
Are garlic sprouts blood lipid "inhibitors"? Repeatedly emphasized: the elderly with high blood lipids, these 4 kinds of vegetables can be eaten more

author:Director Xu Health said

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"Can eating garlic sprouts really lower blood lipids? Does this TV show make sense? ”

While watching TV, Uncle Li used a kitchen knife to cut the newly bought garlic sprouts into sections, muttering in his mouth. Uncle Li is notoriously idle in the community, he was a bus driver when he was young, and he couldn't be idle for a day after retirement. After lunch today, he decided to go to his old friend Dr. Zhang to talk about this problem of "garlic seedlings lowering blood lipids".

Are garlic sprouts blood lipid "inhibitors"? Repeatedly emphasized: the elderly with high blood lipids, these 4 kinds of vegetables can be eaten more

Uncle Li strode into the hospital and met Dr. Zhang, who was busy in the office. Dr. Zhang is a middle-aged man in his fifties, his hair is already a little gray, but his spirit is unusually strong. When he heard Uncle Li's intention, he smiled and beckoned him to sit down: "Uncle Li, why are you here again?" Is there anything new you want to talk to me about this time? ”

Are garlic sprouts blood lipid "inhibitors"? Repeatedly emphasized: the elderly with high blood lipids, these 4 kinds of vegetables can be eaten more

While sitting down, Uncle Li took out a handkerchief from his pocket and wiped the sweat on his forehead: "Hey, Dr. Zhang, do you know? I was watching TV at home just now, and the program said that eating garlic sprouts can lower blood lipids, is this reliable? I eat garlic sprouts every day, and my blood lipids have not been low for so many years! ”

Are garlic sprouts blood lipid "inhibitors"? Repeatedly emphasized: the elderly with high blood lipids, these 4 kinds of vegetables can be eaten more

After hearing this, Dr. Zhang smiled lightly: "Uncle Li, don't worry, let's talk slowly." Let's talk about this garlic sprout first, indeed, garlic sprouts are rich in dietary fiber and some beneficial trace elements, which have a certain auxiliary effect on lowering blood lipids, but the effect is still limited by eating garlic sprouts to lower blood lipids. ”

Are garlic sprouts blood lipid "inhibitors"? Repeatedly emphasized: the elderly with high blood lipids, these 4 kinds of vegetables can be eaten more

Dr. Zhang went on to explain, "You can't just rely on one type of food to lower blood lipids. There are several vegetables that have a clear role in regulating high blood lipids, such as broccoli, onions, carrots, and lettuce. Uncle Li was a little puzzled: "Doctor Zhang, I know this broccoli, it is nutritious, and onions are often eaten, but this carrot and lettuce can also lower blood lipids?" ”

Are garlic sprouts blood lipid "inhibitors"? Repeatedly emphasized: the elderly with high blood lipids, these 4 kinds of vegetables can be eaten more

Doctor Zhang nodded: "That's right, Uncle Li." Let's talk about carrots first. Carrots are rich in carotene, a substance that can be converted into vitamin A in the body, which helps lower cholesterol. Moreover, the dietary fiber in carrots can promote intestinal peristalsis and help eliminate excess body fat. ”

Are garlic sprouts blood lipid "inhibitors"? Repeatedly emphasized: the elderly with high blood lipids, these 4 kinds of vegetables can be eaten more

He paused and continued: "As for lettuce, it is rich in potassium, which can help regulate the sodium balance in the body, diuretic and salt excretion, and help lower blood pressure. ”

Are garlic sprouts blood lipid "inhibitors"? Repeatedly emphasized: the elderly with high blood lipids, these 4 kinds of vegetables can be eaten more

Dr. Zhang looked at Uncle Li's expression and knew that he still wanted to hear more, so he continued: "Actually, there is another vegetable that everyone ignores - onions. The sulfides and flavonoids in onions are effective in lowering blood cholesterol levels and preventing atherosclerosis. ”

Are garlic sprouts blood lipid "inhibitors"? Repeatedly emphasized: the elderly with high blood lipids, these 4 kinds of vegetables can be eaten more

Uncle Li listened attentively and nodded: "Doctor Zhang, what you said makes sense, but are these vegetables really so amazing?" Dr. Zhang smiled and pulled out a document: "Consistent consumption of vegetables rich in dietary fiber, such as carrots and lettuce, can significantly reduce blood lipid levels within a month. In addition, flavonoids in onions have been shown to have cholesterol-lowering effects. ”

Are garlic sprouts blood lipid "inhibitors"? Repeatedly emphasized: the elderly with high blood lipids, these 4 kinds of vegetables can be eaten more

Uncle Li nodded, but he was still a little puzzled: "Then you said that the garlic sprouts I eat every day are not in vain?" Dr. Zhang smiled: "Of course, garlic sprouts are also beneficial, but we can't expect them to flourish." Eat a reasonable diet and eat more different kinds of vegetables to better control blood lipids. ”

At this time, Uncle Li suddenly remembered something and asked, "Doctor Zhang, you said that these vegetables are good, is there any special way to eat them that can make them work better?" ”

Are garlic sprouts blood lipid "inhibitors"? Repeatedly emphasized: the elderly with high blood lipids, these 4 kinds of vegetables can be eaten more

Dr. Zhang thought for a moment and said, "Yes, Uncle Li." For example, broccoli can be steamed and mixed with olive oil, which is both healthy and delicious; Carrots can be eaten raw or made into carrot juice; Onions can be eaten raw or made into sautéed onions. The most important thing is that vegetables are cooked with as little oil and salt as possible, so that their nutrients are preserved to the maximum. ”

Uncle Li nodded with satisfaction: "Okay, Dr. Zhang, thank you so much today!" Dr. Zhang watched Uncle Li leave with a smile, and sighed to himself: It was really his greatest relief to see these old friends in good health and happy mood.

Are garlic sprouts blood lipid "inhibitors"? Repeatedly emphasized: the elderly with high blood lipids, these 4 kinds of vegetables can be eaten more

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Are garlic sprouts blood lipid "inhibitors"? Repeatedly emphasized: the elderly with high blood lipids, these 4 kinds of vegetables can be eaten more

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