
Tree big branch, big branch family! A son who wants to demolish the old house and rebuild a new house will ask someone to saw open the house and tear down half of his house to rebuild it. house

author:Maoming Muzi Lee

Tree big branch, big branch family! A son who wants to demolish the old house and rebuild a new house will ask someone to saw open the house and tear down half of his house to rebuild it. The house is only half left and should not be sturdy either. #I'm going to make micro headlines##Split##Brother##建筑 #

Tree big branch, big branch family! A son who wants to demolish the old house and rebuild a new house will ask someone to saw open the house and tear down half of his house to rebuild it. house
Tree big branch, big branch family! A son who wants to demolish the old house and rebuild a new house will ask someone to saw open the house and tear down half of his house to rebuild it. house
Tree big branch, big branch family! A son who wants to demolish the old house and rebuild a new house will ask someone to saw open the house and tear down half of his house to rebuild it. house
Tree big branch, big branch family! A son who wants to demolish the old house and rebuild a new house will ask someone to saw open the house and tear down half of his house to rebuild it. house

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