
Is it easy to drink tea to cause stomach problems? Reminder: The elderly drink tea to pay attention to these few things, and the body will thank you

author:Director Xu Health said

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"Could it be that drinking tea makes me sick with my stomach? This is outrageous, isn't it? ”

Uncle Wang covered his stomach while frowning and muttering. He had just made a good pot of tea today, and was about to taste it, but as soon as he took a few sips, his stomach began to tumble. Uncle Wang is 70 years old this year, a well-known retired teacher in the neighborhood, and his favorite thing on weekdays is to drink tea and walk birds.

Is it easy to drink tea to cause stomach problems? Reminder: The elderly drink tea to pay attention to these few things, and the body will thank you

At this moment, he frowned, wondering if this stomach pain could be related to drinking tea. Although he thought he was very particular about drinking tea, after all, he was too old to be careless, so he immediately called a car and went to the hospital.

In the hospital, Uncle Wang registered and sat in the waiting room waiting for the number to be called. After a while, the nurse called his name, and he slowly got up and walked into the examination room. The patient was Dr. Li, a young gastroenterologist who wore glasses and appeared polite.

Is it easy to drink tea to cause stomach problems? Reminder: The elderly drink tea to pay attention to these few things, and the body will thank you

"Doctor Li, my stomach hurts so badly, could it be that I have something wrong with drinking tea?" Uncle Wang asked straight to the point. Dr. Li smiled, motioned for Uncle Wang to sit down, and began to inquire about his situation in detail. After learning that Uncle Wang likes to drink tea on weekdays, Dr. Li began to explain.

Is it easy to drink tea to cause stomach problems? Reminder: The elderly drink tea to pay attention to these few things, and the body will thank you

"Uncle Wang, drinking tea itself will not directly cause stomach problems, but there are indeed a few points to pay attention to, especially for the elderly drinking tea, some details should be paid special attention to." Dr. Lee said gently. Uncle Wang blinked, still a little puzzled in his heart. "Doctor Li, drinking tea doesn't cause illness, so why did I have a stomachache after a few sips today?"

Is it easy to drink tea to cause stomach problems? Reminder: The elderly drink tea to pay attention to these few things, and the body will thank you

"There are a lot of possibilities." Dr. Li said, "Drinking tea in the elderly, if not done properly, is indeed prone to cause some digestive problems. I'll give you a few brief remarks, and you can listen to them. ”

Dr. Li took out a piece of paper from a drawer and said as he wrote: "First of all, drinking strong tea on an empty stomach is taboo. Tea contains a large amount of tea polyphenols, caffeine and other substances, drinking on an empty stomach will stimulate the gastric mucosa, resulting in excessive gastric acid secretion, thereby causing stomach pain, more than 60% of stomach pain patients have the habit of drinking on an empty stomach when drinking tea. ”

Is it easy to drink tea to cause stomach problems? Reminder: The elderly drink tea to pay attention to these few things, and the body will thank you

Uncle Wang nodded in understanding. He remembered that he had indeed drunk a cup of strong tea on an empty stomach in the morning, and he regretted it a little. "Secondly, it is not okay to overheat the tea. Do you like hot tea when you drink tea? Dr. Lee then asked. Uncle Wang nodded, "Yes, it's only enjoyable to drink hot tea." ”

Is it easy to drink tea to cause stomach problems? Reminder: The elderly drink tea to pay attention to these few things, and the body will thank you

Dr. Li shook his head and said, "If the temperature of tea is too high, it will burn the gastric mucosa, and long-term drinking may also cause esophageal cancer, and drinking hot drinks above 65°C will significantly increase the risk of esophageal cancer." Therefore, it is best to wait for it to cool down a little before drinking tea in the future. Uncle Wang was a little surprised when he heard this, and nodded again and again, indicating that he would pay attention to it in the future.

Is it easy to drink tea to cause stomach problems? Reminder: The elderly drink tea to pay attention to these few things, and the body will thank you

"Also, it's not good if the tea is too strong. Strong tea is high in caffeine, which can irritate the gastrointestinal tract and cause stomach pain and insomnia. 40% of people who drink strong tea for a long time will experience symptoms of stomach upset. Therefore, when you make tea, the amount of tea should not be too much, generally a small pinch is enough. ”

Is it easy to drink tea to cause stomach problems? Reminder: The elderly drink tea to pay attention to these few things, and the body will thank you

Uncle Wang realized that he usually likes to put more tea leaves, thinking that the tea will taste enough. Dr. Lee continued, "Older people should also pay attention to the type of tea. Although green tea is good, it is cold, and people with a weak spleen and stomach should not drink more. You can choose warm or neutral teas, such as black tea and pu-erh tea, which are less irritating to the stomach and are more suitable for the elderly. ”

Is it easy to drink tea to cause stomach problems? Reminder: The elderly drink tea to pay attention to these few things, and the body will thank you

Uncle Wang sighed and said, "It seems that I really had a lot of problems with my habit of drinking tea before." Dr. Li smiled, "It's good that you can realize this, just pay attention to it in the future." Another point is that the metabolism of the elderly itself slows down, and it is best to drink less tea at night to avoid affecting sleep. Uncle Wang sighed: "I am really taught, I will definitely pay attention to these in the future." ”

Is it easy to drink tea to cause stomach problems? Reminder: The elderly drink tea to pay attention to these few things, and the body will thank you

So, after Uncle Wang returned home, he began to adjust his tea drinking habits according to Dr. Li's advice. Before each cup of tea, he would carefully check the temperature of the tea, no longer drink strong tea on an empty stomach, and also began to try black tea and Pu'er tea. Gradually, he noticed that his stomach aches were less frequent and his body was more comfortable.

Is it easy to drink tea to cause stomach problems? Reminder: The elderly drink tea to pay attention to these few things, and the body will thank you

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Is it easy to drink tea to cause stomach problems? Reminder: The elderly drink tea to pay attention to these few things, and the body will thank you

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