
How to detect and manage high blood pressure in young and middle-aged people?

author:Yimaitong Intrarenal Channel

Special Planning: Diabetes 365 Questions

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The author of this issue is Wang Yueyue

Attending physician of the Department of Cardiology, Chongqing Hospital, Jiangsu Provincial Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine (Chongqing Yongchuan District Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine).

Highlights of this issue

1. What is high blood pressure in young and middle-aged people?

2. How to treat hypertension in young and middle-aged people?


At present, the number of people with hypertension is growing and showing a trend of "younger", especially the proportion of young and middle-aged people aged < 65 years old continues to increase, and this group of people is called young and middle-aged hypertensive people.

Hypertension in young and middle-aged people is mostly "insidious", often asymptomatic in the early stage, more than found in physical examination or accidental measurement, mainly mild hypertension or simple diastolic blood pressure increase, combined with overweight, obesity, high proportion of metabolic abnormalities, most of them have alcoholism, staying up late, lack of exercise and other unhealthy lifestyles.

Some patients are busy with work, neglect health management, lack of understanding of the dangers of hypertension, think that there is no need for treatment if they are asymptomatic, or even if they receive medication, it is often difficult to adhere to it for a long time due to excessive fear of adverse drug reactions.

▍Young and middle-aged people find high blood pressure, what should I do?

1. Identify the cause

Most young and middle-aged adults with hypertension are primary hypertension as soon as possible, but screening for secondary hypertension is still necessary before a diagnosis is established, especially in young people < 40 years of age or those with grade 2 or higher hypertension.

Secondary hypertension accounts for about 5% of hypertension, and common diseases include renal parenchymal disease, renal artery stenosis, primary aldosteronism, etc., such as renal parenchymal disease is often accompanied by proteinuria, edema, and abnormal renal function, while patients with primary aldosteronism often have significantly increased blood pressure and hypokalemia.

Therefore, once hypertension is diagnosed in young and middle-aged patients, selective screening for secondary causes is recommended.

2. Screen for risk factors

Young and middle-aged hypertensive patients mostly have mild (grade 1) hypertension, short course of disease, mild organ damage and few complications in the early stage of the disease, and short-term cardiovascular disease is not high within 5-10 years, but the long-term and lifetime risk is not low.

Moreover, in recent years, due to the gradual increase in the proportion of obesity and glucose and lipid metabolism disorders in young and middle-aged hypertensive patients, the risk of cardiovascular disease has increased.

Therefore, it is recommended that young and middle-aged patients with hypertension undergo routine urine testing, blood glucose, lipids, electrolytes, renal function and electrocardiogram examinations at the initial diagnosis, and should also evaluate hypertension-mediated organ damage, such as left ventricular hypertrophy and microproteinuria, as appropriate.

3. Monitor your blood pressure

At present, office blood pressure is still the "gold standard" for diagnosing hypertension, but only office blood pressure measurement cannot make accurate judgments on "white coat hypertension" and "occult hypertension".

Therefore, it is recommended to perform daily "home blood pressure monitoring (HBPM)" to understand the dynamic changes of blood pressure, and "ambulatory blood pressure monitoring (ABPM)" can be performed regularly if conditions permit, which can help eliminate treatment inertia from the patient level and timely adjust the treatment plan and treatment intensity from the doctor level.

Under normal circumstances, patients with stage 1 hypertension or low and intermediate risk can go to the hospital for follow-up once in 1~3 months, and patients with grade 2~3 hypertension or high-risk patients need to be followed up once every 2~4 weeks, and then appropriately extend the follow-up interval after the blood pressure is controlled and stabilized.

How to detect and manage high blood pressure in young and middle-aged people?
How to detect and manage high blood pressure in young and middle-aged people?

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4. General management

The goal of blood pressure control for hypertension in young and middle-aged adults is to < 140/90 mmHg for a sustained period of time, which can be further reduced to <130/80 mmHg if tolerated.

For young and middle-aged hypertensive patients with diabetes and heart failure, blood pressure should be controlled at <130/80 mmHg.

For young and middle-aged hypertensive patients with grade 2~3 hypertension, cardiovascular disease or high risk of cardiovascular disease, antihypertensive therapy should be started in time, and lifestyle intervention should be carried out at the same time.

Its antihypertensive principles include: early intervention, lifestyle intervention and drug treatment, and the risk of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular complications and death is minimized through stable blood pressure and comprehensive management of obesity, dyslipidemia, elevated blood sugar and other reversible cardiovascular disease risk factors.

5. Lifestyle interventions

Lifestyle interventions, i.e., the removal of behaviors and habits that are detrimental to physical and mental health, can effectively lower blood pressure, increase the efficacy of antihypertensive drugs, and thereby reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease, and should be initiated as soon as possible.

It mainly includes the following six points:

(1) Limit sodium salts and increase potassium-rich foods:

Total daily salt intake < 6g, including salt content in salty condiments and processed foods, increase fresh fruits, dark vegetables and legumes, and reduce saturated fat and cholesterol intake;

(2) Weight control:


(3) Non-smoking:

Quit smoking and stay away from secondhand smoke;

(4) Limit alcohol consumption:

The daily alcohol intake per person is < 25g for men and 15g < for women;

(5) Physical exercise:

Aerobic exercise 5~7 times a week, and accumulate > 30 minutes of physical activity time every day, such as brisk walking, jogging, cycling, swimming, etc.;

(6) Reduce mental stress

Maintain psychological balance and seek professional psychological counseling if necessary.

Developing a healthy and good lifestyle is especially important for young and middle-aged patients with hypertension.

On the one hand, early intervention and unhealthy lifestyle changes in young and middle-aged people are conducive to curbing the occurrence and development of hypertension and cardiovascular diseases.

On the other hand, compared with the elderly, young and middle-aged people can receive longer-term and longer-intensity physical exercise, which can help improve physical quality control, improve cardiopulmonary function and even promote mental and mental health, and a healthy lifestyle has a better cost-benefit ratio than drug treatment.

At present, the large number of young and middle-aged people with hypertension, the rapid increase in prevalence, and the high lifetime risk of cardiovascular disease are the objects that need to be focused on in the prevention and treatment of cardiovascular diseases in mainland China in the future, and the management of hypertension and related risk factors in young and middle-aged people is of strategic significance for reducing the burden of cardiovascular diseases in mainland China.

Once hypertension is diagnosed, the cause should be identified, risk factors screened, blood pressure monitored, and blood pressure and risk factors should be comprehensively managed this morning.

Experts of this issue

Dr. Wang Yueyue

  • Attending physician of the Department of Cardiology, Chongqing Hospital of Jiangsu Provincial Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine (Chongqing Yongchuan District Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine), master's degree candidate
  • He specializes in the treatment and rescue of cardiovascular system diseases and medical critical diseases, such as heart failure, coronary heart disease, hypertension, arrhythmia, acute myocardial infarction, heart failure, cardiomyopathy, hyperlipidemia, etc
  • He has in-depth research in interdisciplinary disciplines such as cardiac rehabilitation, bicardiac diseases, syncope, and vertigo
  • Member of the Chronic Disease Committee of Chongqing Association of Traditional Chinese Medicine
  • He has successively researched or participated in 4 scientific research projects at the provincial and ministerial level, department and bureau level, district level, and university level
  • He presided over 2 Chongqing municipal continuing education, participated in the compilation of 1 monograph, and published 8 academic papers

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[1] Liu Jing, Lu Xinzheng, Chen Luyuan, et al. Chinese Journal of Hypertension,2020,28(04):316-324.

Tips: Popular science articles do not provide professional diagnosis and treatment opinions, specific diagnosis and treatment should be carried out under the guidance of professional doctors, the picture comes from the photo network

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