
Liu Lanfang was elected chairman of the Ji'an Municipal COMMITTEE of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference| and the leading cadres of the two districts and cities in Jiangxi were announced before their appointment

author:Jiangxi Daily

Liu Lanfang was elected chairman of the Ji'an Municipal Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference

On October 13, the first meeting of the Fifth Committee of the CPPCC Ji'an City elected Liu Lanfang as the chairman of the Fifth Committee of the CPPCC Ji'an City, and elected Ba Gengming, Xu Nianchun, Liu Xiaobin, Li Jinhua (female), Zhang Haifeng, Qiu Xiuhua (female), and Peng Rencai as the vice chairmen of the Fifth Committee of the CPPCC Ji'an City.

Liu Lanfang's resume:

Comrade Liu Lanfang, male, Han ethnicity, born in October 1964, from Ji'an County, Jiangxi, joined the party in July 1988, joined the party in December 1985, university degree, master's degree.

1984.09-1988.07 Student, Department of Chinese, Jiangxi Normal University

1988.07-1992.10 Teacher of Ji'an Normal Chinese Department, Secretary of the General Branch of the Youth League

1992.10-1995.11 Deputy Director of the Propaganda Department of the Party Committee of Ji'an Normal College

1995.11-2000.09 Deputy Director of Ji'an Regional Tourism Bureau

2000.09-2002.11 Deputy Governor of Qingyuan District Government, Ji'an City

2002.11-2003.09 Member of the Standing Committee and Vice Mayor of Jinggangshan Municipal Committee

2003.09-2007.03 Deputy Secretary-General and Researcher of Ji'an Municipal Party Committee

2007.03-2007.04 Member, Standing Committee Member and Deputy Secretary of Jishui County CPC Committee

2007.04-2011.06 Deputy Secretary of Jishui County Cpc Committee and County Governor (During the period: 2007.03-2010.01 Nanchang University MPA Center majored in public administration and obtained a master's degree)

2011.06-2016.01 Party Secretary of Jishui County

2016.01-2016.02 Member of the Standing Committee of Ji'an Municipal Committee and Secretary of Jishui County Party Committee

2016.02-2019.07 Member of the Standing Committee of the Ji'an Municipal Party Committee and Director of the Publicity Department of the Municipal Party Committee

2019.07-2021.09 Member of the Standing Committee of the Ji'an Municipal Party Committee and Secretary of the Political and Legal Affairs Committee

2021.10 Chairman of the CPPCC Ji'an Municipal Committee and Secretary of the Party Group

(Resume from Ji'an Municipal Government website)

Jiangxi Xinyu and Fuzhou issued pre-appointment public announcements for leading cadres. The details are as follows:

Xinyu City

In accordance with the "Regulations on the Work of Selecting and Appointing Party and Government Leading Cadres" and other relevant provisions, and with the study and consent of the Municipal Party Committee, the relevant circumstances of the following candidates are hereby made public.

Zhang Zhihai, male, born in August 1974, is a member of the Communist Party of China, with a university degree on the job, and is currently a member of the party group and vice chairman of the Municipal Federation of Trade Unions, and intends to serve as a county-level leader of the municipal unit.

The publication period is from October 12, 2021 to October 19, 2021.

Fuzhou City

Liu Xiaoqi, male, Han ethnicity, born in November 1982, university, member of the Communist Party of China, currently a member of the Municipal Committee of Education and Sports, deputy director of the Municipal Bureau of Education and Sports, and plans to serve as a leading position at the department level of the municipal unit;

Mao Qifeng, male, Han ethnicity, born in November 1981, university, member of the Communist Party of China, currently deputy director of the Municipal Taiwan Affairs Office, proposed to serve as a leading position at the department level of the municipal unit;

Li Xiaohua, female, Han ethnicity, born in December 1980, Central Party School University, member of the Communist Party of China, currently the Deputy Director of the Joint Working Committee elected by the Standing Committee of the Municipal People's Congress, and plans to assume the leadership position of the municipal unit at the department level;

Xie Wenbin, male, Han ethnicity, born in October 1976, graduate student of the Party School of the Provincial Party Committee, member of the Communist Party of China, currently deputy director of the Office of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, intends to serve as a leading position at the department level of the municipal unit;

Ai Hua, female, Han ethnicity, born in March 1975, Central Party School University, cpc member, former member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection, proposed to serve as a leading position at the department level of the municipal unit;

Zhang Weihua, female, Han ethnicity, born in September 1972, Central Party School University, member of the Communist Party of China, currently deputy director of the office of the Standing Committee of the Municipal People's Congress, proposed to serve as a leading position at the level of the municipal unit;

Han Changxian, male, Han ethnicity, born in December 1970, Central Party School University, member of the Communist Party of China, currently a member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection, intends to serve as a leading position at the department level of the municipal unit;

Wu Xin, male, Han ethnicity, born in April 1966, university, member of the Kuomintang Revolutionary Party, is currently the deputy director of the Municipal Agriculture and Rural Bureau, and intends to serve as a leading position at the department level of the municipal unit;

Xu Laifa, male, Han ethnicity, born in May 1965, university, member of the Communist Party of China, currently a member of the party group and deputy director of the Municipal Bureau of Justice, and plans to serve as a leading position at the department level of the municipal unit;

Wu Shenglan, female, Han ethnicity, born in August 1978, graduate student of the Party School of the Provincial Party Committee, non-partisan, former deputy county governor of Lichuan County Government, proposed to serve as a leading position at the level of the municipal unit;

Huang Nengxing, male, Han ethnicity, born in September 1966, Central Party School University, cpc member, former member of the Standing Committee of the Chongren County CPC Committee, former secretary of the County Discipline Inspection Commission, former director of the Supervisory Commission, proposed to serve as a leading position at the department level of the municipal unit;

Gong Yong, male, Han ethnicity, born in April 1974, graduate student of the Party School of the Provincial Party Committee, member of the Communist Party of China, former member of the Standing Committee of the Le'an County CPC Committee and former director of the Propaganda Department, intends to serve as a leading position at the department level of the municipal public institution;

Lei Xianggen, male, Han ethnicity, born in August 1965, Central Party School University, member of the Communist Party of China, former member of the Standing Committee of the Jinxi County CPC Committee, former director of the Organization Department, proposed to serve as a leading position at the department level of the municipal unit;

Luo Ming, male, Han ethnicity, born in January 1974, working university, member of the Communist Party of China, former member of the Standing Committee of the Guangchang County CPC Committee, former secretary of the Political and Legal Affairs Commission, proposed to serve as a leading position at the department level of the municipal unit;

Fu Zhichao, male, Han ethnicity, born in November 1982, Party School of the Provincial Party Committee, member of the Communist Party of China, is currently the chief of the Liaison Section and the first-level director of the CppcC Office, and intends to serve as the deputy department-level leader of the municipal unit;

Yang Zhigang, male, Han ethnicity, born in April 1979, university, member of the Communist Party of China, is currently the director of the office of the Supervision and Judicial Committee of the Municipal People's Congress, a first-level chief section member, and intends to serve as a deputy department-level leader of a municipal unit;

Zhou Wei, male, Han ethnicity, born in July 1976, graduate student of the Party School of the Provincial Party Committee, member of the Communist Party of China, is currently the chief of the personnel secretary section of the Office of the Municipal Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, a fourth-level researcher of the organ, and plans to serve as a deputy department-level leader of the municipal unit;

Zhao Shidao, male, Han ethnicity, born in October 1972, working university, member of the Communist Party of China, is currently a fourth-level researcher of the Standing Committee of the Municipal People's Congress, and intends to serve as a deputy division-level leader of the municipal direct unit;

Wang Renhua, male, Han ethnicity, born in July 1972, university, member of the Communist Party of China, is currently the chief of the Food Safety Coordination Section of the Municipal Market Supervision and Administration Bureau, and intends to serve as the deputy department-level leader of the municipal unit;

Tang Shuihui, female, Han ethnicity, born in April 1974, graduate student of the Party School of the Provincial Party Committee, member of the Communist Party of China, is currently the secretary of the Party Working Committee of Jinggong Road Subdistrict in Linchuan District, and intends to serve as a deputy department-level leader of the municipal unit;

Fan Zhenggeng, male, Han ethnicity, born in January 1973, graduate student of the Party School of the Provincial Party Committee, member of the Communist Party of China, former secretary of the Party Committee of Gongxi Town, Le'an County, first-level director of the section, intends to serve as a deputy department-level leader of the municipal unit.

Where the above-mentioned publicity targets need to implement a probationary period for employment, a probationary period for employment is to be implemented in accordance with relevant provisions. The publication period is from October 12, 2021 to October 19, 2021.

Source: People's Network Jiangxi Channel, Jiangxi Political Reading

Editor: Guo Yuanyuan

Review: Chen Hui

Signature: Shao Ping

Producer: Wu Zhigang

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