
46 screensaver pictures, interpreting Xuhui's different early summer! Come and bookmark →

author:Shanghai Xuhui

"At four o'clock, the weather urges each other, and the wind brings heat overnight." In early summer, the grass and trees in the parks and green spaces of Xuhui contain the warmth and romance of summer, so let's feel the vitality and vitality of the natural beauty together.

Stroll through the green spaces of the streets, where the trees are lined with greenery and the sun shines through the crystal clear green leaves, showing the beauty of early summer. The flowers are scattered, the colors are delicate, and it makes people fall in love. This is a poem that belongs to the spring into the summer, elegant and fresh, refreshing, the flower shadow into the charm, like intoxicated.

The Wizard of Oz in the landscape area

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Gao An Garden

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Hengshan Garden

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Xingguo Road Small Park

Flowers bloom all the way through the streets

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Hongqiao Road

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Caoxi North Road

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46 screensaver pictures, interpreting Xuhui's different early summer! Come and bookmark →

Lingling Road

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Zhaojiabang Road

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Longhua West Road

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Pubei Road

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Hongcao South Road

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Guijiang Road Central Green Corridor

In early summer, the scenery is poetic, the sea of flowers in the parks of Xuhui swaying in the wind, blooming gracefully and colorfully, together with the soft grass and green trees, depicting a beautiful oil painting, and the rippling pond water reflects the tender green of early summer. It is very pleasant to be surrounded by wonderful scenery and breathe in the fresh air.

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46 screensaver pictures, interpreting Xuhui's different early summer! Come and bookmark →
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46 screensaver pictures, interpreting Xuhui's different early summer! Come and bookmark →
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Xujiahui Park

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Yangyang Park

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46 screensaver pictures, interpreting Xuhui's different early summer! Come and bookmark →
46 screensaver pictures, interpreting Xuhui's different early summer! Come and bookmark →
46 screensaver pictures, interpreting Xuhui's different early summer! Come and bookmark →

Health Garden

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Guilin Park

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46 screensaver pictures, interpreting Xuhui's different early summer! Come and bookmark →

Dongan Park

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Guangqi Park

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46 screensaver pictures, interpreting Xuhui's different early summer! Come and bookmark →
46 screensaver pictures, interpreting Xuhui's different early summer! Come and bookmark →

Hengshan Park

The street trees on both sides of the road, such as plane trees, luan trees, and catalpa trees, are already covered with pavilions, and the canopies are intertwined to form a "green barrier", and the sunlight passes through the layers of leaves and falls on the road surface leaving patches of mottled patches, bringing a touch of coolness to pedestrians.

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Jiashan Road Luanshu

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46 screensaver pictures, interpreting Xuhui's different early summer! Come and bookmark →

Fuxing Middle Road, Yongjia Road, Plane Tree

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Maple Grove Road, North American maple incense

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46 screensaver pictures, interpreting Xuhui's different early summer! Come and bookmark →

Longlin Road, Long Bridge Road, plane trees

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Zhaoping Road horse chestnut

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Triumph Road Catalpa tree

Spring is farther away, and early summer has arrived

Breezy, slightly hot

Everything, just right.

Text: District Greening and City Appearance Bureau

Editor: Wei Li

Proofreader: Jiang Ling (intern)

Reviewer: Wei Li

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