
Environmental Science | Open-air barbecue is harmful, and environmental pollution cannot be ignored!

author:Ecological environment of Chengdu

The hot summer season is coming

And then came the barbecue

Make an appointment with three or five friends

Drink beer on the side of the street

Isn't that pleasant!

But an open-air barbecue

At the same time as satisfying everyone's taste

Air pollution, a lot of garbage

It seriously affects the health environment and image of the city

However, the barbecue

Do you really know the impact on your environment?

Follow Peng Xiaohuan to find out

Environmental Science | Open-air barbecue is harmful, and environmental pollution cannot be ignored!

Environmental pollution caused by open-air barbecue

The fuel used for open-air barbecue is mostly charcoal or coke, which will produce a large amount of soot, cinder, and coal ash, which will cause serious pollution to the air. Not only the fuel is polluted, but also the oil, meat residue, condiments, etc. that fall in the fuel are also polluted when burning, and the smell of various oils and fats in the thick smoke produced by the charcoal fire is very unpleasant, and contains fine particles that pollute the atmospheric environment. These pollutants are emitted with the smoke and make the area around the stall full of gases that are harmful to health.

Outdoor barbecue is a food safety hazard

Street food is a gathering place for all kinds of bacteria and germs, and the germs cannot be completely killed without the food being boiled or cooked. In addition, the weather is hot, the meat is easy to spoil, some unscrupulous merchants will barbecue the spoiled meat, put more seasonings, sell as usual, and then with cold beer to stimulate the stomach, people are easy to get sick.

Environmental Science | Open-air barbecue is harmful, and environmental pollution cannot be ignored!

Noise pollution caused by open-air barbecues

Many residents have complained that another important factor in the ban on open-air barbecue is - disturbing the people! Some businesses put barbecue tools and eating tables on the sidewalks on both sides of the road, often in the early hours of the morning, and still make loud noises, so that nearby residents cannot rest and children cannot study with peace of mind.

Environmental Science | Open-air barbecue is harmful, and environmental pollution cannot be ignored!

Outdoor barbecue hazards that obstruct traffic

In order to expand their stalls, some illegal businesses of open-air barbecue occupy sidewalks and blind roads at will, resulting in pedestrians having to cross the motorway, which is very unsafe! In addition, these illegal open-air barbecues also affect the city's appearance, and the barbecue is full of smoke and messy after the barbecue.

Environmental Science | Open-air barbecue is harmful, and environmental pollution cannot be ignored!

What do you think? After reading these hazards

Are you aware of it, too?

The impact of an open-air barbecue on the environment and air

Is it very big?

Each member of our society is a beneficiary of environmental protection

It is also a producer of environmental pollution

We should also become an active participant in pollution control

As a citizen

What are the two aspects where we should start?


Advocate open-air barbecue stall operators to carry out environmental protection management, use advanced technology such as smokeless electric box barbecue and other equipment, and optimize barbecue into a new type of food with low oil smoke, low pollution and low energy consumption.


The public should reduce the number of open-air barbecues on holidays, and can cook meals and take them to the wild during vacations, and then pick up the garbage and take it back after eating. It's eco-friendly and convenient, and it doesn't spoil the scenery.

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