
The Political and Legal Committee of the Municipal Party Committee held a reading class for party discipline study and education

author:Ping An Fuzhou
The Political and Legal Committee of the Municipal Party Committee held a reading class for party discipline study and education
The Political and Legal Committee of the Municipal Party Committee held a reading class for party discipline study and education
The Political and Legal Committee of the Municipal Party Committee held a reading class for party discipline study and education

In order to thoroughly study and implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping's important speech on party discipline study and education, strengthen the discipline education of the leading group and leading cadres of the committee organs, and according to the work arrangement of party discipline study and education, on May 16, the party discipline study and education reading class of the Political and Legal Committee of the Fuzhou Municipal Party Committee opened. Zhu Xunzhi, member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee and Secretary of the Political and Legal Committee, attended and delivered a speech at the opening ceremony, and members of the Municipal Political and Legal Committee of the Municipal Party Committee, cadres at the department level, heads of various departments and offices of the organ and relevant comrades of the study class attended.

The Political and Legal Committee of the Municipal Party Committee held a reading class for party discipline study and education

The meeting noted:

Carrying out party discipline study and education in the whole party is a major decision made by the party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping at the core. It is necessary to improve the political position, effectively enhance the political and ideological determination to carry out the study and education of party discipline, and regard the study and education of party discipline as a political test to firmly support the "two establishments" and resolutely achieve the "two safeguards", as an inevitable requirement for strengthening the construction of party discipline and promoting the comprehensive and strict governance of the party to develop in depth, and as an important measure to closely connect with the masses and take the mass line of the party in the new era.

The meeting emphasized

It is necessary to highlight the practice of learning, thinking, and understanding, and solidly promote the newly revised "Regulations" to study thoroughly and enter the brain and heart. It is necessary to organize party members and cadres to study and understand carefully, adhere to the original learning, tracing the origin, learning from practice, and learning with cases, and earnestly engrave compliance with rules and disciplines in their hearts, internalize them into words and deeds, enhance the systematization and accuracy of party discipline learning and education, and integrate strong party spirit, party style, and strict party discipline, so that party members and cadres can be alerted, know the bottom line, and know and respect.

Meeting Requirements:

It is necessary to set high standards and strict requirements, and constantly promote the implementation of party discipline study and education in committee organs. It is necessary to consolidate work responsibilities and form a work pattern of "grasping one level at a time and implementing one level at a time". It is necessary to strengthen the systematic advancement and earnestly enhance the pertinence and effectiveness of the study and education of party discipline. It is necessary to create a good atmosphere, not only pay attention to publicizing positive examples and enhancing the demonstration effect, but also deeply analyze negative examples and play a warning role. It is necessary to sink down to learn, calm down to understand, and ensure that there is something to think, learn and make progress with a good style of study.

The reading class lasted for 2 days, and was carried out in various forms such as leadership speeches, special counseling, centralized learning, individual self-study, and exchange seminars.

The Political and Legal Committee of the Municipal Party Committee held a reading class for party discipline study and education
The Political and Legal Committee of the Municipal Party Committee held a reading class for party discipline study and education
The Political and Legal Committee of the Municipal Party Committee held a reading class for party discipline study and education

Edit | Lee is nine years old

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