
Taste of Shanghai 丨The hometown of young singer Yu Di "Salt Gang Cuisine"

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2021-06-17 10:49

The song "Our Shanghai" can be said to be a household name in Shanghai, and the YuDi in the "Voice of Power" group that sings this song is a Sichuan Zigong person. The yudi that has not found the taste of hometown in Shanghai, can you find the familiar hometown flavor in the show? At 22:30 on June 17th, the news comprehensive channel "Taste of Shanghai" "Here is the hometown" program, this issue takes everyone and Yu Di to find the taste of home together.

Zigong well salt, known as the "thousand-year-old salt capital", Sichuan people often say that without Zigong well salt, Pixian watercress is no longer the soul of Sichuan cuisine, without Zigong well salt, the taste of kimchi must be slightly bitter. Zigong produces salt, so Zigong people have a heavy taste, fierce ingredients, and sufficient quantities, and many dishes are related to salt, so they are called "salt help dishes".

Today for YuDi prepared for yudi are two authentic hometown dishes cold eat rabbit and cannabis fish, heavy taste, reluctant to be heavy dishes must not be authentic salt dishes, so when serving, Yudi repeatedly asked the chef where he came from, he wanted to find a taste of home, but also wanted to hear a rural sound.

More stories, all in the Shanghai TV News Comprehensive Channel June 17 at 22:30 "Taste of Shanghai", take you in Shanghai to find delicious food from all over the world.

(Look at the news from Knowws reporter: Kangwanjun)

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