
Liu Lanfang's speech at the closing ceremony of the first session of the fifth session of the Ji'an Municipal CPPCC

author:Jinggangshan newspaper rong media

Speech at the closing session of the first session of the Fifth CPPCC Municipal Committee

(October 13, 2021)

Liu Lanfang

Liu Lanfang's speech at the closing ceremony of the first session of the fifth session of the Ji'an Municipal CPPCC

Members and comrades,

The first meeting of the Fifth Ji'an Municipal Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference , under the meticulous guidance of the inspection group of the Jiangxi Provincial CPC Committee and the correct leadership of the Ji'an Municipal CPC Committee , through the joint efforts of all members and comrades attending the meeting , successfully completed all the agendas and is about to close in victory.

This meeting is an important meeting held under the new situation of the whole city deeply studying and implementing the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's "July 1st" important speech, the spirit of the Fifth Party Congress of the city, and striving to write a new chapter in the modernization of Kyrgyzstan and security. The municipal party committee attaches great importance to this meeting, and the speech of secretary of the municipal party committee Wang Shaoxuan at the opening meeting fully affirmed the remarkable achievements of the four CPPCC committees and placed great expectations on the cppcc municipal cppcc committee organizations and the new CPPCC members. Secretary Wang Shaoxuan's speech is of a very strong political, ideological, and guiding nature, standing tall and far-reaching, with clear direction, and urging people to forge ahead. We must profoundly study and comprehend it and implement it in an all-round way. During the meeting, Wang Shaoxuan, Luo Wenjiang, and other municipal leading comrades attended the meeting, visited the committee members, participated in the joint group discussion, discussed with the committee members the general plan for the development of Ji'an, and jointly conspired with the "three districts" to build a good policy, which greatly stimulated the enthusiasm of the vast number of committee members to participate in and discuss state affairs. With a high degree of political responsibility and a good mental state, the committee members actively offered suggestions and suggestions closely around the overall situation of the whole city center, fully demonstrating the style of performing duties of the committee members in the new era. The meeting was held with cohesion, unity and progress, and a clean and healthy atmosphere. Here, we would like to express our heartfelt thanks to the inspection team of the provincial party committee and the leading comrades of the municipal party committee, the municipal people's congress, and the municipal government, to the veteran leaders of the meeting, and to the comrades in all aspects who have contributed to the congress!

The continuation and development of the CPPCC cause is inseparable from the continuation and innovation of the CPPCC members. Under the leadership of Comrades Long Bozhou and Liu Xianqing, the Fourth CPPCC Committee adhered to the correct political direction, based on the functional positioning of the CPPCC, forged ahead, and performed its duties in a down-to-earth manner, writing a wonderful chapter in the cause of the CPPCC in Ji'an, accumulating valuable experience and laying a solid foundation for the Fifth CPPCC. Due to age and work reasons, Comrades Xianqing and other comrades no longer hold leading positions in the CPPCC Municipal Committee, and some members of the Standing Committee and members of the Fourth CPPCC Municipal Committee no longer remain in office. During their tenure, they focused on the center, served the overall situation, fulfilled their duties, did a lot of fruitful work, and handed in a satisfactory performance of their duties. In particular, Comrade Xianqing, who took on the role and was good at scheming and doing practical work, poured a lot of effort and made positive contributions to the development of the CPPCC cause. I propose that, with warm applause, we should pay high respect to Comrade Xianqing and other leaders of the CPPCC Municipal Committee and to all the members of the Fourth CPPCC Municipal Committee!

This meeting elected the Standing Committee of the Fifth Committee of the CPPCC Ji'an City Committee, and elected me as the chairman of the CPPCC Municipal Committee, which is the great trust of the provincial party committee and the municipal party committee and the trust of all members in us. Here, on behalf of all the newly elected members of the Standing Committee of the Fifth CPPCC Municipal Committee, I would like to express my heartfelt thanks to all members and comrades!

Dear members and comrades, this year is the beginning of the "Fourteenth Five-Year Plan" and the beginning of a new journey of the second centenary goal. The just-concluded Fifth Party Congress of the City established the overall work idea of adhering to one main line, closely following two positions, and striving to build the "three districts", drawing a grand blueprint for the modernization of Kyrgyzstan in the next five years, and ushering in a new starting point for high-quality development in Ji'an. Standing at a new starting point, striving for a new journey. CppcC organizations at all levels and the majority of members of the city should take Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era as the guide, focus on the decision-making and deployment of the Fifth Party Congress of the city, give full play to the role of the CPPCC, dedicate wisdom and strength in the new journey of modernization of Kyrgyzstan, and show responsibility and deeds.

It is necessary to enhance political determination and always adhere to the party's leadership. The COMMUNIST PARTY OF China is the leading core of the cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics, and unswervingly upholding the party's leadership is the fundamental political principle that the CPPCC must abide by. It is necessary to take innovation theory as the guide. Firmly use Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era to lead the work of the CPPCC, enhance the "four consciousnesses", strengthen the "four self-confidences", achieve "two safeguards", improve political judgment, political understanding, and political execution, and ensure that the cause of the CPPCC advances in the right direction. It is necessary to take political construction as the starting point. Strengthen CPPCC party building, give play to the leading core role of the CPPCC party group, implement the party's leadership in all aspects and the whole process of CPPCC work, and educate and guide the vast number of CPPCC members to feel more consciously feel the gratitude of the party, listen to the party, and follow the party. It is necessary to take the performance of duties against the standard as the landing point. Persist in performing duties and fulfilling responsibilities under the leadership of the Ji'an Municipal CPC Committee, closely follow the center, keep up with the rhythm, and earnestly transform the decision-making propositions of the municipal party committee into a broad consensus of all sectors of society, into the action consciousness of CPPCC organizations at all levels and the vast number of members, and always keep pace with the municipal party committee's political direction, ideological unity, and work.

It is necessary to enhance the awareness of consultation and always position the quasi-nature. As an organization of the united front, an organ of multiparty cooperation and political consultation, and an important form of realizing people's democracy, the CPPCC is an important channel and special consultative body for socialist consultative democracy, an important component part of the national governance system, and an institutional arrangement with Chinese characteristics. It is necessary to firmly grasp the two major themes of unity and democracy, always adhere to the principles of CPPCC work, and give full play to the functions of political consultation, democratic supervision, and participation in and discussion of state affairs. It is necessary to firmly grasp the central link in performing duties, such as strengthening ideological and political guidance and extensively gathering consensus, take upholding and developing socialism with Chinese characteristics as the main axis for consolidating the common ideological and political foundation, take the realization of the second centenary goal as the main line of work, and extensively gather the wisdom and strength of kyrgyzstan's security modernization construction. It is necessary to firmly grasp the positioning of the special consultative body in comprehensively carrying the nature of the CPPCC, focus on the work priorities of the party committee and the government, enrich the form of consultation, improve the quality and efficiency of consultation, and promote the implementation of the decision-making and deployment of the municipal party committee and the municipal government.

It is necessary to enhance the performance of duties and always serve the overall situation of development. Only around the center can we find the target of performing duties, and only by serving the overall situation can we reflect responsibility. In cppcc work, it is necessary to take the initiative to stand in the overall situation, integrate into the overall situation, and serve the overall situation. It is necessary to pay close attention to the overall situation and contribute to the work. Benchmark the decision-making and deployment of the CPC Central Committee, the Jiangxi Provincial CPC Committee, the CPC Ji'an Municipal Committee and the goals and tasks of the Fifth Municipal Party Congress, focus on the construction of the "three districts" and provide good policies, provide reference for the implementation of the decision-making of the municipal party committee and the municipal government; carry out democratic supervision around the implementation of the major decisions and deployments of the party and government, reflect the real situation, put forward opinions and suggestions, and promote the implementation of the work. We must closely follow the overall situation and unite our efforts. We should persist in carrying forward democracy and enhancing unity and mutual penetration, make suggestions and make contributions to the government, and gather consensus in both directions, strengthen cooperation and exchanges with people from all walks of life in all political parties, groups, and all strata, strengthen communication and contacts with compatriots in Hong Kong, Macao, and Taiwan and overseas Chinese compatriots, expand the circle of friends, draw concentric circles, and gather consensus and strength in Ji'an's reform and development to the greatest extent; assist party committees and governments in coordinating relations, straightening out emotions, and resolving contradictions, seeking common ground while reserving differences, gathering and assimilating differences, and adding impetus to accelerating development and cohesion, adding impetus, and reducing resistance. It is necessary to closely follow the overall situation and exert efforts. Focusing on the first priority of high-quality development, based on their own posts, giving full play to their own advantages, with the posture of taking on hard work and striving to be the first, we will make contributions to our own posts, walk in the forefront of the industry field, work hard in the construction of the "three districts", and always be participants, practitioners and promoters of the modernization of the Auspicious security side.

It is necessary to enhance the feelings of the people and always pay attention to the concerns of people's livelihood. Take the promotion of the improvement of people's livelihood as an important focus, conform to the new expectations of a better life, focus on the new concerns of the people's livelihood, assist the party committee and the government to solve the problems of people's livelihood, improve the well-being of the people, and always achieve the CPPCC for the people. It is necessary to go deep among the masses to observe the people's feelings. Adhere to the original intention of performing duties for the people, sink down, step down, go deep into the frontline of the grass-roots level, walk into the ordinary people, listen carefully to the voices of the people, truly observe the people's feelings, accurately reflect the will of the people, become the intimate people of the masses, and let the masses really feel that the committee members are around. It is necessary to make suggestions and suggestions to relieve the people's worries. Focusing on the people's livelihood issues that the masses are generally concerned about and pay special attention to, in-depth investigation and research, find the crux of the problem, prescribe a good "prescription", and assist the party committee and the government to respond to the people's livelihood concerns. It is necessary to do more practical things to warm the hearts of the people. Give full play to the advantages of the CPPCC sector, actively mobilize the vast number of CPPCC members to carry out public welfare activities such as helping the needy and the needy, donating funds for education, charitable donations, and going to the countryside for culture, do more good things for the masses, do practical things, and solve difficulties, and send the warmth of the party and the government to thousands of households.

It is necessary to improve ability and literacy and always strengthen self-construction. Strengthening the CPPCC's own construction is an important prerequisite for giving full play to the role of the CPPCC and improving its ability to perform its duties. With reform thinking, innovative ideas, and pragmatic measures, we must continue to promote our own construction and lay a solid long-term foundation for the CPPCC to perform its duties. It is necessary to improve the important mechanism for performing duties. Keep pace with the times and improve the work rules for the plenary sessions, standing committee meetings, and chairmen's meetings of the CPPCC, improve the work systems for investigation and inspection, handling of motions, and reflecting social conditions and public opinions, and promote the institutionalization, standardization, and proceduralization of the CPPCC performance of duties; accelerate the construction of service centers for cppcc members' performance of duties, establish corresponding operational mechanisms, and fully perform functions such as liaison, management, and service of cppcc members; and earnestly strengthen the work guidance for the county (city, district) CPPCC committees. It is necessary to give play to the basic role of the special committee. Actively build platforms for consultation and deliberation of special committees such as counterpart consultations, sectoral consultations, and committee activity days, improve and implement systems such as visiting members, contacting sectors, and informing members of the situation, unite and contact members more closely, stimulate the enthusiasm of members in performing their duties to the greatest extent, continuously improve the quality of consultative democracy, and enhance the performance level of the special committees. It is necessary to strengthen the responsibility of committee members. The broad masses of CPPCC members should cherish political honor, cherish their status as members, display their responsibilities in the course of performing their duties, and leave the mark of cppcc members in their practical work; they should act in accordance with the requirements of "understanding the CPPCC, holding consultations, discussing government affairs well, observing discipline, stressing rules, and stressing conduct," be informed about the administration, have good policies and senior administration, abide by discipline and the law, revere virtue and benevolence, and establish a good image of cppcclate; they should organize and carry out multi-form and multi-level study and training, and constantly improve their ability to grasp politics, conduct investigation and study, link up with the masses, and cooperate and work together, and in particular, they should practice the basic skills of investigation and research. It is necessary to earnestly enhance the awareness of committee members, do a good job of "committee members' work" with heart and affection, and strive to write excellent answer sheets for performing their duties with wisdom and sweat.

Dear members and comrades, the journey has begun, and the struggle will be accomplished. Let us unite more closely around the CPC Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core, under the strong leadership of the Ji'an Municipal CPC Committee, and on the solid foundation laid by the previous CPPCC Committees, keep firmly in mind the heavy trust, live up to the times, abide by the right and innovate, continue to forge ahead, create new achievements in the cause of the CPPCC in our city, and make new and greater contributions to writing a new chapter in the modernization of Kyrgyzstan!

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