
Yang Tong, director of the Shaanxi Provincial Disaster Reduction and Relief Center, guided the inspection of flood prevention and disaster relief work in Yangping Town

author:Market Weekly
Yang Tong, director of the Shaanxi Provincial Disaster Reduction and Relief Center, guided the inspection of flood prevention and disaster relief work in Yangping Town

On the afternoon of October 10, Yang Tong, director of the Provincial Disaster Reduction and Relief Center, accompanied by Acting District Governor Ma Xiaofeng, went deep into Yangping Town to guide and inspect the flood prevention and disaster relief work.

Yang Tong listened to the recent situation of Yangping Town's investigation of hidden dangers, disaster situation investigation, mass transfer, emergency rescue, and post-disaster damage, fully affirmed the practices and achievements of the town party committee and government in the process of flood prevention and disaster relief, and fully praised the work style of town and village cadres who have recently stuck to the front line, resisted pressure, fought continuously, and eliminated all difficulties. Yang Tong stressed: Flood situation is an order, and flood prevention is a responsibility. Governments at all levels should fully understand the importance, urgency, and complexity of flood prevention and disaster relief work. We must resolutely put an end to the mentality of paralysis and luck, always pay close attention to changes in flood conditions and rain conditions, strengthen emergency duty, material reserves, do a solid job in flood prevention and disaster relief, and make every effort to ensure the safety of the people's lives and property.

Subsequently, Yang Tong and his party went to the areas where the cultivated land in Dongwu Village and Sanlian Village was seriously affected, inspected the damage to crops on the spot, and inquired in detail about the area of crops affected, the unified allocation of the government, and the self-help of the masses. Yang Tong demanded that we should go all out to overcome the adverse impact of the flood season on production and life, firmly establish the concept of putting life first and safety first, and adopt effective and effective measures to ensure that the losses caused to the masses of the people during the flood season are minimized; it is necessary to further consolidate responsibility, take command from the front, strengthen routine inspections and monitoring, guide the masses to do a good job in flood prevention and disaster relief work, coordinate specific problems in flood prevention and disaster relief work in a timely manner, and do a good job in flood prevention and disaster relief work; we must meticulously explore and sort out the situation of the damage caused by the flood season, and do a good job in psychologically reassuring the masses For the people who have difficulties in their lives due to the disaster, timely implement rescue measures and send the party's care to every mass.

(Source: Chencang District People's Government website) [Submission, regional cooperation, please send a private message or send a 3613378752 within 24 hours to reply. 】

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