
From the national champion to the black material-ridden "Dragon Girl", what has Zhang Lanxin experienced? "Entering the national team can not write homework" with "beautiful photos" Bo Chenglong eyeballs "belt door" exposed photos of black materials continue to conclude past selections

author:The donburi character ThePeople
From the national champion to the black material-ridden "Dragon Girl", what has Zhang Lanxin experienced? "Entering the national team can not write homework" with "beautiful photos" Bo Chenglong eyeballs "belt door" exposed photos of black materials continue to conclude past selections

Since the female table tennis player Chen Meng won the Olympic women's singles championship, the entertainment industry has pulled out many "relatives", first cousin Huang Xiaoming and then Fa Xiao Ren Jialun, which can really be described as "style and style do not separate the family"!

From the national champion to the black material-ridden "Dragon Girl", what has Zhang Lanxin experienced? "Entering the national team can not write homework" with "beautiful photos" Bo Chenglong eyeballs "belt door" exposed photos of black materials continue to conclude past selections

In addition to recognizing athletes as relatives, there are also stars who used to be athletes.

Former taekwondo athlete Zhang Lanxin talked about his past heartache when he participated in the show.

From the national champion to the black material-ridden "Dragon Girl", what has Zhang Lanxin experienced? "Entering the national team can not write homework" with "beautiful photos" Bo Chenglong eyeballs "belt door" exposed photos of black materials continue to conclude past selections

She revealed that when she was an athlete, her parents saw herself being beaten by her opponents, "I never let my mother go to the live game again, because I thought it was too cruel for my mother." 」 ”

From the national champion to the black material-ridden "Dragon Girl", what has Zhang Lanxin experienced? "Entering the national team can not write homework" with "beautiful photos" Bo Chenglong eyeballs "belt door" exposed photos of black materials continue to conclude past selections

In addition to sharing his career history, Zhang Lanxin also posted his national taekwondo championship certificate.

At that time, she was not called Zhang Lanxin, and she couldn't beat Jackie Chan with the "belt", and she didn't even know what the cleanser was.

From the national champion to the black material-ridden "Dragon Girl", what has Zhang Lanxin experienced? "Entering the national team can not write homework" with "beautiful photos" Bo Chenglong eyeballs "belt door" exposed photos of black materials continue to conclude past selections

Obviously is already a national champion, ming career is a good, why "abandon the body from entertainment" to become an actress, Zhang Lanxin's transformation is hiding what unknown heartache?

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="8" > "entering the national team can not write homework"</h1>

In the 1980s, Zhang Lanxin was born into an ordinary family in Beijing.

Her parents named her "Zhang Mengyu", and she has been spoiled like a baby since she was a child.

From the national champion to the black material-ridden "Dragon Girl", what has Zhang Lanxin experienced? "Entering the national team can not write homework" with "beautiful photos" Bo Chenglong eyeballs "belt door" exposed photos of black materials continue to conclude past selections

When she was in the third grade, Zhang Lanxin's height was far superior to her peers, and when she did broadcast gymnastics, she stood out from the crowd and was simply the most conspicuous star in the class.

Once, as usual, she was doing gymnastics with the radio, and a tall aunt suddenly came up to her and asked, "How did you grow so tall?" ”

"I've been so tall since I was a kid."

After listening to Zhang Lanxin's reply, the tall aunt seemed to be happier, and she asked again, "Do you want to be a national team athlete, you don't have to write homework!" ”

From the national champion to the black material-ridden "Dragon Girl", what has Zhang Lanxin experienced? "Entering the national team can not write homework" with "beautiful photos" Bo Chenglong eyeballs "belt door" exposed photos of black materials continue to conclude past selections

As soon as he heard that he didn't have to write homework, and he was also associated with the word "country", Zhang Lanxin did not mention how happy he was, and he signed up as soon as he tapped his head.

But the ideal is very full, and the reality is very bone.

The trial period lasted for two months, during which she needed to fight against the men and women in the team, and the roaring and kicking sounds were incessant, in Zhang Lanxin's words, "the scene is like killing pigs.".

From the national champion to the black material-ridden "Dragon Girl", what has Zhang Lanxin experienced? "Entering the national team can not write homework" with "beautiful photos" Bo Chenglong eyeballs "belt door" exposed photos of black materials continue to conclude past selections

Later, because of the loudest kick of the target, she successfully stayed in the Shichahai Sports School in Beijing and became the little sister of Jet Li, Zhen Zidan and Wu Jing.

From the national champion to the black material-ridden "Dragon Girl", what has Zhang Lanxin experienced? "Entering the national team can not write homework" with "beautiful photos" Bo Chenglong eyeballs "belt door" exposed photos of black materials continue to conclude past selections

The days of training were certainly tough.

When he was in the sixth grade, Zhang Lanxin was going to participate in a national taekwondo competition. During pre-match training, the coach gave her a "flying knife", causing the right side of her face to explode with 5 stitches. But even if the pain was too much to help herself, she still gritted her teeth and went to the field.

From the national champion to the black material-ridden "Dragon Girl", what has Zhang Lanxin experienced? "Entering the national team can not write homework" with "beautiful photos" Bo Chenglong eyeballs "belt door" exposed photos of black materials continue to conclude past selections

At the age of 13, Zhang Lanxin was selected for the national team because of his excellent results. Before going in, she was determined to win, as if the whole world was her own, who had wanted to go in and then the disease "controlled" her for 4 years.

Because of the long period of high-load training, Zhang Lanxin's two knee meniscuses were shattered, and she never let go of the pain of the illness, and it was difficult for her to return to peak state.

From the national champion to the black material-ridden "Dragon Girl", what has Zhang Lanxin experienced? "Entering the national team can not write homework" with "beautiful photos" Bo Chenglong eyeballs "belt door" exposed photos of black materials continue to conclude past selections

"In these four years, I have never achieved less than the top 8 in the country."

Because there were no results, Zhang Lanxin, in order to punish himself, once wore a military coat and a cotton hat to run in the back sea in the summer of more than 40 degrees, scaring the old man on the side of the road.

From the national champion to the black material-ridden "Dragon Girl", what has Zhang Lanxin experienced? "Entering the national team can not write homework" with "beautiful photos" Bo Chenglong eyeballs "belt door" exposed photos of black materials continue to conclude past selections

In 2004, the leader approached Zhang Lanxin hoping she would retire and promised to give her a chance to go to college.

Zhang Lanxin, who originally had a grudge against not winning the championship, completely put it down, and because of this, she easily won the national championship of taekwondo that year and fulfilled her dream of gold medal.

From the national champion to the black material-ridden "Dragon Girl", what has Zhang Lanxin experienced? "Entering the national team can not write homework" with "beautiful photos" Bo Chenglong eyeballs "belt door" exposed photos of black materials continue to conclude past selections

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="27" > with "beautiful photos" Bo Jackie Chan's eyeballs</h1>

After retiring from the army, Zhang Lanxin looked around for a job, worked as a front desk, worked as an HR, and even almost became a security guard.

Once she handed a resume to a leader of a state-owned enterprise, and the leader looked at her for a while and then said, "I'm sorry, we don't want security guards." ”

From the national champion to the black material-ridden "Dragon Girl", what has Zhang Lanxin experienced? "Entering the national team can not write homework" with "beautiful photos" Bo Chenglong eyeballs "belt door" exposed photos of black materials continue to conclude past selections

In the eyes of the other side, the so-called taekwondo national champion is of little use except to be a security guard.

In this way, Zhang Lanxin "lay corpse" at home for half a year, just when she was at a loss, a news agency asked her to do an interview and took a cover photo, named "the most beautiful national champion".

From the national champion to the black material-ridden "Dragon Girl", what has Zhang Lanxin experienced? "Entering the national team can not write homework" with "beautiful photos" Bo Chenglong eyeballs "belt door" exposed photos of black materials continue to conclude past selections

Unexpectedly, as soon as the photo was sent, many people came to visit and invited her to take photos as models. One after the other, Zhang Lanxin entered the modeling circle.

At first, she was very "shy", once took a swimsuit photo, and stood around a circle of people, which made Zhang Lanxin particularly embarrassed. Later, she plucked up enough courage to drink a bottle of "Little Two" to complete the shooting task.

From the national champion to the black material-ridden "Dragon Girl", what has Zhang Lanxin experienced? "Entering the national team can not write homework" with "beautiful photos" Bo Chenglong eyeballs "belt door" exposed photos of black materials continue to conclude past selections

As his fame grew, Zhang Lanxin's photos also entered Jackie Chan's eyes.

At that time, Jackie Chan's big brother was preparing to shoot "Zodiac Signs", and after seeing a photo of Zhang Lanxin, his eyes lit up, and he immediately asked someone to contact her to play the female number one.

At the moment of receiving the call, Zhang Lanxin was completely ignorant, and she blurted out after a few seconds of reaction, "Are you sick?" Really! ”

From the national champion to the black material-ridden "Dragon Girl", what has Zhang Lanxin experienced? "Entering the national team can not write homework" with "beautiful photos" Bo Chenglong eyeballs "belt door" exposed photos of black materials continue to conclude past selections

After a while, a female producer called her again, and then explained meaningfully: "Don't be afraid, we are really the Jackie Chan crew, and we don't want your money, you can rest assured!" ”

Hearing that she didn't want money, Zhang Lanxin suddenly came to her senses, and she dragged her mother to the audition site, where people were petrified all day.

From the national champion to the black material-ridden "Dragon Girl", what has Zhang Lanxin experienced? "Entering the national team can not write homework" with "beautiful photos" Bo Chenglong eyeballs "belt door" exposed photos of black materials continue to conclude past selections

"Brother Jackie Chan sat opposite me, and the two rows were filled with people from the family class, all dressed in uniform. It was the first time I had ever seen a living actor, and it was Jackie Chan. ”

Before the shooting, Zhang Lanxin was very nervous, she asked Liao Fan if he could teach himself more, and as a result, this big movie emperor actually replied: "Sister, I am also afraid!" ”

From the national champion to the black material-ridden "Dragon Girl", what has Zhang Lanxin experienced? "Entering the national team can not write homework" with "beautiful photos" Bo Chenglong eyeballs "belt door" exposed photos of black materials continue to conclude past selections

In order to make herself not drag her feet, she tried to be perfect in every action, and the three French lines were memorized overnight, and even Jackie Chan said" You are not necessarily the best kung fu, but you are the most upright attitude.

From the national champion to the black material-ridden "Dragon Girl", what has Zhang Lanxin experienced? "Entering the national team can not write homework" with "beautiful photos" Bo Chenglong eyeballs "belt door" exposed photos of black materials continue to conclude past selections

After the filming of "Zodiac", Zhang Lanxin became a veritable "Dragon Girl", and also won the Best Newcomer Award at the 2013 Huading Awards, becoming a hot little flower in the entertainment industry.

Originally wanted to become a hit, who thought that black material came so quickly.

From the national champion to the black material-ridden "Dragon Girl", what has Zhang Lanxin experienced? "Entering the national team can not write homework" with "beautiful photos" Bo Chenglong eyeballs "belt door" exposed photos of black materials continue to conclude past selections

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="44" > "belt door" to expose the black material continuously</h1>

Just when the career was good, a reporter photographed Jackie Chan on the set with a belt to beat the buttocks of a certain actress, and the actress was the new Xiaohua Zhang Lanxin.

From the national champion to the black material-ridden "Dragon Girl", what has Zhang Lanxin experienced? "Entering the national team can not write homework" with "beautiful photos" Bo Chenglong eyeballs "belt door" exposed photos of black materials continue to conclude past selections

For a time, gossip about Zhang Lanxin and Jackie Chan was raging.

The "belt door" here has not been explained clearly, and the "exposed photos" over there have been pulled out again.

Some netizens found that she had held a birthday party called "British 'Chest' Alliance", the party of beautiful women dressed quite "cool", Zhang Lanxin is even more cos the "sailor suit", the picture makes people can't help but think wildly.

From the national champion to the black material-ridden "Dragon Girl", what has Zhang Lanxin experienced? "Entering the national team can not write homework" with "beautiful photos" Bo Chenglong eyeballs "belt door" exposed photos of black materials continue to conclude past selections

What's more bizarre is that on the day of the party, in addition to female stars, the Internet celebrity who had opened a big G into the Forbidden City to cause controversy was also at the scene, and it seemed that the friendship was good.

From the national champion to the black material-ridden "Dragon Girl", what has Zhang Lanxin experienced? "Entering the national team can not write homework" with "beautiful photos" Bo Chenglong eyeballs "belt door" exposed photos of black materials continue to conclude past selections

Netizens can't help but ridicule that being able to be friends with such people, Zhang Lanxin's private morality is simply suspicious.

It is open in private, and it is not "hidden" on the show.

Once participating in a variety show, Zhang Lanxin wrapped her bathrobe tightly in the water and two men soaked in the bath at the same time, the picture was quite "fragrant".

Although some people said afterwards that this was just the effect of the program, this pile of piles greatly reduced Zhang Lanxin's image, and the commercial value was no longer the same.

From the national champion to the black material-ridden "Dragon Girl", what has Zhang Lanxin experienced? "Entering the national team can not write homework" with "beautiful photos" Bo Chenglong eyeballs "belt door" exposed photos of black materials continue to conclude past selections

<h1 class="pgc-h-arrow-right" data-track="54" > conclusion</h1>

Nowadays, she only plays soy sauce in the film circle, and the roles are all "beating women". In addition to participating in variety shows to show his face, Zhang Lanxin rarely goes out of the circle.

When participating in the talk show "Listen to My Sister", Zhang Lanxin complained that he was "wronged" because of his height and past career.

From the national champion to the black material-ridden "Dragon Girl", what has Zhang Lanxin experienced? "Entering the national team can not write homework" with "beautiful photos" Bo Chenglong eyeballs "belt door" exposed photos of black materials continue to conclude past selections

When filming a romance drama, you have to stand in the pit and play against the boys; when filming the costume drama, you obviously have squatted down to salute the emperor but you are mistaken for not; when you go on a blind date, when you hear that she was a taekwondo champion before, the other party is scared and turns around and leaves.

From the national champion to the black material-ridden "Dragon Girl", what has Zhang Lanxin experienced? "Entering the national team can not write homework" with "beautiful photos" Bo Chenglong eyeballs "belt door" exposed photos of black materials continue to conclude past selections

It seems like a joke, but it sounds really helpless.

After spitting himself, Zhang Lanxin did not forget to shout at the major directors when he ran for publicity, bluntly saying that he was cheap and obedient, hoping to give more opportunities.

From the national champion to the black material-ridden "Dragon Girl", what has Zhang Lanxin experienced? "Entering the national team can not write homework" with "beautiful photos" Bo Chenglong eyeballs "belt door" exposed photos of black materials continue to conclude past selections

The former dragon girl was "down" to such a situation, which made people feel deeply sad.

In fact, the entertainment industry has always been like this, today you are red over me tomorrow I will shake you off, there is no eternal female number one, only never stop the status competition.

From the national champion to the black material-ridden "Dragon Girl", what has Zhang Lanxin experienced? "Entering the national team can not write homework" with "beautiful photos" Bo Chenglong eyeballs "belt door" exposed photos of black materials continue to conclude past selections

From the national champion to the protagonist of the movie to the "past actress" with few topics, Zhang Lanxin has sat on the cold bench and has also been a fragrant feast, and there are both personal reasons and bad luck today.

I hope she can be like 2004, after throwing away all spiritual shackles, she can bravely fight every next punch!

#Zhang Lanxin#, #成龙 #

Author: The kite chaser

Editor-in-Charge: Seven Dreams

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