
Yang Yuxing supervised the masses on the spot to reflect the rectification of outstanding environmental protection problems

author:Attraction Aoyama Lake
Yang Yuxing supervised the masses on the spot to reflect the rectification of outstanding environmental protection problems

On the morning of May 18, Yang Yuxing, deputy secretary of the district party committee and head of the district, supervised the rectification of outstanding environmental protection problems reflected by the masses on the spot. He stressed that it is necessary to seriously respond to the demands of the masses, effectively solve the outstanding ecological and environmental problems around the masses, and comprehensively improve the quality of the ecological environment in the whole region. Deputy District Mayor Mao Yanbin accompanied.

Yang Yuxing supervised the masses on the spot to reflect the rectification of outstanding environmental protection problems

Yang Yuxing successively came to Yue Kitchen Family Banquet, Bokai Industry, Yuxinmei Clothing, Shiqiao Road, Jiangxi Liande Building Materials Co., Ltd. and other places to inspect the rectification of environmental protection problems on the spot, and put forward specific requirements for the next step.

Yang Yuxing supervised the masses on the spot to reflect the rectification of outstanding environmental protection problems

Yang Yuxing stressed that the territory and relevant departments should take a step to improve their political position, firmly establish the people-centered development thinking, pay close attention to the outstanding problems of the ecological environment, and do a good job in rectification work, so as to ensure that the problems of the masses are responded to, settled and effective, and give the masses a satisfactory answer. It is necessary to consolidate the responsibility for rectification, comprehensively apply a variety of measures of "civil air defense + physical defense + technical defense", improve the level of fine management of enterprises, increase investment in environmental protection facilities, and force enterprises to optimize production processes, promote transformation and upgrading, and achieve green development with environmental protection problems rectification and rectification. It is necessary to strengthen communication and coordination, strive to solve the problems at the "doorstep" of the masses, actively guide the masses to better support, understand, participate in, and supervise the work of ecological and environmental protection, and win the trust of the people with the actual results of rectification and reform.

Interview and Writing|District Rong Media Center Wan Longxuan

Preliminary Trial|Li Yiman

Review|Editor|Xu Bin

Final review|issuance|Xiong Huanming

Yang Yuxing supervised the masses on the spot to reflect the rectification of outstanding environmental protection problems

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Yang Yuxing supervised the masses on the spot to reflect the rectification of outstanding environmental protection problems
Yang Yuxing supervised the masses on the spot to reflect the rectification of outstanding environmental protection problems

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