
Daily Flower Language: Purple Chrysanthemum on December 13 - Same Day Star You Yong / Chen Xiang (Photo) December 13 Flower Wishes: Happy Birthday to Friends Born on December 13! Celebrities born on December 13: Major events of December 13:

author:Autumn Moon Lang
Daily Flower Language: Purple Chrysanthemum on December 13 - Same Day Star You Yong / Chen Xiang (Photo) December 13 Flower Wishes: Happy Birthday to Friends Born on December 13! Celebrities born on December 13: Major events of December 13:

<h1>December 13 </h1>

Flower name: Purple-red chrysanthemum (Chrysanthemum)

Flower Language : Love

Flower Divination : You have a simple and introverted temperament, and you are full of humanity, like to take care of others__A is a popular person. Because you have a shy temperament and emotional fluctuations, as long as you believe in your intuition and be positive, you will definitely get the intimate favor of your lover.

Flower Motto: Chrysanthemum is the most colorful, close to it more, people are also a little lively.

<h1>Flower Wishes: Happy Birthday Friends Born on December 13th! </h1>

<h1>Celebrities born on December 13:</h1>

- 1678 – Yongzheng, Emperor of the Qing Dynasty.

Daily Flower Language: Purple Chrysanthemum on December 13 - Same Day Star You Yong / Chen Xiang (Photo) December 13 Flower Wishes: Happy Birthday to Friends Born on December 13! Celebrities born on December 13: Major events of December 13:

1797 – German revolutionary-democratic poet Heinrich Heine.

Daily Flower Language: Purple Chrysanthemum on December 13 - Same Day Star You Yong / Chen Xiang (Photo) December 13 Flower Wishes: Happy Birthday to Friends Born on December 13! Celebrities born on December 13: Major events of December 13:

1912 - Shi Lu, a modern Chinese painter.

Daily Flower Language: Purple Chrysanthemum on December 13 - Same Day Star You Yong / Chen Xiang (Photo) December 13 Flower Wishes: Happy Birthday to Friends Born on December 13! Celebrities born on December 13: Major events of December 13:

1922 – Lou Nanquan, physical chemist. He has been engaged in the study of molecular reaction kinetics for a long time.

Daily Flower Language: Purple Chrysanthemum on December 13 - Same Day Star You Yong / Chen Xiang (Photo) December 13 Flower Wishes: Happy Birthday to Friends Born on December 13! Celebrities born on December 13: Major events of December 13:

1963 - Chinese actor You Yong was born.

Daily Flower Language: Purple Chrysanthemum on December 13 - Same Day Star You Yong / Chen Xiang (Photo) December 13 Flower Wishes: Happy Birthday to Friends Born on December 13! Celebrities born on December 13: Major events of December 13:

1967 – American actor, singer and pianist Jamie Fox.

Daily Flower Language: Purple Chrysanthemum on December 13 - Same Day Star You Yong / Chen Xiang (Photo) December 13 Flower Wishes: Happy Birthday to Friends Born on December 13! Celebrities born on December 13: Major events of December 13:

1974 - Taiwanese actress Yang Lijing.

Daily Flower Language: Purple Chrysanthemum on December 13 - Same Day Star You Yong / Chen Xiang (Photo) December 13 Flower Wishes: Happy Birthday to Friends Born on December 13! Celebrities born on December 13: Major events of December 13:

1980 - Wong Chung-taek, a famous Hong Kong actor and singer.

Daily Flower Language: Purple Chrysanthemum on December 13 - Same Day Star You Yong / Chen Xiang (Photo) December 13 Flower Wishes: Happy Birthday to Friends Born on December 13! Celebrities born on December 13: Major events of December 13:

1981 – American singer Amy Lee.

Daily Flower Language: Purple Chrysanthemum on December 13 - Same Day Star You Yong / Chen Xiang (Photo) December 13 Flower Wishes: Happy Birthday to Friends Born on December 13! Celebrities born on December 13: Major events of December 13:

- 1982 - Japanese film and television star and model Ayumi Kinoshita.

Daily Flower Language: Purple Chrysanthemum on December 13 - Same Day Star You Yong / Chen Xiang (Photo) December 13 Flower Wishes: Happy Birthday to Friends Born on December 13! Celebrities born on December 13: Major events of December 13:

- 1989 - American singer-songwriter Taylor Swift.

Daily Flower Language: Purple Chrysanthemum on December 13 - Same Day Star You Yong / Chen Xiang (Photo) December 13 Flower Wishes: Happy Birthday to Friends Born on December 13! Celebrities born on December 13: Major events of December 13:

1989 – Singer Chen Xiang.

<h1>December 13: Serious incidents:</h1>

134 – A geokinetic instrument developed by Zhang Heng observed an insensible earthquake in Beijing (present-day Luoyang, Henan) in Longxi (present-day Tianshui, Gansu).

276 - Emperor Wu of Jin made Yang Zhi empress, and Yang Zhi was the sister of Emperor Wu's former empress Yang Yan, who died in 274 and asked Emperor Wu to marry Yang Zhi as empress.

552 - Xiao Xuan of the Liang Dynasty ascends the throne at Jiangling and serves as Emperor Yuan of Liang.

629 - More than 100,000 Tang troops were attacked by Li Jing and parted ways to attack the Turks.

638 - Emperor Taizong of Tang formed the left and right tun camps and stationed themselves at Xuanwu Gate.

648 – The Khitan and Xi tribes requested that they belong to the Tang Dynasty.

713 - The group of courtiers went to the table and asked the emperor to be honored with the title of "Kaiyuan Shenwu Emperor".

1004 - Emperor Zhenzong of Song creates a new position as a servant of longtuge.

1075 - Empress Xiao Guanyin of Liao Daozong is falsely accused to death.

1294 – Pope Celestine V abdicates.

1545 – Pope Paul III convenes the Council of Trento to deal with the Protestant and Reformation movements.

1577 - Francis Drake, an English pirate, begins his circumnavigation of the globe.

1678 - Emperor Qing Shizong's love for Shin Kyora Yin chan (雍正) is born.

1683 - The Qing court makes Sabussu a general in Heilongjiang.

1897 – Russian troops occupy the Chinese port of Lushun.

1913 - The world famous painting "Mona Lisa" is lost and recovered.

1921 – The four countries sign a naval treaty in Washington.

1924 - Modern Review is founded.

1937 – Nanjing Massacre.

1952 – The Second National Health Conference ends.

1971 – The Presidents of the United States and France issue a joint communiqué declaring the dollar depreciating.

1979 - The United States successfully tests the Trident I missile.

1994 - China's first amphibious aircraft was successfully developed in Nanjing Light Aircraft Development Factory.

2001 - The Beijing Olympic Games Organizing Committee was established.

2002 - The train lands on Hainan Island.

2003 – Former Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein is arrested in his hometown of Tikrit.

2005 - The Sixth Ministerial Conference of the World Trade Organization opens at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre.

In 2006, the Nanjing Folk Anti-Japanese War Historical Museum was officially opened.

2009 – The 5th East Asian Games closed in Hong Kong.

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