
The hero rescued the jellyfish and the child sacrificed, and the government awarded a million condolences to pay tribute

author:Fei Fei Wenwen

In a small village in Tai'an, Shandong, there lived a man named Wang Long. He is 36 years old this year, an authentic Shandong man, with dark skin and a burly body, and he looks like a capable person. Although Wang Lung came from an ordinary background, he has had the strength to not admit defeat since he was a child, whether it is studying or working, he has done his best, hoping to bring a better life to his family.

Wang Long went to university in Qingdao and stayed there to work after graduation. He is diligent, down-to-earth and hardworking, and slowly gained a firm foothold in the company and has his own small world. Although he is busy with work, he always remembers to call his parents who are far away from home, ask them about their physical condition, and tell them to pay attention to their health. He also often takes his wife and son back to his hometown to visit his parents, and the time when the family is together is always full of laughter.

No, it happened to be his son's fourth birthday, Wang Lung discussed with his wife and decided to take his son to Zibo for a trip and relax. The family of three set off happily, enjoying the beautiful scenery, tasting the local food, and enjoying a rare parent-child time along the way.

However, just as they were having fun, the unexpected happened. On the north side of Xichi Leisure Villa in Chishang Town, Boshan District, Wang Lung and his son are playing. Suddenly, they heard a rush cry for help, and when they looked up, they saw a mother and son not far away who had accidentally fallen into the water and were struggling in the water. Seeing this, Wang Lung rushed forward without hesitation, took off his coat, and jumped into the river.

The hero rescued the jellyfish and the child sacrificed, and the government awarded a million condolences to pay tribute

The river was bitterly cold, but Wang Lung was undaunted. With extraordinary courage and swimming skills, he struggled to swim to the mother and son who fell into the water. He first grabbed the child's mother and lifted her ashore with all his strength. He then swam back to the child who had fallen into the water, and with the help of the child's father, he succeeded in rescuing the child to shore. However, Wang Lung was exhausted by this time, and he struggled to swim back to the shore, but eventually sank into the river due to exhaustion.

The rescue team quickly arrived at the scene and launched an intense search and rescue work. People anxiously awaited news of Wang Lung, praying for his safe return. However, after a long period of searching and salvage, Wang Lung's body was eventually found. This heroic and fearless life has left us forever, leaving behind endless grief and regret.

Wang Lung's death left the family grief-stricken, and they could not accept this harsh reality. His wife, Ms. Mao, cried heartbreakingly, and she couldn't accept that her husband left her like this, leaving her and her young son behind. She recalls the bits and pieces of her husband's life, those warm pictures seem to be just yesterday, but now they have become memories forever.

After learning of Wang Lung's heroic deeds, the hometown government attached great importance to it. They decided to give Wang Long the highest honor and care, posthumously awarded him the honorary title of "Ningyang Model in the New Era", and issued 1 million yuan of condolences to his relatives. The Government also pledged to raise his children until he was 18 years old and to take good care of his parents. These measures are not only an affirmation and praise of Wang Lung's heroic behavior, but also a love and support for his family.

The hero rescued the jellyfish and the child sacrificed, and the government awarded a million condolences to pay tribute

At Wang Lung's funeral, people came to see him off. Some of them were Wang Lung's relatives and friends, and some were strangers they didn't know. But they all have the same mood and respect, and send their most sincere blessings and remembrance to this brave and fearless hero. People have said that Wang Lung is a true hero, and his deeds will always be remembered in people's hearts.

Wang Lung's wife, Ms. Mao, wept silently at her husband's funeral. She recalled the bits and pieces of her husband's life, those warm hugs, sweet smiles, and patient companionship...... It all feels like yesterday. She knows that her husband is a responsible and responsible person, and he uses his actions to explain what true heroism is. She decided to face the future strongly, carry on her husband's legacy, continue to take care of the family, and raise her children to adulthood.

At the same time, Ms. Mao also hopes that through her own efforts, more people will know about Wang Lung's heroic deeds. She began sharing her husband's story on social media, hoping to attract more attention and resonance. Her story touched countless people, and people left messages to express their respect and blessings. Some have also expressed a willingness to help and support her family.

After the news of Wang Lung's deeds spread, there was a wave of tribute to the hero in society. People have expressed their desire to learn from Wang Lung's spiritual qualities and contribute their own strength to the society. This transmission of positive energy fills the whole society with warmth and strength.

The hero rescued the jellyfish and the child sacrificed, and the government awarded a million condolences to pay tribute

Although Wang Lung has left us, his spirit has remained in people's hearts forever. He used his life to explain what true heroism is, what is selfless dedication and responsibility. His deeds tell us that in this world, there are always some people who silently guard our safety and happiness, and they interpret the brilliance and greatness of human nature with their actions. Let's salute Wang Lung! Salute to all those who have silently dedicated themselves to the interests of society and the people!

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