
"Love in 17 Running for Love" and "Red Moving Zhejiang" 2021 Jiande 17 °C Xin'anjiang Marathon started wonderfully

author:Voice of Zhejiang City

On the morning of October 17, on the edge of the clear Xin'an River in Jiande, the "Red Moving Zhejiang" 2021 Jiande 17 °C Xin'an River Marathon started at the Jiande Museum. The Jiande Marathon consists of full horse, half horse and happy running, professional runners from 31 provinces and cities in China, foreign runners from the United States, Germany, Canada and other countries stationed in China, as well as the public, a total of nearly 10,000 runners gathered in Jiande.

"Love in 17 Running for Love" and "Red Moving Zhejiang" 2021 Jiande 17 °C Xin'anjiang Marathon started wonderfully

In the glorious journey of the centenary of the founding of the party, Jiande, a red hot land, has a profound historical background, and here is the red culture that has been passed down from generation to generation - the Qianhe Village, which shouts out that "women can hold up half of the sky", the "three self" spirit of the Xin'anjiang Hydropower Station, Dayang Town, one of the important birthplaces of the Red Revolution in western Zhejiang, the Shounan Riot Memorial Hall, and the Yanzhou Middle School History Museum. As the first marathon in Zhejiang Province in the second half of 2021, and also one of the sub-stations of the "Red Moving Zhejiang" Marathon Series, Jianma sounded the Jiande horn of the marathon event with a passionate sports feast today.

Part of the track of this Jiande Marathon is set on the famous Xin'an Greenway in Jiande. I believe that with the "most beautiful" marathon track stringing up the beautiful scenery, intoxicating air and thick history of Xin'anJiang, this most romantic, most poetic, most beautiful and most self-contained domestic ring river marathon track will surely make runners linger and remember deeply!

"Love in 17 Running for Love" and "Red Moving Zhejiang" 2021 Jiande 17 °C Xin'anjiang Marathon started wonderfully

The most romantic: Jiande Marathon has been promoting "love" as the highlight, and the 17 ° C of the Xin'an River represents that the feelings between lovers can maintain the right temperature, and also represents that people's love is as clear and transparent as the river. Many couples once met and knew each other on the Xin'an River, and now they are meeting to compete and run side by side. Following every step of the romantic track, with every breath in the landscape, the runners also fell in love with the city of Jiande.

The most poetic: This full marathon, starting from the Jiande Museum, which has just been built on the first anniversary, runs along the Xin'an Greenway to the ancient city of Yanzhou, which is known as "Half a Plum Blossom City". The end of the race is located under the Chengcheng Gate City, where the runners cross the line, accompanied by the pleasant wind chimes on the city tower, drifting away with the wind, as if crossing the long river of history, listening to the "Qiantang River, half of the Tang Dynasty poems" deep and heroic.

The most beautiful: The Xin'an River flows through the Huangrao Peninsula, where the river makes a big "zigzag" turn. The clear river water seems to be reluctant to such a scenery, this marathon track naturally will not be missed, the "most beautiful track" led the runners to run through a number of scenic punch points in Jiande, of which the runners are most pleasing to the eye is the Huangrao Peninsula Flower Sea. Huahai is located in the core area of Xiaya Town, where the Xin'an River is clear and the mountain clouds are rising and falling. It is the golden autumn of October, which is the most beautiful season in the Huangrao Peninsula. Thousands of acres of rice paddies surround the track, even if it is a racing competition, the players can't help but slow down, lingering between sunflowers, whooping grass, cosmos and other flowers.

The most ego: running freely, wanton to love. Jiande not only has a 17 °C Xin'anjiang Marathon, but also more cultural and tourism products to experience. From Jiande Renya tens of thousands of years ago to Jiande County in 225 AD, Jiande has been looking for itself and enriching itself in history. With the Jiande Marathon as the main line, runners started from the thick history and met with Baisha Bridge, Yang'an Future Community, and Zhijiang Asian Games Sports Park. This road witnesses the vitality and future of Jiande City, allowing the audience to see Jiande's vigorous and heroic posture.

In the ancient city of Yanzhou, the end point of the whole horse, there are also our very distinctive Hanfu volunteers (pulling sprint belts), the Thousand Cranes Women's Militia Company, the prefect patrol street, the intangible shrimp lantern performance and other teams. In addition, Jiande tofu buns, Yanzhou shortbread, Sandu mochi... A variety of mouth-watering Jiande delicacies are sure to spoil you.

As the jiande marathon of the first marathon in Zhejiang Province in the second half of 2021, the organizers adopt new digital means in the operation of the event: digital track management, accurate control of the runners in each stage; digital medical security to build a safer event experience for the runners; digital security system, monitoring screen track full coverage; digital post-race services, through face recognition to allow runners to easily obtain their own track photos.

The event operators, Zhejiang Radio and Television Group Qianjiang City Channel and Zhejiang Feixiang Sports Culture Co., Ltd., specially set up the front studio on the Dream 17 cruise ship, abandoning the traditional background board and taking the green mountains and rivers as the background, allowing the host and guests to wander in the flowing 17 °C landscape. Jiande Ten Bowls, Jiande Tofu Buns, Liye White Lotus, Zhizhong and Wujiapi, Yanzhou Shortbread, She's Umi Brown and other local specialties were also unveiled. Zhu Huan, secretary of the Jiande Municipal Party Committee, introduced the "Three-Self Spirit" of Xin'anjiang Hydropower Station, the beautiful Xin'an Greenway, the 17°C Cultural Tourism Brand and the livable environment of Jiande. Special guests Wang Yongjun, president of Jiande Catering Association and president of Tofu Bao Association, Zhu Muqing, a well-known cultural scholar, Photographer Wang Jianlu and Lei Guoqing, a young member of the She ethnic group, jointly recommended the unique beauty of Jiande from many angles. On the same day, the whole network was broadcast live through media matrix platforms such as "Beautiful Zhejiang" Douyin and "Qianjiang Video" Douyin, and more than 10 million views were obtained.

Shi Yigong, president of Westlake University, and world champions Meng Guanliang and Xu Yaping, as special guests of the event, cheered for the runners. In the end, the top three all-Malaysian men's places were won by Li Zhengyue, Li Dehong and Xiao Zuohua; Li Zhengyue ran a good result of 2:19:05. Wu Xuanxia won the all-Malaysian women's championship in 2:43:45, and the runner-up third place was won by Yao Yuzhou and Guo Xiaomei respectively. The top three half-horse men were won by Lan Jiehuai, Yang Xiaojun and Zhang Ligang, and Lan Jiehuai, a middle school physical education teacher from Lishui, ran out of 1:07:45 and roared in celebration at the finish line. The top three half-horse women were won by Tang Xiaofang, Jiang Lewan and Zhang Jing. Tang Xiaofang's leg injury was a huge success at the beginning of his recovery, and she won the championship with an excellent result of 1:20:02.

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