number declines rapidly after the end of October or the beginning of November, and then disappears.

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