
Li Jie investigates post-disaster reconstruction, comprehensive administrative law enforcement promotion and heating preparation

author:Market Weekly
Li Jie investigates post-disaster reconstruction, comprehensive administrative law enforcement promotion and heating preparation

On October 24, Li Jie, deputy secretary of the county party committee and county magistrate, successively went to Huiche Village, Shuzhang Town, Baizhi Town and County Yimin Heat Co., Ltd. to investigate post-disaster reconstruction, comprehensive administrative law enforcement promotion and heating preparation.

Li Jie stressed that all levels and departments should improve their political standing, strengthen their responsibilities, and comprehensively speed up the post-disaster reconstruction work; they should promote the progress of project construction with high standards and high quality and restore the order of the masses' production and life as soon as possible.

At the Government of Baishi Town, Li Jie inspected the office space and document archiving of the comprehensive administrative law enforcement in Baishi Town, and listened to the reports of the responsible persons of relevant departments on the establishment, personnel, and role of the organization. Li Jie stressed that comprehensive administrative law enforcement is an important measure to strengthen the modernization of the grass-roots governance system and governance capabilities, and improve the level of social management and rule of law. All townships and towns should attach great importance to it, tighten their work responsibilities, improve the staffing, and ensure the smooth progress of comprehensive administrative law enforcement work; they should implement the management system for law enforcement personnel to hold certificates and qualifications, improve the ability of law enforcement personnel to perform their duties, and promote the orderly development of comprehensive administrative law enforcement work.

In the county Yimin Heat Co., Ltd., Li Jie inspected the monitoring of heating facilities and the operation of equipment, and had in-depth exchanges with the heads of enterprises to learn more about equipment commissioning, coal reserves, heating areas and various problems currently faced by enterprises. Li Jie stressed that the heating season is coming, and ensuring winter heating for the masses is an important people's livelihood project. It is necessary to make every effort to ensure the stable and efficient operation of heating equipment in winter. Heating enterprises should carefully do a good job in various preparations, strictly implement safety responsibilities, tighten the responsibility of compaction, resolutely eliminate potential safety hazards, ensure that each system in the heating season can operate safely and stably, and let the masses warm through the winter.

During the period, Li Jie also went to Huiche Village and other places in Shupao Town to conduct field research on the development of rural industries.

(Source: Huguan County People's Government website) [Submission, regional cooperation, please send a private message or send a 3613378752 within 24 hours to reply. 】

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