
In summer, don't be soft when you meet this dish, the whole body is a treasure, more nutritious than celery and fresher than leeks, don't know how to eat

author:Shukuri Musume

In early summer, the warm sun shines on the earth, and the air is filled with the fragrance of flowers and plants. The climate at this time is pleasant, the days are gradually getting longer, the temperature is moderate, there is neither the heat of midsummer nor the cold of early spring, it is one of the favorite seasons of people. The early summer breeze has a hint of humidity, as if to herald the arrival of the rainy season. During this season, people's appetites also start to change, preferring light and refreshing foods to cope with the upcoming hot weather.

In summer, don't be soft when you meet this dish, the whole body is a treasure, more nutritious than celery and fresher than leeks, don't know how to eat

During this early summer season, one vegetable stands out in particular: fennel. Fennel, also known as cumin, has a unique aroma and crisp texture that makes it stand out from many vegetables. Fennel not only has a unique taste, but also is a treasure all over the body, more nutritious than celery, and more delicious than leeks.

In summer, don't be soft when you meet this dish, the whole body is a treasure, more nutritious than celery and fresher than leeks, don't know how to eat

Fennel is rich in vitamins A and C, as well as minerals such as iron, calcium, and phosphorus, and is also rich in dietary fiber, which helps digestion. Its fragrance is derived from fennel essential oil, which has an appetizing, appetite-stimulating effect. Traditional Chinese medicine believes that fennel has a warm and pungent taste, has the effect of dissipating cold in the warmth, regulating qi and relieving pain, and is especially suitable for consumption in early summer, which can help regulate the stomach and intestines and avoid discomfort caused by climate change.

In summer, don't be soft when you meet this dish, the whole body is a treasure, more nutritious than celery and fresher than leeks, don't know how to eat

Recommended recipe: fennel mixed with peanuts

Preparation: Appropriate amount of fennel, 200 grams of peanuts, appropriate amount of salt, 1 star anise, appropriate amount of sesame oil, appropriate amount of Sichuan pepper, appropriate amount of oyster sauce.


1. Wash the fennel: Remove the old leaves of the fennel, wash it, drain it, and cut it into pieces for later use.

2. Cook peanuts: Put the peanuts in a pot, add enough water, add salt, star anise and Sichuan peppercorns, and cook over medium heat for about 15 minutes until the peanuts are slightly soft and glutinous, while maintaining a certain crisp texture. Let the boiled peanuts and soup cool for 1 hour to fully absorb the flavor.

3. Mix well with seasoning: Remove the soaked peanuts, drain the water, mix with the cut fennel, add an appropriate amount of salt, oyster sauce and sesame oil, stir well and serve.

This dish of fennel mixed with peanuts is refreshing and delicious, the softness of peanuts and the crispness of fennel complement each other, both the fragrance of plants and the richness of peanuts, which is extremely suitable for eating in early summer.

In summer, don't be soft when you meet this dish, the whole body is a treasure, more nutritious than celery and fresher than leeks, don't know how to eat

Recommended recipe: fennel mixed with potato strips

Ingredients: Appropriate amount of fennel, 2 potatoes, appropriate amount of garlic, appropriate amount of light soy sauce, appropriate amount of sesame oil, appropriate amount of millet spicy, appropriate amount of starch.

Here's how:

1. Handle the potatoes: Wash and peel the potatoes, cut them into long strips, sprinkle with an appropriate amount of starch, and stir well. Place the processed potato strips in a steamer and steam for about 15 minutes until the potato strips are cooked through.

2. Prepare the fennel and ingredients: In the process of steaming the potatoes, wash the fennel, drain the water, cut it into sections for later use, chop the garlic into minced garlic, chop the millet spicy and finely chop, mix with light soy sauce and sesame oil to make a sauce.

3. Cold mixing: Take out the steamed potato strips and let them cool, add the cut fennel cabbage, then pour the seasoned sauce and stir well.

This dish of fennel mixed with potato strips has a rich taste, the soft glutinous potato strips and the crispness of fennel are contrasted, and the garlic and spicy embellishments are very appetizing.

In summer, don't be soft when you meet this dish, the whole body is a treasure, more nutritious than celery and fresher than leeks, don't know how to eat

In early summer, fennel becomes the darling of the table with its unique flavor and rich nutritional value. Whether it's fennel with peanuts or fennel with potato sticks, it will bring you a refreshing and refreshing food experience. These easy-to-make dishes not only whet your appetite, but also help to tone your body and keep it from getting hot, making them a must-try delicacy in early summer. Give it a try and let fennel add a touch of fresh greenery to your table this summer!

[Personal opinion, for reference only!] This article is original by "Show Chef Niang", the article and pictures are copyrighted, please do not plagiarize, delete, or misappropriate without permission, and infringement must be investigated! 】

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