
Why is stomach cancer increasing? Doctor: What hurts the stomach more than barbecue is this dish, and many people don't pay attention to it

author:Lao Ge Health Talk

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"Let me tell you, Li Qiang, your situation is not good." Doctor Liu Jianming said with a frown.

Here's the thing. That weekend, Li Qiang and a few good buddies decided to go hiking. They chose Huangshan, which is not far from the city, and heard that the scenery is picturesque and the air is fresh. Li Qiang is an IT engineer who is usually busy with work, so it is rare to be able to come out and relax on weekends. They talked and laughed along the way, and climbed happily. After descending the mountain, several people decided to go to a nearby farmhouse to have a big meal to comfort themselves for the hard work of the day.

There's a lot to eat, including barbecue, seafood, beer, and a particularly popular pre-made dish – spicy tripe. Everyone ate happily, and Li Qiang did not eat less. But after returning home, Li Qiang began to feel sick to his stomach and had diarrhea all night. Thinking that it might be a bad stomach, he bought some antidiarrheal medicine, but after a few days, the situation still did not improve.

Why is stomach cancer increasing? Doctor: What hurts the stomach more than barbecue is this dish, and many people don't pay attention to it

In desperation, Li Qiang went to the hospital. After a series of examinations, the doctor found that Li Qiang's gastric mucosa was severely damaged and even at risk of becoming cancerous. Doctor Liu Jianming told Li Qiang with a serious face: "Your stomach, the problem is not small. ”

Li Qiang was stunned and hurriedly asked, "Doctor, I usually pay attention to my diet, how can this be?" ”

Dr. Liu sighed and said, "Many people think that barbecue and fried food hurt the stomach, but in fact, there is a kind of vegetable that hurts the stomach more than these, and that is pre-made dishes. ”

Li Qiang was stunned: "Pre-made dishes? Isn't it just convenient and trouble-free, how can it be so dangerous? ”

Dr. Liu began to explain in detail: "A large number of preservatives, additives and other chemicals are added to the production process of pre-made dishes, and long-term ingestion of these substances will cause great irritation and damage to the gastric mucosa. Moreover, after many times of heating, the nutrients of the prefabricated dishes have long been lost, and some harmful substances will be produced. ”

Why is stomach cancer increasing? Doctor: What hurts the stomach more than barbecue is this dish, and many people don't pay attention to it

"This ......" Li Qiang was speechless for a while, he never thought that the seemingly convenient pre-made dishes he ate daily would bring such a big health hazard.

Dr. Lau continued, "Research data have shown that the incidence of stomach cancer is significantly higher in people who regularly consume pre-prepared dishes than in people who do not consume them regularly. Especially some young people who are busy with work, in order to save trouble, often eat these things, and as a result, their stomachs are spoiled. ”

In order to give Li Qiang a clearer understanding of the dangers of pre-made dishes, Dr. Liu also told the stories of several patients. There is a young white-collar worker named Wang Na, in her early 30s, who is usually busy with work and often eats pre-made dishes, but was diagnosed with stomach cancer, and later chemotherapy failed to save her life. There is also a taxi driver, Uncle Zhang, because his working hours are not fixed, he often eats pre-made dishes to satisfy his hunger, and as a result, he suffers from severe gastritis and can hardly work normally.

After hearing this, Li Qiang couldn't help but be afraid. He always thought that he was living a healthy life, but he did not expect to ignore such an important issue. He decided that from now on, he would never eat pre-made dishes again.

Why is stomach cancer increasing? Doctor: What hurts the stomach more than barbecue is this dish, and many people don't pay attention to it

Dr. Liu looked at Li Qiang's expression, sighed, and said, "Li Qiang, your age is the period of career growth, and your body is the capital of the revolution, so you can't ignore it." ”

Li Qiang nodded and said with deep feelings: "Thank you, Doctor Liu, I will definitely pay attention in the future." ”

In fact, Li Qiang's situation is not unique. Pre-made dishes are becoming more and more popular among people because of their convenience and speed, especially those who are busy with work. But what they don't know is that long-term consumption of these foods containing a lot of additives will bring a serious burden to the body, especially the damage to the stomach, which may be far beyond their imagination.

According to a survey, the number of cases of stomach problems and even stomach cancer due to long-term consumption of prepared dishes has increased year by year in the past decade. Many young people choose this seemingly convenient way of eating because of the high pressure of work and the fast pace of life, only to ignore the huge threat to health.

Why is stomach cancer increasing? Doctor: What hurts the stomach more than barbecue is this dish, and many people don't pay attention to it

Common additives such as preservatives, flavor enhancers, pigments, etc., which are common additives in prepared dishes, will cause continuous irritation to the gastric mucosa after long-term ingestion, and eventually lead to chronic inflammation and even carcinogenesis of the gastric mucosa. In addition, a large amount of salt and oil are often used in the process of making and preserving prepared dishes, which not only increases the burden on the gastrointestinal tract, but also may lead to problems such as high blood pressure and high blood lipids.

For Li Qiang, this experience is undoubtedly a heavy lesson. He began to seriously reflect on his eating habits, gradually changing his diet, choosing fresh ingredients as much as possible, and cooking by himself. Although it takes more time and energy, Li Qiang feels that it is the best investment in his health.

Not only Li Qiang, more and more people are beginning to realize the harm of pre-made dishes and re-examine their eating habits. The importance of a healthy diet is becoming more and more recognized, and people are beginning to pursue natural, additive-free foods, focusing on the source of ingredients and the production process.

Dr. Liu is also constantly promoting the dangers of pre-made dishes through various channels, urging everyone to pay attention to their stomach health. He hopes that through his own efforts, more people can stay away from these hidden health killers and embrace a healthier lifestyle.

Why is stomach cancer increasing? Doctor: What hurts the stomach more than barbecue is this dish, and many people don't pay attention to it

However, the problem is not just in the pre-made dishes themselves. Our lifestyle and eating habits need to be comprehensively adjusted and improved. Only in this way can you really stay away from stomach problems and have a healthy body.

To sum up, although pre-made dishes are convenient and quick, their potential health risks cannot be ignored. Especially for those office workers who are busy with work, they should pay more attention to eating a healthy diet and avoid long-term consumption of pre-made dishes. Only in this way can we truly escort the health of the "stomach".

So, the question arises, why did pre-made dishes become so popular in a short period of time and become a daily choice for many people? What are the social and economic factors behind this?

To answer this question, we first need to understand the background of the rise of pre-made dishes. With the development of society and the acceleration of the pace of life, especially in the city, the pressure of work and life makes people more and more convenient and efficient. It is precisely this demand that pre-made dishes have seized and quickly occupied the market. Its convenience, variety of flavors, and relatively low price have attracted a large number of consumers.

Why is stomach cancer increasing? Doctor: What hurts the stomach more than barbecue is this dish, and many people don't pay attention to it

But the problem is that many people don't really understand the process and ingredients of pre-made dishes. In order to extend the shelf life and maintain the taste and color, pre-made dishes often need to add a lot of chemicals such as preservatives, flavor enhancers and colorings. Although these additives have little effect on the human body in the short term, they can cause serious health hazards when ingested in the long term.

From an economic point of view, the popularity of pre-made dishes also reflects a kind of "fast food culture" in modern life. This culture emphasizes speed and efficiency while ignoring the healthy and nutritional value of eating. In order to meet the market demand, manufacturers of pre-made dishes do not hesitate to add various chemicals to their food to achieve a "delicious" effect, but this is undoubtedly at the expense of consumers' health.

From a social point of view, the popularity of pre-made dishes is also closely related to people's lifestyles. Many young people do not have the time and energy to prepare healthy food due to their busy schedules, and choosing pre-made dishes has become a helpless move for them. To change this situation, we need the joint efforts of all sectors of society to raise public health awareness and promote healthy lifestyles.

In short, although pre-made dishes are convenient and fast, their health risks cannot be ignored. Only by changing our eating habits and paying attention to the source and production process of food can we truly protect our health. Hopefully, everyone will stay away from pre-made dishes and embrace a healthier lifestyle.

Why is stomach cancer increasing? Doctor: What hurts the stomach more than barbecue is this dish, and many people don't pay attention to it

Ultimately, we need to not only reflect on our own eating habits, but also look at the popularity of pre-made dishes from a broader social and economic perspective. Only in this way can we truly find a solution so that everyone can enjoy a healthy life.

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Why is stomach cancer increasing? Doctor: What hurts the stomach more than barbecue is this dish, and many people don't pay attention to it

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