
Yang Tong, Secretary of the Party Committee of Sanmenxia Vocational and Technical College, gave pre-job training for new teachers in 2021

author:Henan Education News Agency

On the morning of October 27, Yang Tong, Secretary of the Party Committee of Sanmenxia Vocational and Technical College, gave pre-job training for the new teachers of the college in 2021.

Yang Tong, Secretary of the Party Committee of Sanmenxia Vocational and Technical College, gave pre-job training for new teachers in 2021

Party Secretary Yang Tong gave pre-job training for new teachers in 2021

Yang Tong combined the basic situation of the college and the strategic position of applied technology education in the country, analyzed the achievements and existing problems in the current development of the college, and introduced the arrangement and deployment of the two major central tasks of the college during the "14th Five-Year Plan" period to the new teachers.

Yang Tong, Secretary of the Party Committee of Sanmenxia Vocational and Technical College, gave pre-job training for new teachers in 2021

Meeting site

Yang Tong pointed out that young teachers are the future and hope of the college, the college is now a high-level higher vocational school and a high-level professional group construction project construction unit in Henan Province (higher vocational provincial "double high"), the establishment of an independent application-oriented undergraduate college in Sanmenxia has been written into the "Henan Province", the college "independent setting up of applied undergraduate colleges" and "national higher vocational 'double high' goal construction" Two major development goals will be gradually realized, I hope that new teachers can follow the trend and take advantage of the situation. Create momentum, take advantage of the momentum, and work together to promote the high-quality development of the college.

Yang Tong, Secretary of the Party Committee of Sanmenxia Vocational and Technical College, gave pre-job training for new teachers in 2021

Yang Tong put forward three hopes for the new teachers: First, adhere to the fundamental task of Lide Tree. We must always take General Secretary Xi Jinping's proposal of "educating people for the party and educating talents for the country" as our fundamental mission, use Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era to cast the soul and cultivate people, and cultivate useful talents for the party and the country who support the leadership of the Communist Party of China and China's socialist system from generation to generation, and are determined to fight for socialism with Chinese characteristics for life.

The second is to insist on endless learning and constantly improve ourselves. It is necessary to establish the concept that learning has only a starting point and no end, constantly update theoretical concepts, broaden the scope of knowledge, improve the knowledge structure, actively adapt to the requirements of educational development for teachers, and use new concepts and new methods to do a good job in teaching and educating people.

The third is to clarify the goal and grow and develop with the college. Make full use of relevant opportunities to improve academic qualifications and professional titles, actively participate in the college's education and teaching research projects, participate in the construction of teaching teams, etc., improve themselves, serve the construction and development of the college, and realize the organic unity of personal development and college development.

The fourth is to keep the overall situation in mind and make more contributions to the development of the college. I hope that everyone can take being a "good teacher" as their lifelong dream and pursuit, adhere to the original mission of "three inches of chalk to be a gardener, three feet of pulpit to cultivate thousands of peach and plum", and increase their talents and make contributions in the practice of promoting the development of the school's cause.

Yang Tong, Secretary of the Party Committee of Sanmenxia Vocational and Technical College, gave pre-job training for new teachers in 2021

According to the arrangement, the training of new teachers in 2021 is 4 days, and the training content includes teacher morality and teacher style education, safety education, classroom teaching observation and expert lectures.

Editor-in-Chief: Fu Jianwei Editor: Ding Yanli

Planner: Du Zhonghai, Wang Pei, Zheng Wei

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