
She quit the music scene when she was most popular, not only got a doctorate, but also sent her 3 sons to Stanford

author:Jungle story
She quit the music scene when she was most popular, not only got a doctorate, but also sent her 3 sons to Stanford

Chen Meiling

In 1971, at the age of 16, Chen Meiling was discovered by Hong Kong star scouts and entered the show business circle, where she began filming, hosting shows and singing on stage, and won the honor of Best Singer in Asia that year.

At the age of 17, Chen Meiling went to Japan to develop and became a youth idol of Japanese youth. Her famous songs such as "Pastoral Song in the Wilderness" and "It Is Hard to Break" became widely popular in Hong Kong and became a well-known singer in Hong Kong, Taiwan and Southeast Asia in the 1970s and 1980s.

She quit the music scene when she was most popular, not only got a doctorate, but also sent her 3 sons to Stanford

However, when her career was smooth, she chose to quit the entertainment industry and went to the University of Toronto in Canada to study.

Chen Meiling chose to quit the entertainment industry because of a conversation between her father and her.

Her father said to Chen Meiling: "Money and reputation are like flowing water. Immediately if something goes wrong, it will be taken away. But the knowledge in the brain will not, once remembered in the brain, it will become the treasure of your life. ”

She quit the music scene when she was most popular, not only got a doctorate, but also sent her 3 sons to Stanford

After graduating from the University of Toronto, in order to make a living, Chen Meiling once again entered the entertainment industry and won the Hong Kong Golden Disc Award with a song "May You Continue to Be Drunk" and Cheung Kwok Wing.

She quit the music scene when she was most popular, not only got a doctorate, but also sent her 3 sons to Stanford

It is reasonable to say that an artist will not put too much energy into the family during the golden period of his career.

However, Chen Meiling did not think so.

She married her agent In Japan, Kaneko Ritsu, in 1985 and gave birth to her eldest son the following year. After giving birth, Chen Meiling still insisted on her career, often taking children with her at work.

She quit the music scene when she was most popular, not only got a doctorate, but also sent her 3 sons to Stanford

In Japan at that time, working mothers were not recognized, believing that women after marriage should marry and teach their children at home. Many people have accused Chen Meiling, because the public opinion controversy continues, Chen Meiling has to withdraw from the entertainment circle again.

However, Chen Meiling is not willing to be a stay-at-home mother, and she has chosen a difficult and new path. Accompanied by her husband, she took her eldest son and the second son with her on the road to study in the United States.

In the United States, Chen Meiling not only obtained a doctorate in education from Stanford University, but also gave birth to a third son.

She quit the music scene when she was most popular, not only got a doctorate, but also sent her 3 sons to Stanford

In order to raise these three sons, she learned a lot about education and combined her own way to teach and bring children.

Through her own efforts, she successfully sent all three sons to Stanford University.

She quit the music scene when she was most popular, not only got a doctorate, but also sent her 3 sons to Stanford

In her educational philosophy, there are many things worth learning:

For example, she never rewards her children with substances, does not set a schedule for her children, does not lie to her children, and does not make choices for her children.

When children encounter problems, instead of giving them answers directly, they accompany their children to think together and find answers together.

She said that education is to teach children a little tool, let them find their dreams, if they fail, they will not be discouraged, continue to look for other dreams, if they succeed, but also learn to be humble, and share the joy of success with everyone.

At the age of 50, she was diagnosed with breast cancer, but she did not bow to fate, still so optimistic and strong, undaunted, and finally overcame the disease.

She quit the music scene when she was most popular, not only got a doctorate, but also sent her 3 sons to Stanford

It is said that parents are the best teachers for children, and the best education is to teach by example.

Perhaps it is her positive and optimistic attitude and positive attitude towards life that is the real example of a child!


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