
Ma Yun and Wuxi actually have this relationship! Come and hear his mother's story

author:Shandong Wenshangtian Yanzhen

Source: Jiangnan Evening News Author: 2017-09-21 12:29:11

Ma Yun and Wuxi actually have this relationship! Come and hear his mother's story

  The World Internet of Things Expo 2017 just ended last week. The relevant topics surrounding this expo are still hot, especially the news that Ma Yun's mother Cui Wencai worked in Wuxi County in the article "Celebrating the Birthday of Ma Yunnan Long Street" exclusively disclosed by this newspaper has aroused strong concern among the general public. According to Shi Lijuan, a former wuxi county critic and lyricist and famous singer, several seniors of the Wuxi county troupe did work with Cui Wencai. To this end, this reporter specially interviewed Cui Wencai's colleagues in the Wuxi County Bomb Evaluation Group that year, let's listen to ma Yun's mother and Wuxi's love affair.

Ma Yun and Wuxi actually have this relationship! Come and hear his mother's story

  Wuxi is where Ma Yun was born

  Hua Yanping was Cui Wencai's partner in the Wuxi County Bomb Critics Group that year, and she was also the closest colleague, who is 82 years old this year. Hua Yanping is a native of Wuxi, because of the perennial singing and commentary, she speaks with a bit of a Suzhou accent. Also because of the perennial singing and judging, although it has reached the age of old age, the elegant temperament has not diminished, and the gentleness between the hands and feet is full of gentleness. In the face of reporters, Hua Yanping told the story of herself and Cui Wencai.

  "In 1952, at the age of 16, I entered the bomb industry, first saying single file, and then learning to spell files. It was hard to perform, and it was difficult to take care of my family after years of wandering, so I went to the cable factory in 1958 to work as a telephone switchboard operator. Although this job can take care of the family, the income is obviously much lower than that of the actors, and I can't give up on the bomb. Just in 1961, when the Wuxi County Bomb Evaluation Group was being prepared, I took the opportunity to return to the bomb evaluation industry. ”

Ma Yun and Wuxi actually have this relationship! Come and hear his mother's story

  "At that time, there were hundreds of bookstores in Wuxi, and wuxi's bookstores were very famous in the Jiangnan area, known as the 'first book wharf in Jiangnan', and only after experiencing the inspection of wuxi bookstores could they truly establish their status." At that time, the Wuxi County Critics Troupe had famous artists such as Sun Jiting, Qin Wenlian, Zhu Xiaoxiang, Yang Jiemei, etc., which had a strong attraction for the evaluation talents, and Cui Wencai also came to Wuxi from Hangzhou. ”

  "Cui Wencai came to wuxi county before and after 1964 to evaluate the bomb, and when she came, she was pregnant, and the child in her belly was Ma Yun. Therefore, some people say that Ma Yun was conceived in Wuxi, which I think is not an exaggeration. ”

  Working with Jack Ma's mother's partner

  "Cui Wencai was born in 1944, belongs to the monkey, and is 8 years younger than me. Her first impression on me was that she was very passionate about the art of judging bullets, studied very hard, and had a good memory, which were crucial for the actors. Completely different from Ma Yun's flamboyant personality, Cui Wencai has a gentle and introverted personality, has no quarrel with the world, and looks very standard. Although her appearance and personality are different from Ma Yun's, the heroism between the eyebrows between mother and son is in the same vein. ”

  During the conversation, Hua Yanping turned over the previous photo with Cui Wencai. Cui Wencai in the photo has a good face, good facial features, and a smile like a flower. Not tall, but well-proportioned. Cui Wencai pays great attention to the image, even outside of performance time and during labor, there are several photos of deliberately using a straw hat to cover the bulging stomach due to pregnancy.

  "Cui Wencai entered the Wuxi County Evaluation Group and Fought with me, I was the first hand, she was the next hand (the upper hand in the evaluation is equivalent to the comic in the crosstalk, and the next hand is equivalent to the praise). A good partner can be met but not sought, and whether the tacit understanding between the partners is crucial to the effect of the performance. Many partners need to run into each other for a long time to be in place, Cui Wencai's understanding and emotional intelligence are very high, we have worked together smoothly from the beginning, and we get along very well. ”

  Went to Hangzhou to "Learn Art Supplement"

  "At the end of 1963, the relevant leaders at that time sharply criticized the theme of 'emperors and generals, talents and beautiful people' that was prevalent in literary and artistic works as a feudal thing. Therefore, the commentary on traditional themes cannot be performed, and can only play the 'new book' of modern themes. 'New books' can not create a lot at once, there are 'repertoire shortages' in various evaluation groups everywhere, as soon as there is a new repertoire, everyone will learn and learn from them, and we call this kind of learning and learning 'learning and art supplementary book' in the evaluation circle. Hua Yanping said with a smile.

  "There was no fixed script for the evaluation of the bomb at that time, all relying on the memory and interpretation of the actors. For the 'supplementary book', go to the bookstore to listen to it once you must remember, and can not be completely copied, must be adapted, otherwise the 'supplementary book' will become a 'book stealing', which is the same as your writer's plagiarism, plagiarism, is taboo in the industry. In 1964, when we heard that a new commentary bomb "Yang Libei" was being staged in Hangzhou, Cui Wencai and I immediately decided to rush to Hangzhou to "supplement the book". Hangzhou is Cui Wencai's hometown, and we both went to Hangzhou's bookstore during the day to 'make up books', and at night we ate and lived in Cui Wencai's house. Cui Wencai's lover (that is, Ma Yun's father) Ma Laifa took good care of us, and in order for us to be at ease to 'make up the book', Ma Laifa took on all the housework. Malay Fa was also very interested in quyi, at that time Malay Fa worked in The Hangzhou Photography and Photo Society, engaged in qu art creation and performance activities in his spare time, and later Malay Fa also became a famous qu art expert. ”

  "Cui Wencai and I will silently read every time we go to the bookstore to listen to the book, that is, we will memorize all the lines of this commentary, and on this basis, we will conduct words and auditions according to the division of labor and start-up, and the West Lake and leifeng Pagoda have left the footprints of our efforts to 'learn the art of supplementing the book'." Sometimes, Malay Fa will accompany us to 'make up books', and Cui Wencai and I have a group photo by the West Lake that was taken by Ma Lai Fa, who is good at photography. ”

  "This Time hangzhou's 'Xueyi Supplement' lasted about two or three weeks, and then we started performing. "Yang Libei" tells the story of the peasant Yang Libei who rebelled against the bully landlord to occupy the land, and was bullied to destroy his family, die his wife, and flee his son. Because the story is too poignant and depressing, for many critics who are accustomed to the previous reunion ending and comedy style, it is a bit unacceptable for a while, so the box office is not good. It didn't take long for the two of us to stop acting. Cui Wencai stayed in Hangzhou to give birth, and I returned to Wuxi. ”

  The bomb squad disbanded and ran east and west

  "During the time when Cui Wencai gave birth in Hangzhou, I couldn't find a suitable partner, and I couldn't spare me to go to the Yuantou Zhu Hengyun Bookstore alone to 'make up books' and listen to Liu Songying and Cai Xiaojuan's "Wildfire Spring Wind Fighting Ancient City", and this novella was learned at that time. On September 10, 1964, Cui Wencai gave birth to Ma Yun in Hangzhou, and returned to Wuxi after recuperating in Hangzhou for a while, and the two of us still performed together, eating, living and working together. ”

  "After the Cultural Revolution began, the literary and art system was seriously impacted, and the normal performances of our troupe could not be carried out. In 1967, more than 100 people from the Judging Bomb Troupe, the Tin Troupe, and the Film Troupe were locked up in the wild garden for rectification, mutual expository and criticism. The film team's fight with each other was quite serious, not only internally, but also to the tin troupe and the judging troupe to beat the 'cow ghost snake god', and the cheongsam we wore during the performance was cut by them. Relatively speaking, the tin troupe and the judging troupe are relatively calm, especially the internal unity of our appraisal troupe, and neither the internal and external struggles appeared during the entire 'rectification and criticism of the fighting'. After the end of the 'rectification and criticism of the fight', our evaluation troupe formed a performance team to perform some newly compiled novellas. Soon after, with the deepening of the Cultural Revolution, the Wuxi County Bomb Evaluation Group was completely disbanded, and I was left idle at home for more than a year, until 1969, when I was arranged to work in the Wuxi County Magnetic Material Factory. Cui Wencai returned to his hometown of Hangzhou, and since then, the actors of the bomb troupe have gone their separate ways and cut off contact. ”

  Long goodbye reunion and then continue the same thing

  "After the end of the Cultural Revolution, the Wuxi County Bomb Critics Troupe was restored, and a group of actors such as Liu Jingfen, who worked together before the disbandment of the Bomb Critics Troupe, returned to the Judging Troupe, but I did not go back because I had 3 sons who needed to be cared for."

  In 1992, the 30th anniversary of the establishment of the Wuxi County Bomb Evaluation Group held a celebration event, and the old colleagues of the long-lost Bomb Evaluation Group rushed to participate in the activity, and the contact that had been interrupted for many years was restored. Since then, we have been in regular contact and gatherings. Except for Cui Wencai in Hangzhou, most of the old colleagues of the bomb evaluation team are in Wuxi and Suzhou. So our gatherings are basically held in these three cities. On April 21 this year, Cui Wencai invited us to play in Hangzhou. We went to 7 old colleagues, including 3 in Wuxi and 4 in Suzhou. We played in Hangzhou for three days, Ma Laifa and Cui Wencai received us warmly, sent us a book signed by Ma Yun "This is Ma Yun" book, and arranged a special car to take us to Xixi Wetland Park and many other attractions to visit, and take a boat to enjoy the scenery of the West Lake. Revisiting the old place, I remembered the days when Cui Wencai and I were in Hangzhou to 'make up books', and I was really emotional. ”

  "Nowadays, our old colleagues have entered the old age, gathering and chatting is the biggest spiritual sustenance of everyone's later life, and the topics of everyone's chat are indispensable to Ma Yun and Alibaba in addition to commenting on bullets." As a global Internet leader, Ma Yun is not only the pride of Cui Wencai, but also the common pride of all of us. Hua Yanping said affectionately.

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