
Guo Youcai's fans exceeded 7 million! Tens of thousands of fans were invited to eat barbecue, and they were praised for their big pattern

author:Tao's own land

Since Guo Youcai became popular on May 9, within a week to the 17th, the number of fans of his Douyin account has increased from 250,000 to more than 7.1 million today, and the rate of fan growth of his account is still growing at a rate visible to the naked eye. At this rate, in another week, Guo Youcai's Douyin account will have more than 10 million followers.

Guo Youcai's fans exceeded 7 million! Tens of thousands of fans were invited to eat barbecue, and they were praised for their big pattern

More than 6 million fans in a week, Guo Youcai's fan growth speed is one of the best on the whole network, and such a fan increase speed can be traced back to Dong Yuhui last year's small composition turmoil, Dong Yuhui once set an astonishing speed of 5 million fans in a week with the blessing of the small composition turmoil, and at that time I felt that Dong Yuhui's fan growth speed may not be broken for a long time, but it has only been less than half a year, and Guo Youcai, who was born out of nowhere, broke Dong Yuhui's fan growth speed.

Guo Youcai's fans exceeded 7 million! Tens of thousands of fans were invited to eat barbecue, and they were praised for their big pattern

Guo Youcai's explosion comes from his years of precipitation. In the face of the difficulty of life, he did not complain, but actively and bravely faced life, Guo Youcai is hardworking, can endure hardships, and loves to learn, although only primary school culture, but Guo Youcai likes to read the four books and five classics, Tao Te Ching, the mean and other classics of Chinese culture.

Guo Youcai applied the knowledge he learned from books to life, such as naming his barbecue stall "Guo Zhongdao Barbecue", which means the meaning of the golden mean, and learning the Tao Te Ching in "good as water, water is good for all things without fighting, and everyone is evil, so it is better than the Tao" The quality of water. The young man showed a spirit of not admitting defeat, and in an interview with the media, Guo Youcai talked eloquently, he did not go to university, only had a primary school diploma, but what he said was very level.

Guo Youcai's fans exceeded 7 million! Tens of thousands of fans were invited to eat barbecue, and they were praised for their big pattern

Guo Youcai endured all the hardships of life, but he did not complain because of the unsatisfactory life, the long-term hard life made him develop a simple and kind character, last year Guo Youcai also donated 8,000 yuan to the China Charity Federation for flood relief. At that time, Guo Youcai had not yet become popular, and 8,000 yuan was equivalent to the income of him and his fiancée from a month's barbecue. Not only that, Guo Youcai also advocated that people who set up stalls to sell barbecue together join public welfare undertakings, and take out 5% of the net profit every month to do public welfare.

Guo Youcai's fans exceeded 7 million! Tens of thousands of fans were invited to eat barbecue, and they were praised for their big pattern

Guo Youcai's mother-in-law once said, "He is poor in the material, rich in the spirit and soul", now Guo Youcai is popular, his material has also become rich, some people calculate that Guo Youcai's daily income since the explosion is more than one million. It is roughly estimated that Guo Youcai's income has reached more than 5 million since he became popular on May 9, although he earns one million a day, Guo Youcai has not floated, he has not been carried away by wealth, and still insists on live broadcasting during the day and going to a barbecue stall to roast his kidneys at night. Last night, Guo Youcai also personally grilled and barbecued for free to the audience. According to reports, 10,000 people tasted Guo Youcai's barbecue last night, and many netizens praised Guo Youcai for being a big person when they saw Guo Youcai's behavior.

Guo Youcai's fans exceeded 7 million! Tens of thousands of fans were invited to eat barbecue, and they were praised for their big pattern

Guo Youcai's birth disrupted many people's plans, such as Ni Haishan's original plan to start the outdoor live broadcast from 10 to 11 o'clock in the morning every day, considering that Guo Youcai was also broadcast live during this time period, Ni Haishan took the initiative to advance his live broadcast time to 9 o'clock to 10 o'clock in the morning in order to avoid his edge. It is worth mentioning that Mr. Zeng, the eldest brother on Ni Haishan's list, saw Guo Youcai's popularity, and took the initiative to abandon his boss Ni Haishan and ran to Guo Youcai's live broadcast room to become the first brother on the list.

Guo Youcai's fans exceeded 7 million! Tens of thousands of fans were invited to eat barbecue, and they were praised for their big pattern

Mr. Zeng is worthy of being the richest man in Chongqing, and he is very generous, 40 carnivals a day for three consecutive days to help Guo Youcai's live broadcast room, and Mr. Zeng also upgraded from level 69 to level 70 in Guo Youcai's live broadcast room, spending more than one million. But Mr. Zeng did not brush it in vain, Mr. Zeng's fans increased from 1.1 million to more than 1.3 million, and it was worth spending more than 1 million to increase his fans by more than 200,000.

Guo Youcai's fans exceeded 7 million! Tens of thousands of fans were invited to eat barbecue, and they were praised for their big pattern

You must know that Mr. Zeng spent tens of millions of dollars on Lao Ni last year to make his fans exceed one million, and there are many people like Mr. Zeng who have gained the attention of fans by giving gifts to Guo Youcai. It can be said that Guo Youcai has now become the object of the whole network, and Ni Haishan, Dong Yuhui, and Crazy Brother Yang are not enough to see in front of him at present.

But some netizens feel that Guo Youcai's talent can't keep this wave of traffic, and the fire will be overshadowed for a while, Guo Youcai is really unmatched at present, he doesn't have the talent of Dong Yuhui, the wealth of Ni Haishan, and the operation team of Crazy Brother Yang.

Guo Youcai's fans exceeded 7 million! Tens of thousands of fans were invited to eat barbecue, and they were praised for their big pattern

But Guo Youcai has a simple heart, he is constantly learning and improving, he likes Chinese culture, and he is also working hard to learn traditional culture, he is full of positive energy. If Guo Youcai is given a time to grow, I believe he will surpass Dong Yuhui to become the new cultural spokesperson.

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