
"Whether it's hot or not, it depends on Xiaoman", tomorrow Xiaoman, will it be very hot this summer? Here comes the answer

author:Popular science of agriculture and agriculture
Introduction: "Whether it's hot or not, it depends on Xiaoman", tomorrow Xiaoman, will it be very hot this summer? Here comes the answer

"Lixia goose feathers live, and the little finches are full." There is not as much wind in the small full season as in spring, and even goose feathers can't fly. Of course, this is an exaggeration, meaning that the temperature has risen steadily and all the migratory birds have returned to the north.

"Whether it's hot or not, it depends on Xiaoman", tomorrow Xiaoman, will it be very hot this summer? Here comes the answer

Xiaoman is the second solar term in summer and the eighth solar term in the 24 solar terms of the lunar calendar. If the whole Zhou Tian is divided according to the heavenly stems and terrestrial branches, when the handle of the Big Dipper points to the "A" position, the sun enters the Xiaoman solar term when it reaches the yellow longitude of 60°.

"Whether it's hot or not, it depends on Xiaoman", tomorrow Xiaoman, will it be very hot this summer? Here comes the answer

If, according to the date of the Gregorian calendar, the festival time of the Xiaoman solar term is usually on May 20-22 of the Gregorian calendar every year, and this year's Xiaoman festival is on May 20 of the Gregorian calendar.

If you are careful, you will find that the small summer solar term is followed by the big summer solar term, the small snow solar term is followed by the heavy snow solar term, and the small cold solar term is followed by the big cold solar term. This is because Xiaoman is a solar term that reflects phenological phenomena, marks the beginning of summer, has an impact on plant growth and farmland management, and means a prelude to harvest.

"Whether it's hot or not, it depends on Xiaoman", tomorrow Xiaoman, will it be very hot this summer? Here comes the answer

In the western part of the mainland, there is a custom of worshipping the god of cars, such as the agricultural proverb "small full of three cars". The so-called "three carts" refer to the water wheel, oil wheel and silk wheel, and in the old days, people would burn incense in the garage to worship the car god on this day, praying for the success of farming.

"Whether it's hot or not, it depends on Xiaoman", tomorrow Xiaoman, will it be very hot this summer? Here comes the answer

"Life is better than a small man", this year's Xiaoman and 520 are on the same day, and the romance of the solar calendar and the lunar calendar collided. Coincidentally, 520 and 521 correspond to the "13, 14" of the lunar calendar. Therefore, this year's Xiaoman day is a real 5201314 (I love you for a lifetime).

"Whether it's hot or not, it depends on Xiaoman", tomorrow Xiaoman, will it be very hot this summer? Here comes the answer

Xiaoman has arrived, and there is a saying in the folk that "whether it's hot or not, it depends on Xiaoman", what does it mean? Is it hot or not on dog days this year? Let's take a closer look!

"Whether it's hot or not, it depends on Xiaoman", tomorrow Xiaoman, will it be very hot this summer? Here comes the answer

Let's take a look at the day of this year's "dog days" from which day the ambush began and which day came out.

The ancients' method of calculating dog days was very simple, just 7 words - "summer solstice three Geng several head volts". This means that from the day after the summer solstice, the third Geng day is the first day of the first volt.

The summer solstice in this is the solar term, and the "Geng day" is a day in the Ganzhi period. Therefore, the start time and the entire length of dog days are extrapolated according to the order of solar terms and dry branch days.

Specifically, the character "庚" is the seventh of the 10 heavenly stems of "A, B, C, D, E, G, G, XIN, NON, and DEC".

"Whether it's hot or not, it depends on Xiaoman", tomorrow Xiaoman, will it be very hot this summer? Here comes the answer

Since the "Geng day" repeats every 10 days, the middle of the day begins on the fourth Geng day. Let's arrange backwards, if the middle volt is 10 days after the beginning of autumn, then, the middle volt is 10 days, if the middle volt 10 days after the beginning of autumn, then we have to row back a "Geng day" (10 days later), the middle volt is 20 days. In short, the end of the day must appear after the beginning of autumn, so as to match the hot weather.

Generally speaking, when there are four "Geng days" between the summer solstice and the beginning of autumn, it is 10 days, and when there are five "Geng days", it is 20 days. That is, the first volt (first volt) is 10 days, the middle volt (second volt) is 10 or 20 days, and the last volt (third volt) is 10 days.

The dog days in 2024 are 40 days in total, which is an extended version of the dog days, and the specific arrangements are as follows:

Bows: July 15-July 24;

Nakabushi: July 25 - August 13;

Suebush: August 14 and August 23.

"Whether it's hot or not, it depends on Xiaoman", tomorrow Xiaoman, will it be very hot this summer? Here comes the answer

So, is this year's "dog days" hot? Let's see how the little Mannong proverb left by the ancestors is judged:

First, it is raining slightly, and the sun is big

This agricultural proverb can be understood literally, which means that if it rains on the day of the solar term, then it indicates that there will be a lot of sunshine and very hot during the dog days. Opposite. If it is a sunny day on the day of the solar term, then it indicates that the dog days of the year will not be so hot.

Second, the small rain is surging, and the mangs are like fire

This agricultural proverb is relatively easy to understand, to the effect that if it rains a lot during the Xiaoman season, then it indicates that the weather is hot, drought and little rain during the solar term.

3. Small man at the end, May sauna; Xiao Man is in the middle, and he wears a jacket

This agricultural proverb means that if the Xiaoman solar term falls on the last 10 days of the lunar month, then it indicates that the summer will be hotter that year. If the Little Manchu Festival falls in the middle of the lunar month for 10 days, then it indicates that the dog days of the year will be cooler, and even feel very cool.

This year's Xiaoman is in the thirteenth day of the fourth month of the lunar calendar, which is in the middle of the month, according to the agricultural proverb "Xiaoman is in the middle, and the dog days are wearing jackets", this year's dog days may be cold.

Dog days are the hottest time of the year, not hot but cool, indicating that the dog days of the year are rainy and rainy. Therefore, it is necessary to prepare for flood prevention in advance to avoid greater losses caused by flooding.

"Whether it's hot or not, it depends on Xiaoman", tomorrow Xiaoman, will it be very hot this summer? Here comes the answer

Of course, although the above agricultural proverbs are the crystallization of the experience summarized by the ancients through long-term observation, they must have certain regional and limitations.

Xiaoman arrived, it was a sunny day on our side, what was the weather on your side? Looking forward to hearing from you! Thanks for reading.


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